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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 17-07-2021, 08:55 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Frankenstein77 View Post
Ya lor.

The girls are the most innocent. They are just doing their job. Now the government taking action on them is like looking for scapegoats. The real guilty ones are the operators and owners.
100% agree with this!!
Poor gals!!
Old 17-07-2021, 09:51 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Frankenstein77 View Post
Ya lor.

The girls are the most innocent. They are just doing their job. Now the government taking action on them is like looking for scapegoats. The real guilty ones are the operators and owners.
The last thing to feel pity of are the girls and mamasan. Is the risk of the job especially now. They know doing such job now at this time is bad for public health and to themselves but risk it for high amount of profit. Since you want to do this job you expect the risk. So yeah don't feel any pity on them. Maybe get caught now bring home the money more then any of the bros here would have. Lol always feel funny when ppl take pity of the girls.
Girl and Booze for life and stay happy life is too short to get too worked up.............
Old 17-07-2021, 12:41 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

So funny...... last time no karaoke .. also got dirty bars like 大路, 竹屋,新寶寶 and etc......who are you kidding... that we can do away with all these vices...unless....u want to be a hermit country like North Korea 🇰🇵.
Old 17-07-2021, 03:11 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by jabwemet View Post
100% agree with this!!
Poor gals!!
Why you pity them? Most of them earning much more than 80 - 90% of us. Their tip is $100 during this period. It is a high risk high reward job.

Assuming they work 30 days per month and 5 customers per day,
Monthly income = 30 x 5 x 100 = $15,000

And this amount excludes going hotel and extra gift/tip from customer.

So don't have to pity them or worry much about them.
Old 17-07-2021, 04:02 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
How many of you guys out there still not fully vaccinated?

After 2nd dose need to wait about 14 days for the vaccine to take effect. Its not a cure but its a protection like fucking with condom.
Vaccination equivalent fucking with condom? Note that the guy who spread from this cluster to the cruise has been fully vaccinated. So much for protection for the others. Fucker is still as infectious as fuck.
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Old 17-07-2021, 04:30 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by TheIdesOfMarch View Post
I believe you have seen my account here before. I'm an old timer here from long ago same as you.

Never been to a KTV before. Never wanted to go to one. Never ever thought they were a good idea. KTVs were for stupid people with huge egos and wallets with no brains to properly get the most value out of their money, paying double price for fake GFE and overpriced alcohol to show off in front of other equally vain and egoistic men, to fuck around with women with hygiene levels even worse than that of MPs outside or legal Geylang whores.

They deserve all the whacking they're getting. Arguably it's not enough. Fuck the entire lot of lupsup KTVs in Singapore, apart from legit family friendly proper establishments like Teoheng and Maneki Kineko. So much for a country that has a symbolic ban on 100 porn websites, criminalises possession and production of anything that can be seen as "obscene" or "pornographic material" regardless of intent and purpose of such content, and with a society and political establishment that is perfectly fine to shame the typical man on the street for going to a whorehouse in Geylang, but turns a blind eye for decades to illegal brothels fronting as KTV lounges simply because the rich and powerful go to such places for their sexual debaucheries and thrills.

I hope they all fucking die out. In any case, many such places survived on the basis of corporate credit card spending for entertainment purposes, for clients and to grease the closing of business deals. Now with Covid-19, WFH as default, Zoom meetings replacing in person business meetings, it's fucking lights out for such places anyway and their purposes of "networking business" for rich tiko fucks.
Think its rather selfish to call for places which you dont go, to close down.
Yes different people cheong differently.
Some like FL, some prefer MP, some lapsup bar, some ktv. Some dont even cheong in their own country but once they fly to another country their alter ego is unleashed.
Not all ktv needs a fat wallet to enjoy either.
There are more people like me who do cheong these places, but have not gone there since covid appeared. We're waiting to get fully vaccinated and for the environment to become safer before we go back to cheonging again.
So its pretty unfair to call for a blanket ban / closure of places we like to cheong when its just a few bad sheep doing such things now.
Everywhere there will also be bad sheep.
Some people endure, some people cant. Cant endure? go pay the full price and play. Its a risk. They get caught, they pay for it thats all.

Some people 1 day go 3 different MPs and fark 3 different girls. If any of them got covid, it'll just end up similar to this ktv scandal too. So should ask for all MPs to get banned permanently too? I dont think so.
I believe in "ownself play, ownself pay" and sometimes the price wont be limited to financial cost only.
Old 17-07-2021, 06:28 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Then you guys know why the Viet girls like to work in KTVs? Ofc they like light job with high salary lah. Confirm 1 night they earn more than your 3 months work in the office. Plus they can buy luxury stuffs to show off. And these kinds of chicks always look down other people one. Now covid you guys maybe don’t earn too much then why still donate your money to these chicks? Those silicone tits you like meh?
P/s: this girl is an example
Old 17-07-2021, 06:29 PM
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Old 17-07-2021, 08:19 PM
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Is this Supreme KTV MUMMY still there??

She came to SG as student pass, go local private school and doing ktv same time. I like our SG system, so many loopholes and ideas to explore.

Old 17-07-2021, 08:33 PM
candeo_88 candeo_88 is offline
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Re: KTV Kakis

My thoughts on this current issue...
1) Going to KTV, be it the real KTV or F&B converted is a high risk activity. Reason being enclosed small premises and close proximity in every direction you look at. And we know by now that the damn little virus loves to float around in enclosed and the close proximity makes them even happier.
2) The govt/press was too quick to jump the gun to say that particular lady from Indochina was patient zero in the current cluster. She's already in Sillypore in the beginning of the year and MOH also reported that only 5 of the non-Sillypore's arrived in 2021. That means the most likelihood cause of spread was community infection from somewhere. Let's wait for MOH to complete the genealogy or whatever testing to see where the cause is. To safe face, the most likely "answer" will be "unlinked" to any current cases
3) Knowing that such KTV businesses are high risk activities during pandemic, question is why there are no reported news of frequent checks by the relevant authorities??? If have caught one or two in the early days, the situation might still be under some control. So someone is sleeping on the job??? You just can't send some SDA to do the job

Food for thought...
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Old 17-07-2021, 09:25 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
May I ask?

1. Do you fuck FL?
2. If yes, do you use condom? Or prefer raw?
3. Have you ever kana STD (with or without condom)

Vaccination is NOT a cure. Its just safety precaution. If MOH is accurate, the vaccine have 69% effectiveness against infection of any kind be it symptomatic or Asymptomatic.

100-69= 31%

So there is this 31% possibilities of getting infection depending on individual health immune system react to the wuhan virus or delta variant.

If use more simplified thinking maybe can say machiam like 10 vaccinated guys go have contact with 1 covid KTV girl and est. 3 of them will catch the virus.
(maybe also depend how deep and long their breathing and saliva exchange took place)

If you always like to fuck FL with condoms, it also don't have 100% bro. Condom also can slip or break or laozup because the CB zup damn wet all the juice here there lao till your balls and end of your penis etc and when you remove condom time blah blah also can kana the abalone juice.

Some bros who kana STD before also catch no ball how come wear condom do safe sex also kana STD?

If you always like to raw FL or bbbj surely maybe also hope the guys who fuck the FL before you don't have STD/HIV right? Even if they have also hope they zidong wear condom don't spread the STD/HIV to the FL. Then you also hope the FL after previous guy creampie in her mouth pussy got clean first hopefully no virus/bacteria before your raw her right. Never raw nvm how about sucking nips? Hopefully got clean the saliva area before you go suck it because maybe the prev guy the mouth full of herpes virus ulcers bacteria etc sucked the FL pinkish nipples.

Actually vaccination is a choice. If anyone against it also no problem. Because raw FL also a choice. I also raw FL especially kan chio one.

When Singapore majority vaccinated, lets say 5 million vaccinated. That mean (100-69)% of 5m = 1.55m or 1550000 people got chance to get infected by covid. The good news is high chance no one will die or hospitalized badly. The bad news is this 1.55m people will spread the virus to those unvaccinated Singaporean or even whoever come Singapore.

Its true the fucker still infectious as fuck. Ask anyone who kana STD before and recovered especially those who kana STD causing the penis head lao nong you know? thick yellowish discharge. Some mild case very fast take antibiotics recover some lao the nong sibei thick longer time to recover. So how? Raw or condom fuck?

So how? Vaccinate or not? Actually a lot is also about heng suay if die mean die also if kana infected till jialat case the lung gone fuck and long covid also sibei suay.

Its a personal choice.

True. It’s not a cure and it’s a personal choice. But please don’t quote OYK as gospel. That guy is hardly a pillar of truth after all these screw ups.
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Old 17-07-2021, 09:28 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Shaynechinchin View Post

This one the face really CMi and tits fake as hell.
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Old 17-07-2021, 09:39 PM
MRturNIP MRturNIP is offline
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Originally Posted by novitalam View Post
Is this Supreme KTV MUMMY still there??

She came to SG as student pass, go local private school and doing ktv same time. I like our SG system, so many loopholes and ideas to explore
By right her 2-year private U course should be over already. She started out at a spa at D****p St. giving full service, then transitioned to KTV. If she is still on student visa, maybe moved on to Masters or PhD??
Old 17-07-2021, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by novitalam View Post
Is this Supreme KTV MUMMY still there??

She came to SG as student pass, go local private school and doing ktv same time. I like our SG system, so many loopholes and ideas to explore.

Looks like this is Lily 1.5m tall
Old 18-07-2021, 03:43 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by helmsley View Post
This one the face really CMi and tits fake as hell.
haha this girl worked at charm, myth. still in sg. followed her on wechat. she had a customer gift her a rolex which she went on to sell. Should be fetch quite a hefty sum. But ya each guy has his own pref of girls haha.
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