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Old 25-05-2011, 11:23 AM
nightstalker123 nightstalker123 is offline
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Re: L20h36g3 - a

Quite hard for U to get out of Moderation (-53pts) - also another 35 pts to get power of 6. U got power before, what happened? Moderator / Sammyboyfor punish U for using foul language ? Maybe U should use a new nick and start fresh - easier. PM me (in future) if U want me to up Ur new nick. Cheers.[/QUOTE]

Yeah few years back i scolded some guy(i think he is admin or whatever) changed positive to negative, but its ok. doesnt really care about point system. lol even got zapped for this FR. anyway last sentence to all bros here "Highly Recommend G3"
those who upped me, pls leave ur nick so i can return favour
Old 25-05-2011, 02:40 PM
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Re: L20h36g3 - A

Originally Posted by nightstalker123 View Post
...use a new nick and start fresh - easier. PM me .. if U want me to up Ur new nick. Kalv ...

..few years... scolded . admin or whatever..changed positive to negative... even got zapped for this FR. anyway last sentence to all bros here "Highly Recommend G3"
My advice is always be careful, sensitive and accurate in posts - do not use foul languages, do not flame, offend. Pitiful, even got zap for this FR! Do Not Up Him (As per his revised signature). Probably his last post using this nick. Wish him all the best. Cheers.
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Old 25-05-2011, 06:14 PM
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Re: L20H36G99 - Tok

Originally Posted by TKking
..G99.....Man-made boobs .. rock hard ...Looks: 9/10 ... slutty dao look ...BBBJ: 7.5/10 ......FJ: 7.5/10 ..GFE: 7.5/10 ...
Originally Posted by Kalv View Post
..Nice FR for G99 - 2nd so far. ...Will up U in future as promised - give a new post in 2 days time....
Just up U. U will need another 6 pts to get power of 1. Good Luck. .
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Old 26-05-2011, 05:47 AM
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Re: L20h36g3 - A

Originally Posted by Kalv View Post
My advice is always be careful, sensitive and accurate in posts - do not use foul languages, do not flame, offend. Pitiful, even got zap for this FR! Do Not Up Him (As per his revised signature). Probably his last post using this nick. Wish him all the best. Cheers.
"nightstalker123" now -40 (up +16!!) inspite of last signature not to up him. Many nice/helpful Samsters here - very good. However difficult to hope for +35 - power of 6 is tempting. Suggest U (nightstalker123) click on "UserCP" to view detail/thank those who up U - also to request for help in new, if U so wish. Will up U based on Ur wish. PM me. Cheers.
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Old 26-05-2011, 01:03 PM
nightstalker123 nightstalker123 is offline
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Re: L20h36g3 - A

Originally Posted by Kalv View Post
"nightstalker123" now -40 (up +16!!) inspite of last signature not to up him. Many nice/helpful Samsters here - very good. However difficult to hope for +35 - power of 6 is tempting. Suggest U (nightstalker123) click on "UserCP" to view detail/thank those who up U - also to request for help in new, if U so wish. Will up U based on Ur wish. PM me. Cheers.
Yeah, thanks for bro who upped me. for those who leave their nick. i will try to get my power point back and return flavour in future, might take months to gain back my power point. be patient thanks for those who upped me.
those who upped me, pls leave ur nick so i can return favour
Old 26-05-2011, 08:34 PM
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

Today went to H36 around 1.45pm, not yet open,but saw 3bros standby e main gate, so I just follow them waiting and smoke there. 2pm door open then went in for toilet 1st. After come out, u see what, full house at e counter n fish tank area. Asked for G82, working now for 3sessions, then for G88, also booked for 1session. WTF, no choice, for short time waiting, booked G88 advance n sit there wait for my turn. After half hr sit, finally in e rm around 2.40pm. This is my 2nd time F G88, nothing to say, all e best thing for u.

Name: G88 - forgot ask name both my 2 visit
Looks: 8.5/10
Body: 8/10
Pussy: trimed w/o smell
Language: good Chinese talking
Height: 155
Weight: 40kg
Boobs: natural soft A w pink small nipple
BBBJ: 9/10
BJ: 10/10
Kiss: light kiss
GFE: good
RTF: yes
Old 27-05-2011, 12:04 AM
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

wow thanks to those who upped me, didnt expect my point +75points within few days. will return all my flavour to all once i get back my power points, may i know who is Ah Yong(Okt)? is he the okt from L20H36? because i got many people upped me and all of them are requested by ah yong. Lastly thank you.

Really appreciate it.
those who upped me, pls leave ur nick so i can return favour
Old 27-05-2011, 01:30 AM
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

Sorry for the late fr, went here few weeks ago took g19...great experience.. I thot she was pregnant when i saw milk coming out of boobs , bt rest assure she is not, she always hv this after her period..rtf yes but i wana try g99..
Old 27-05-2011, 06:12 AM
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L20H36 - Ah Yong

Originally Posted by nightstalker123 View Post
.. thanks .. upped me, ..point +75points ..will return ..favour ... Ah Yong(Okt)? is he the okt from L20H36?... many people upped ... requested by ah yong...
Good, happy for U. Only need 11 more pts to get power of 6. Will a few kind seniors up him so that he can return favours to all. Indeed a miracle. - probably the first time. Normally quite difficult to recover when punished by Moderator/Sammyboyfor.

Ah Yong is the owner of L20H36. U can just thank him via SBF. Very nice of him to help out. He has done a great job in L20H36 which is probably the best CAT50 Thai house in Geylang. I do not know him or have any connection with him - my visits to L20H36 100% cash.

Ah Yong (if reading), do tone down - not be to hash on the WLs. Services may suffer otherwise. G7 was sent back after only 1 month. Her services was excellent - though a bit rebellious. WLs not happy: NO off days, medical paid by WLs ($100 each time?), Ah Yong - not compassionate/too strict/no freedom, think of family. Eg G68 (Lek) - reprimanded because of complain in SBF; father/mother miss her (no bros/sis), complain bottom pain because business too good (19 customer /day!!). Want to go home in 2 months time (true?) - only 4 months in Singapore. Hope feedback can be of some use to U. Wish U well. I love to help/promote good/deserving houses/WLs.

"tomyamramee" did U up me yesterday? Do leave Ur nick. Good that U got power. Power will increase by 1 every anniversary. Happy for U. Keep it up. Cheers.
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Old 27-05-2011, 10:17 AM
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

My third time in this hse. second time patronize gal 19 on wednesday,25-05-11. Very bad impression of her nw. opted for one hr. she ask me y one mth nv come find her. face black black. jaccuzi bath tub bbbj aso face black black. touch her neh neh aso cannot. see her face black I tu lan. wore clothes and walked off. go downstair feedback to the okt bro wearing spec one. Boss ask g19 why? Then I heard frm okt g19 say I pinch her nipple. wth du lan touch aso nv touch say I pinch her. wasted my one hundred buck that day. first visit on g19 totally diff .

So angry that this gal can create story and cry wolf act innocent!

Btw I nv create story. just wan to share wif bros here my unhappy sexperience. however I wunt boycott this hse as still many gems.
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Old 27-05-2011, 04:32 PM
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

Been to this house 3 times...

1st time with 82
Enjoyable with good services, bbbj and cim allowed. I couldn't come even though she tried very hard, end with a fj... Twice... ;-)

2nd time with 19
Powerful bbbj with cim, good services... Came once with her powerful bbbj...

3rd time with 88 & 99
Bbbj given, too shiok cannot endure and cim...
She mention that it was the first time she done a cim and gave me a light slap on my ass...
Due to size problem she unable to fj with me so she ask if she can change to another girl for the second half of the session... I agreed to her request and the counter get 99 for me...
Bbbj & fj from 99... Man made boobs, a bit turn off for me but she make up with good service and looks...

88 is definitely one of the most pretty girl in the house...
81 also very pretty, may try her next...
Old 27-05-2011, 04:53 PM
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Smile Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

Just finish trying G82. Really nice Gal with C bar boob. Though it is enhance but nicely done. cause I using my iPhone to key in so it a bit short.
Straight to rating:
Age: 29
From: Bangkok
Face: 7/10
Boob: 7/10 front portion is soft but the inner portion is hard so it nice to grab and lick but when it press on yr body it kind of massaging effect if you know what I mean.
Pussy: 7/10 allow painting but no finger inside, outside is ok. Well trim and no smell.
Room: really the best i see in geylang so far with massage tub.
Attitude: 7/10 good but I am immune.
Rtf: No. Not because she not nice but targeting G3 cause saw her and she like my cup of tea.

Note: if you are small frame G82 might not be yr girl. She a medium / big frame type.

Will write more when I back home on my computer. Reporting live at gelyang lor 20
Upz me if you like my posting and FR:

Indon HS Thread:

FR (Total = 21)

Meow Meow Bro milf5554
G16 and G18 L20H38 Viet
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Old 28-05-2011, 11:03 AM
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G8; G19 - Poor Services

Originally Posted by lihaojunn View Post
G19 ...25-05-11.. Very bad impression .. one hr...ask ..y one mth nv .. find her. face black black...touch her neh neh .. cannot. . tu lan. wore clothes ..okt ..wearing spec one...heard frm okt g19 say I pinch her nipple....first visit on g19 totally diff ....
Originally Posted by todae View Post
G8 super fcuk up.... alttude.. cannot touch pussy cannot touch nipple.. then shout at me fxxk u and crazy boy.... super dulan.. ..
Always complain to OKT first after session - to confirm genuine. Post here, after, with more detail to inform/warn others. Also for Owner/OKT (if reading) to improve services.

G8 has many negative FRs - only take her if she smile at U!! G19 standard seems to have dropped - probably not happy U visit other WLs. Anyway wrong of her to show black face and provide poor services. Ah Yong/OKTs (if reading) - hope U treasure the feedbacks for impovements for better business. Good weekend to all. Cheers.
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Old 28-05-2011, 11:38 AM
mista711 mista711 is offline
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

Kalv you probably means visiting other WL in the same house?..because i got the exact same experience from H36.. i wont reveal the girl number however she was sick on the day i came H36 therefore decided to tried out G82..thats when all the trouble starts...hahaha
Old 28-05-2011, 10:31 PM
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Re: Lorong 20 House 36 new opening

When there around 7+ in the tank couple of girls in the tank .Had G29 in mind but she wasnt working today. Saw G82 sitting very tempting.G81 wasnt as hot as imagine under the fish tank light.Her nose looks very suspicious though.

Saw my fuck buddy about to sit beside G82.Die worst possible timing. She immediately did a "stage-walk out" out of reluctance decided to pick kc-ed!
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