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Old 11-01-2014, 11:43 AM
Xazz Xazz is offline
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Angry Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

// My mum cpf have more then enough for that bill. But in the end only can draw 14k cos they said cancer not include in the 5 kind of sickness to draw the max amount.//

This is so screwed up! When we are suffering and dying, govt is still disallowing us to us OUR $$$ to pay for our medical fee??
200k! How many of us will readily have the spare cash to pay for the balance? I believe our Mr Muthu is one of the fortunate one. Must have made heaps selling his curry.

Those poor aunties and uncles would rather quickly die than chalk up a huge debt to burden their kids.

My mum was sick and we went to the govt hospital for a check up and I was told that we have to queue for a few months to see the doc. Within that few months, who knows what can happen. LL no choice have to go to a specialist. We are fortunate to be still able to afford the bill but what about the lower income group? They may have no choice but to wait and pray that their loved ones won't get worse.
Old 11-01-2014, 07:41 PM
justwanadoit justwanadoit is offline
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by justwanadoit View Post
Thanks for your honesty. In fact sometimes we reflect , even the existence of this forum is dependent on us the users. should not users like us be entitled to some discount.

imagine wat happens when we all resort to use our hands? or visit JB?

side track a bit , I receive few queries on the box. ( yeah it was a value buy, still using it)

yeah ok, I bought the box to watch bpl from this site:

I bought it after recommendations on hwz:

Old 11-01-2014, 08:08 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by curry_mutu_man View Post
As expected, the terrorists & clones have zapped me into moderation, why, becos they're afraid of me speaking the truth !!!

Now do you know the reason why our hardworking govt wants to regulate online news sites in Singapore ?

The very basic reason is to make the site owners or forum users to be more responsible when reporting news or posting views related to Singapore.

Just see and count for yourself, how many clones and terrorists lurking here 24/7 365 days washing the brain of our young to revolt against our govt !!!

Their objective is to topple and replace an able and capable govt, trying to destroy our country and wanting our country with ZERO GROWTH, split our country into two with many differing views, an example will be like Thailand and Eygpt, when a country is in chaos, pls tell me who suffer the most ???

My young fellow Singaporeans, be smart, don't follow the evil blindly, terrorists are here to brainwash you and lead you to political unrest one day.

Those who are reading this, pls UP MY POINTS & bring me out of moderation, the terrorists and the evils here are afraid of people like me speaking the truth teaching the young thus have to zap me in moderation so that my posting will not appear immediately, if not, why zap me instantly

Well as I said, terrorists will always hide behind the computer and zap ppl, prevent ppl from speaking the truth !!!

Dear Singaporean, pls zap those terrorists & clones who are here 24/7 365 days washing the brain of the young, they are here to destroy our country !!!
Haha .. Serve u right !
Go fly Kate lah !! Haga
Old 11-01-2014, 09:57 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by justwanadoit View Post
yeah ok, I bought the box to watch bpl from this site:

I bought it after recommendations on hwz:


How much commission do you make by introducing this product ?
Old 11-01-2014, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
R u serious? Where u get this info from? LOL I've stayed there long enuff to know tat ain't true. Pls dun tell me tiagong one hor
Ya lor ah tiong said one lor my bro wife is from ah tiong what her parent is feed by government leh.. Even some of my ah tiong friend parent 60 plus government feed. Maybe they last time work government job?

Taiwan is true cause my mum relative those old people said de.. But that was few years ago not sure abt now.
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Old 11-01-2014, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by davidtock View Post
Let's just do a quick check. How long can your $100 remain in your wallet before it's gone? For me, it will last 2 days or less
I just spent 200 today nia! Somemore still on quite so call budget :s
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Old 11-01-2014, 11:33 PM
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[QUOTE=" is so screwed up! When we are suffering and dying, govt is still disallowing us to us OUR $$$ to pay for our medical fee?? 200k! How many of us will readily have the spare cash to pay for the balance? I believe our Mr Muthu is one of the fortunate one. Must have made heaps selling his curry. Those poor aunties and uncles would rather quickly die than chalk up a huge debt to burden their kids. My mum was sick and we went to the govt hospital for a check up and I was told that we have to queue for a few months to see the doc. Within that few months, who knows what can happen. LL no choice have to go to a specialist. We are fortunate to be still able to afford the bill but what about the lower income group? They may have no choice but to wait and pray that their loved ones won't get worse.[/QUOTE]

Low income group must pray they don't fall sick!
Many thanks to those who upz me...
Everything happen for a reason. Look forward for a beautiful things in life. (=
Old 11-01-2014, 11:43 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by Xazz View Post
// My mum cpf have more then enough for that bill. But in the end only can draw 14k cos they said cancer not include in the 5 kind of sickness to draw the max amount.//

This is so screwed up! When we are suffering and dying, govt is still disallowing us to us OUR $$$ to pay for our medical fee??
200k! How many of us will readily have the spare cash to pay for the balance? I believe our Mr Muthu is one of the fortunate one. Must have made heaps selling his curry.

Those poor aunties and uncles would rather quickly die than chalk up a huge debt to burden their kids.

My mum was sick and we went to the govt hospital for a check up and I was told that we have to queue for a few months to see the doc. Within that few months, who knows what can happen. LL no choice have to go to a specialist. We are fortunate to be still able to afford the bill but what about the lower income group? They may have no choice but to wait and pray that their loved ones won't get worse.





Old 11-01-2014, 11:50 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by Delwin View Post
Talk abt medical problem in sg is really a serious issue in sg. When 2012 my gp refer my mum to ttsh for treatment cos of cancer, ttsh young kid said my mum issue not urgent. Then my older bro bring her to mount E to check again, they said my mum cancer had spread, need to operate immediately. So in the end spend nearly 200k. My mum cpf have more then enough for that bill. But in the end only can draw 14k cos they said cancer not include in the 5 kind of sickness to draw the max amount. This gov is screw up real bad, only think abt making money without caring for us pure Singaporean. My friend told me that general hospital always have no space for us Singaporean cos they allow other country ppls to come from treatment so can charge them more money then Singaporean l


Old 12-01-2014, 12:09 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Old 12-01-2014, 12:32 AM
kuasimi kuasimi is offline
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport
Old 12-01-2014, 01:24 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Dear YOUNG fellow Singaporeans -

Just see and count for yourself, how many clones and terrorists lurking here 24/7 365 days washing the brain of our young to revolt against our govt !!!

Their objective is to topple and replace an able and capable govt, trying to destroy our country and wanting our country with ZERO GROWTH,

split our country into two with many differing views, an example will be like Thailand and Eygpt, when a country is in chaos, pls tell me who suffer the most ???

My young fellow Singaporeans, be smart, don't follow the evil blindly, terrorists are here to brainwash you and lead you to political unrest one day.

Those who are reading this, pls UP MY POINTS & bring me out of moderation, the terrorists and the evils here are afraid of people like me speaking the truth teaching the young thus have to zap me in moderation so that my posting will not appear immediately, if not, why zap me instantly

Well as I said, terrorists will always hide behind the computer and zap ppl, prevent ppl from speaking the truth !!!
Old 12-01-2014, 01:25 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by Bery View Post
In countries like HK, the govt treats the old folks like "bao", health care is only charged as a token. Hospital stays are virtually FOC. All kids are given free education till Form 6 (I think), which is eqv to A levels here.

Their government heavily subsidizes the costs!
Ours uses our blood sweat money to invest. Shin, UBS, ML, Suzhou, Hangzhou, just to name a few.....btw why invest in 输Zhou and Hang (吊死)Zhou lei???
Old 12-01-2014, 01:27 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by justwanadoit View Post
yeah ok, I bought the box to watch bpl from this site:
There is a subscription fee of $120 per year. Interesting.
Old 12-01-2014, 01:28 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Terrorists going all out to destroy our country, recruiting others to brainwash the young.

My fellow Singaporeans, pls be aware of such devil exists in all internet forums !!!
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