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Old 02-02-2012, 01:00 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Sorry.. let me be clearer.. Airlines set prices for airfares twice a year. And these prices are only listed up to Six months in advance or up to the following October or March, which ever is later... We are now in Feb, so 6 months from now is August, but since Oct 2012 is later, they will only have flights until October. If lets say we are in June 2012, then you will see flights being listed upto March 2013 (21 March 2013 to be exact) Nothing to worry about.. AirAsia won't cancel that flight it is one of their profitable routes.
Clap Clap Clap. I am happy to see more advisors coming into the thread to help out. You all know who you are. Thanks.

Writing FR and answers takes up precious time and brain matter. Can be a chore but with the right crowd then its a pleasure. Guys, Thanks again.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 02-02-2012, 07:11 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Permit me to be of assistance here... EWR is a term for the Bars.. So that they can disclaim any knowledge about what happens after the girls leave the bars.. Just means that the girls can finish work earlier and the bar is compensated for the potential revenue the girl would otherwise bring in.

BF is the same thing- and is also a term you can use as they understand the meaning. what is important is that you discuss what you will be doing before you hand over the money... and really, don't need to be shy about it... or else you may end up disappointed.. (actually come to think about it, even after discussing you may end up being disappointed - see runners)

Hope the above helps..

Just to add that paying the BF or EWR don't always guarantee you will have sex with her. Remember that a Cherry gal sometimes won't do anything other than sleep next to you with her clothes on. And also some non-Cherry gals have been known NOT to give any sex because they "don't feel like it"- not common but I have heard of this happening before and if they don't want to then nothing you can do except bring them back to bar and hope they will exchange another gal (again not a guarantee the bar will do so).
Old 02-02-2012, 07:57 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
And d most interesting news catch of d day!!

Manila wants to host US troops

WASHINGTON: Two decades after evicting American forces from their biggest base in the Pacific, the Philippines is now seeking to get the United States to expand its military presence there, in its latest strategic move aimed at countering a rising China. Officials from both nations are negotiating a possible agreement that could see US Navy ships operating from the Philippines, or American troops deployed on a rotational basis - sending a strong signal to China that the US has quick-response capability in its backyard.

what does this signify for us?

1) more bars like yesteryear?
2) more mesticoz?
3) wish ermita/malate goes back to its glorious days.... If not atleast AC goes back to its glorious days.

One thing is for certain with the US military coming in, the bar scene will change.

Newer locales may open up

And we have CHINA to thank.

My thoughts but I feel the reality is the following:

1) The Philippine gov't will never allow the US military to get the type of bases they had before. The gov't today is all about control and the overall size of the former US bases and what went on in and around the bases showed who was really in control (Hint: it was not the PI govt)

2) Today the overall feeling in PI has become more a moral issue and many in the gov't had been willing to sacrifice a big cut in underhanded bribes and let many establishments and bars close down. Mayor Lim and what he did to Manila is a good example. Cheonging paradise one day and cheonging wasteland today. For those that have been to AC long enough, some will already notice that is happening here too.

3) The US will almost certainly mandate with all the millions or billions $ given to PI gov't that there will crackdowns and suppression of sex outlets to maintain a higher moral outlook for a good impression for the housewifes watching or hearing of PI news at home in the US. Washington don't want to hear from all the angry housewives or liberal women about how their taxes are promoting brothels.

4) Even today, the US gov't and all the funding from NCO Christian groups and other toody-good doers with all their billions in grants and loans to foreign gov'ts have resulted in the way those gov't have treated their own sex outlets. It like if you want our money then you have to do things MY WAY.

Brief history: For those unfamilar with me, I use to be a long time cheongster in Cambodia at the same time I was frequently going to AC so I do have something to compare with. I started there over 10 years ago and believe me that there were locations in Cambo that rivals AC in the good old days. Only difference was that everything in Cambo was much much cheaper. We are talking about taking out a gal LT for $3 to 5 US dollars(I will use the US currency as that is "almost " official currency used in Cambo). and no such thing as LDs or BFs or even tipping. Starting about 5 years ago, as the money starting pouring into Cambo for humanitary aid the US gov't started putting in more demands and slowly each year the bars and brothels started closing with more and more raids and crackdowns (see the trend?)

Today Cambo has become a ghosttown for sex and many sites have gone underground with only the locals knowing where and since it has now become more "secret", guess what, the price for those secret locations have skyrocketed for a crappy sex experience. That's the reasons I no longer visit Cambo anymore.

So, although the US "may" one again set up shop in PI., sadly it will never be like it was before and with the failing US economy and US military spending to be cut in half and the very fact that the US military was almost deported out of PI over 15 yrs ago, I truly doubt the US will be stupid enough to invest and spend all that money to once again establish a huge 1st class modern permanent base just so that the PI gov't can come in and take it over later when the political atmosphere changes again. Setting up a Military outpost will be more like it.

Sorry for the long thoughts on this matter.



Last edited by phantomtiger2; 02-02-2012 at 08:09 AM.
Old 02-02-2012, 08:23 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Angeles City skyline growing in 2012!

With around a dozen hotels currently under construction on the entertainment strip alone (and many recently completed), the Angeles City skyline as seen in the following images is clearly continuing its upward development.

Land prices rising
Empty or abandoned lots are being snapped up and developed into commercial and residential projects causing land prices along the entertainment strip to rise to as much as Php30,000 - Php50,000 per square meter.

Billion-dollar GGLC development
Behind SM Clark mall, nearly a stone's throw away from the entertainment strip, the Global Gateway Logistics Center, a massive billion-dollar 200-hectar development project funded by Kuwaitis is fast-tracking its infrastructure development to make way for large commercial and industrial projects including multi-million dollar aviation, healthcare, educational and hotel projects.

8-story threshold being broken
Although hardly any are passing the 8-story threshold (around the maximum height limit without a costly foundation due to the area's soft soil), with the resumed construction of the Penthouse condo-hotel, which should be Angeles City's tallest tower at 14 floors, this will just be a matter of time.

How will 2013 look like?
Many more construction projects, primarily focused around the entertainment strip are in the planning and therefore today's skyline will look very different from the ones will be posting in 2013.
Pretty much said it all, if current trend continues then eventually it's the collapse of AC as we know it.
Only reason why prices are so good for cheonging is because AC is in middle of no-where and it is a crappy place to live (well- shitty place is a more accurate term) and having nothing around has helped keep prices low.

Now, with more and more investments and better living conditions and better jobs offering much higher wages in the area and all that property going sky high, then only 2 things can happen:

1) All the land that the current bars on Fields and Perimeter become more valuable, they will be bought out and converted to high end offices and high end housing to house all those with more money with better jobs in the area.

2) If the bars remain, then the end of low cheonging prices as they have to raise their rates to keep up with the high housing market rates.

Again, just my thoughts

Old 02-02-2012, 08:37 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
Hot in the club, not so hot in the room, especially after makeup off.

Ha ha,
Reminds me of all those gals that I take back to room and when they take off the bras, all I see is a flat chest : Hey, what happen to those big tits I saw at the bar

There should a law in AC against those push up bras.


Old 02-02-2012, 08:44 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Metro Colon. Now in videoke with a nice girl trying to bola me. She laughing at me now as i post this. Her name Jona of enjoy time music bar at Sugiangko Street.

Hey Master Z,

Try not to drink too much and don't stay too late at night, be safe as I've been to this area before and it's not the best place to be after 1am.

Cheers bro and have fun.

Old 02-02-2012, 08:58 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Sorry.. let me be clearer.. Airlines set prices for airfares twice a year. And these prices are only listed up to Six months in advance or up to the following October or March, which ever is later... We are now in Feb, so 6 months from now is August, but since Oct 2012 is later, they will only have flights until October. If lets say we are in June 2012, then you will see flights being listed upto March 2013 (21 March 2013 to be exact) Nothing to worry about.. AirAsia won't cancel that flight it is one of their profitable routes.
actually, you should say "LCC/Budget airlines"

Regular airlines, line PR/SQ and all publish scheds upto 12 months .. though ticketing can be done as a general guideline, upto 364 days in advance

For AirAsia, the missing fare also could be another reason - AirAsia shifting the slots to Air Asia Philippines ..

Yah, Air Asia will NOT cancel that route anyway ..
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 02-02-2012, 10:52 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by giogioarmani7 View Post
anyone will be in angeles city tomorrow till sunday? Coz my friend will be there for the first time and the experience guy may guide him.

U have PM.
Old 02-02-2012, 11:57 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Hey Master Z,

Try not to drink too much and don't stay too late at night, be safe as I've been to this area before and it's not the best place to be after 1am.

Cheers bro and have fun.

Thanks for the advise to be safe and a bigger thanks for some very well written posts. If i have to pay for professional reports like what you done then i sorry i cannot afford. It is quality posts like these from the many regulars that makes this thread a pleasure to monitor. Not forgetting the excellent FR from datou and the others.

Good insight and info about Cambodia. I used to be a regular there and what i experienced cannot be posted here.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 02-02-2012, 12:05 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Thanks for the advise to be safe and a bigger thanks for some very well written posts. If i have to pay for professional reports like what you done then i sorry i cannot afford. It is quality posts like these from the many regulars that makes this thread a pleasure to monitor. Not forgetting the excellent FR from datou and the others.

Good insight and info about Cambodia. I used to be a regular there and what i experienced cannot be posted here.

Bro next time allow me to tag along ok? ie if u don't mind a lamppost.
We can look out for each other's safety
Old 02-02-2012, 12:25 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Pretty much said it all, if current trend continues then eventually it's the collapse of AC as we know it.
Only reason why prices are so good for cheonging is because AC is in middle of no-where and it is a crappy place to live (well- shitty place is a more accurate term) and having nothing around has helped keep prices low.

Now, with more and more investments and better living conditions and better jobs offering much higher wages in the area and all that property going sky high, then only 2 things can happen:

1) All the land that the current bars on Fields and Perimeter become more valuable, they will be bought out and converted to high end offices and high end housing to house all those with more money with better jobs in the area.

2) If the bars remain, then the end of low cheonging prices as they have to raise their rates to keep up with the high housing market rates.

Again, just my thoughts

Same sentiments on the inevitable price rise.
Saw a couple of hotels under construction in fields near the bar areas. Looks upper class w big capacity (AC std).

Always about money.

My feelings on the ground
We look for low cost per fuck, the girls look for high CPF.
Sensing the runner issue rising rapidly since my trip in Dec.
Mostly looking for extras do 2, 3 runs a day.
The chances of a runner is definitely higher w a early barfine n w the discos midnite incentive, even barfining during late evenings does not mean a LT on the cards.

Tough on LT cheongsters like me.
Master Z's sneakout strategy is a good alternative n I think santos STs also ie if u don't mind normal looking girls.
2 nos of STs 1 afternoon n 1 late evening total 1400p , 4 shots n a tired good night sleep not bad IMO.

Goin out for lunch, play pool, arranged to meet another regular girl at 5pm outside....haha..considered sneakouts??
Oh yes meeting a newbie friend of bro G7 arriving today.
Old 02-02-2012, 12:32 PM
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Hi everyone.. I will be going to ac from 3rd feb to 7 feb.. Would any senior here mind to meet up for some drinking?? It mine first time there and I have been following this thread quite closely..
Some question I would like to ask:
What the exchange rate there as the exchange rate in singapore only 32.22peso to 1sgd?
Where can I can $$$ in field ave??
Any good bar to recommend??
Old 02-02-2012, 01:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Master Z's sneakout strategy is a good alternative n I think santos STs also ie if u don't mind normal looking girls.
I am having a great time here and I declared to the girls i am on last day status. Now my hands are full and gosh. Not easy to arrange and manage the queue.

Needless to say the price suits me. Will have to buy tickets for manila to Cebu during my trips.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 02-02-2012, 06:41 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Ha ha,
Reminds me of all those gals that I take back to room and when they take off the bras, all I see is a flat chest : Hey, what happen to those big tits I saw at the bar

There should a law in AC against those push up bras.



Thats a PH phenomenon.

Here in Vietnam, its more the morning after when the makeup is gone: 'Hey, what happened to that hot CFM face I took home last night??!'

Unfortunately my runner was both.
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Old 02-02-2012, 09:51 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
actually, you should say "LCC/Budget airlines"

Regular airlines, line PR/SQ and all publish scheds upto 12 months .. though ticketing can be done as a general guideline, upto 364 days in advance

For AirAsia, the missing fare also could be another reason - AirAsia shifting the slots to Air Asia Philippines ..

Yah, Air Asia will NOT cancel that route anyway ..
Actually, no - All airlines do that - Including SQ and PR. It is more a limitation with the GDS (global distribution system - What the travel agents use to see all the airlines fares and connections) than the airlines. Airlines have to file fares twice a year. I did make a mistake, in that the date is 27th Oct and not 23rd Oct. However, airlines do have fares up to 360days in advance - but even if you walk into a airlines office asking for fares lets say in Jan 2013, they will have to contact their HQ to get the fares for you. Please don't take my word for it, but check for yourself.

AirAsia actually sells all their subsidiaries tickets on the same online booking engine (which actually belongs to AirAsia Malaysia). It then transfers periodically the revenues for its subsidiaries like AirAsia Thailand and AirAsia Indonesia back to the respective subsidiaries, that is why AirAsia's accounts show that they owe their subsidiaries money.. But the subsidiaries also owe AirAsia money for the aircraft leases (aircrafts are owned by Airasia Malaysia)... All accounting mumbo jumbo to prop up the accounts - and screw the local partner of the subsidiary.. So not being able to see the fares has nothing to do with AirAsia transferring slots to its Philippines subsidiary (actually associate should be the right word not subsidiary since AirAsia Malaysia cannot own more than 49% of any foreign carrier - or else the foreign carrier is no longer deemed to be local and loses all its traffic rights which is a Gov to Gov agreement.)

Opps.. I've gone overboard with my long winded explaination...
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