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Old 25-03-2014, 09:50 AM
andythai andythai is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

thanks for the update pal
Old 25-03-2014, 03:26 PM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

I walked out of the washroom.

Me: hey your DA GE needs medicated oil. Can you follow me to my car to get it. After this I am making a move…. Speaking to ah lian 1.

Ah lian 1 : ok.

She stood outside my car while I search my driver side door for it.

Me: Hey sorry to keep you waiting I cant seem to find it… why don you come into the car first. I on the AC .

Ah lian 1 came to the front passenger seat and sat down.

She was wearing a one piece tight dress. I lean forward to open the glove compartment to search for the axe oil. In the process my chest graze her soft white legs.

Ah lian 1 : Uncle you very notti HOR !

Me: what ??? Giving the blur stunt look.

Ah lian 1: eat my tuo Fu still want to act blur..

Me: No lah … looking for the axe oil lah.

Ah lian 1 : Whatever lah ! so how ? can my two friends come along a not ?

Me: NO !

Ah lian 1: Pls lah Unlce …..she started to pull my hand and pester me

Me: hahhaha… just disturbing you lah… faster call them come lah. Wait your “hero” come out from the washroom liao.

Ah lian !: whoa Uncle you very sporting leh. I like !

She took out her HP and call.

Within 3 mintues. The two girls came running out from the kopi shop

I highbeam them and they ran towards the car.

The door slammed .

I floored the gas pedal and make our way out.

“Hahahhaha” …. This is so fun … the gals echo in the car.
Old 25-03-2014, 03:56 PM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

We arrived at Newton Circus .

me: Come lets go eat first.

All three Ah Lian girls did not speak .

Me: whats wrong ?

Ah lian 2 sitting behind : “Uncle we kind of broke , end of the month already allowance all gone ! “

Me: Ai yoh … ya la …. Lets go lah … so long winded… I thg Uncle then long winded…

Ah Lian 2: Ohhhhh ….. u damn bad lah Uncle … say I loh SOH !

Me: Charles lah ! don call me Uncle in public. No face leh.

The girls giggle out loud….

I choose a table right in front of a ZHI ZAR stall.

Me: ok girls go ahead to place the order , I eat anything .

I was observing them, seeing what they order.

The stall assistance look at me to see my expression. I nod back and he got my non verbal message.

Ah lian 1 came and sat beside me while the both girls sat directly opposite me.

The girls were very well manner. they took out their wet tissue to clean the table . order drinks for me .i was very surprised with their action. Only issue is when they speak they like to act out like a typical Ah lian. Maybe is their way of crafting out their own identity.

Me: come girls food is here lets eat.

They hold back waiting for me to start first.

And address me “UNCLE EAT “

Me: Don’t lah ! treat me as your friend leh. No need to address me like an ELDER !”

Ah lian 3 : ok ok ..Charles come eat…. As she took the vegetables with her chopstick and place on my plate.

The two other girls follow suit and put food on my plate.

Last edited by tigerwoody74; 26-03-2014 at 03:39 PM.
Old 25-03-2014, 05:34 PM
lolipop1802 lolipop1802 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Ah lian ..... good .. I love it. 4some ....
Old 25-03-2014, 05:40 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Love your story tigerwoody… cos I also uncle. LOL! Up you my humble points! Btw, the HDB blocks at 90 Zion Road demolished liao ya?
Old 25-03-2014, 07:21 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Block 92 gone...not sure block 90 is around...
Old 25-03-2014, 07:36 PM
edwintantan edwintantan is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

your wite up shiok ,,, pls continue
dont make us wait tooo long
Old 25-03-2014, 07:36 PM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

The whole area seal up already....

Used to be a place where all the LIMO drivers will gather or standby for calls
Old 25-03-2014, 08:44 PM
vkoolboi vkoolboi is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

I am waiting for foursome now .....
Old 25-03-2014, 09:38 PM
WithoutEuu WithoutEuu is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Originally Posted by vkoolboi View Post
I am waiting for foursome now .....
Same here! I sense it coming soon!
PM to trade/exchange bra location.
Old 25-03-2014, 09:43 PM
devilzQQ devilzQQ is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

ah lian ho seh liao.
I judge myself
Old 26-03-2014, 03:16 AM
Hasan Hasan is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

looking more interesting.... Story taking a turn for the better....keep it coming Bro...
Old 26-03-2014, 06:17 AM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Ah lian 1 " thanks for the food, "

Ah lian 2 " so what's next ?"

Me : go back lah.... Send u all back "

Ah lian 3 " don want lah... We want to go clubbing Leh "

I look at ah lian 1 ....

Me " what say you "

Ah lian 1 " anything you say Loh "

I stood up and extend my hand out to ah lian 1

Me " come let's go M sultan area to club "

She held my hand ....

Whooooooo..... The two other gals started to make noise.

Ah lian 1 " Diam LAH ! Hold hands only .... Not make babies lah.... KNS !

The car pull over just outside one of the popular club. The ladies were thrilled with the attention they received.

Me " hey girls watch your skirt , don't give free show for ppl to see.

They adjusted their skirts and cAme out gracefully to join the Long Q. I drover off further down to park my car.

Me : hey I wasn't expecting a crowd man !

Ah lian 1 : long time nvr club arh ? This is normal Leh .... She replied back.

After 15 mins we were inside the club.

Ah lian 2 : Charles no tAble Leh.

Me : nvr mind you go get drinks , I will be around this area.

The girls rush off to get drinks.

I look around the area and saw one guy occupying the table by himself.

Me : friend , you alone can I join u ?

Loner guy " yeah I am alone.

Me " I am Charles , what is your name ?

Call me Don .... He replied back.

Speaking at close range to his ears...

Me : Don I got three girls with me, they are coming over soon. You can hook up with two of them . I will say you are my friend and I bum into you . Ok?

Don: hey brother , thanks a lot man. Can I buy you a drink.

Me: hey is ok. Maybe u just get a jug of vodka punch for the gals ? I am not asking too much am I?

Don: no problem bro !

Don got the attention of a waitress and placed the order.

The girls came back .

I placed my arm around the waist of ah Lian 1 and guide her towards me.

She kissed me on my face and whisper thank you into my ears.

Don was sharp. He wasted no time and quickly turn his attention to the other two gals.

Me: hey by the way this is Don my army friend. He is very generous to share his table with us.

Thank you arh.... The two gals started their warm up with him occasionally touching his arm.

Don eyes lid up , I could tell he was happy with the attention her was receiving.
Old 26-03-2014, 10:02 AM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

After having some warm up drinks, the girls wanted to hit the dance floor,

Me: you gals carry on ... Don and me got some catching up to do.

All three of hit the dance floor . Grooving to the fast beat .

Don and i didn't talk much, maybe due to the music that make it impossible to have a conversation. But then again, who comes to a club to talk ?

The gals return to catch their breath . They took in more alcoholic drinks.

Don could not keep his hands to himself and started to move his hands all over ah Lian 2.

She was pretty smart. Avoid his advances by dancing and moving around the area near the table.

Me : hey you wan to seat ? I let u seat on the high chair.... Speaking to ah Lian 1.

She shook her head. Turn her back towards me and place her hands on both my knee cap.

She parted my legs and parked her perky ass between my legs. She Continue to dance and occasionally grinding me with her butt.

I reciprocated by placing my hands on her waist . Moving up to her shoulders and back down to her waist.

Don eyes keep staring on ah Lian 1 like a hawk eyeing the chick for lunch.

He try his luck again but this time on ah Lian 3.

Ah lain 3 did not object , and Don continue to let his hands do the talking.

After a while both Don and ah Lian 3 walk out of the club.

Thinking that they want some privacy , we decided to leave them alone.

Last edited by tigerwoody74; 26-03-2014 at 03:32 PM.
Old 26-03-2014, 02:13 PM
xiaocheng xiaocheng is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

tiger bro, thanks for the update. it was so shiok to read your story.
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