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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 10-04-2020, 03:05 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by Leo1966 View Post
Not only chinese money and influence, their MLs and FLs flooding too
Of course, a ml I know now is flaunting her new houses and cars in her wechat. Lol. She came here must have dig a very deep goldmine lol.
Girl and Booze for life and stay happy life is too short to get too worked up.............
Old 10-04-2020, 03:17 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by deathnitez View Post
Of course, a ml I know now is flaunting her new houses and cars in her wechat. Lol. She came here must have dig a very deep goldmine lol.
FL, ML are like e-Sports gamers, not everyone hits a gold mine lah

Like you have students nowadays who ask you what's the use of studying hard when through gaming and e-Sports can earn big money? Or as property/RE agent?

We only sensationalise those who make it big, but it doesn't mean the whole bunch taste this level of success.
Old 10-04-2020, 04:54 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

US is hold accountable to their citizen.... dont use invade as a 借口 to label them. look which countries that got attack by US is a 正常 有 良心 的 国家? 伊拉克 的 萨达姆? 北韩 的 金 家 皇帝?

to be frank, without US i dont think we enjoy the peace we have today

also i prefer country like US meddling other nation, its because our forefather never kaypo, look what happen to WW2 germany n japan
i a fan of BBBJCIM

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Old 10-04-2020, 05:13 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by ciwilover View Post
US is hold accountable to their citizen.... dont use invade as a 借口 to label them. look which countries that got attack by US is a 正常 有 良心 的 国家? 伊拉克 的 萨达姆? 北韩 的 金 家 皇帝?

to be frank, without US i dont think we enjoy the peace we have today

also i prefer country like US meddling other nation, its because our forefather never kaypo, look what happen to WW2 germany n japan
initially US don't want to get involved in the war. Then UK ask them for help cause Europe I getting beaten left right up down then with the agreement that UK giving all their latest tech and plans for warmachines and weapons etc in exchange of providing supply and weapon.

Then things got really heat up when Japan woke the sleeping dragon with pearl harbor. Then united states really boost up. Not to say they are bad or what by they did sleep on for awhile until shit nearly hit the fence then woke up.
Girl and Booze for life and stay happy life is too short to get too worked up.............
Old 10-04-2020, 06:09 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

It's hilarious to see people here shilling pro-China and pro-CCP talk. I hope they registered with the Chinese Embassy to be part of their wumao army in SG. Oh wait, they can't because that would mean they're a foreign agent in SG, and ISD will come and catch them gao gao.

Fuck China, fuck PRCs, and fuck their women who come here to work. Actually, don't fuck them, they don't deserve to earn our money and I hope their business all die out after this in SG. Then they can go fuck back off to Wuhan.
Old 11-04-2020, 09:13 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

More than 20,000 FWs are now quarantined in several large dormitories. Confirmed infections up to yesterday 9 April

- S11 Dormitory : 283 cases
- Westlite Toh Guan : 49 cases
- Toh Guan : 25 cases
- Sungei Tengah Lodge : 43 cases
- Tampines Dormitory : 38 cases
- Cochrane Lodge : 9 cases
- Kranji Lodge : 7 cases
- 55 Sungei Kadut : 7 cases
- Project Glory : 37 cases
- 6 Battery Road : 5 cases
- Mustafa : 57 cases
- Keppel Shipyard : 17 cases

These are males. They have girlfriends.

Another large group, of the opposite female gender, are domestic workers (maids). They are not in dormitories, they live in a Spore family household. Typically, they do not open up their private lives to their employers who do not know who their boyfriends are.

Infected persons can be infectious before they develop symptoms. The caveat is that their emissions of droplets and microdroplets are probably very low in covid19 virusload.

Spore has about 1,000,000 FWs population (ballpark number). They are housed in 43 dormitories in S’pore. Some have bad conditions like overcrowding and poor ventilation. This increase the risk of infection within the FW population in each dormitory.

For the purpose of a very simple transmission modeling, take an example of a 20,000 FW aggregate group.

If up to 2% are infected, this means 400 FWs.

Like the average Sporean, FWs also visit supermarkets, take mrt and buses etc. These are transient presence.

What I want to highlight are situations for *sustained interactions* where infections has a high chance of happening.

The 400 FWs could infect onwards their girlfriends.

This could bring covid19 right into Sporean households in large numbers.

*IF* their girlfriends are mostly domestic helpers, and *half* are infected, these 200 infected maids will be the trigger to tip S’pore families into a covid19 disaster.

This is the point where much worse things can very quickly spiral out of control in a very probable chain of large sustained group infection interactions.

We’re talking possibly 200 infected households.

A maid in a household typically look after at least 1 child. So possibly
- 400 infected parents,
- 200 infected grandparents ( assuming 1 per family)
- 400 infected kids (assuming 2 kids per family)

We now have onward infections:

- Parents goes to their companies with many co-office workers.

- Grandparents are the most vulnerable group. With their underlying conditions, this aged group will take up most of our bed resources in hospital ICUs and high dependency wards ( I’m also talking limited numbers of ventilators).

- Children go to school. They would infect their classmates. Typically 30-40 in a class.

Worse, these other kids goes home to their families. Again, another set of 2 parents, a grandparent and probably another sibling. They will cause disastrous onward infections.
- Sibling goes to school, in a different class. Perhaps a different school. Onward infections.

If such a covid19 infection interaction chain develops, it is truly disastrous.

In the last few days of increasing unlinked cases leading up to circuit breaker (great use of neutral language to describe lockdown measures), I was very concerned about the start of widespread community infections.

When the circuit breaker was implemented, I heaved a sigh of relief. Not a day too soon.

Now, when I learn that FWs now are the group of newly formed clusters, and I consider the consequences of this simple model of onward interactions and infections, I am determined to advocate as strenuously as possibly that everyone stays at home and work from home.

Take this circuit breaker (lockdown in another word) seriously.

The FW-maid contact is the weakest link in Spore society that is not usually discussed.

Do not downplay this simple model for what could already have quietly happened in the last 1 or 2 weeks.

*We need to maintain viligance, even after 4 May,* when the simple model can kick in to trigger and project covid19 right inside your hitherto safe family.

I advocate we all adopt a war footing against covid19.
We are the frontline of defence. Docs, nurses and hospitals are our last line of defence.

Stay home. Keep safe.
Keep everyone safe.


"A FR is to give reader an idea of what to expect, the pics and style of writing are to spice things up, to give more space for imagination, most important thing is we share and we enjoy."

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Old 11-04-2020, 09:50 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

In singapore nothing is ever taken seriously until it occurs to our loved ones. I felt amazed that the government never take in account of the dormitory workers. Obviously the hygiene conditions there is a gone case let alone the mass population.

I am not going to say anything sarcastic but this lack of foresight is indeed scary.
Old 11-04-2020, 10:37 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Message put across loud and clear. Well said and point taken.

Let’s all stay safe and keep healthy.

Up you with my humble points Bro Naka
Old 11-04-2020, 10:49 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by TheIdesOfMarch View Post
It's hilarious to see people here shilling pro-China and pro-CCP talk. I hope they registered with the Chinese Embassy to be part of their wumao army in SG. Oh wait, they can't because that would mean they're a foreign agent in SG, and ISD will come and catch them gao gao.

Fuck China, fuck PRCs, and fuck their women who come here to work. Actually, don't fuck them, they don't deserve to earn our money and I hope their business all die out after this in SG. Then they can go fuck back off to Wuhan.
Bros will still fuck the PRC ML / FL when they return. Even now, some bros still fucking those who are still here "secretly"
Old 11-04-2020, 11:04 AM
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Smile Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by deathnitez View Post
Of course, a ml I know now is flaunting her new houses and cars in her wechat. Lol. She came here must have dig a very deep goldmine lol.
Well Both China and US are big Bullies and evil.

US is lesser evil then.
When CHina take over the world, U can't use FB, U can't talk against them , if not u will disappeared overnight ...

Well these are also facts ....

All wanrt to por China just becozz they have monetary gain from them.

Las time Jacky CHan and all famous stars in 1997 are against China but look at right now ... All keep quiet becoz all have monetary rewards to keep quiet.

Most rich China people also flee with their money and only want to go back for more money ....
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Old 11-04-2020, 11:19 AM
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Exclamation Singapore covid-19 fatalities

Another death from Lee Ah Mooi old age home. 86 years old female Sg citizen. Fatalities go up to 7. Our deepest condolences. ICA building also kana. Closed for disinfectant treatment. This morning still got old people who probably didn't see or heard PM Lee's appeal on TV, come out to jalan jalan with wheelchair and Fdw. Please stay home. Be safe.
Please up my points if you like my post.

Last edited by liketosleep; 11-04-2020 at 12:40 PM. Reason: Add information.
Old 11-04-2020, 11:29 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by DieCorkStand View Post
Well Both China and US are big Bullies and evil.

US is lesser evil then.
When CHina take over the world, U can't use FB, U can't talk against them , if not u will disappeared overnight ...

Well these are also facts ....

All wanrt to por China just becozz they have monetary gain from them.

Las time Jacky CHan and all famous stars in 1997 are against China but look at right now ... All keep quiet becoz all have monetary rewards to keep quiet.

Most rich China people also flee with their money and only want to go back for more money ....
Hi bro, on my view i cant really agreed with u on US is a big bully. u see US give out a lot of money to developing countries and organization such as WHO (the most recent infamous). they promo freedom n human rights, yes they do did something but its nothing comparable to CCP. This CCP regime has to be brought down, else we asian will suffer in the future because we all look a like (just like we see ang mo all same).
i a fan of BBBJCIM

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Old 11-04-2020, 11:47 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

All the Taiwanese men are panicking like hell now because a few sex workers are infected. The government is conducting a thorough search to trace all the male patrons. Many fear marriages on the rock😂
Old 11-04-2020, 11:49 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by HOWITZER105MM View Post
All the Taiwanese men are panicking like hell now because a few sex workers are infected. The government is conducting a thorough search to trace all the male patrons. Many fear marriages on the rock😂
that is why in this special period stay home
i a fan of BBBJCIM

No! i will not share soda contact, so please stop asking me
Old 11-04-2020, 12:11 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by DieCorkStand View Post
Well Both China and US are big Bullies and evil.

US is lesser evil then.
When CHina take over the world, U can't use FB, U can't talk against them , if not u will disappeared overnight ...
Same lah both. If you know too much in the States. They zip you up in a bag to die and say the cause of death is because you got weird sexual desire. Lol.
Girl and Booze for life and stay happy life is too short to get too worked up.............
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