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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 23-01-2017, 01:10 AM
terencebaby terencebaby is offline
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Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
This thread is hilarious. What did geylang do to offend you and why you single out 54a?

Have fun with your FLs bro. Don't come crying when you kena HIV or Herpes or Genital Warts.

FL got no health check. No way to feedback on their service and most photos are fake.

They are hit and run and not interested in maintaining regular customers.

There are definitely good 150 gems in geylang, just need the patience to look around more.

Good luck, and you better go for STD testing more regularly.

Don't end up hurting your family.
All these Ah Pek Okt defenders. So outdated.

Any pic? Sure got gem ah? Bro, welcome to 2017. You're so backdated you didn't even know how to post a photo still expect ppl to believe your gem rubbish. STD anyway can get. Play safe. As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's the same bunch of Ah Peks with no intro and no pic but only gd at quarreling.

The thread of the 2 fl $250 I personally tried before. Yes, confirm chio. Attitude is good. The other links chose yourself. No need waste time with your so called hidden gems.
Old 23-01-2017, 08:02 AM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: 阿公店-Geylang

Originally Posted by terencebaby View Post
All these Ah Pek Okt defenders. So outdated.

Any pic? Sure got gem ah? Bro, welcome to 2017. You're so backdated you didn't even know how to post a photo still expect ppl to believe your gem rubbish. STD anyway can get. Play safe. As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's the same bunch of Ah Peks with no intro and no pic but only gd at quarreling.

The thread of the 2 fl $250 I personally tried before. Yes, confirm chio. Attitude is good. The other links chose yourself. No need waste time with your so called hidden gems.
Sure. Have fun. Good luck.
Old 23-01-2017, 12:14 PM
Rawall Rawall is offline
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Re: 阿公店-Geylang

Originally Posted by terencebaby View Post
The sex trade in the district is based mostly in unlicensed parlors and lounges serviced by hostesses. These venues are known as A-gong diam (阿公店) in Taiwanese (also known as Hoklo), which literally means “shops for grandfathers” because they are frequently visited by seniors.
“There are more than 200 A-gong diam businesses in this area. It is a part of the cultural nightlife of Wanhua,”

When i look at this forum, i just get that kind of old ppl smell with tiger balm. Geylang is spore's ah gong diam. the brothels, the okts, the word: 老. The youngsters in taiwan and Spore the same, prefer to go ktv and flower joint. The women are much better. At least they shave their armpits.

1654A nowadays feels like a nursing home for ah peks. Anyway it is run by Ah Peks. Happened to be in the area and popped in for old times sake. There were about 15 wls, cmi until cmi. If yousay this is gd, I really don't know what to say. I am embarrassed to go GL not because I scared ppl know I chiong. But the crowd is really for senior citizens looking for a budget f. This kind of quality how to f?

No jokes, all the quarreling in here is between a bunch of Ah Peks who have not moved with the times, and think the GL150 are actually worth talking about. The so-called gems of GL are really nothing at all. For those who can afford to spend more than $150, please check out the FL forums - really hot chinese, angmo, Kor and local FL. Price for top quality begins at $250 which is a bargain at today's prices. GL is really a waste of time. If you're willing to spend that $100 more, forget about any so-called gem at GL.

Those fr writers who write long long story forget that today we just exchange photos and vids, no need to talk so much. Are these guys for real? What era do they come from so shy to put photo and video? Still hoping to get customer by describing their sexual experience and quarreling? If really want to intro, put her wechat photo for bros to see. You think she scared ppl know she's a WL? Come on la, they not virgins leh. Nowadays, all the students and normal ppl making sex video. The WL come spore to open leg you think she scared her photo appear on SBF? So conservative? haha. This idea that the WL scared her photo appear is just the imagination of Ah Peks and OKTS who do not wish to get into trouble with AV.

See you bros in the FL sections.
When I look at your post, I just get that kind of si ginna smell with wet diapers. Your complaints about Geylang is... one word: 幼. The youngsters in S'pore all only tag along lao jiaos like us when cheonging ktv and flower joint. We feel that GL women are much better. At least they go for checkups and provide much better services.

1654A nowadays feels like a nursing home for si ginnas. Happened to be in the area and popped in for old times sake. There were about 5 si ginnas queuing for WLs there, and they all looked so shy and buei zai cannot make up their mind, cmi until cmi. If you say this is good, I really don't know what to say. I am embarrassed to go GL not because I scared ppl know I chiong, but I'm afraid of bumping into si ginnas like you hogging the queue.

No jokes, all the quarreling in here is because of si ginnas with low EQ like you, and think you actually know a lot about GL. These so-called youngsters are really nothing at all. They can't even afford to spend more than $150 and need to become FL OKT's ka gia. Reading your kpkb post is really a waste of time. Your writing is so kindergarden that you even use [space] when starting a new paragraph. Please stay at home and study hard, pcc if too bored.

Those si ginnas who write long long kpkb story but did not even contribute a single FR here or even at your own hard-sell FL threads, don't forget to share your own photo and vids so that we know how you look, no need to talk so much. Are these guys for real? If so garang why so shy to put photo and video? Still hoping to draw customer to FL by kpkb on GL threads? If really want to intro, put your own photo for bros to see. Come on la, you so young and garang leh. Nowadays, all the students and young ppl making sex video. Why you so conservative? haha. Your story about GL is just the imagination of 乳臭未干 si ginna runners of FL OKTs.

Welcome you in the GL sections, kid.
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Old 23-01-2017, 01:31 PM
bullterrier bullterrier is offline
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Re: 阿公店-Geylang

well, my army buddy got his handful of HPV and warts thanks to those bloody internet dragon ladies the FLs. They are cheap but they come with a higher price. Good for my buddy who has shunned sex and saved quite a bit by now, will be asking him for a good meal

I have approached those FLs internet dragon ladies before. Just like any bros here, at least half or more wah lao oi.....go open the door I feel like rejecting liao but what to do, already there. They look so different like "ma chiam" Photoshop to a crude extent until like someone else. I asked many times to them "are you sure you are the one, or is it your friend?"
Old 23-01-2017, 03:23 PM
drifand drifand is offline
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Re: 阿公店-Geylang

Originally Posted by bullterrier View Post
well, my army buddy got his handful of HPV and warts thanks to those bloody internet dragon ladies the FLs. They are cheap but they come with a higher price. Good for my buddy who has shunned sex and saved quite a bit by now, will be asking him for a good meal

I have approached those FLs internet dragon ladies before. Just like any bros here, at least half or more wah lao oi.....go open the door I feel like rejecting liao but what to do, already there. They look so different like "ma chiam" Photoshop to a crude extent until like someone else. I asked many times to them "are you sure you are the one, or is it your friend?"
That's just it isn't it? A lot of these Fls are cheats I know in the gl thread people who posted honest frs got shot down immediately. It's a big shame that premium membership has immunity as I can tell they are responsible for some of the bad experiences here both geylang and fl threads. It sucks that now I need to take out my note book and just put the girls name and focus what I like about what is said and now go there and see if she suits.

To me geylang even though some of the frs can be fake, there is also 50/50 genuine reports. You need to be smart about it and see how u approach.

I don't go to fl websites, because that's totally under biased control reviews.
I don't want to spend $400 just to get a $80 equivalent fuck here.

I only got one advice for fake frs and Fls, what goes around comes around, it's not worth promoting fake shit, I don't mind fucking a fat girl who is willing to service but if you lie about it you turn off the guys experience before the service starts.

Also I noticed all the stupid bullshit about $50 decline fees. Go fuck yourself if you try and sell a ah Ma when advertise some syt. You wasting a lot of my time travelling to be basically fucked.

I am away from this scene for a long time, I guess times has changed, $150 is still a lot of money imo, I know one thing for sure, I can walk in see no touch and decide if I want to spend rather than "yes can Ar, yes cim, yes" and then tu lan when you see girl don't match pics.

Pictures means Fuck all when is high percentage of fakes. Like I said, code and respect, don't bullshit your customers here in the forum, you get more business.

My two cents
Old 24-01-2017, 05:31 PM
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Re: FR On L18H38

Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Tried g38 recently as g11 busy.
Look like underage mly gal. Phoenix tattoo at her full back n a little dragon at front upper breast area.
Cbj, lip kisses n fj. Smiley gal n no rush.
Rtf nope as i prefer bbbj... will try other
lol..... you are so famous many webby have your photo

your face look like ah kua
Old 25-01-2017, 10:42 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

If you are not hard up for points, you don't have to resort to exchange points so desperately in those Point Exchange Threads ... If you are not hard up for points, you wouldn't whine like a kiddo each time when you were being zapped. Do you need me to dig up your previous posts on how u whined and cried like a immature kiddo?

You count yourself lucky that there are many point exchange threads around to sustain your miserable points. A decade ago, samsters earned their points thru hard work.

Since day one, I already knew u cannot be trusted and hence, I didn't wanna share lobang with you when u PMed me for HC details.

U are lucky that these days I don't have much time to ridicule scumbag like you!

This kinda mundane stuff you do not even dare to admit as a real man in the virtual world, I really wonder what kinda character you possess in the real world. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
After such long absence , you can only come back with unsubstantiated claim again. Hard to teach old dogs new trick.

And i was zapped massively in your dream and who fucking care about points. You think everyone is so hard up like you

Unable to meet KPI in reality and had to come here for achieving your accomplishment.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Last edited by max_priest; 25-01-2017 at 11:45 PM.
Old 25-01-2017, 10:45 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
How can you stop dogs from barking? It's unnatural
Obviously you must be a Dog since the day you came in here to fart, bark, shit, masturbate, and urinate non-stop even though it ain't your fucking business. And you must be referring to yourself ... What a pitiful doggy you are!

In addition, you must be mentally affected and behaved unnaturally since you visited my SBF Profile page quite a number times as if I was some sort of celeb whom you wanna stalk ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Last edited by max_priest; 25-01-2017 at 11:19 PM.
Old 25-01-2017, 11:03 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Well, very simple, if one does not cross my path, I wouldn't retaliate. Am sure you have witnessed it. As such, unless you're a numbskull, am certain you do not need me to waste my precious time to reiterate all over again ....

Why do I attacked Korean? He started off first! I told Headon & him nicely to stop TCSS in the FR threads but instead of stopping his nonsense, he went on to attack me. I was glad that Headon is a very understanding samster who faded away quietly. I respect him for that. Who give a damn to which GL whores Korean KC and which GL whore he eventually walked the aisle with?? Korean is one who does not know when to stop his TCSS and his TCSS gotten more intense each day, which deterred the rest of the genuine samsters from participating without qualms.

Same for that Comm fella as well as Baotohk and yourself! If you wanna have a cyberwar with me, be my guest once I have more time. This time don't blame me for being ruthless. You are one who does not know how to mind your own fucking business. You asked for it!

Remember! I do not start a war till someone started it first. Years ago, I stopped that fella from using clones to spread and post fake + malicious FRs on an ex whore of L1809 that she has STD. The pitiful whore livelihood was badly affected because of these false FRs. And, this particular whore was once my regular as well, hence, I felt obligated to lend her a helping her out of goodwill. I didn't pursue further after this fella came out to apologize to me openly like a real man.

Dasha the clown was another fella who crossed my path and I have to stopped him. I was glad that I have made him mentally deranged and therefore, SBF banned him ultimately.

Same for Green lantern, AL88 or Royal Chimp, so long these fellas didn't cross my path, I would not attack them. Did you see me going around bombarding decent folks without valid reason? Moreover, why should I waste my time on them? I got better things to do.

Last but not least, I suggest you stop wasting time being a hero of these scumbags. Spend your time to be a good contributor of this forum. Am sure many samsters would respect and be grateful for your contribution.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post

In terms of who is more sinister in doing things to harm samsters in real life and virtually, including dragging someone else's employer into the picture to win a cyberwar, you, Max, are the absolute worst. Period.

And then continuing to threaten to reveal personal details about other samsters, just so you can silence detractors, no one beats you in this area. Albeit, you doing it more subtly now, it's the same, your usual fear mongering to scare people into silence. You are the epitome of a scumbag.

Amazed how you can refuse to admit this??

And can there be anyone who barks, shits or farts more than you? Oh wait, there is, think everyone should be reminded of thegreenlantern and gang. Anyone finds the below familiar?

Now max, I have a question for you, what is your opinion of the master behind royal.chimp, thegreenlantern, king.cobra and alejandro88?
If you refuse to answer this question honestly, it will show you are hiding something

What would you think should be the fate of the master of these sinister characters, since you accuse comm and korean of being sinister? He is clearly more sinister than anyone here by using multiple clones to attack and play with the identities of other samsters. Not only is there evidence in the forum, I have PM evidence that alejandro88 and thegreenlantern did pm me with regard to other samsters identities etc! Since you like talking about clones, what do you think should be done to the master of these characters?

Because you strangely have never commented about any of these characters, who are the absolute and talking about "masturbating", got to check this post out below for the ultimate masturbatory post!
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Last edited by max_priest; 25-01-2017 at 11:24 PM.
Old 25-01-2017, 11:35 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Well, very simple, if one does not cross my path, I wouldn't retaliate. Am sure you have witnessed it. As such, unless you're a numbskull, am certain you do not need me to waste my precious time to reiterate all over again ....

Why do I attacked Korean? He started off first! I told Headon & him nicely to stop TCSS in the FR threads but instead of stopping his nonsense, he went on to attack me. I was glad that Headon is a very understanding samster who faded away quietly. I respect him for that. Who give a damn to which GL whores Korean KC and which GL whore he eventually walked the aisle with?? Korean is one who does not know when to stop his TCSS and his TCSS gotten more intense each day, which deterred the rest of the genuine samsters from participating without qualms.

Same for that Comm fella as well as Baotohk and yourself! If you wanna have a cyberwar with me, be my guest once I have more time. This time don't blame me for being ruthless. You are one who does not know how to mind your own fucking business. You asked for it!

Remember! I do not start a war till someone started it first. Years ago, I stopped that fella from using clones to spread and post fake + malicious FRs on an ex whore of L1809 that she has STD. The pitiful whore livelihood was badly affected because of these false FRs. And, this particular whore was once my regular as well, hence, I felt obligated to lend her a helping her out of goodwill. I didn't pursue further after this fella came out to apologize to me openly like a real man.

Dasha the clown was another fella who crossed my path and I have to stopped him. I was glad that I have made him mentally deranged and therefore, SBF banned him ultimately.

Same for Green lantern, AL88 or Royal Chimp, so long these fellas didn't cross my path, I would not attack them. Did you see me going around bombarding decent folks without valid reason? Moreover, why should I waste my time on them? I got better things to do.

Last but not least, I suggest you stop wasting time being a hero of these scumbags. Spend your time to be a good contributor of this forum. Am sure many samsters would respect and be grateful for your contribution.
U say you don't bother with people who don't "cross your path". Why then did you accuse me of having a clone in federer?

1) What did the federer episode have to do with you? Don't you, as you said "got better things to do'? Why did you go in with guns blazing on that issue - accusing me of federer as my clone? Why was that of interest to you, since I had never "cross your path" before that? al88, TGL, R.C, you never bothered with them. Then why for me, you jumped in with accusations? Why was I of interest to you, and not alejandro88, thegreenlantern, royal.chimp and king.cobra? Why didn't you, in your own words, just "mind your own fucking business"?

2) Again, in your own words, since you say one should "mind your own fucking business", why did you recently then come about questioning my taste etc. What did it have to do with you? Isn't this you yourself deciding to get into my way? Did I start this first, or did you start it?

3) You have not answered a question - and that is - what is your opinion of the master behind royal.chimp, thegreenlantern, king.cobra and alejandro88? and what do you think you should be done to the person behind those characters?

These questions are very simple and straightforward. They are not meant to start any war. But just to get some closure on certain things.

Given your "seniority" in this forum, am sure you can answer them in an honest, intelligent and straightforward manner without resorting to malicious threats, etc.

Just answer the 3 questions as honestly and sincerely as you can, and I shan't question you further. Not too difficult of a request, right?

If you don't know what to say, let me help you.

Simply say this: I'm sorry BronzeGod, I shouldn't have accused you of having Federer as a clone or accusing you of clones when you did not "cross my path" back then. I also shouldn't have jumped into question your taste recently when you did not "cross my path". These are my mistakes.

Not too difficult right? Will you lose something by admitting it? Say it and be done with it. You know you "crossed my path" (as you like to put it) first in both instances, come on. Be a man, admit it, and we can all move on.

How comm, korean or baotohk want to deal with you. I leave it up to them. But I'll stay out of it if you apologise nicely.

Last edited by BronzeGod; 26-01-2017 at 07:22 PM.
Old 26-01-2017, 01:28 AM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
If you are not hard up for points, you don't have to resort to exchange points so desperately in those Point Exchange Threads ... If you are not hard up for points, you wouldn't whine like a kiddo each time when you were being zapped. Do you need me to dig up your previous posts on how u whined and cried like a immature kiddo?

You count yourself lucky that there are many point exchange threads around to sustain your miserable points. A decade ago, samsters earned their points thru hard work.

Since day one, I already knew u cannot be trusted and hence, I didn't wanna share lobang with you when u PMed me for HC details.

U are lucky that these days I don't have much time to ridicule scumbag like you!

This kinda mundane stuff you do not even dare to admit as a real man in the virtual world, I really wonder what kinda character you possess in the real world. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
You really enjoy talking to the link please

Everyone knows who and what you are? Calling names and giving unsubstantiated claims are your only strength....

Getting sleepy and bored reading your repeated post with same content. Can you come out with something new ?
***Speak the truth and only the truth can set you free.***
Old 26-01-2017, 04:31 AM
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Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
You really enjoy talking to the link please

Everyone knows who and what you are? Calling names and giving unsubstantiated claims are your only strength....

Getting sleepy and bored reading your repeated post with same content. Can you come out with something new ?
Lol, everyone know she is just an ant. No big deal to step n cross her path whenever she appeared in front of me. She is my shifu of tcss as she has many clones tcss more than anyone else. I gotta reconsider to have her as my shifu as she is So weak that she gotta kept hiding n dare not answer our questions.
Old 26-01-2017, 10:13 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by korean View Post
Lol, everyone know she is just an ant. No big deal to step n cross her path whenever she appeared in front of me. She is my shifu of tcss as she has many clones tcss more than anyone else. I gotta reconsider to have her as my shifu as she is So weak that she gotta kept hiding n dare not answer our questions.
We just have to wait. Such tuakang cannot remain out of attention for long as they have the urge to come out and bullshit.

Just wait for his "handsome" story about his passionate tryst
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Old 26-01-2017, 02:24 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
U say you don't bother with people who don't "cross your path". Why then did you accuse me of having a clone in federer?

1) What did the federer episode have to do with you? Don't you, as you said "got better things to do'? Why did you go in with guns blazing on that issue - accusing me of federer as my clone? Why was that of interest to you, since I had never "cross your path" before that? al88, TGL, R.C, you never bothered with them. Then why for me, you jumped in with accusations? Why was I of interest to you, and not alejandro88, thegreenlantern, royal.chimp and king.cobra? Why didn't you, in your own words, just "mind your own fucking business"?

2) Again, in your own words, since you say one should "mind your own fucking business", why did you recently then come about questioning my taste etc. What did it have to do with you? Isn't this you yourself deciding to get into my way? Did I start this first, or did you start it?

3) You have not answered a question - and that is - what is your opinion of the master behind royal.chimp, thegreenlantern, king.cobra and alejandro88? and what do you think you should be done to the person behind those characters?

These questions are very simple and straightforward. They are not meant to start any war. But just to get some closure on certain things.

Given your "seniority" in this forum, am sure you can answer them in an honest, intelligent and straightforward manner without resorting to malicious threats, etc.

Just answer the 3 questions as honestly and sincerely as you can, and I shan't question you further. Not too difficult of a request, right?

If you don't know what to say, let me help you.

Simply say this: I'm sorry BronzeGod, I shouldn't have accused you of having Federer as a clone or accusing you of clones when you did not "cross my path" back then. I also shouldn't have jumped into question your taste recently when you did not "cross my path". These are my mistakes.

Not too difficult right? Will you lose something by admitting it? Say it and be done with it. You know you crossed my path first in both instances, come on. Be a man, admit it, and we can all move on.

How comm, korean or baotohk want to deal with you. I leave it up to them. But I'll stay out of it if you apologise nicely.
WTF....why must involve me in this shit again? You both should apologise to me repeatedly and openly for the unforgivable mistake that you both make!!!! You dare to make that statement!

BG, that your apology was not even sincere!!! Nowadays u talk so much cock!!! Getting more and more daring as u think u have backing behind u! Get a life outside SBF!

Now GL is many useless posts! Can close down all threads in legal scene then peace will be restored!
Old 26-01-2017, 02:40 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
WTF....why must involve me in this shit again? You both should apologise to me repeatedly and openly for the unforgivable mistake that you both make!!!! You dare to make that statement!

BG, that your apology was not even sincere!!! Nowadays u talk so much cock!!! Getting more and more daring as u think u have backing behind u! Get a life outside SBF!

Now GL is many useless posts! Can close down all threads in legal scene then peace will be restored!
How am I more and more "daring"? Not involving you but going on max's line of thinking of who "cross" whose "path" first.

No need to worry yourself

I'm just asking for an apology just like you did long time ago. How does this make me "more daring"?

It's not a new request. I've asked max for it a long time ago with regard to accusing me of having you as a clone.

I'm just repeating an old request.

For example, when you asked me to apologise, I did so and I admitted my own mistake of calling you a clone.

My recent post does not change the apology I gave you back. I did say I was wrong for calling you a clone.

However, max has not apologized for his accusation that you were my clone - going by his logic of how he don't disturb those that don't "cross my path" first, he shouldn't have made such accusations. And indeed puzzling why he was interested in doing so, whilst leaving others like alejandro88, thegreenlantern, royal.chimp and King.cobra to spam the threads all over the place...?

But for me, he came in guns blazing to accuse me that I had clones.

I find thats not right, not fair, and also not in line with his reasoning that he don't disturb those that don't "cross my path"

Last edited by BronzeGod; 26-01-2017 at 07:30 PM.
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