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Re: My neighbour
Great writer.. Great suspense!!
Re: My neighbour
The following week was a busy one for me as several work issues came up. I did not have much time for interaction with April and her grandma except for the courtesy nod when we pass each other at the void deck or when we see each other in the lift.
Several times, I was tempted to drop by and ask how was the plumbing but I would risk being overly helpful. I bump into April a couple of times during my evening jog but we both kept our distance, I only remembered one particular evening where I saw her in a bright pink singlet with her hair up in a high pony tail and a cap. I was drawn to her bright pink like a moth towards a bright light, jogging a decent distance behind her, keeping my breathing leveled and controlled as I ogled at her legs and bottoms. 19th November 2010 Friday. 8pm Having already gone one round around bedok reservoir, I was panting hard and was sorely tempted to just walk the rest of the way back to my place. Gone were the days where I could go for a full marathon and still have enough energy for a short session of volleyball at the beach. As I struggled along the neighbourhood road passing the first sheng siong supermart, i saw the cast of a long shadow coming up behind me before disappearing as I passed under the orange street light. I knew from the gait it was another jogger, and I kept to the left as anyone would have expected of slower traffic. Instead of a swift overtake, the fellow jogger drew up beside me and I did a double take when I realised it was April. Our eyes met for a second and suddenly my chest was pumped up and my back straightened as I struggled to maintain my pace. My lungs were screaming at me, begging me to just give up my ego and start panting like a dog but instead I tried to breath slowly with my nose and said ‘hi’ to April . James : Hey April : Hey. She looked at me for a moment before breaking the silence. April : You have any plans on Sunday afternoon ? I was having a sudden mix of feelings in my stomach and was feeling pretty good about a girl asking whether I’m free on a weekend. It’s been a while since I broke up with my ex and definitely a longer while since a stucked up girl had asked me out on a date. James : Yeah, are you asking me out ? The smug look of satisfactory on my face must have been too much for April to bear as she replied without breaking her breath with a toneless ‘no’ April : No. As the hawker I frequent drew up closer to us, I felt like and idoit for being ‘kay gan’ April : Mahmah wants to talk to you about the renovation. And like the driver of a bigger and faster sports car, April picked up her pace smoothly, leaving a trail of her sweet smelling sweat and perfume in her wake as I immediately slowed down my pace and suck in deep breaths of air that was now mixed with the smell of cooked food from the hawker centre. After my cooldown at the lobby I hung around and waited for April to return from her run. When I saw her walking back a little pass 9pm, she seemed surprised I was at the lift lobby. April : What are you doing ? James : Ermm. You did not tell me what time ? She laughed as she called the lift. I could see the drops of perspirations on her body as the rolled down her neck, collecting other tiny drops along the way before tumbling down her collarbone like an avalanche of erotic female hormones. I wonder how her sweat taste like. Her running top was soaked through and her black sports bra stood out clearly against her light grey top. I could feel the heat radiating from her body inside the small lift as we ascended. I asked again when we got to the 6th floor. James : Errmm so what time your mahmah wants to meet ? April : I’ll let you know again James. James : Ok. When the lift got to the 7th floor I decided to try my luck and took the stairs down to the 6th again. I got there just in time to hear the clank of the metal gate. I crept quietly towards April’s unit and saw that her running shoes were left on the shoe rack but her socks were not there. Feeling a little disappointed, I doubled back up for a shower. 20th November 2010 April did not get back to me about the meeting on Sunday afternoon. 21st November 2010 12pm sharp I brought along a sketchbook and some paint catalogues down to April’s house. The gate was opened and I could smell food being prepared. April was painting her nails in the living room and her eyes shot a look at me coupled with a frown. Even before she opened her mouth I knew what was coming. April : Need to be so kiasu or not ? She took a quick look at the clock before asking me to come back at 1pm. Her grandma heard the commotion and peeked out from the kitchen, gesturing me into the house. Grandma : Hello James, take a seat first ah. Lunch will be ready soon James : Eh auntie, no need la, it’s ok. I can just grab something downstairs. Grandma : It’s ok, go talk to April. Her head disappeared into the kitchen and I stood in the middle to the living room, feeling a little lost. April was shaking her bottle of nail polish and the matter in which she shook the bottle made my mind wander about her strength, intensity and rythem of shaking an extension of my own body. I wanted to take a seat but April is in the middle of the 3 seater, and there were magazines on one the single seater. She must have guessed my intention and she shifted her nail polishing stuff and made space for my on the other end of the sofa. I felt a little awkward and my eyes were begging my mind to just let it feast on April’s legs. April : Do you need a drink ? Go help yourself if you need one. James : Ermm, I’m suppose to be a guest leh, shouldn’t you get me one ? April’s back straightened and she replied. April : You want me to get you a drink ? James : I definitely would get you one if you are the one visiting. She hesitated for a moment before getting up and disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing a few seconds later with a glass of water. It’s as if she’s doing it on purpose as she deliberately dipped her thumb into the glass, letting the water lapped onto her finger due to the way she held the drink. It’s as if she did not realise there was a handle at the side of the cup. Setting the cup down, I saw the water sloshed up an additional cm or so, giving April’s thumb a good wash. She smiled and gave me a cute wink before getting back to her nails. April : Nah. Enjoy your drink James. If only she knew how eager I was to taste everything she touched.I would gladly lick every drop even if she had spit in it. I left the drink at it was and decided to help grandma set up the table for lunch. April joined me to bring the few simple dishes out to the dining table. I brought my drink to the table, intending to savour the water that was touched by April after dinner. James : Auntie, thanks ar, very paiseh leh. Grandma : No need paiseh, lai, help yourself. April started first and I was wrong when I thought she’s going for the first bite, instead, she made sure her grandma had a serving of each dish before helping herself to them. Throughout the meal, she kept reminding her grandma that to eat slowly, and to look out for bones, and to chew her food properly. That very instance she seemed like a nice caring girl, respectful to her elders. She would be perfect if she did not have the anal side of her personality. Then without warning, April suddenly choked on her food and started coughing, giving her chest a few quick taps. Grandma : Aiyoh, eat slowly. I immediately offered the glass of water by my side to her and she quickly took a few quick glups, swallowing her food properly. I felt blood rushing to my dick as I watched the movement of her throat as she swallowed mouthfuls of liquid. Her eyes were tearing a little due to the cough, fueling my imagination of a deep throat choking kind of CIM scenario. I felt April’s left hand suddenly clamp down on my right wrist as my chopstick tried to reach for a piece of Chai-po omelette. April : Where did you get that glass of water ? I smiled and gave her a cute wink before reaching for the piece of omelette. |
Re: My neighbour
Bei ta Han Liao. Keep it coming soon!
Re: My neighbour
cant wait for more. nice story
Re: My neighbour
waiting for more
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Re: My neighbour
April immediately got up and went to the kitchen and her grandma starting going on about eating slowly and to chew her food properly.
I avoided April’s eyes as she came back to the dining table. The lunch continued without further incident although I could feel April’s eye constantly staring at me. I helped to clear up the dishes and had wanted to do the washings but grandma insisted that I go to the living room. Grandma : You’re a guest James, leave this to us. I went to my sketch book and did some quick drawings and concept of my proposal for April’s place. I have no intention of doing anything too fanciful or expensive, my primary concerns is the lack of storage space which has resulted in quite a bit of clutter in the house which can be a hazard for grandma. I only had a quick look at their common bathroom the last time I was here and it needed a simple make over, definitely more elderly friendly features. As I doddled on my sketchbook, I can hear April complain a little too loudly about me to her grandma and I could hear her grandma laughing sporadically. Grandma was the first to emerge from the kitchen and she sat down with me while April finished up the rest of the washings. I did not waste time but briefly asked if they had anything in mind about the renovation. Grandma was simple, she just wanted some cupboards for the stuff that has grown into a clutter over the years, and probably a simple display for April’s childhood pictures and various trophies that she won. As for the bathroom, she mentioned that she is fine with the current ones but if I think it can be further improved, I can make the decision. I did some quick drawings and show grandma some catalogues and pictures to get a better idea of what she wanted. April joined us shortly and she just sat and kept awfully quiet throughout, making me a little uncomfortable with her eyes that never seemed to leave me. At the end of 30 mins, I was quiet sure of grandma’s likes and dislikes. James : Ok, I got a pretty good idea, let me work something out and get back to you ya. Grandma : Thanks ar James, so paiseh, need to trouble you. James : Not at all la Auntie, I should be the one that is paiseh. Trouble you to cook and all. April just sat back with her legs crossed listening to our exchange without a comment but I felt weird she had a smile on her face. James : Ok I better be going, thanks for lunch ar Auntie. Grandma : Eh Wait, still got April’s room. I felt my heart skip a beat and a sudden rush of blood to my manhood. The sudden rush of excitement and the realization that I get to work with April brought about mixed feelings. April got up and disappeared into the kitchen as grandma chatted a while longer with me. When April appeared moments later with a glass of water, for some strange reason, I had a raging erection. Grandma : Ok you all talk ar, I’m going to do the laundry. James : Orh. April did not sit opposite me but instead came over and sat by my side. She pushed the glass of water towards me and said in the softest, gentle voice I’ve ever heard her in. April : Finish this James. She was smiling sweetly at me yet I could see the twinkle of mischief and evil in her eyes as she patiently waited for me to reach for the glass. James : Wah lau, need to like that or not. You started it first mah, just a joke right… April crossed her legs, putting her right over left, letting her right feet dangle close to my right thigh. She rested her right elbow on her right thigh and her head followed, looking at me with her head tilted and resting in that position. She did not say a word but instead her eyes darted between the glass of water and my eyes. Her smile never left her face. April : come on, drink it and we can start discussing about my room. I lowered my volume considerably and apologized. James : Ok sorry la, buy you lunch next time ok. She reached for the glass and brought it close to my face, trying hard to stifle a laugh April : Drink it before things get worse James.... I decided to get it over and done with and gulped down that glass of water before handling the glass back to April. She set the cup aside and her smile seemed to widen considerably. I was secretly feeling a little erotic as my mind wandered about what did she do to that simple glass of water, when we started talking about her room, I felt elated that she did not shift herself away from my side and we remained in that position for the next hour. As we threw ideas and bounce suggestions of each other, I realised a trait of April that seemed to really stand out. Whenever I disagreed with one of her idea, she would start to scold me. Words and phrases like ‘idoit’ , ‘so stupid’, ‘don’t be silly’ , ‘are you mad’ were used frequently. However when I agreed with her and added a couple of compliments on her suggestions, she seems like a completely different person. I suspected she has some bipolar personality. I took a mental note of this trait and filed it away for future use. I needed to take some measurements before I can start working properly on the unit so I suggested coming back later in the evening as I have a coffee session with the boys. April said she will be out too but I could drop by anytime after 8pm. I reached April’s place at 8pm sharp with my measuring tape and my notebook. I was expecting a bad tummy ache from that mystery drink she gave me but I felt fine. She was not at home but grandma let me in and I started working with the living area and grandma’s masterbed room. The 2 bathrooms came next and by 8.30pm, I had detailed measurements of the place with exception of April’s room. Grandma : It’s ok , go in and measure, nevermind one. James : Eh, don’t want la, wait April scold me. Grandma : Haha, she won’t, I’ll scold her if she scold you. Help yourself, I’m going to shower, April should be back soon. As I watch grandma shuffled slowly away into her room, I felt a rush of adrenaline as my mind started to stray. I finally get to access April’s room. Would she notice a couple of missing undies if I snitched them ? Does the laundry basket have any of her pyjamas that I could indulge in ? I had to adjust my erection as I stood at the entrance into April’s room. The bed was neatly made up and her work desk was kept tidy. I could see some envelopes and bills on the table , some loose change and a laptop. Some clothes were drapped at the bed frame at the foot of the bed and I could see her cupboard bursting at the seams with clothes. If only I could spend one night with unlimited access in April’s room. All the clothes that I could smell, touch and masturbate to. Her pillows looked inviting too and I fantasized about taking her on that small super single bed. Then suddenly I heard the faint click of heels outside the corridor and I immediately withdrew and went to the dining table. April appeared moments later in a figure hugging dress with a clutch bag in her hands. She smiled and my eyes helped themselves to her back as she bent a little to take off her heels before squatting down to slot them into the cabinet. She looked nice and classy in black and her shoulders looked great even under the dim lighting of the living area. April : Give me a minute. She went straight to the bathroom in the kitchen and right after she went in, grandma came out. Grandma : Eh, James, why never go in and measure ? James : Oh it’s ok la, April’s back, I’ll wait for her. She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. Moments later April reappeared in front of me with a glass of water in her hand. James : Oh come on April…. April : haha. It was a genuine laugh from her as it broke really naturally in a sweet way from her smile. April : Take your time James, no rush. She went towards her room and paused when she saw her lights were on. Directly her eyes at me she asked. April : Did you come into my room James ? You better not be in ther without me around I shook my head innocently right when grandma came to my defence. Grandma : Aiyoh April, can you stop scolding James, her never went in. He says he’s afraid you’ll scold him. And grandma went on about no men will want her if she is so fierce blab la bla which April just ignored. 3 minutes later, April reappeared in t-shirt and shorts and our eyes met. Her head just nodded in the direction of her room. I took a deep breath and composed myself. Alright... I’m going in. |
Re: My neighbour
Great story lines.. thanks bro
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Re: My neighbour
wow. envious of being an architect heh heh
Re: My neighbour
Hahahaha.. Your storyline really reminds me of a girl whom I used to know and tried to woo. No success though - Girl was ultimately too much trouble than I can handle. Hope James has better luck! Wonderful story.
Re: My neighbour
Keep it coming.. Can't wait for the bonking part.. Lol
Re: My neighbour
Haha.. good read... wonder is there any special ingredients add into the water. . Haha
Re: My neighbour
Wow definitely a good rest! Love the intense build-up.
Looks like James has a thing for April's footwear eh? Keep it up! Camping here ! |
Re: My neighbour
Love the story!
Looks like James has a thing for April's socks eh? |
Re: My neighbour
maybe she dipped her toes inside the water lei and let u drink. haha.
Re: My neighbour
More more more............
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