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Old 16-11-2018, 11:49 PM
mevius mevius is offline
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Originally Posted by roastedbird View Post
How to make a girl who initially like u but end up hating u and making use of u come back to u wholeheartedly?

Hi bro , from my limited experience from hang flower joint , after you bed her , you need to find fault with her and quarel , ingnore her for a few days and this time you need to be soft to her and have sex again ... keep blowing hot and cold to her ....
Old 17-11-2018, 12:21 AM
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A big thanks to bro warbird ....learnt many things
Old 17-11-2018, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by mevius View Post
Hi bro , from my limited experience from hang flower joint , after you bed her , you need to find fault with her and quarel , ingnore her for a few days and this time you need to be soft to her and have sex again ... keep blowing hot and cold to her ....
That's wat she did to me....erm I hate quarrels...sigh...any things to say to make a girl heart soften?
Old 18-11-2018, 09:07 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning to all samsters!
What an auspicious Sunday!

A bro in a Wechat chat grp says that I only like SYTs n I’m so picky with my SYT selection. But that is not really true. I only like a certain type of SYT.

My reply:

“Bro, I’m a simple man. I only need a girl who is natural, healthy, youthful and moderately attractive. I give undue weight to certain body proportions n slim arms though. In a long-term rs, I prefer a girl who is frugal, kind, honest and intelligent. And not greedy.”

"I might add that having a good temper is a big bonus. It’s very rare though."

Of course, I want to OWN a very pretty and cute SYT who has all the desirable physical and character traits. I want to own her pussy and her heart. I'm not apologetic for having such a desire and for being politically incorrect. The problem is that I don't even get the chance to see such a girl in person.

As they say, things that you want lightly come easily.

Actually, TY fulfills all the requirements, but I'm not sure abt her temper. She is quite emotional, like all SYTs. She is very submissive n tries hard to please me. She doesn't get angry w/ me, she just cries. She has been my LP only since 2 May this yr.

KT n LS are quite good too, but they are slightly less frugal. They admit that they hv a quick temper, though never reveal it in my presence. LS is also less studious. No one is perfect.


Bro WB

Originally Posted by otamay View Post
Bro WB
Every article presented by you is very nice read and thought provoking. Need some time to digest and trying to apply them when occasions arise. Thank you and please keep writing.
Bro, thanks.

I like to think independently n I hv tried to learn from every possible source in the last 10 yrs that may help me connect w/ and attract SYTs of my type. The newly acquired knowledge and skills hv enabled me to maintain a happy emotional n sexual rs w/ my young LPs. I'm still improving slowly and steadily.

I wish I knew 10% of what I know now when I was 18.

I'm very resourceful in finding the girls I like. I leave no stone unturned. But I'm limited by the dearth of desirable SYTs of my type in SG. I can't possibly get a girl I hv never even seen before. I hv had many, many desirable SYTs, mostly non-WLs, who want to be kept by me in China. I prefer to live in SG though.

I hv chosen this thread to share what has worked for me w/ all samsters.

It was really an incredible 10 yr journey for me, from a wussy and needy newbie in 2008 to a slightly more confident n less needy man in 2018. I hv learned from my mistakes.

Originally Posted by feenicks View Post
A very nice read indeed.

Thanks Bro WB for sharing so much with us.

Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by grotesque View Post
Bro WB

Marvelous post below.

All the quotes were great for thought.

I cannot agree more.

Definitely women loves orgasm similar to men. Reason why we always see nice pretty women love their ugly masculine men so much.

Will read on to complete my thesis.

Bro, tks.

Women hv stronger and longer lasting orgasms than men.

I always try to examine a girl's gait carefully. TY's gait is now quite different from the time I first met her. I don't get to watch n record as often as I like. She still prefers to walk behind me or by my side.

Originally Posted by grotesque View Post
This thread still going strong and where is this bro now?

Bro WB,

The above post was on 1 Jan 2013.

We shall be celebrating 1 Jan 2019 in about 45 days.

Will be checking in on the special day.

Bro, tks.

Not sure what has happened to this particular bro or to many other bros. I wish them the very best.

I look forward to a wonderful new year!

Originally Posted by GanjaMatic View Post
Incredible post, cannot agree more too.

God bless.
Bro, tks.

Praise the Lord.

Originally Posted by harwy View Post
Awesome thread, so many things to learn here.

Big thanks to Bro WB!!
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by roastedbird View Post
How to make a girl who initially like u but end up hating u and making use of u come back to u wholeheartedly?

Attract her, don't pursue.

Use push-pull n connect disconnect w/ her. Just like what bro Mevious wrote below.

Originally Posted by mevius View Post
Hi bro , from my limited experience from hang flower joint , after you bed her , you need to find fault with her and quarel , ingnore her for a few days and this time you need to be soft to her and have sex again ... keep blowing hot and cold to her ....
Bro, tks.

You're spot on!

Never be needy or insecure. Never be afraid to lose her or any girl or anything else in life.

Be fearless. You're the PRIZE!!

Originally Posted by mevius View Post
A big thanks to bro warbird ....learnt many things
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by roastedbird View Post
That's wat she did to me....erm I hate quarrels...sigh...any things to say to make a girl heart soften?
Bro, tks.

The only way to make a high-quality girl's heart melt for u is to exhibit extremely masculine character traits. I hv outlined those traits in my very recent post. It's your posture, eye contact, body language, voice tonality/inflection and behaviour that are much more important, not your exact words.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB
Old 18-11-2018, 08:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mevius View Post
A big thanks to bro warbird ....learnt many things
Agreed with you bro, learnt a lot too!
Old 19-11-2018, 02:15 AM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I just received the following e-mail from a guru.

This is a familiar story through the ages. It's so sad.


The following story is true. The names have been changed to
protect the innocent.

But there isn't anything that's going to protect YOU from the very
same thing happening in YOUR life unless you deserve what you want
and put to an end any mindset whatsoever that would cause you to

Here's the deal.

About two years ago Dudley The Desperado went to a bar, hopefully
to meet some women.

After throwing the proverbial "spaghetti against the wall" to
see what "stuck", lo and behold he got a woman named Mary Meenow
to talk to him.

She gave him her number. He called her and asked her out the
"customary" three days later.

A few weeks went by, and Mary started bugging Dudley about
becoming "exclusive". "Make me your girlfriend or I'm outta
here!", she announced.

After an audible wussy-boy sigh, Dudley The Desperado feverishly
rifled through the file cards in his head but gave in. After all,
it was a heck of a lot easier than going out there trying to meet
someone else, huh?

So Dudley and Mary soldiered on a few more months. Finally,
Mary uttered the inevitable: "Hey my friend told me today that her
boyfriend asked her to marry him, and we've been dating longer than
they have!"

Dudley was flustered and avoided the issue.

But Mary was persistent. Only a couple of days passed by before
she dropped the Weapon Of Mass Destruction: "I've had it with your
non-committal attitude. Either I get a ring from you or I'm
walking. You have five days to think about it."

And so the ultimatum had been issued. Using the exact same logic
he drew from months before, Dudley showed up with a ring four
days later.

Within two weeks they got married in Vega$.

Only a mere thirty days went by before Dudley--a military man--got
orders out to a base 1500 miles away. Mary, who had a son in
school, decided to wait behind for the duration of the six month
deployment rather than pick up and move, only to move back half a
year from now.

Shortly thereafter, she got a call. Dudley was being sent out
to sea for 90 days, during which time any communication would be
all but impossible.

But it was only a month and a half or so before Mary got another
surprise call from Dudley. He had gone through her email account
somehow, and read where she told a friend about having gone
Salsa dancing the other night.

(Note: If you are thinking this whole jigsaw puzzle is missing a
couple of pieces, I'm right there with you.)

Dudley was angry, assumed she must have gotten "frisky" with a
few other guys, branded her a "cheater" and declared that he wanted
a divorce.


So what happened here?

Well, Mary isn't a cheater. And furthermore, here it is: Dudley
doesn't actually think so either.

It's just that he...well, uh...he sorta hasn't
her a whole lot since he has been gone. It isn't like he even
looks at her picture much.

And he darn skippy didn't use whatever precious Internet access
time he had to email her, let alone mix in a Skype account.

He doesn't love her anymore.

In fact he probably never did.

Worse, he doesn't have the masculine strength to admit it to her,
therefore he scapegoats her with a ridiculous accusation which he
feels offers him a ready-made excuse.

How do I know all this? Simple: men who LOVE their cheating wives
typically respond to discovery of infidelity with hurt and denial
rather than a quick and dirty exit.

The real problem started much earlier in the relationship. He had

And so did she.

This is what happens when there is no effort made to deserve what
one wants, and two people allow themselves to be okay with
accepting whoever "happens to come along".

By now you may be thinking that if two people settle for each
other, one or the other would probably end up really cheating
eventually rather than simply coming up with lame excuses.

That would seem like an obvious probable outcome from a set-up
like this, wouldn't it?

Indeed, Mary and Dudley did not choose each other. They accepted
each other vis-ŕ-vis circumstance, based on the possibly
self-perceived notion that they didn't have a whole lot of dating

And that feeling was not likely to change after they got together,
was it?

So sure, they may not actively pursue someone else, but if someone
interesting just so happens to show interest in one of the partners
in the relationship, the temptation to cheat could be very strong.

But first, it's THAT partner who would have to come up with some
sort of "excuse" to justify breaking things off to be with someone

That may sound messed up, but remember we're talking about two
"settlers" here. Most of the time, "settlers" aren't used to being
the ones who initiate break-ups, so they tend to be awkward in
their execution.

A couple who settles for each other has already proven that they
both dread the concept of breaking up and "starting all over"
with someone else more than staying together.

So it makes perfect sense that they don't have the guts to face
being the one at fault for the breakup either.

In the example I gave, there's no real way to tell whether Dudley
actually cheated first or is simply sick of being in an
unfulfilling relationship.

But either way, the central point is the same: Things do not end
well for two people who settled for each other. They'll always
wish they had done better.

So the moral of this sad story is that you should absolutely go out
and meet some women, and often--literally anywhere and everywhere
you go. Find out what it is you truly want in a woman BEFORE you
commit to one.

Don't be a Dudley. Deserve what you want and never, ever "settle".

I couldn't agree w/ the guru more.

Improve yourself every day, become the best you can be, and never settle.


Bro WB
Old 19-11-2018, 10:35 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Good morning!

Bro deathnitez alluded to my focus on a gal's stats. I always want to know the real age n stats of a gal as it's quantifiable n measurable. Facial 'beauty' is very subjective n can be easily altered w/ skillful makeup.

A case in point. The other day my new uni student showed me pics of 32 yo Fan Bingbing w/o makeup or 素颜, I'm shocked as to how old n ugly the actress is, despite her multiple cosmetic surgeries.

"...范冰冰的美可谓男人爱女人妒,但如果这份美貌是“妆”出来的,你是会觉得幻灭,还是信心高涨?15 张素颜照记录范冰冰无妆抓拍史,事实再一次证明,化妆品的力量确实无限大..."

Morale of the story: Never, ever be seduced or charmed by a 'very beautiful' gal in the night scene. You must qualify n quantify her to see if she is good enough for u, even if she is just for ST. At the very least, you want to see her w/o makeup at 2:00PM in a very sunny day haha.


Bro WB
Bro WB

Let me thank you for the best thread in sbf.

Beauty is inner self. Many times without make-up some gals looked really ugly even if they were Fan Bingbing or any first class beauty. Reason why some gals prefer not to meet anyone without make-up.

Will try to post more comments.

Thank you.
Old 19-11-2018, 10:42 AM
cordycep cordycep is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Good morning!

I'm going to re-examine a favourite topic of mine: The Rashomon Effect.

I knew it was a typo or oversight when I used 'morale' instead of 'moral' in my recent post.

When I was searching for the posts in which I used the word 'moral' as a noun correctly, I came across my thread on 'Rashomon Effect." 35

Here is another post where I used the word 'moral' as a noun correctly. 49

We all make mistakes due to carelessness or oversight...and I hv been a daily offender.

For example, it took me 3 yrs before I noticed the word 'OUSIDE' in "Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs." What is OUSIDE?

At this time, I like to focus on a sentence which our dear bro chenzong wrote:

"Moral is what makes the troops not shoot civilians."

Notice that 'moral' is used as a noun here.

Somehow it just doesn't sound pleasing to me. I wonder if it could also be a typo or oversight.

May I offer my 2 cents? Let me try. The following sentences sound more pleasing to me.

"Morality is what makes the troops not shoot civilians."

Or perhaps,

"Morals are what makes the troops not shoot civilians."

I'm sure it can be further improved by many bros here, including bro chenzong. I'm here to learn n improve myself, every hr, everyday...

According to the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary:

moral noun
/ˈmɔrəl; ˈmɑrəl/ moral pronunciation American

1 morals [plural] standards or principles of good behavior, especially in matters of sexual relationships.
Young people these days have no morals.
The play was considered an affront to public morals.
The question is one of manners rather than morals.
(old-fashioned)a woman of loose morals (= with a low standard of sexual behavior)

2 [countable] a practical lesson that a story, an event, or an experience teaches you.
And the moral is that crime doesn't pay.


Hv a great day!

Bro WB
Bro WB

Agreed with you that we all are human and makes mistakes. Is okay to fail and make mistakes but we learned in the process.

Rashomon (1950), Effect alwas true.

If anyone accepts the motto of "Morally Upright" then he will be respected and excellent integrity.

Morals are hard to teach and those who dun have will be easy to judge. Often they will be in trouble and may break the law.

Hope to comment more if come across interesting facts.

Thank you.
Old 19-11-2018, 10:44 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Something related to sex…

Have you tried asking your gals to suck your dick straight after you’ve cummed (from penetrative intercourse)? Every time my gal does that to me, I’ll scream in ecstasy! I really can’t describe or explain that feeling but its like pain and pleasure all mixed up into something so strong and unbearable yet so shiok. My gal doesn’t know why sucking me dry right after I cum in her Peach Garden Hole can give me such extreme reactions but I told her: what if I licked your clitoris right after you’ve cummed? She said: super sensitive. Anyways, I don’t see the same kind of reaction from Jap AV actors when they put their spent dicks into the AV gals mouth right after sexual intercourse so I’m posting this question here – have you tried it before and if so, do you have the same feeling as me?
The above is really shiok!! After dick shot and gal willing to lick suck will be best. The feeling will be exactly what bro described above.

Just like JAV.
Old 19-11-2018, 05:28 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by cordycep View Post
Bro WB

Let me thank you for the best thread in sbf.

Beauty is inner self. Many times without make-up some gals looked really ugly even if they were Fan Bingbing or any first class beauty. Reason why some gals prefer not to meet anyone without make-up.

Will try to post more comments.

Thank you.
I would like to thank bro WB too for this bestest thread in sbf.

Old 19-11-2018, 09:55 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by cordycep View Post
Bro WB

Agreed with you that we all are human and makes mistakes. Is okay to fail and make mistakes but we learned in the process.

Rashomon (1950), Effect alwas true.

If anyone accepts the motto of "Morally Upright" then he will be respected and excellent integrity.

Morals are hard to teach and those who dun have will be easy to judge. Often they will be in trouble and may break the law.

Hope to comment more if come across interesting facts.

Thank you.
Very true, all human makes mistakes. Most important is to learn from mistakes and not to brush off as an honest mistake.

Have a good week ahead.
Old 20-11-2018, 12:10 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by cordycep View Post
The above is really shiok!! After dick shot and gal willing to lick suck will be best. The feeling will be exactly what bro described above.

Just like JAV.
To me it is sure better than JAV.
Old 20-11-2018, 12:04 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Thank you for your beautiful thread.

Like to comment below. First time I heard "桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH)". Indeed the way you wrote is beautiful too.

A friend of mine told me the same thing, when we are 30 yo we like 18 yo mm and when we aged to 50 yo still like 18 yo. By time we reached 70 to 80 yo still like 18 yo mm. Now that I am older I understand his meaning better.

Mode 1 - first time I read it. Not sure what is is but will try to find out.

Hope to read on this beautiful thread.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Good morning!

I want to be Mode One n be brutally honest:

Desire n craving for a very pretty n sexy young woman whose 桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH) is aesthetically pleasing, fresh, exclusive, safe, wet, delicious, tight n responsive is the most powerful motivator for most healthy heterosexual men. It's a lifelong quest.

Two problems for a man here. Firstly, women age fast...n secondly, it can be a challenge keeping a really pretty n young PGH n making sure she will remain exclusive n safe to any one man. He must make her addicted to him, emotionally, sexually n financially ASAP. I hv much to say abt this vital subject later...of course as she ages, the table is turned.

My two sons, both in their 20s, confided w/ me: We like gals (of our type) who r 18. A 38 yo man still likes gals who r 18. When he is 80, he will still like gals who r 18.

And of course I like gals who r 18.

BTW, 18 is the legal age in Gotham City.

Most women r quite different n not as 'genital-centric' as men...

Hv a great day!

Bro WB
Old 20-11-2018, 12:12 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

After reading your beautiful post below, I shall have more sexual confidence.

Like the page 3 be confident. Usually when can be alone and strip down naked usually she wants it then.

Hope to read more positive guidelines.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

How much sexual confidence (SC) do u hv? Rank yourself from a scale of 0 to 100, 100 being max or absolute SC. Aim to reach 100.

I received the following e-mail on sexual confidence recently:

Bro Warbird,

Most guys lack confidence in their ability to physically turn on a woman and “rock her world” when it comes time to hit the sheets. A woman knows right away if she’s dealing with one of these “boy-men” and runs for the hills as soon as she realizes it. If you want to make sure she sees you as a Sexually Confident kind of guy -- the kind of guy who can ignite throbbing sexual passions deep inside her -- you need to become a master at giving women an incredible sexual experience. Here are 10 powerful tips to get you started.

Number 10

Uncover the source of Sexual Confidence

Sexual Confidence comes as a result of knowing how to give a woman mind-blowing pleasure. It’s the confidence that the woman you’re with will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with you. It’s knowing all the steps -- from the first eye contact all the way to the “end game” -- and knowing how to build ANTICIPATION at every step along the way. Start by practicing my “two steps forward, one step back” technique by escalating things, then backing off, then escalating further, then backing off again. The anticipation and arousal this creates will drive her INSANE. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Number 9

Get out of the manipulation mindset

Guys are always curious about how to “trick” a girl into bed -- what the magic words are, etc.. I personally know a few guys who do this… and I can tell you it does NOT lead to fulfillment. Avoid this whole “manipulation mindset,” and stop trying to figure out what the magic bullets are to get a woman to do what you want in a dishonest way. It’s much better to work on becoming an interesting guy who knows what to do to build attraction in a natural, non-manipulative way. If what you’re doing feels wrong or unethical, stop it. There are better ways to get what you want.

Number 8

Stop idealizing beautiful women

Most guys get fooled into believing that just because a woman is unusually attractive, she’s also usually honest and would never consider taking from you, cheating on you or lying to you. The reality is that people are never 100% “good” or 100% “bad.” There are situations where ANY person would lie, cheat, steal, or be disloyal. When you accept the reality that people are people, a beautiful woman is still human, and that the woman you feel strongly for is just as likely to be dishonest or disloyal as any other, you’ll take her off that pedestal you put her on. And that’s an important step toward achieving Sexual Confidence.

How important are looks when it comes to being confident in bed?

Page 2: Become more confident

Number 7

Looks don’t matter when it comes to Sexual Confidence

Nothing about how you look, how old you are, how tall you are, how much you weigh, how much money you make, or whether or not you’re her type has ANYTHING to do with how you can make a woman feel once you’re in bed with her. A key to remember is that AFTER a woman has experienced a mind-blowing intimate experience with you, that experience alone will render all of that other stuff irrelevant. It just won’t matter. Picture yourself in this future ahead of time and it’ll help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Number 6

Delay your gratification

Delaying gratification becomes more profound the more you think about it -- and when it comes to sex, it’s absolutely critical. It not only allows you to build the sexual tension and make her want you more and more, but the teasing and anticipation act as amplifiers to HER arousal. Bottom line: You are more likely to turn her on -- and more likely to take things to a physical level -- if you’re cool and calm. Lose your need for instant results, and you’ll drive her CRAZY.

Number 5

Act like sex is normal

A lot of guys get nervous when it comes time to have sex; they think they need to start acting differently when it’s time to “do the deed.” But sex is normal, so keep acting normal as things heat up. Don’t make a big deal out of it; keep having fun; keep teasing; keep acting light. Smoothly, confidently, comfortably progress from one step to the next, all the while enjoying yourself and acting like all is normal -- because it is.

Number 4

Put sex into perspective

Instead of positioning sex as the ultimate goal and the center of your purpose, move it so it’s simply one of your many goals. Make it a natural outcome if you like a woman and if you choose to spend the time and effort to get to that point. Take the “pinnacle value” out of sex, put it in perspective, and your relaxed attitude will make you much more likely to get it.

The No. 1 way to boost your confidence in bed…

Page 3: Be confident

Number 3

Tame the fear of rejection

As you progress from one step to the next with a woman -- from a casual date to touching, kissing and beyond -- the stakes get bigger and bigger. Men typically feel more apprehensive as they progress from one step to the next, and feel less confident moving to the next step as things get more intense. The fear is not of being rejected or stopped, but of losing all the ground that has been gained, and going back to ZERO. Fortunately, the more involved you get, the more likely it is you’ll succeed. The next step involves less risk, and it makes the sexual act more likely. Remember this.

Number 2

Interpret her actions

If she stops you, it usually doesn’t mean that she wants you to stop FOREVER; it means that you didn’t get her turned on enough. Interpret it as “I’m not ready yet,” rather than “Go away, I don’t like you anymore.” Stop, lean back, talk casually for a while and just relax. Then get her even MORE turned on than before. Feel free to make her ASK you for sex… or even beg. “Please” is a great word -- teach her to use it, and she’ll LOVE you for it.

Number 1

Get in touch with the animal inside

A woman wants a man who’s in touch with his inner ANIMAL. If he’s overly logical, overly analytical, overly controlled, overly educated, it shows a woman that he cannot let the animal out. At an instinctive level, a woman knows that this means she won’t be able to FEEL anything strong toward him, and she knows he won’t be able to arouse any sexual feelings inside of her. Study, get to know, make friends with, and DEVELOP the animal inside you. Educating yourself in this area is one of the most important things you can do to take your Sexual Confidence to the next level.


Your Guru

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
As as someone who has met up with the man himself, I can vouch that Bro Warbird looks 20 years younger than his true age! It is a blessing indeed to look young.
What a great compliment and confirmation!
Old 20-11-2018, 12:15 PM
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