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Old 03-12-2014, 10:07 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

[导读]当日凌晨,警方在酒店内抓获8名嫖娼的台湾籍游客以及8名卖淫的失足女,分别被处以5到10天不等的行政拘 留。

八记者李亚坤 上个月13日,一个从台湾来深圳旅游的旅行团有8名台湾籍男子因嫖娼与8名失足女被福田警方行政拘留。八记 者获悉,涉事的夜总会已被停业整改六个月罚款十万元。


此番台湾游客集体嫖娼事发后,更被怀疑这是一个专业来内地的“买春团”。涉事旅行社有关负责人昨日接受八记 者的采访,否认了“买春团”的说法,强调说,这是一个来内地的旅游观光团,嫖娼系部分游客的个人行为。这名 负责人还称,旅行社并未有介绍卖淫嫖娼等行为,实际上,导游还特别强调了内地扫黄以示提醒,事发也令他们颇 感意外。

据介绍,该团约30人,有男有女,均系同一家公司的员工,他们参加的是一个四天三晚的深港游,其中在深圳的 旅游项目包括东部华侨城等自然景区。据介绍,他们在接待的过程中,团友们也没有提出“买春”需求。据介绍, 事发当天中午他们才来到深圳,当晚系他们下榻深圳的第一晚,入住在新洲路绿景锦江大酒店,酒店按五星级标准 打造。

据介绍,当日晚间,团友们自主活动,部分人员在距离下榻酒店车程四五分钟的金海蓝湾夜总会饮酒作乐。这家夜 总会位于福田金地一路。他们是如何找到该会所的,旅行社有关负责人表示颇感奇怪,这绝非导游所推荐,也有可 能是驻地保安或者内地熟人带领。据悉,这些游客当晚在夜总会包房内饮酒唱歌之后,觉得不尽兴,遂各自从夜总 会内挑选了一名小妹,带回下榻酒店嫖宿。当日凌晨,警方在酒店内抓获8名嫖娼的台湾籍游客以及8名卖淫的失 足女,分别被处以5到10天不等的行政拘留。据悉,事发之后,剩下的游客继续剩下的行程。


“这批女孩子先是在夜总会给客人陪酒,就已经涉嫌明令禁止的有偿陪侍行为。”知情人告诉八记者,失足女入住 酒店时,酒店没有登记失足女身份信息,也违反有关的治安管理规定。八记者也获悉,针对此番事件中酒店以及夜 总会存在的问题,福田警方亦予以严格处理。目前涉案的绿景锦江大酒店被罚款10万元,责令限期整改。涉事的 金海蓝湾夜总会也被罚款10万元,停业整改6个月。
heard from a hong kong guy the shenzhen customs also clamping down hard
on people who used to smuggle stuff like milk powder,iphone 6 and other controlled items at shenzhen-hong kong border
now some hong kong tourists scared even to bring milk powder into shenzhen
president xi really on the ball
Old 03-12-2014, 11:03 PM
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Re: Weather

CP oh SZ oh GZ... come back the glory days you need... sob sob...
Old 03-12-2014, 11:38 PM
MichaelWinn MichaelWinn is offline
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Re: Weather

Originally Posted by horniez View Post
CP oh SZ oh GZ... come back the glory days you need... sob sob...
we are now looking at 4 places
you can always switch places if president xi wipes out guangdong
1) guangxi
full of cheapo fucks esp milfs
there is puxiang border crossing between china and vietnam
you can play in hanoi as well as it is near the china border,cool man
2) yunan
kunming should be budget cheong
full of ktvs and massage places
there is border crossing between china and myanmar
can cross into myanmar to enjoy as well
3) inner mongolia
inner mongolia has wide vareity -high end and low end prices
from 50 rmb a shot for a milf to 500 rmb for a ktv young girl
border crossing between china and mongolia at erlian
erlian town and hohot city many outer mongolian pussies too
4) Dalian/SHENYANG
this one i do not really like
dalian is a fxxx expensive, shenyang is still reasonable prices
there is no land crossing here
visa run is either ferry to south korea or by plane,quite expensive
the ferry one way from china to south korea is 1050 rmb
from korea back to china is 160,000 won
Old 04-12-2014, 08:44 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by MichaelWinn View Post
heard from a hong kong guy the shenzhen customs also clamping down hard
on people who used to smuggle stuff like milk powder,iphone 6 and other controlled items at shenzhen-hong kong border
now some hong kong tourists scared even to bring milk powder into shenzhen
president xi really on the ball
Yes. Tat affect majority whom want travel through the HK custom to China, delay are meant to be, but for those who travel directly into China its still ok.

对, 对那些喜欢由香港入境中国的游客比为不便,至少可能会延误!对于那些直飞中国的人,切不受影响
Old 04-12-2014, 09:18 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by wolfman2012 View Post
Yes. Tat affect majority whom want travel through the HK custom to China, delay are meant to be, but for those who travel directly into China its still ok.

对, 对那些喜欢由香港入境中国的游客比为不便,至少可能会延误!对于那些直飞中国的人,切不受影响
yes bro you dun need the hong kong e channel
but i need the hong kong e channel
Old 07-12-2014, 10:29 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

some news
the siutation has gotten so bad in dongguan that some people there are stealing dogs there and killing dogs to sell dog fur for money
click link to watch video
Old 08-12-2014, 12:17 AM
TonyCheong TonyCheong is offline
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by MichaelWinn View Post
the siutation has gotten so bad in dongguan that some people there are stealing dogs there and killing dogs to sell dog fur for money
click link to watch video
Jin sad. Jin poor thing.
Old 09-12-2014, 02:48 PM
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Does this spell the real end?

A friend who is a KTV girl (ex-YiHao) just contacted me to say good bye etc.

She was working at the Legend KTV a couple days ago and got "interviewed" by the LE, and was told in no uncertain terms that if they see her again at ANY KTV's in the area, no matter if with customers, supposed friends or even real friends, that she will be locked away.

WOW! This seems to be a marked hardening of the steps that the LE is taking and I'd think really spells the end of things if such warnings continue. My friend, together with her two room mates, are now so frightened that they've decided to just vacate their CP apartment even without getting back their security deposit and last month's rent.

Anybody else heard of such tactic being deployed now?

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Old 09-12-2014, 11:20 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Bro, are you saying she works in Danshui Legend but stay at CP?
She is being warn not to work in Huizhou KTV, but she is moving out of CP?
Sounds really confusing.
Old 09-12-2014, 11:38 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
Bro, are you saying she works in Danshui Legend but stay at CP?
She is being warn not to work in Huizhou KTV, but she is moving out of CP?
Sounds really confusing.
Why confusing? Quite a few gals still lives in Chang Ping but commute to work elsewhere now that Chang Ping itself is dead. Most stay put in their Chang Ping apartments as their lease hadn't run out PLUS many still have regular customers who seeks them out when they come to Chang Ping

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Old 10-12-2014, 12:06 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

You mean she travel to and fro to danshui to work on a daily basis?
Old 10-12-2014, 12:47 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
You mean she travel to and fro to danshui to work on a daily basis?
As far as I know, there are quite a few girls doing this. In fact, I believe that at least one of the Mommies actually arrange a daily shuttle for her girls.

Great Girls are precious commodities these days - not only for us mongers, but also for Mommies/KTV's.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 10-12-2014, 02:44 AM
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Re: Does this spell the real end?

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
A friend who is a KTV girl (ex-YiHao) just contacted me to say good bye etc.

She was working at the Legend KTV a couple days ago and got "interviewed" by the LE, and was told in no uncertain terms that if they see her again at ANY KTV's in the area, no matter if with customers, supposed friends or even real friends, that she will be locked away.

WOW! This seems to be a marked hardening of the steps that the LE is taking and I'd think really spells the end of things if such warnings continue. My friend, together with her two room mates, are now so frightened that they've decided to just vacate their CP apartment even without getting back their security deposit and last month's rent.

Anybody else heard of such tactic being deployed now?

hEY bro you better bao her now
so that you can have her everyday
and she need not ply sex trade anymore and no need fear gong an
on a serious note i think the yanda is going one gear up not down
on my last visit to shenzhen border crossing i saw huge sniffer dogs being deployed to catch drug smugglers
last time shenzhen-hong kong border no sniffer dogs
now those hong kongers dare not bring contraband , security so fxxxx tight
Old 10-12-2014, 07:30 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
Bro, are you saying she works in Danshui Legend but stay at CP?
She is being warn not to work in Huizhou KTV, but she is moving out of CP?
Sounds really confusing.
Ya..I also find confusing after reading. Its either e MM never give a full picture, or telling one story here while lying & keeping secrets on e others

Wat I do know from some MM which worked in HZ Hotel KTV is tat, e Hotel there offer accomodation where e MMs travel from CP to there to stay. During off day, the MM will travel back CP
Old 10-12-2014, 07:45 AM
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Re: Does this spell the real end?

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
A friend who is a KTV girl (ex-YiHao) just contacted me to say good bye etc.

She was working at the Legend KTV a couple days ago and got "interviewed" by the LE, and was told in no uncertain terms that if they see her again at ANY KTV's in the area, no matter if with customers, supposed friends or even real friends, that she will be locked away.

WOW! This seems to be a marked hardening of the steps that the LE is taking and I'd think really spells the end of things if such warnings continue. My friend, together with her two room mates, are now so frightened that they've decided to just vacate their CP apartment even without getting back their security deposit and last month's rent.

Anybody else heard of such tactic being deployed now?

Can u teach me what is LE?..I can't figure out...GA (GongAn) e one whom raid e places...

It seems e MM are caught & release'LE'...The warnings...also find confusing, it seems to target on e MM only, because mentioned,
-She get warned against working in any KTV
-She get warned against if e 'LE' see her in any KTV with any guy( customer/friends), she will get lock up

BTW, I going LEGEND at DS end of e month, the MM not caught there right? I not sure abt e situation over at DS, is there any bro recently been there, can update? LEGEND hotel rm is expensive, I do not want go all e way there, pay such an expensive htl for overnite only
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