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Old 13-02-2012, 09:43 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

yup, totally agreed with you ! Next time , i shall buy my own liquor from the airport duty free. BTW, some liquor are real, like in Yihao, but for Mayflower, fuck ! all fake !
Old 13-02-2012, 09:45 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Bro, where exactly is SWAN ROAD in Chinese? 天鹅路?
I take a train to DG station and call a taxi how to tell driver and which hotel recommended for a couple of nights?

bros, it near to mayflower hotel.
Old 15-02-2012, 11:25 AM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Bro, where exactly is SWAN ROAD in Chinese? 天鹅路?
I take a train to DG station and call a taxi how to tell driver and which hotel recommended for a couple of nights?

You can book this hotel at swan lake road. tian er hu lu.
Try clipper hotel. They have various type of rooms also.
1) rooms with steam
2) room with Big tub in the centre of room
3) normal room with computer
4) room with garden. Its my fav where you can have the whole garden at your door step.

Reason begin. why i choose this hotel. with garden.
1) no fire cracker going off in the morning.
2) no bi bi po po in the morning.
3) with garden. You can smoke outside instead of room.
4) when all kakis stay at the same floor. At night after we come back from KTV...we can chat outside at the garden
5) Play at the garden...hahaha...go and imagine... i ever encounter a superb gal there...where she ask me to go outside and bonk...somemore during winter...she say more safe...ahahaha...
6) early morning can just walk outside and call wife back to singapore...
this is the best part...dun have to worry about going outside and call home.
And still leave your Gal to sleep in the room.Come back from call and cont the last bonk before she go back...
7) Foot massage is good at swan lake hotel. Same owner as ban dao hotel.
At the 5sty...i find it the best foot massage compared to others like bao zu lin..where they ony have nice gals...not good foot masage.
8) Food is plenty with Jin Hao good HK good.
9) near to Hot KTVs like mayflower, ban dao all can walk.
Even go outside abit taxi will not cost alot ...the furthest cost to euroasia is only 20bucks...RMB
10) I dun know somemore what liao....kekekeke...
Maybe...this hotel is super near to train station yet far from noise.
11) Alot of MMMmmmms.....on the street...kekekeke...
12) cannot find gals from KTV and need a good bonk...alot of mummies on the street. My advise dun go with them to their place. Go back hotel call them...ask them bring to you...
actually i tried one or 2 times...they sometime do have very high quality gals...not those withe sexperience...but those with looks and yet not found in the market yet...kekekeke..this is a tip

If you want to manger that i always book the room from. Can pm me...i can forward you the HP of the manager that i get rooms from.
Old 15-02-2012, 11:36 AM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Originally Posted by ix123 View Post
yup, totally agreed with you ! Next time , i shall buy my own liquor from the airport duty free. BTW, some liquor are real, like in Yihao, but for Mayflower, fuck ! all fake !
You cannot bring your own liq la...its against the rules..unless like me...we are super regular...I can get the DJs that i know...then ask them slip in to the KTV for us...this is how i do it.
Mayflower you can only get real liq unless you know the GM there...he will not dare send in fake drinks. But who knows...after you high liao...fake one still flow in....

Yihao also fake la...for heaven sake....just that the system is different.
Mayfl you get the 2nd bott onwards fake... get the 3rd bott fake...onwards.

And i know this which you guys dun know...
if you book from will not get free drinks...
for example

beer you order 1 for 1 free...where agents and dj they will not tell you
red wines some 2 for 1 free and some 1 for 1 free...
stout is 2 for 1 free...

this is how the agents make money lor...
they take the free one and sell to other rooms and get the cash from it.
And you are the stupid one paying and paying....
and the DJs will pour away the drinks to make your drinks go faster and faster...Then you open more botts and they get more free drinks and sell.
Simple logic ma

unlike what i do...unless you ask them to mix the drinks and place all the bottles in the front table...or you know the DJs very well. If not you think why you cannot choose the DJs yourself when you book the rooms from agents...this is the main reason why. fake one...confirm

Well...i dun mean to spill any body bread and butter.
But agents do have to earn something right. They dun get cuts from gals.
they only sometime get commission from managers if they hot target.
And if they survive.

But in CP...its very simple to play around.
Get a regular gal. Then you dun need a agent anymore liao.
Old 28-02-2012, 01:28 PM
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Smile Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Originally Posted by alangtr View Post
I be there march 13-19 march
Am a regular there around that area.
I dun book thru any agents or whatever.
I normally gather good friends and kakis to cheong there once every 2-3 months. if interested to join me. Can Pm me.

How we spilt bill...normally we nv. As who can affort. then who pay.
You cheong so many days dun say even the cheapest day you cannot pay. Who pay the most exp bill? Dun know. As we have friends around. Bill is not an issue. Just play your part and we can cheong together.
If this trip you nv pay a single bill. Then next trip pls be automatic lo....
If not nobody will wanna jio you to play around liao.

I regular the suana there also. and foot massage.
Lodging i stay around swan road. As near to all places.
KTVs...we go different everyday. No point staying at the same KTV thrughout
Suana...if you want and friends dun go. No problem. Just go yourself. In CP Taxi is everywhere.
Hi all CP bro I will be going there on 20-26 march
U all are right CP are dying soon
But my friends still like CP leh
For past visit had visited Mayflower , OwYa, Yihao, FuHao, BanDao
This time round must go to new ktv
Bro any recommendation really appreciate
Old 05-03-2012, 11:56 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Any bro going CP from 24/3 to 27/3? Me thinking of sneaking to CP after my ICT (21/3 to 24/3). Hehe pls pm me if interested to join me.
Old 20-03-2012, 01:39 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Hi everybody.

I have infact recv alot of pm in reguards to what i posted.
And asking me to give them contacts. I did said so.
You have to listen and read carefully on what i write and do what i do.
Like drinking stouts and etc.

For newbies or people going there. If you need contact. I can give you.
But you have to bare in mind this issue. My contact i give you to get rooms from KTV are all managers and GMs and mummies. If you go on THURS FRI SAT. And all this people or manager will not get rooms unless you know them at lest for first time. Moreover, thurs fri sat is their high peak. if this people i gve you and you book room and support them They will be able to help you get rooms even on the very last min like me. When all other people cannot get rooms. They are able to get me rooms. But pls. You cannot compare me with you all. As i give them alot of business as i know them and my friends all book rooms from them.

My sujestion is this. It will be better if you go normal days or join me for a trip. Then get all contacts that you need. And see how we play around.
As you cannnt get rooms in cp if you dun know people. And even if i recommed you. They will not trust you. Cause you may play them out. So it will be better then you go normal days and try and know the people first.

I will post my latest trip here on my expenses later which i just came back from.. Which you have to follow and read on.
Old 20-03-2012, 02:10 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

day 1 13/3
we went peninsular KTV.
6 pax with us and choose gals. each minium 2 meaning room have about 18-20 pax. Ordered stout like i said. 3 cartons and free 1.5carton. and mummy give one more free. All in bill with free food and makan. Billed at 1830rmb

day 2 14/3
we went euroasia ktv
Same 6 pax. and each got 1-2 gals.
Ordered 3 cartons and free 1 carton free.DJ and manager give free 1 carton
Billed at 2580 rmb.

Days 3 15/3
went fuhao KTV.Room has about 30pax of friends.
9 pax. Ordered 3cartons and free 3 cartons and manager give 1 carton free
Billed at 2389 rmb.

Day 4 16/3
went mayflower on friday.
total 7 pax as 2 friends went HK.All in room 20pax inculde gals
Ordered 2.5 carton and free 1 carton and manager give 1 carton free.
Billed at 2556rmb.

Day 5 17/3
Went yihao. Its so difficult to get room there last min even with my connection. At last manage to get room.
7 pax. same about 20 pax inculd gals.
Ordered 3carton free 1.5 carton and manager give 1 carton free.
Billed at 2836. This is higher due to that we had our dinner in the room.

18/3 left CP and head back HKIA and went back sg.

So for 5 days of wacking of stouts. and all gals high and nice and not drunk.
We total spend. 12191 rmb works out to 2.5k sgd. on drinks only.

Gals all spend on their own. Tips for DJs each pay as and when deem to be paid.
Old 28-04-2012, 06:57 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Hey people..
I'm new to SBF, but I would like to plan a trip to Changping or Changan somewhere in May. My previous trip was in Jan this year.
Would like some like-minded bros to come along.
Pls let me know if you're interested..
Old 04-05-2012, 01:12 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

bro...can i have contact in CP. visiting 10 May. First time, any do and dont do's? any precaution to take?
Old 04-05-2012, 05:14 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Hi All,

So sorry that I didn't monitor this thread often, but you may refer to the same thread under "International Field Reports" section.

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 20-05-2012, 03:26 AM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Originally Posted by alangtr View Post
day 1 13/3
we went peninsular KTV.
6 pax with us and choose gals. each minium 2 meaning room have about 18-20 pax. Ordered stout like i said. 3 cartons and free 1.5carton. and mummy give one more free. All in bill with free food and makan. Billed at 1830rmb

day 2 14/3
we went euroasia ktv
Same 6 pax. and each got 1-2 gals.
Ordered 3 cartons and free 1 carton free.DJ and manager give free 1 carton
Billed at 2580 rmb.

Days 3 15/3
went fuhao KTV.Room has about 30pax of friends.
9 pax. Ordered 3cartons and free 3 cartons and manager give 1 carton free
Billed at 2389 rmb.

Day 4 16/3
went mayflower on friday.
total 7 pax as 2 friends went HK.All in room 20pax inculde gals
Ordered 2.5 carton and free 1 carton and manager give 1 carton free.
Billed at 2556rmb.

Day 5 17/3
Went yihao. Its so difficult to get room there last min even with my connection. At last manage to get room.
7 pax. same about 20 pax inculd gals.
Ordered 3carton free 1.5 carton and manager give 1 carton free.
Billed at 2836. This is higher due to that we had our dinner in the room.

18/3 left CP and head back HKIA and went back sg.

So for 5 days of wacking of stouts. and all gals high and nice and not drunk.
We total spend. 12191 rmb works out to 2.5k sgd. on drinks only.

Gals all spend on their own. Tips for DJs each pay as and when deem to be paid.
ok changping land of beauties nice time guidelines and schedule... can join in soon
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Old 23-05-2012, 10:33 AM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

I am going to Shenzhen for business trip from 25th, free from 26th onwards. Plan to stay two to three days at CP and Donguan. Would like to see if there is any bro out there who would like to join in the fun. Pls PM me. THanks.
Old 11-06-2012, 01:35 PM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

Sounds interesting . . .
Old 23-06-2012, 12:10 AM
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Re: Wanna have fun in ChangPing-Dongguan-PRC?

is there any update for the services? tks u
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