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Old 17-03-2012, 10:01 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips


Need more men like you out there....

Me too.... i encountered this .... but so far i refuse to buy anyone a drink unless lets say the girl massages me.

So at Honey Kos for instance the waitresses massage you and they do a decent job. Under such circumstances ONLY will more than one Waitress get a drink from me....

Sadly no matter how much WE try to correct the market there are enough SUCKERS out there who will do exactly the opposite....

Well who am i to say they are wrong?

They are living their dream

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
Nice way of putting them in place. Sad to say, I was also overwhelmed by these type of waitresses in Dollhouse. Eventually, they learned not to take advantage as I reduced their own drinks. Said since she wanted to share, she gets less.

BTW, very fun reading your FR. Keep it up! Upped your points.
Old 17-03-2012, 10:11 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I had wanted to post this for sometime now already..... I had posted her picture earlier when Harry had featured her....

And now you see the story unravel in front of your own eyes...

Serves as a great warning to all of us to think with our Real Heads and not Dick Heads... lol

Harry, If you could do me a favor and remove the picture and story about Vina and me. We are no longer together, actually the guy who contacted you about wanting to find me “Norm Hendrickson” had an on- going relationship with her via dating site Cupid and was only interested in obtaining info about her. In two weeks time she faked a pregnancy, found small reasons to force a break up with me, and now has been receiving support from this guy 43 years her senior. I even warned this guy, and he’s still going forward, wish someone warned me about her and I wouldn’t have taken the plunge. Anyway, if you would remove it as a favor because I am kind of embarressed to have a picture of me with her on this site. I also don’t want any others like this Norm contacting me once she dumps Norman. Yes its a terrible shame! thought she was a good girl. She is a “foreigner guy vacation escort” really a hooker, though she has a sophistication about her, she acts different from the typical “bar girl” though her take is better. She got me for new lap-top, clothes, gold earrings, and engagement ring. She even made a bootleg e-mail acct. supposedly her manager write me a letter telling me she was cleared for a one month furlough to be with me, all bogus. I am in the process of trying to get my ring back, though if not successful would you be interested in posting nude pictures she authorized me to take? My god, this Norman must have rocks in his head. If she did this to me, what do you think she’ll do to this guy. He just got done being scammed from one last year in Samarfor almost the same items I gave my hooker Vina. I now realize my mistake, believing her and not listening to many others who knew her type. Though unlike Norman, I never had first hand knowledge of her game. Though I have nothing to show for it, had a lot of sex with her, she looks better than her sex was, haha.

Harrys response below..

Never again an internet girl! (Like I have written many times, many of these ladies you meet here or on the internet are conniving, dishonest wenches. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many that can bring you so much happiness, just be so very careful. You can be lucky and man, you can be so very unhappy. This Vina, lady, worked here in Angeles City, and she is one cunning hustler. Lets hope you never meet her)
Old 18-03-2012, 12:12 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Hahahaha View Post
Here is my pathetic FR. Yes, it is really pathetic.

Reached Devera first night at 2030hrs. After buying all my things I need for tomorrow, I just go to Ponytails which is next door.

Sit down and order a drink. Saw a girl and ask her come down. Guess what she said? "Why you ask me to come down?" I was like "?????" WTF?

I try to make small talk with her but like going nowhere. So I ask her to go back to stage and I left Ponytail.

I ask the waitress what is the difference between orange tag and white tag. She told me orange tag is P1800 and white tag is P1500. However I find it strange because I find that those white tag are prettier than orange tag ones.

Pathetic right?
Waaa Brudder, Wasted we din meet. Or else got kaki cheong together. But of course I no interest climb mountain, only got interest cheong lah.

I agree brudder on cheaper price got more pretty girl. They little bit funny leh. The expensive price because the girl wear the bikini underwear behind got "T" shape.

Thank you brudder.
Old 18-03-2012, 12:15 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Im familiar with the Emirates.

Hv loads of relatives n friends around there...

Y dun u mk a short trip to Dubai? Got loads of pinays there right?

Bangla girl aso u wan ah?

India..... Gonna be super duper expensive n u need contacts...
Hello Brudder,

I working lah. No permission from company lah. Want to go out of country, company must apply for exit permit one.

Somemore my this trip not holiday. Is because send for attachment & course in SG. So take chance to cheong lah.

Brudder, I think must try all kinds lah. Price nevermind because not everyday lah. Long long time one time type.

The other night, I go walk Geylang Lor 24, nearly book Sri Lanka leh. But got one Indian faster lah.

Thank you brudder.
Old 18-03-2012, 12:17 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
Nice way of putting them in place. Sad to say, I was also overwhelmed by these type of waitresses in Dollhouse. Eventually, they learned not to take advantage as I reduced their own drinks. Said since she wanted to share, she gets less.

BTW, very fun reading your FR. Keep it up! Upped your points.
Same what I do later for other bars. Ha ha ha.

Thank you brudder.
Old 18-03-2012, 01:36 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

To each his own la....

I dun condemn you bro... So no misunderstandings hopefully.

So far i only F one Indian (north indian) chick who was my serious GF many moons ago. Her bro was a High profile civil servant. Me nvr try south indian/sri lankan/bangla yet leh.. Not my taste.

But to each his own n i dun look down on anyone or anyones taste

Originally Posted by Sex Kid View Post
Hello Brudder,

I working lah. No permission from company lah. Want to go out of country, company must apply for exit permit one.

Somemore my this trip not holiday. Is because send for attachment & course in SG. So take chance to cheong lah.

Brudder, I think must try all kinds lah. Price nevermind because not everyday lah. Long long time one time type.

The other night, I go walk Geylang Lor 24, nearly book Sri Lanka leh. But got one Indian faster lah.

Thank you brudder.
Old 18-03-2012, 01:39 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Y u need exit permit ah? I dun get it..

I got tons of relatives /friends/class mates in that part of d world n they travel from one emirate to another during weekends/hols.

They dun hv these controls eh

Originally Posted by Sex Kid View Post
Hello Brudder,

I working lah. No permission from company lah. Want to go out of country, company must apply for exit permit one.

Somemore my this trip not holiday. Is because send for attachment & course in SG. So take chance to cheong lah.

Old 18-03-2012, 01:50 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Y u need exit permit ah? I dun get it..

I got tons of relatives /friends/class mates in that part of d world n they travel from one emirate to another during weekends/hols.

They dun hv these controls eh
Hello Brudder,

I don't know about other middle east country but in Qatar, if you working here is different.

Visitor Visa no problem because no choice you must leave. But working visa, must have exit permit to leave one leh.

That's why people say you work in Qatar like have slavery law type. Master must release you.

Thank you brudder.
Old 18-03-2012, 09:55 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I ask you in the forum to meet mah but you did not reply.

But come to think of it, luckily did not meet you ah. I read your FR like you are a millionaire ah. Willing to spend so much money. I am a kuripot and super cheap charlie. You also like a energizer bunny. Can keep going on and on and on and on..........

Originally Posted by Sex Kid View Post
Waaa Brudder, Wasted we din meet. Or else got kaki cheong together. But of course I no interest climb mountain, only got interest cheong lah.

I agree brudder on cheaper price got more pretty girl. They little bit funny leh. The expensive price because the girl wear the bikini underwear behind got "T" shape.

Thank you brudder.
Old 18-03-2012, 12:15 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

there was a report (comment) posted by Harry... <<see below>>

But another negative observation that was mentioned was the steady increase of Korean ownership of businesses here.

The perception is that the Koreans come in and raise the prices, are rude, offensive and do not like to assimilate.

They have declared the Friendship area as “Korea Town” and put up signs that are in the Korean language only, disregarding Tagalog or English, despite a City Council resolution against that.

A new Korean establishment is going up on Fields Ave, opposite the Dirty Duck declaring itself “Korean Territory”. Does this mean only Koreans should enter. Is this a show of arrogance typical of the Koreans here? Whatever the reasons for less tourists it is evident that there is indeed a continuing decline. Can this be reversed? I am not sure. There is certainly an explosion of new hotels, condos, apartments and houses being constructed. It is becoming a city of high rise buildings as owners try to outdo each other. The cost of units equal and in some cases surpass prices in the US.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
This is the picture i have been dying to upload.

To me it was the picture of the season.

The catch.

I cant believe this can happen in any country....

I know its a twist on words.... But any right thinking nationalist should definitely object to it....

This actally gives allof us a glimpse of things to come in AC

Bang in Fields Avenue

Right at the centre of all attractions.

Old 18-03-2012, 12:19 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

A koreans take on that....

Hi. Harry. I have loved visiting your blog every month for a long time. While I read your new writings on every month I feel as if I were there, Fields Ave. That is the reason I am your big fan. I went there alone about seven years ago to enjoy my winter vacation. I stayed my favorite hotel; SunsetGarden for around one month.. After the vacation there, I had tried to find chances to go there back again. I am sure you already know the reason. Next winter I went there to attend an ESL Course at AU. English is a foreign language to me. It is a little difficult to write this letter in English. Anyway I have visited there several times and I am going to go there if I can.

I am a 52 year old Korean man. I have read your articles about Koreans in AC and the changes Koreans have caused. I am sorry about that. There are lots of reasons we Koreans in AC have been mentioned to raise the prices and be rude.

I am very sorry not to have English ability enough to explain that. Anyway I miss those days when I went there first. By the way I would like to explain the sentence you mentioned opposite the Dirty Duck. When I read your article about that sentence, I didn’t understand what the meaning was. After I saw the photo you posted beside the article, I realized what made you angry.

Let me explain the sentence. Between the national flags, ‘Dokdo is KoreanTerritory!’ The subject of the sentence; Dokdo is the Korean island located in EastSea betweenKorea and Japan. Liancourt is another name in French. Japan has argued that the island belongs to Japan not to Korea. I don’t know why they argued that. We have lived the island for about two thousand years and guarded Dokdo by Korean Police. Koreans are eager to explain the situation by that slogan. Last year I read the slogan in New York Times. Apart from distressing situation caused by Koreans in AC, please get rid of misunderstanding about the slogan opposite Dirty Duck. I hope that I have a lucky chance to buy you a beer on my next visit as your blog fan. – Nick

Harrys reply.....
(Ah Nick, you are the second person to send me the explanation, but, regretfully, the perception remains, regardless of the history. It is good to know why they wrote that but because of their short negative history here in AC, it was taken in the wrong way and no doubt will continue to be so but your explanation will go a long way is correcting that misunderstanding. I hope you will come here again and take the time to visit me at my stable. Maybe you can educate me a bit more in Korean traditions of which I admit ignorance.
Old 18-03-2012, 12:24 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Another perspective...

Hi Harry, The “Korean Territory!!” sign on Fields is a clear message for the future of the area.

My problem with the Korean’s who visit here; they are racist and want to exterminate all westerners.

They seem to have the money and power and are slowly going to accomplish this. Its great to see the city grow, but it sickens me to see the price being paid. Barry W.

(Barry, “exterminate” might be a bit too strong. I believe that they have an objective to dominate the business picture in the entertainment zone and they have the cash and resources to succeed. Every time they get wind of a bar up for sale or land they are quick to try and snap it up. Big Bill told me he was approached by a Korean to purchase the Blind Beggar and a deposit was made. The Korean did not fulfill the requirements and wanted it at a reduced price and the deal fell through. I have heard that the piece of land next to my “stable” was either sold or rented by a Korean. I am not happy with that news. The Koreans are not Muslims who do want to exterminate Westerners, instead, they just want control and cater to Korean customers only. The problem is that the Filipinos own the buildings, not the Westerners, and the real estate prices have risen dramatically in the last year. You can expect to see those owners taking advantage of the opportunities to grab those big bucks being offered by the Koreans. I guess someday I will have to add Kimshee burgers to my menu)
Old 18-03-2012, 12:37 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Greetings Harry, just sitting here reading the Feb newsletter. For starters I am really amazed at how much the P.I. is/has changed (in some ways) from when I first put a foot on the Islands way back in 1968.

Over all the years it seem pretty much the same, many years go by without progress!!. Then after the U.S. left I noticed the Russians were trying to get a foot in the door down in the Subic area but that was replaced by the Japanese for a few years and now all I see is a massive overtaking of about everything by the Koreans which I do not see as changing at anytime in the future.

About five years ago I noticed that they were changing the outlook of Clark but on my last visit last year it was really disturbing to me. One example was I stopped in to a little Korean Restaurant up around the Seoul Hotel on Perimeter road. I was the only American or foreigner in the place and was actually treated like an outcast. I had to ask for a menu, no refills on the Ice Tea and pretty much a blank stare from the waitresses.

The side rooms were naturally filled with Korean’s and their girlfriends having a large dinner party. I experienced the same service in a couple of small bars in which the majority of the customers were Korean/Japanese. Basically what I am saying is that it was nothing that I have ever experienced in my 40 plus years of visiting the P.I. I naturally am very experienced in playing the bar scenes, am a average looking guy and always tip well as have a jovial personality and treat the girls with great respect.

(Rod, just stay away from the Korean establishments, they really do not want our business)
Old 18-03-2012, 05:13 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
The Koreans are not Muslims who do want to exterminate Westerners, instead, they just want control and cater to Korean customers only.
Very racist comment..

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
I was the only American or foreigner in the place and was actually treated like an outcast. I had to ask for a menu, no refills on the Ice Tea and pretty much a blank stare from the waitresses.
Imho, an egoistic comment. Perception is, angmohs think they are of 1st class stature compared to Asians and expect to be treated delicately. Can't help but feel that this is what at least what some of them deserved.
Life is short, live it long..
Old 18-03-2012, 10:19 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Was hoping for May return but seems like the tickets very expensive.

If any bros happen to see any good deals ard in May, do let me know.

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