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Old 05-09-2018, 11:53 AM
Congrexional Congrexional is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by implant View Post
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?

3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.

4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.

5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?

6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?

7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?

10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
We almost the same.
Old 06-09-2018, 11:50 AM
tradetalk tradetalk is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Kudos to u!

You hv given ALL the correct answers. Now I know why SYTs hv fallen for u. You get it n you're a MASTER OF ATTRACTION.

The last question is the hardest.

But a man's ability n willingness to walk away from a gal he truly loves is indicative of his dominance, self confidence n self mastery. He knows there r many other gals who r better n more compatible. Of course he walks away cuz she has done something very wrong like cheating on him or committing a serious error in judgment or a felony...n he will hv no pain or remorse.

It's a moot point for me as I hv never fallen in love w/ a gal/woman. I hv been KC-ed n it's not too difficult to walk away.


Bro WB
Bro WB,

Thanks for the quiz?

But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:

1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?


3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?


4) Are u an openly sexual person?


5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?


6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?


7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

Focus on what she does.

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

Primal attraction

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?


10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?

Old 06-09-2018, 11:57 AM
PSLEresult PSLEresult is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by tradetalk View Post
Bro WB,

Thanks for the quiz?

But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:

1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?


3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?


4) Are u an openly sexual person?


5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?


6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?


7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

Focus on what she does.

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

Primal attraction

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?


10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?

So many Yes
Old 06-09-2018, 12:09 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Sorry to digress but let’s keep stock and talk about finances, which IMHO, is critical when we want to chiong and engage in ECAs… if you don’t like my post, by all means zap me

Now, I totally agree with bro WB. But first we need to work hard and smart to earn that pot of gold. I think the first pot of gold (like the first million) requires dumb luck. The second pot (2nd million) would be a little easier and faster to achieve than the first. But the trick is to get to about $10 million which is the hardest and to me means having achieved a “critical mass” so that by then you will be able to generate a passive income of about $1 million every 2 to 3 years – that’s about $333K to $500K per year, or 3.33% - 5% p.a., an achievable return. So I’m working on getting to critical mass, which is by far the hardest thing to do and I’m nowhere near it, and time is running out.

What I have also done is bought some universal life (UL) policies that gives my kid a guaranteed sum when I pass on. There are 2 things I learnt about ULs:

1, you may have a portfolio or net worth of $10M now but 5, 10, 20 years down the road, your net worth will change, for the better, or worst (if you get hit by another financial crisis along the way). UL is able to freeze that $10M and prevent it from shrinking because you dictate the cover.

2, if you want to leave behind all your money, say, $10M, to your family, you can’t spent it. But with UL, and based on my age and health condition, I am able to pay $1.25M for a $10M cover and then spent away the rest $8.75M. In fact, I don’t even have to come up with that $1.25M premium cos banks will be able to finance it!

So, like all kinds of vice, when we chiong n BY SYTs, we have to chiong responsibly. And only with what we can afford to lose – not what is meant for the family. When the family and finances are taken care of, then bonk away!!!

Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WB’s financial prowess.

Lastly, I’d like to quote something I came across…

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow, what a ride!”
The above was an excellent forum which you replied below.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi Bro FA,

Excellent post! Ths for recommending ULs.

The 1st million is always the hardest, next hardest is the 1st 10 big one, hehehe. Unless u inherit it, a little luck would certainly help...

The quote u give is very good.

I hv another one:

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.

Helen Keller

BTW, pls get CC for me, hehehe.

Thank u!

Bro WB
Bro WB,

To earn 1st pot of gold already toughest and subsequent 2nd pot is harder. To be able to last long is the resistance.

All of us knew when we born have nothing and when we die we cannot bring anything with us.

So you are right "Life is a challenge or nothing".

I hv a friend who believe in building the money enough for his 2 sons. He kept saving for them and worried both sons have not enough money when he passed away.

I told him that his sons will squander away the money very quickly becasue the sons are not taught to fish but rather fishes are given. After 5 yrs he came back to say yes, just leave some and not all, better relax and enoy himself rather worried for sons future. He mentioned all his friends told him the same thing I told him 5 years ago.

Have a good day mate.
Old 06-09-2018, 12:31 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by oneitis View Post
The above was an excellent forum which you replied below.
An excellent share indeed!
Old 07-09-2018, 12:15 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Great post from guru below.

Yes, need to control the attraction w/gal. Sometimes too close is also not good. A short time separation may not be bad idea.

Not sure if you are affected by the stock market correction going on recently.

Hope you still going on strong and keep this thread going.

Cheers _ TGIF>

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

A guru sent me the following yesterday:

What makes women fall in love?

Every day I get an email similar to this:

"There is this girl I'm talking to. I really want her to be my girlfriend. What can I say to her?"

Here is my answer:

Nothing you can "say" will make her fall in love with you.

In fact, you will usually "blow it" if you attempt to let a girl know how you feel (especially if its early on)

Here's the problem most guys run into...

Once they like a girl they think they need to express this to her... they think that "if she knows how much I like her" she'll want to be my girlfriend.


Love is psychological.

Women (and men) fall in love due to a psychological process that occurs in our own mind.

Women don't fall in love while they are with you...

Women fall in love while they are away from you... thinking about you.

And the more you can get her thinking about you....

The more she will begin to convince herself that she is in love with you.

In the "Control the Attraction" portion of Amplify the Attraction I teach 10 weapons of seduction...

These are 10 things that will keep her thoughts focused on YOU when you're not around.

The first and easiest of the 10 weapons is ambiguity...

Women love drama (how else do you think there would be 5 different Housewives of (insert city) shows on TV?)

If you want to keep her attention... you've got to provide her that drama she craves.

Ambiguity is a great way to do this. You are sending her mixed signals. You are showing her multiple sides of your personality...

Sometimes you make her feel like she excites you...

Sometimes you make her feel like you are losing interest and she bores you...

Sound cruel?

Well, if you think back on the girls you fell in love with...

Chances are she made you feel this exact way...

Chances are she sent a lot of mixed signals.

Am I correct?

I didn't invent the game.

But I play to win.

There are nine more weapons in Control the Attraction (some much sneakier than this)

Remember "attention" is a commodity.

We only have so much of it.

He who occupies the most of her attention wins.

It's all laid out in Control the Attraction.

More soon,

Your Guru


Bro WB
Old 07-09-2018, 12:19 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Bro WB, can you please clarify… 6-7 times a week… is it per gal, or all 3 lao pos of yours? If 6-7 times per lao po, that means 18-21 times a week!!! Then you are god of sex, man!!!

My regular, after I bonked her and made her cum a few times in the afternoon, can call me in the evening and say not enough, want to bonk again! If I have 3 regulars, I tell you I will be sapped dried and my didi can no longer stand on occasion after a few months of continuous bonking!!

I really like the article you posted. Is there any chance for you to post the rest of those 10 weapons of seduction?

Btw, how was last night?
How I wish that I can bonk 6 to 7 times/wk per gal and I have 3 wifeys to do so.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi Bro FA,

You hv forgotten that I'm a lao chi ko pek, not a superman lah.

It's 6-7 times per wk, not per gal, but for all lao pos.

Your regular is sexually addicted to u, bro. Do u do her raw?

My outing to DC the nite before was OK. Nowadays I'm not looking for any new targets as I still hv 2 lao pos n 2 new gals who hv agreed to my BY but I lack the time n energy to consummate. They hv refused ST, but I'll try again, hehehe.

I dun know the other 9 weapons yet.

Bro WB

Your reply above was what I didn't expect. I tot you were to make love 6 to 7 times per week to each LP.

Then I said you are superhuman.

Well enjoy while you can and please do so safely.

Old 07-09-2018, 12:20 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Another great guru post.

Hope you dun mind I quoted the whole post.

I think all are great.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Another guru sent me the following yesterday. I hv yet to receive anything from him today. He has a different take on the meaning of "High Status."

Being a “High Status” Guy

Was at “Happy Hour” the other day with a friend.

Let’s call him “Ed”… don’t want to embarrass him by using his real name.

So Ed spots a girl. Thinks she’s giving him the eye.

Cute girl. Red hair. Creamy white skin. Slanky body.

Eds been out of the game a bit. Been awhile since he been laid.

Confidence is pretty low.

I understand. I been there.

That feeling like ‘why even bother?’

That feeling of hopelessness.

I lived with it for a long time. I don’t miss it.

So I felt for him.

…Ed has to piss. Has to walk past the slanky red head to get to the bathroom.

On the way to the bathroom she sticks out her legs sort of gets in his way.

That’s Flirting 101

She was inviting him to talk to her.

Ed kept walking. Must have had to piss real bad I guess.

Comes back and sits down next to me.

I say “That girls wanted you to talk to her. Stuck her legs out to get your attention.”

Ed says “I know.”

I say “You need a good opening line… I got a few?”

Ed says “Nah… I though, what’s the point. She bites. Then what? A hot girl like her. She ain’t gonna be interested in me. I got nothing to offer her.”

See what Ed said to me… is what a lot of guys think. Even if they don’t admit it. Even to themselves.

They think “Why would a hot girl want me?”

And then thoughts go through their minds:

- I ain’t rich.
- I ain’t good looking
- I ain’t super popular
- I ain’t done too much cool shit to talk about with her.
- I ain’t never been with a woman that hot, so there must be a reason.

Im gonna tell you something.

This might be one of the most important things you ever hear.

So pay attention.

Your “value” in the eyes of a woman doesn’t come down to how much money you make. Or how handsome you are. Or how big your dick is.

There’s a lot of rich handsome big dicked guys that will agree with me…

Just take a look around a strip bar. A lot of rich good looking guys handed out $100s just to get some girl to give them affection.

No. Value is based on something entirely different.

Write this down.

Tape it to your refrigerator.

“Your value is defined by what you bring into the moment she is experiencing”

Let that sink in for a bit.

There are 3 things that define your value. These 3 things make all the difference.

Tomorrow you get the specifics.

Today I need that drilled into your mind.

Get ready!


Bro WB
Old 07-09-2018, 12:29 PM
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Semakau has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

A short separation is good for relationship.

Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.

Have a nice weekend.

Originally Posted by hyperbole View Post
Bro WB

Great post from guru below.

Yes, need to control the attraction w/gal. Sometimes too close is also not good. A short time separation may not be bad idea.

Not sure if you are affected by the stock market correction going on recently.

Hope you still going on strong and keep this thread going.

Cheers _ TGIF>
Old 07-09-2018, 03:56 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by injection View Post
How I wish that I can bonk 6 to 7 times/wk per gal and I have 3 wifeys to do so.
How I wish I could do that too.
Old 08-09-2018, 10:12 AM
superwine superwine is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

In my personal experience n from reading all those ebooks/newsletters, if a man thinks he is not good enough for a very attractive gal/woman bcos he is too ugly, too short, too tall, too old, too poor, too fat, too thin or has a small penis, he still doesn't understand how attraction works in women. He just doesn't get it. Most men never get it.

Take a very small penis. A lot of men r worried abt it. Unnecessarily. The following e-mail from a sex guru will put this to rest, once n for all.

What a lesbian can teach you about Fxxking women . . .‏

Hey, it's your guru Mike X. . .

OK, this was one of the most shocking things that's
happened to me in a long time.

Over the weekend I was down in Phoenix
when I got into a conversation with a gorgeous lesbian.

We were joking around a bit, talking about sex when
this girl looked me right in the eye and said:

"Listen, Mike, I guarantee my dick is smaller than yours, but
I can make your girlfriend cum harder than she ever
has in her life."

And then she fixed me with a little smile that made me
believe her. She sent a shiver up and down my spine and made my balls
want to crawl up inside my body and die.

See, over the last couple weeks I've been getting a LOT of
questions from guys like this:

"Mike, I am needing your help. I want to satisfy
my wife, but I am afraid that I am too small for her. What
do I do?"

(For some reason, these questions are always in really bad
broken English. I don't get it.)

Talking to my new lesbian friend she told me two important things
about giving a woman incredible pleasure:

1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.

2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)

Plain and simple, women aren't that complicated if you understand
how to touch them the right to use your hands to master any woman's body in minutes.............

The best part about learning these techniques is the incredible
sexual confidence it gives you..............................................


Mike X

Bro WB

What an incredible thread!

I cannot believe that the guru posted this exchange which was really good forum.

1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.

2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)

This is absolutely classic case.

I really hv plenty to learn here.

Hv a great weekend.
Old 08-09-2018, 10:50 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs


You playing very safe which is good.

I should do what you did and hope to be very safe.

1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.

2) She has had 2 negative blood tests

3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.

4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.

5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.

6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.

Thanks for sharing nice post.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi Bro FA,

Since you're her regular, u should demand that she go for blood tests n gyne exam n swabs for amplified DNA tests for GU/NGU. Tell her that GU is asymptomatic in 50% of women, yet it could cause serious future complications including infertility n tubal pregnancy, etc. You care for her n r thinking abt her future...

Pregnancy is no big deal. Get her to take the pill. Otherwise, a few days before n after her visit from Big Auntie is relatively safe. To be more accurate, you could get her a thermometer to time her ovulation. In the unlikely event that she gets pregnant, send her for an abortion.

Should ur condom slip out or break, n if she is very worried abt having ur baby, give her ECP within 72 hrs. End of story.

Hv fun, bro.

Bro WB

.................................................. .................................................. ...

Good morning!

I'm going to bring up a controversial subject. Doing a KTV gal/singer raw. Pls bear w/ me bcos the way I do it is very safe, IMHO. Very safe doesn't mean 100% safe. Nothing in life is 100% safe as sitting in a car or airplane has very real risks.

When I was a young man, before the era of HIV/AIDS, I used to fxk raw. Not whores, but some high class call gals, models, good time gals, nite club gals, etc. The most feared STD then was syphilis. It was easily curable w/ long acting penicillin.

Then came the dreadful disease called AIDS n I decided to get married, hehehe. I had been a one-woman man until a few yrs ago.

I hv used condoms 100% except for 2 gals. The following conditions must be met before I would do any gals raw.

1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.

2) She has had 2 negative blood tests

3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.

4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.

5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.

6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.

Then n only then I'll make love to her raw. Ongoing monitoring n vigilance r very important. If there is any doubt, I'll stop.

It's difficult to find gals who satisfy all the above conditions n who r my type . When I find such a gal, it behooves me to continue the RS, as long as she is still my type of pussy after 4-5 months...for expediency, not bcos I hv any KC for her.

Your comments n criticisms r welcome.


Bro WB
Old 08-09-2018, 12:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by superwine View Post
Bro WB

What an incredible thread!

I cannot believe that the guru posted this exchange which was really good forum.

1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.

2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)

This is absolutely classic case.

I really hv plenty to learn here.

Hv a great weekend.
Indeed an incredible thread, thanks to bro WB.

Have plenty to learn here as well.

Have a nice weekend.
Old 08-09-2018, 03:16 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Polar.Bear View Post
Sorry to side track, wb. You seem like an experienced trader to me. Open to a disciple?
Bro, I'm a long term value investor, not a trader. I'm not good enough to be a mentor, but we can always compare notes.

Originally Posted by staffnurse View Post
Bro, tks for the above forum.

Unfortunately not the same XW I knew.

Anyway best of luck.

Tks _ Reagards

Ok, not the same XW.

Originally Posted by databreach View Post
Master warbird

Let me congratulate you for a thread well done.

I love all your pointers highlighted above.

Yup, NO point..............................

If you start to think we only love average 70 to 80 years old. So that is only 7 or 8 10 years.

First 20 years we are schooling.
Second 10 years we are either starting foot or enlistment.
Third 10 years where you are really building a career and started to date.
Fourth 10 years all about fatherhood.
Fifth 10 years struggling with kids in college or unpaid bills if retrenched.
Sixth 10 years aimless living.
Seventh 10 years lucky still healthy and alive.
Eight 10 years living day by day with a foot in the grave

I agreed to say money is not yours till you spend it. Also no point earn plenty and cannot spend it.

Two big pointers and for me to realised that we either retire early or dun bother.

Thanks for reading.
Bro, tks for your post.

Originally Posted by lucypham View Post
Bro WB

What a super duper thread here.

Any guy who cannot give his partner plenty of COS will be a failure. The gal will try to find satisfaction from others if guy failure to give pleasure.

I fully agreed with this ang moh guru that penetration must last at least 10 mins or longer. If can last 20 mins then she will already went to heaven.

As long as guy can satisfy his partner in sex than you will have a very healthy sexual r.s and may last long.

Anyone who said to be plationic r.s will never last long.

Hope to heasr more from experts here.

Have a great day ahead.
Bro, tks.

We should practice Taoist sex and give our women penetrative sex lasting 30 minutes and longer.

Women don't want platonic love.

Originally Posted by KuaychupDolly View Post
Indeed a super duper thread from Bro WB, support always.

Have a great day, cheers.
Thank you!

Originally Posted by ultrasound View Post
Bro WB

Money sometimes cannot buy happiness. I learned this long time ago.

The person who the guy didn't get will be the one he regret.

Sometimes our mind is playing games with us. We always ignore what we already have in hand and still wanted what escape. Think this is what we learned above -

Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have

Keep on sharing with us and shall help to comment whenever interesting topic up.

Bro, tks.

Don't forget "Behavior Rule #2: People Make Conscious Decisions Based on Subconscious Feelings."

Originally Posted by inflection View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for the post below which was years ago.

I think I only gotten 3 out of 10 questions below.

Will try out all your strategies in this thread and see how it goes.

I was gald to come across this thread otherwise I failed and no idea what went wrong. I was told by many friends that I did not do this and that. Now I knew why are they telling me after reading this.

Hope I can achieve at least 10 to 20% of your method after practising.

Wish you all the best.

We must strive to achieve a state of mastery when we can truly say YES to all the questions.

Originally Posted by Meizoo View Post
I got only 2 out of 10 questions

But learnt so much from this thread, thanks to Bro WB.


Must improve asap.

Originally Posted by implant View Post
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?

3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.

4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.

5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?

6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?

7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?

10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?

There is ample room for improvement.

Originally Posted by tradetalk View Post
Bro WB,

Thanks for the quiz?

But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:

1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?


3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?


4) Are u an openly sexual person?


5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?


6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?


7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

Focus on what she does.

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

Primal attraction

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?


10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?


You're a master. Pls contribute more to this thread and share your success stories w/ women.

Originally Posted by oneitis View Post
The above was an excellent forum which you replied below.

Bro WB,

To earn 1st pot of gold already toughest and subsequent 2nd pot is harder. To be able to last long is the resistance.

All of us knew when we born have nothing and when we die we cannot bring anything with us.

So you are right "Life is a challenge or nothing".

I hv a friend who believe in building the money enough for his 2 sons. He kept saving for them and worried both sons have not enough money when he passed away.

I told him that his sons will squander away the money very quickly becasue the sons are not taught to fish but rather fishes are given. After 5 yrs he came back to say yes, just leave some and not all, better relax and enoy himself rather worried for sons future. He mentioned all his friends told him the same thing I told him 5 years ago.

Have a good day mate.
Bro, tks for your post.

Bro FA wrote this some years ago: "Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WBs financial prowess."

Yes, he was right that I want the best quality pussies of my type n I never compromise. But he was wrong that I paid top dollar even back in 2011.

I'm a deep value investor re both equities and pussies.

I like to buy shares of "great companies at good prices and good companies at great prices."

Likewise, I like to get "the prettiest and highest quality SYTs and young women of my type, at below prevailing market rates."

BTW, I introduced a high-end OKT to bro FA 4-5 years ago. The FLs were mostly minor "beauty queens" or "contestants" and many were from Msia. They charged 3-6K SGD for ST, one shot/one hour. The girls were mostly plastic and hideously overpriced and overrated. They were in SG briefly and you had to pay for a 4 to 5 star hotel room. I didn't want any of them. Surprisingly, bro FA booked n met 3-4 of them. He RTF one girl twice. I would NEVER pay that kind of money for a ST unless the girl is as beautiful and as natural as Xi Shi. It's true that one man's meat is another man's poison. This OKT can also get real actresses and Japanese porn stars to come to SG. Expect to pay a lot more than 6K SGD a shot.

Price is what you pay and value is what you get.

At this moment, I hv three full-time LPs, aged 18 (TY), 21 (KT) and 22 (LS) respectively. They hv been w/ me since May 2018, Oct 2016 and May 2015, respectively. Although the 22 yo did return to China for over two years and came here again less than 3 months ago.

My total damage for keeping these 3 students full time is less than what most men would spend on one singer, who continues to work.

TY is the best of course. She looks like 15-16 yo without makeup; and cuter n more chio, actually. I checked her student IC and she was 18 yo and two months when I met her in March this yr.

I hv been waiting for bro Don Juan to show his super chio SYTs. Yes, I'll pay for all expenses of the outing. I'll bring a LP for comparison. My offer now extends to ALL samsters. Just PM me asap.

Originally Posted by hyperbole View Post
Bro WB

Great post from guru below.

Yes, need to control the attraction w/gal. Sometimes too close is also not good. A short time separation may not be bad idea.

Not sure if you are affected by the stock market correction going on recently.

Hope you still going on strong and keep this thread going.

Cheers _ TGIF>
Bro, tks.

You need to give your girl a chance to miss you.

Originally Posted by injection View Post
How I wish that I can bonk 6 to 7 times/wk per gal and I have 3 wifeys to do so.

Bro WB

Your reply above was what I didn't expect. I tot you were to make love 6 to 7 times per week to each LP.

Then I said you are superhuman.

Well enjoy while you can and please do so safely.


I can still make love to all three LPs every day if I want. But I only want to ejaculate 5-6 times a week.

Originally Posted by injection View Post
Bro WB

Another great guru post.

Hope you dun mind I quoted the whole post.

I think all are great.

Bro, tks.

“Your value is defined by what you bring into the moment she is experiencing”

Originally Posted by superwine View Post
Bro WB

What an incredible thread!

I cannot believe that the guru posted this exchange which was really good forum.

1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.

2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)

This is absolutely classic case.

I really hv plenty to learn here.

Hv a great weekend.
Bro, tks.

We should be able to give our women sexual pleasure they hv never experienced w/ any other men. Period.

Originally Posted by oldundies View Post

You playing very safe which is good.

I should do what you did and hope to be very safe.

1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.

2) She has had 2 negative blood tests

3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.

4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.

5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.

6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.

Thanks for sharing nice post.

Bro, tks,

Optimal health is priceless.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

Last edited by warbird; 08-09-2018 at 03:49 PM.
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Probably I would do the same too.


Originally Posted by oldundies View Post

You playing very safe which is good.

I should do what you did and hope to be very safe.

1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.

2) She has had 2 negative blood tests

3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.

4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.

5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.

6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.

Thanks for sharing nice post.

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