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Old 07-02-2010, 09:29 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Hahaha Bro WB,

Does this means that there will be more conquests stories from you during these 2-3 weeks?
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Hi bro besafe,

No no no, I'll not be looking for any new gals for quite a while.


Bro WB
Old 08-02-2010, 11:18 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning to all esteemed samsters!

Another day, another Sing dollar? It's more like another day, another dollar less! Hehehe.

BTW, I hv my own QQ space n MSN n I try to ask all the PRC MMs to add me. The info at my disposal r very useful as the gals will unknowingly reveal a lot abt themselves, wat make them tick n their daily activities...知彼知己,百战不殆, hahaha.

With the click of a button, I know when a certain person is online n for how long. I sometimes even send some confusing msg to "play" w/ them.

Recently, my first BAO-ee XW added me to her MSN. I now know that she hates men n doesn't trust any men, excepting perhaps her dad, her grandpa n her younger bro. On her profile "About Me" she wrote: 宁可相信世上有鬼,也不相信男人那张破嘴。

Yesterday KK wrote a msg on my QQ space: "i in china, i miss you." Her 心情: 希望今年一切都在 自己的计划中实现...I wonder if I'm part of her plan.

I hv also learned a lesson the hard way in the past one yr. IMHO, when dealing w/ any gal u must never, ever appear needy n clingy even if she is ur dream gal. That type of behaviour is repulsive to all gals, non-WLs n WLs n everyone in between.

Just yesterday, a KTV gal rejected the offer of money from a young, handsome n highly educated bro PK, who merely wanted to hv dinner n spending some time w/ her in a K Box. Why? I presume that he came on too strong on her right from the beginning! Earlier, she had accepted booking from me, a complete stranger as I hv never met her, but upon hearing that it would be PK who would actually meet up w/ her, she changed her mind! Subsequently she would not take any calls from me. She had not answered PK's calls or text msg for wks.

Therefore, u must always be dominant n behave like a "hard to get man." Turn the table n let her pursue YOU! I'll expand on this idea later.

I met up w/ CD yesterday afternoon...I shall not reveal too much except that KK is far better in many ways...

Early this AM, CD sent me a msg saying that she is going to the National library to study...n thank me for giving her more time to study!!?

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB
Old 08-02-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi All bros,

May i side track to other countries like vn?

i went to vn around nov last year. call up a girl who work here in sg in one of the ktv. she comes and company me almost every night. i only ask her to leave me cos i got other special activities.

then now i back in sg liao. she also comes here to work in the ktv. she auto sms me. then she pop me the question. she wants to be my girlfriend.

and the words goes. she dont allow me to touch other girls in the same ktv she work in. she jealous and angry when i go there touch other girls before she comes back. she also says that she will be lying if she did not get angry and jealous when she hear i touch other gals at the ktv. she also says if i like her alot and she be with other guys, how i feel etc...

even i tell her that i am not working now(bluff her), so no money to give her. she still allright with me, never ask me for money. at vn, she did call me that she miss me. i ask her when she coming back. she told me she saving enough to take airplane. but she again did not ask money from me.

now is the problem, is she playing with me?or put small bait hook big fish?

please if this question does not interest u, please dont flame or zap me.
Old 08-02-2010, 01:13 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

Be it QQ or MSN, watever they posted there! They are all fake and trust me that those PRC MMs have min. 02 of each such account, 1 is to entertain potential robert, the other is to act nice, demure and to please whoever they think will go long term and have a "future" with them.

I have personally witness this from my Ex-Singer Gal, and trust me that they are actually many Towkay willing to BAOed (Big Bun) them for about 4K, and yesh, each gal min have 2 sugar daddy. (Exclude me, only food I paid)

You can check from their space and profile and decor ..etc. you will be able to spot such great dif. Anyway market is difficult even for a pro-swimmer ahead.

Hopefully, can catch up soon ya.

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Old 08-02-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I hv also learned a lesson the hard way in the past one yr. IMHO, when dealing w/ any gal u must never, ever appear needy n clingy even if she is ur dream gal. That type of behaviour is repulsive to all gals, non-WLs n WLs n everyone in between.

Therefore, u must always be dominant n behave like a "hard to get man." Turn the table n let her pursue YOU! I'll expand on this idea later.
Bro WB, BINGO! That's the way to deal with gals. The more you show too-much interest on her, the more she "tarik harga". So the best is to compliment her and be indifferent towards her. This tactic works fine for me. Just last week, a fresh, slim and pretty student offered to be my gal-friend - without any agreement on terms and conditions. She is now following up on me. I have yet to respond to her.

Be it QQ or MSN, watever they posted there! They are all fake and trust me that those PRC MMs have min. 02 of each such account, 1 is to entertain potential robert, the other is to act nice, demure and to please whoever they think will go long term and have a "future" with them.
Bro OL, you are right on the spot on the nets. They are all bullshits. The gals used the means to act a new or opposite character of themselves (told by many gals, PRC and local). Because it is fun for them to be hide behind the screen and write and say whatever they like. Many of them is actually "fishing for a big fish". I wouldn't say it is 100% but a large majority.

When will both of you return from retirement?
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Old 08-02-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I met up w/ CD yesterday afternoon...I shall not reveal too much except that KK is far better in many ways...
Bro WB
Devour her brother ! Devour her !!!! Grooowl !
Old 08-02-2010, 06:12 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Never expected this thread to b sooo long lasting...always 1 of the few threads i drop by evryday to read...hope all u bros r having great times with all the hapless prc gals...
Old 09-02-2010, 11:08 AM
warbird warbird is offline
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

What a great day!!

My sincerest gratitude to all esteemed bros who hv contributed to this thread. I hv personally learned a great deal from the cross-pollination of ideas n strategies. They r what make me tick! Life has been most blissful. Ths again!

I'm working hard to improve myself, in every way, every hr, every day...

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
Hi All bros,

May i side track to other countries like vn?
.................................................. .........................................
now is the problem, is she playing with me?or put small bait hook big fish?

please if this question does not interest u, please dont flame or zap me.
Hi bro skyfree,

I hv no experience w/ VN gals. Perhaps ur gal is really in love w/ u. Many of my frens believe that VN gals r more human, more sincere n less mercenary compare to PRC MMs.

Originally Posted by Oceanlee View Post
Be it QQ or MSN, watever they posted there! They are all fake and trust me that those PRC MMs have min. 02 of each such account, 1 is to entertain potential robert, the other is to act nice, demure and to please whoever they think will go long term and have a "future" with them.

I have personally witness this from my Ex-Singer Gal, and trust me that they are actually many Towkay willing to BAOed (Big Bun) them for about 4K, and yesh, each gal min have 2 sugar daddy. (Exclude me, only food I paid)

You can check from their space and profile and decor ..etc. you will be able to spot such great dif. Anyway market is difficult even for a pro-swimmer ahead......
Hi bro OL,

Ths for ur valuable insight.

Could u elaborate on "market is difficult even for a pro-swimmer ahead." ? By "market" do u mean the KTV business or the STI? Is a "pro-swimmer" a KTV gal or an equity investor?


Originally Posted by marc5 View Post
Bro WB, BINGO! That's the way to deal with gals. The more you show too-much interest on her, the more she "tarik harga". So the best is to compliment her and be indifferent towards her. This tactic works fine for me. Just last week, a fresh, slim and pretty student offered to be my gal-friend - without any agreement on terms and conditions. She is now following up on me. I have yet to respond to her.

Bro OL, you are right on the spot on the nets. They are all bullshits. The gals used the means to act a new or opposite character of themselves (told by many gals, PRC and local). Because it is fun for them to be hide behind the screen and write and say whatever they like. Many of them is actually "fishing for a big fish". I wouldn't say it is 100% but a large majority.

When will both of you return from retirement?
Hi bro marc5,

You hv just revealed a bit of ur trade secrets, hehehe. Of course u hv gravitas n high status as ur foundation.

All gals r attracted to "hard to get men" just like men r attracted to "hard to get gals."

If a gal gets sticky, it's suffocating n I run fast...I hv BAO-ed my "niece" BB for 3 1/2 wks, but I hv seen her only several times bcos I hv spent most of my time w/ KK. I even encouraged BB to work everyday! She has been sending me SMSes 10 times a day...she has cooked herbal soup for me, etc. What a pity! Actually, she is a chio SYT w/ very nice pussy n is easily orgasmic. I just told her yesterday I was too busy to continue my patronage...

I like to emulate u bcos I also get bored w/ most gals after 2 wks. I hope u could reveal more of ur strategies. After u meet the gal, do u follow up w/ a dinner date a few days later? How do u proceed?

I'm available this wk for KTV outings. I would avoid DC for now as my "niece" usually works there.


Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Devour her brother ! Devour her !!!! Grooowl !
Hi bro besafe,

Are u referring to CD? I'm not sure who is devouring whom. I only licked her...but she devoured mine.

She is quite a looker but her pussy is not as pretty as KK's or BB's.


Originally Posted by Fishcer View Post
Never expected this thread to b sooo long lasting...always 1 of the few threads i drop by evryday to read...hope all u bros r having great times with all the hapless prc gals...
Hi bro fishcer,

This thread is still around bcos of participation by so many esteemed bros such as u, marc5, besafe, LDH, etc.

These PRC gals r "hapless"? Not really true. I play fair w/ them n pay them well...

Old 09-02-2010, 08:16 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I like to emulate u bcos I also get bored w/ most gals after 2 wks.
Dear Bro,
Wat happened to them when you are done with BYing?
Old 10-02-2010, 11:04 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Dear Bro,
Wat happened to them when you are done with BYing?
Dear bro besafe,

Wat will happen to them? They will return to 上班 n will do just fine w/o me, despite their BS of profound sadness, missing me, financial woes n having to work very hard, etc.

I hv always made the parting as amicable as possible...n I'm still in ctc w/ most of them. Why? Bcos after 2-3 months, I may want their pussies again.

All the gals knew that I came from Gotham country n my BY-ing would be short-term to medium-term. Being from Gotham is intriguing to them - that is a small advantage. But short-term BY-ing is a very big disadvantage.

I hv never paid anything to any gals while I was in Gotham City, although several had asked for it. The only gal I may consider is KK.


Bro WB

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Yesterday, I spoke the gal who was my companion for several days in HK in Jan. She was back in a rural small town w/ her parents in Hunan. Her mom wanted her to get married very soon bcos she was already 23. She had several suitors. I congratulated her, but she felt very sad bcos she would be condemned to living a mundane life in a small town forever...n she missed me. She asked me to keep her in ZH or XM for at least couple of yrs before her marriage! I told her I would try my best...

Now I know why there r so many angry young men in China.

BTW, I went to LV SH w/ bros Luida, M n two new bros. They were all happy w/ their gals. Bro M came late n didn't pick any gal.

CD was w/ me. She commented that high-end KTVs in SH charge more than LV n customers there were all well-heeled businessmen or high officials. I told her KTVs in Macau were much cheaper. She also told me that tall gals over 168 were coveted in China n their fees were higher than shorter gals'. She looked around n said that SIN men apparently prefer shorter gals n all the short gals came to work in SIN.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!

Bro WB
Old 11-02-2010, 11:18 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I'm convinced that most men suffer from "nice guy syndrome" n that is THE No.1 reason they fail or hv poor RS w/ women, non-WLs n WLs alike.

If u r perceived as a nice guy, WLs will try to squeeze u dry...whereas u will fail to attract non-WLs in the first place. I'm only talking abt very chio WLs n non-WLs here. A nice guy is boring n repulsive to very attractive gals/women.

Most gals/women may consciously want to hv a nice guy as BF but they r subconsciously attracted to certain traits n behaviours of a "bad Boy," hehehe.

We should adopt certain traits of the "bad boy" which attract women n leave out the nasty parts that make him a complete "jerk."

I think a man must be ruthlessly dominant, project high status in his body language, be supremely confident, unpredictable n mysterious, be a "hard to get man" n behave like he is the "PRIZE."

Be a naughty, playful n daring "bad boy" who is unemotional, independent, who doesn't play by the rules n who knows how to challenge, tease, even insult n bust up n connect-disconnect w/ women. If he only connects w/ women, he is a boring, predictable nice guy. Women crave sexual tension n intense emotional experiences. So give them what they crave! Last but not least, he should be a sexual master who is able to give COS to women...

I welcome comments n dissenting views from esteemed bros here. If anyone knows a better way to attract n keep women, pls detail it here. Ths a lot!


Bro WB
Old 12-02-2010, 10:34 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Another auspicious day!

Wow! CNY is around the corner. Just hope that my singularly lucky streak will continue in the Year of Tiger! Hahaha.

Last nite went to a small joint w/ some old frens. Slim pickings. At 915PM was ready to leave, but a fren said, go take a look at the singers. There were 12 of them all sitting down (the HFJ has over 20 singers). One attractive n tall gal caught my attention. Asked her to sit w/ me.

She was NK, just turned 20, from northern China, 171 w/o shoes, 54 kg w/ the right curves n fair skin. My type of pussy. Arrived only 4 days ago. Her singing was mediocre n w/ the weak economy, the only way she could survive was to find a patron, I actually told her that.

Too bad my time is very constrained n I'll be leaving for Gotham soon. I told her I recently took care of a singer from LV (I didn't say only for 2 wks). I said I paid X amt a wk plus buying some sessions. She nodded her head. Then I told her how little time I had in SIN n asked for the damage if she could spend a few hrs w/ me. Just hv dinner n chit chat, she asked innocently. I smiled n said, c'mon, must make love too, I'm no 太监 (eunuch). She was a bit stunned n speechless...I said, think abt it n let me know. I gave her a small tip n left around 950PM. Later she sent me a text inquiring if I had arrived home. I replied, yes, goodnite n she said goodnite n rest well. She looks good on the outside, but I'm not sure how she will look when naked...

There r occasional chio n tall gals in small joints, hehehe.


Bro WB
Old 12-02-2010, 11:29 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Another auspicious day!


She was NK, just turned 20, from northern China, 171 w/o shoes, 54 kg w/ the right curves n fair skin. My type of pussy. Arrived only 4 days ago. Her singing was mediocre n w/ the weak economy, the only way she could survive was to find a patron, I actually told her that.

Too bad my time is very constrained n I'll be leaving for Gotham soon. I told her I recently took care of a singer from LV (I didn't say only for 2 wks). I said I paid X amt a wk plus buying some sessions. She nodded her head. Then I told her how little time I had in SIN n asked for the damage if she could spend a few hrs w/ me. Just hv dinner n chit chat, she asked innocently. I smiled n said, c'mon, must make love too, I'm no 太监 (eunuch). She was a bit stunned n speechless...I said, think abt it n let me know. I gave her a small tip n left around 950PM. Later she sent me a text inquiring if I had arrived home. I replied, yes, goodnite n she said goodnite n rest well. She looks good on the outside, but I'm not sure how she will look when naked...

There r occasional chio n tall gals in small joints, hehehe.


Bro WB
Lol....datz how u shld do it...cast ur net further out, u'll nvr know wat rough diamonds u can uncover who r waitg 4 u 2 polish
Old 12-02-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro besafe,
No no no, I'll not be looking for any new gals for quite a while
Bro WB
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Another auspicious day!
I said I paid X amt a wk plus buying some sessions. She nodded her head. Then I told her how little time I had in SIN n asked for the damage if she could spend a few hrs w/ me. Just hv dinner n chit chat, she asked innocently. I smiled n said, c'mon, must make love too, I'm no 太监 (eunuch). She was a bit stunned n speechless...I said, think abt it n let me know.

Bro WB
Wah Lau.... And you say you not looking out for new girls !!!!
You BIG BAD WOLF !!!!!!!
Old 12-02-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

bro warbird say its so true.... needy just turn people off and being a "bad boy" just appeal to many gals.

i am so sick of being a nice guy.

recently i went to bought "Myster Method" by Mystery. If you read the book called "the game", you will know Mystery is the teacher of the author.

like warbird, i am also a student but just starting out...

reading the thread is always helpful and useful. thanks!!
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