Look for her if u really need a pro body massage to relieve bodyache and is a boobs lover.
Most of the Syt MLs provides only sensual or piano massage within 40mins thats why i like to look for MILF MLs with big (.) (.) occassionally.
have u tried Ying Ying before? the milf with the sex chair toy and also offer nuru?
if yes, how is Lisa vs Ying Ying?
I'm contemplating betw the 2 with my limited paycheck...
have u tried Ying Ying before? the milf with the sex chair toy and also offer nuru?
if yes, how is Lisa vs Ying Ying?
I'm contemplating betw the 2 with my limited paycheck...
U can see my thread for Lisa review
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have u tried Ying Ying before? the milf with the sex chair toy and also offer nuru?
if yes, how is Lisa vs Ying Ying?
I'm contemplating betw the 2 with my limited paycheck...
Not yet but YY looks good with many positive reviews. Will give her a try if i'm looking for sensual/nuru massage. Tried nuru before but session ended within 45 mins and can't have a good feel of the boobs and body as it was too slippery. Sometimes it depends on their availability as well as i tried to message Chen Chen but no reply from her.
Yang Yang and Lisa should be more comparable given that both are MILF with pro massage. Will visit a syt ML for my next visit to make me feel younger again.
have u tried Ying Ying before? the milf with the sex chair toy and also offer nuru?
if yes, how is Lisa vs Ying Ying?
I'm contemplating betw the 2 with my limited paycheck...
Tried Ying Ying before. The room was quite dark so cannot see clearly and she had mask on, so face lao chio or not is not important in this sense 😅 More impt is the figure quite nice and the nuru was quite shiok, more than a handful of C to D boobs, non saggy cos is fake, but nice feel, can feel her pubic hair rubbing against my body while she rides on my tummy in front of mirror. 4G roaming, can rub her pussy until juices come out 😋
In and out within 40 minutes plus, a bit disappointed that the session so short. 40 minutes plus includes my bathing twice, her bathing and washing of the nuru bed, somemore the clock in her room is 7 to 10 minutes faster than the time on my phone, so it created the impression that my session was 50 minutes when it is actually 40 minutes plus. But ok la, short and intense session.
Unsurprisingly, An Xin hopped onto the $120 bandwagon. This is not going to be a popular post but for the benefit of those unaware, this is her 3rd stint. Previous round $110 no BJ. Her initial stint $110 with BJ. So newbies, be mindful you are paying $120 now and getting less. Just saying.