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Old 19-04-2022, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by skihon View Post
No worry bro, i often got it in the past when i still chionging. My buddy always found some one in the club for a good night stand. While i choose not to follow them after the club is closed. But good thing is my friend got 1 misfire then goy married because of shotgun.
He's lucky it's a misfire and not some free STD. Girls who wouldn't mind ONS, won't stop at just having once. Also, after drinking, most will not insist on caps or might even detest it.
Old 19-04-2022, 01:11 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Come to think of it, both also have long term consequences but one could be shorter than the other...

With advances in medical research, STDs could be a thing of the past or controllable or treatable...

But a child is a lifelong commitment...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
He's lucky it's a misfire and not some free STD. Girls who wouldn't mind ONS, won't stop at just having once. Also, after drinking, most will not insist on caps or might even detest it.
To Live is the Rarest Thing in the World...Most People Just Exist...

Thank you to all bro's who have upped me. Will return upping as fast as the forum allows... Can only return 2 per day

Appreciate if bro's can PM me after upping so that I can find your latest posts quickly. Cheers.
Old 19-04-2022, 01:45 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by candeo_88 View Post

But a child is a lifelong commitment...

i got bastard army friend who cum and dump his colleague and later on pregnant and he say he will pay for abortion but the colleague kept the baby..... so somewhere in this world he has an illegitimate son floating around growing up

so he had a kid but wasn't a lifelong commitment

btw i heard even HIV is controllable if you detect it early enuff can even supress it enuff to avoid transmitting it but the treatment is killer. 2k a month to keep yourself alive
Old 19-04-2022, 02:17 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by wasd89 View Post
Saw a babe in green near office. Looked downwards and wow. Naturally bouncing, and I can make out her nipples. The green dress was really thin. Tried to see her butt when she walked past, but could only make out some vpl.. I would've stalked a bit if I weren't with colleagues. Damn, those brown nipples looking straight at me while bouncing..

Seems like I'm getting some luck these days. Maybe due to the lax of covid restrictions.
Yalor...u lucky dude...can see so many different types of ladies' zaogeng the right place n at the right time
MIN to EXC > POWER...5

Up my points n I will return immediately

Pls PM me if I haven return favor
Old 19-04-2022, 09:40 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Today i was gyming at YCK gym at lunchtime... Was doing lat pulldown machine and suddenly a lady asked me if can share machine together so i said ok...

I noticed that she looked quite young, the most in her mid 20s... N got quite sweet look and nice features...

So throughout my gym session, i was stealing glances at her... Think she knows that i was doing so...

When my gym session was about to end, i asked her if she's done with seated cable row machine, she said she's still not done yet and i asked to share with her...

So when i was behind her and waiting for her to get up from the machine, i saw her VPL(Visible panty line) in her gym pants upon looking closely at her butt..

It was quite a turn on... Usually i'm not turned on by slimmed lady butt, but somehow i felt quite aroused when i saw hers..... Wish that i had made some small talks and got to know her better, but didn't do so as i already have GF....
Old 20-04-2022, 12:13 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Ended a run last night and saw a "sleeping beauty" on the ground floor unit. She's sleep on the sofa facing the public walkway. I was about 20m when i saw her. Since the sofa was on the shorter side, she has to spread her legs slightly. One bend upwards and the other slightly towards the side. This gave a clear view of her pink undies (wished she wasn't wearing any). On top of that, can see a small "hill" on her breast (braless and estimate a B cup). Wish that's my house and instead of giving her a kiss to wake her up, I'll give her a surprise fuck.
Old 20-04-2022, 04:11 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by cavemao View Post
wow after more than 2.5 years i finally went drinking with my friends at boat quay, i was greeted by an entire parade of skanky girls, locals, fake angmo accent locals, foreigners, tonnes of boobage to see, i would say 70% don't wear a bra, and those who don't maybe 50% don't even bother to paste nipple stickers, sat at our pub table outside to smoke and hit on the random "strays" as my friend calls them. the pub we are at is quite famous for skanks looking to be laid, this table beside us had 4 girls celebrating one of the girls' birthday and we treated them to a round of pickleback shots and i had a great time rabba-ing the birthday girl who was wearing a black push up bra on her B+ marshmellow boobs, too bad i had cold feet and decided to head home, my friend went in for the kill and message me the next day telling me it was a great fuck, thanks for the free gift grrrrrrrr lol
Good share bro. Seems like very happening now!
Old 20-04-2022, 04:48 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by DAMMAD View Post
Ended a run last night and saw a "sleeping beauty" on the ground floor unit. She's sleep on the sofa facing the public walkway. I was about 20m when i saw her. Since the sofa was on the shorter side, she has to spread her legs slightly. One bend upwards and the other slightly towards the side. This gave a clear view of her pink undies (wished she wasn't wearing any). On top of that, can see a small "hill" on her breast (braless and estimate a B cup). Wish that's my house and instead of giving her a kiss to wake her up, I'll give her a surprise fuck.
Seems to be KO upon reaching home w.o lighting off.
Old 20-04-2022, 05:18 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by DAMMAD View Post
Ended a run last night and saw a "sleeping beauty" on the ground floor unit. She's sleep on the sofa facing the public walkway. I was about 20m when i saw her. Since the sofa was on the shorter side, she has to spread her legs slightly. One bend upwards and the other slightly towards the side. This gave a clear view of her pink undies (wished she wasn't wearing any). On top of that, can see a small "hill" on her breast (braless and estimate a B cup). Wish that's my house and instead of giving her a kiss to wake her up, I'll give her a surprise fuck.
Next time can invite her for a run
Old 20-04-2022, 12:46 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Cheap thrill day...

Sent my kid to childcare early morning - there is this intern/understudy (whatever u call it, I forgot the term) checking in for the kids. So she was wearing this beige blouse but kind of v-shaped and loose, so when she bent down to check the kids, I accidentally (well it became so commonplace I do not know if I should call it accident or intended) saw down her blouse to her half-cupped bra (cos I can make out a nice shape of the boobs) and possibly b cup boobs. And I accidentally (so many accidents) saw it twice as though to confirm my sight...

Oh well it was not a very good week so far so I guess the cheap thrill helped a lil...
Old 20-04-2022, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by candeo_88 View Post
Come to think of it, both also have long term consequences but one could be shorter than the other...

With advances in medical research, STDs could be a thing of the past or controllable or treatable...

But a child is a lifelong commitment...

not all STDs can be fully cured. Some will live with the person for life. Once the immunity is low, it will recur.
Ya, even Aids is no longer life threatening, but a cocktail of medication needs to be consumed for prolonged period of time.
Worst, many stuff require a declaration is the person has Aids.
Old 20-04-2022, 08:20 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Today when i went to tabao dinner for myself, i saw a young early 20s lady walking with her dog. She was wear something like a yoga clothes but with shorts and slippers. As she walked pass me, i notice she is not wearing a bra, saw here B cup boobs shaking left and right ans her small nipples poking out from the thin clothes. What a nice view.
Old 20-04-2022, 09:02 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
Today when i went to tabao dinner for myself, i saw a young early 20s lady walking with her dog. She was wear something like a yoga clothes but with shorts and slippers. As she walked pass me, i notice she is not wearing a bra, saw here B cup boobs shaking left and right ans her small nipples poking out from the thin clothes. What a nice view.
Wah in Singapore oso got girls not wearing bra … saliva dripping …
Old 21-04-2022, 12:23 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by SgHornyDevil View Post
Wah in Singapore oso got girls not wearing bra … saliva dripping …
My gf ever pointed out to me a few times that some ladies not wearing bra on streets...

Luckily i never see those braless ladies most of the time, if not will get caught 'peeping' at ladies breasts.... Even though i like to do so when i'm on my own, especially ladies with nicely shaped breasts...
Old 21-04-2022, 01:01 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by SgHornyDevil View Post
Wah in Singapore oso got girls not wearing bra … saliva dripping …
SG ladies getting more n more open...u just need be right place right time...
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