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Petain Romps Cheapo Fucks but it feels the same when you cum

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Old 10-04-2012, 04:04 PM
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roflmaolol is a living Saint! - you won't find betterroflmaolol is a living Saint! - you won't find betterroflmaolol is a living Saint! - you won't find betterroflmaolol is a living Saint! - you won't find betterroflmaolol is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

wondering are there any girls in PT with good handjob and best use oil or lotion?

prefers good handjob then half-fxxk bj lol
Old 10-04-2012, 04:48 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

can try h111r11jolene
Old 11-04-2012, 03:23 PM
lifebouy lifebouy is offline
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Good hand job.
Bro you can try H17 room is right hand side 3rd room from the entrance. Her name is honey or money. Cat30. Very pro in hand job.
like to watch English channel or listen to English radio station.

Last edited by lifebouy; 11-04-2012 at 03:45 PM.
Old 11-04-2012, 04:23 PM
lifebouy lifebouy is offline
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

I think she is the best hand job ever have in petian.
After job complete, you won't feel tired and also you Will feel your didi and your balls just like come out from massage parlour blood circulation
Old 11-04-2012, 09:42 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.

Last updated: 10 APRIL 2012 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor by: fornicator


Latest updates:

* Total of WLs listed todate = 158 *

Returning from 1 month mandatory leave:

H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40) OL, RTW 16 April 2012
H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20) OL, RTW 24 April 2012
H09 R06 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H09 R07 - Shan Shan (CAT20) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H16 R01 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R08 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50) OL, RTW 08 May 2012

Operating Hours:

Approximately: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Please take note that:

- every house got it's own different operating hours; and
- most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go (recommended): weekdays, Monday to Friday between 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are peak days and is usually crowded, this is self explanatory. So try to avoid if possible. Unless you have prior booking!

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: Kindly refer to map below. Please "Click" the image to enlarge, (thank you Bro song).

For more information on how to get there:

Houses IN full operation: 02,04,07,09,10,11,12,14,16,17,20,22,24 (Total: 13)
Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,06,08,15,18,26.28,30 (Total: 10)


OL = On Leave (mandatory, 1 month)
LDW = Last Day Working (before 1 month leave)
RTW = Return To Work (after 1 month leave)

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik Road
PT = Petain Road

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, and 24)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2F) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: 07, 09, 11, and 17)

CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

For more acronyms: Click here.

Thanks and full credits to Bro enigmahomme!

Additional Information:

Duration of sessions is approximately 20 minutes per session. CAT20/30 may be less (15 minutes?)

Condoms, tissue paper are provided!


Thank you to Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.
Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.
Thank you to Bro jacky43 and Bro song for the detailed map.
Thank you to Bro austin69 for your help in updating the PSL.
Thank you to Bro Wiseman for suggesting to include the "General Petain Guide, Suitable for Newbie" thread here in the PSL.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R01 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R02 - Maggie (CAT50)
H02 R03 - Sally (CAT50)
H02 R04 - OG (CAT20)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50)
H02 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R07 - ???? (CAT 30)
H02 R09 - Hong Hong (CAT40)
H02 R10 - ???? (CAT 30)
H02 R11 - Mei Qi (CAT 20)
H02 R12 - Bobo (CAT50)
H02 R13 - ???? (CAT20)
H02 R14 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50)
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50)

H02 = 15

H04 R06 - ???? (CAT20)
H04 R09 - Annie (CAT20)
H04 R10 - ???? (CAT20)

H04 = 3

H07 R01 - Joanne (CAT30)
H07 R01A - Serene (CAT30)
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50)
H07 R03 - Cookie (CAT50)
H07 R04 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R06 - Joyce (CAT50)
H07 R09 - Pauline (CAT30)
H07 R10 - Xiao Rong (CAT20)
H07 R11 - Carol (CAT50)
H07 R12 - Alice (CAT20)
H07 R15 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R18 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R01 (2F) - Ann (CAT50)
H07 R02 (2F) - Chris (CAT50)
H07 R05 (2F) - Queenie (CAT50)
H07 R06 (2F) - Kathy (CAT50)
H07 R28 (2F) - Miki (CAT50)

H07 = 18

H09 R01 - ???? (CAT20)
H09 R03 - ???? (CAT30)
H09 R05 - Siao Wei (CAT30)
H09 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R07 - Shan Shan (CAT20)
H09 R08 - Mary (CAT30)
H09 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R11 - Nana (CAT30)
H09 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R13A - Jenny (CAT20)

H09 = 10

H10 R01 - Mun Mun (CAT30)
H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40)
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R03 - Eileen (CAT30)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50)
H10 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50)
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30)
H10 R09 - Susan (CAT30)
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50)
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50)
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)

H10 = 12

H11 R01 - Amy/Jenny (CAT40)
H11 R03 - JJ (CAT50)
H11 R04 - Julia (CAT30)
H11 R05 - Rose (CAT50)
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50)
H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30)
H11 R10 - Ah Leng (CAT40)
H11 R11 - Jolene (CAT50)

H11 = 8

H12 R01 - May (CAT50)
H12 R03 - ???? (CAT??)
H12 R04 - Selene (CAT30)
H12 R05 - Kelly (CAT30)
H12 R07 - ???? (CAT30)
H12 R08 - Janet (CAT50)
H12 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H12 R10 - ???? (CAT40)
H12 R11 - Helen (CAT30)
H12 R13 -???? (CAT??)
H12 R14 - Ana (CAT30)
H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50)

H12 = 12

H14 R01 - Carol (CAT30)
H14 R02 - Yuki (CAT30)
H14 R03 - Mei Ling/Ah Ling (CAT30)
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40)
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (CAT30)
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen (CAT30)
H14 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50)
H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)
H14 R11 - Candy (CAT50)
H14 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H14 R13 - Catherine (CAT30)
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura (CAT40)

H14 = 13

H16 R01 - ???? (CAT??)
H16 R02 - ???? (CAT30)
H16 R03 - Michelle (CAT40)
H16 R04 - Ivy (CAT50)
H16 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H16 R06 - Nancy (CAT40)
H16 R07 - Yvonne (CAT40)
H16 R08 - Ida/Rose (CAT30)
H16 R09 - Lynn (CAT30)
H16 R10 - Ada (CAT50)
H16 R11 - Pat (CAT40)
H16 R12 - Jennifer (CAT50)
H16 R13 - Vivi (CAT50)
H16 R15 - Amy (CAT50)
H16 R16 - Carol (CAT50)
H16 R17 - Moon (CAT50)

H16 = 16

H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20)
H17 R03 - Honey (CAT30)
H17 R04 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R10 - ???? (CAT40)
H17 R11 - Mei Yee (CAT40)
H17 R17 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R18 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R05 (2F) - Wendy (CAT40)
H17 R08 (2F) - Sally (CAT40)

H17 = 11

H20 R01 - Linda (CAT20)
H20 R02 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R03 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R06 - Peng Peng (CAT20)
H20 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R09A - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R13 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R20 - Sai Li (CAT20)
H20 R28 - ???? (CAT??)

H20 = 12

H22 R07 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R08 - Aida (CAT30)
H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30)
H22 R10 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R11 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R15 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R16 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R17 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R18 - Mei Na (CAT30)
H22 R19 - Nikki (CAT50)
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50)
H22 R21 - Xue Er (CAT50)

H22 = 12

H24 R01 - Amy (CAT20)
H24 R03 - Ah Fen (CAT20)
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li (CAT20)
H24 R07 - Mona (CAT30)
H24 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H24 R09 - Lilian (CAT20)
H24 R10 - Jessy (CAT20)
H24 R11 - Lily (CAT20)
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30)
H24 R15 - Lily (CAT30)
H24 R16 - ???? (CAT??)
H24 R17 - Shirley (CAT30)
H24 R18 - Angie (CAT30)
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy (CAT20)
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian (CAT50)
H24 R33 - Lai Lai (CAT50)

H24 = 16

Total WLs listed = 158

Hope this helps.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 13-04-2012, 08:43 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.

Last updated: 13 APRIL 2012 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor by: fornicator


Latest updates:

* Total of WLs listed todate = 158 *

Thank you Bro OMF78, H09R13A has been updated to: Kyoco CAT30

Returning from 1 month mandatory leave:

H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40) OL, RTW 16 April 2012
H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20) OL, RTW 24 April 2012
H09 R06 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H09 R07 - Shan Shan (CAT20) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H16 R01 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R08 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50) OL, RTW 08 May 2012

Operating Hours:

Approximately: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Please take note that:

- every house got it's own different operating hours; and
- most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go (recommended): weekdays, Monday to Friday between 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are peak days and is usually crowded, this is self explanatory. So try to avoid if possible. Unless you have prior booking!

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: Kindly refer to map below. Please "Click" the image to enlarge, (thank you Bro song).

For more information on how to get there:

Houses IN full operation: 02,04,07,09,10,11,12,14,16,17,20,22,24 (Total: 13)
Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,06,08,15,18,26.28,30 (Total: 10)


OL = On Leave (mandatory, 1 month)
LDW = Last Day Working (before 1 month leave)
RTW = Return To Work (after 1 month leave)

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik Road
PT = Petain Road

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, and 24)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2F) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: 07, 09, 11, and 17)

CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

For more acronyms: Click here.

Thanks and full credits to Bro enigmahomme!

Additional Information:

Duration of sessions is approximately 20 minutes per session. CAT20/30 may be less (15 minutes?)

Condoms, tissue paper are provided!


Thank you to Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.
Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.
Thank you to Bro jacky43 and Bro song for the detailed map.
Thank you to Bro austin69 for your help in updating the PSL.
Thank you to Bro Wiseman for suggesting to include the "General Petain Guide, Suitable for Newbie" thread here in the PSL.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R01 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R02 - Maggie (CAT50)
H02 R03 - Sally (CAT50)
H02 R04 - OG (CAT20)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50)
H02 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R07 - ???? (CAT 30)
H02 R09 - Hong Hong (CAT40)
H02 R10 - ???? (CAT 30)
H02 R11 - Mei Qi (CAT 20)
H02 R12 - Bobo (CAT50)
H02 R13 - ???? (CAT20)
H02 R14 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50)
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50)

H02 = 15

H04 R06 - ???? (CAT20)
H04 R09 - Annie (CAT20)
H04 R10 - ???? (CAT20)

H04 = 3

H07 R01 - Joanne (CAT30)
H07 R01A - Serene (CAT30)
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50)
H07 R03 - Cookie (CAT50)
H07 R04 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R06 - Joyce (CAT50)
H07 R09 - Pauline (CAT30)
H07 R10 - Xiao Rong (CAT20)
H07 R11 - Carol (CAT50)
H07 R12 - Alice (CAT20)
H07 R15 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R18 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R01 (2F) - Ann (CAT50)
H07 R02 (2F) - Chris (CAT50)
H07 R05 (2F) - Queenie (CAT50)
H07 R06 (2F) - Kathy (CAT50)
H07 R28 (2F) - Miki (CAT50)

H07 = 18

H09 R01 - ???? (CAT20)
H09 R03 - ???? (CAT30)
H09 R05 - Siao Wei (CAT30)
H09 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R07 - Shan Shan (CAT20)
H09 R08 - Mary (CAT30)
H09 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R11 - Nana (CAT30)
H09 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R13A - Kyoco (CAT30)

H09 = 10

H10 R01 - Mun Mun (CAT30)
H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40)
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R03 - Eileen (CAT30)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50)
H10 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50)
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30)
H10 R09 - Susan (CAT30)
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50)
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50)
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)

H10 = 12

H11 R01 - Amy/Jenny (CAT40)
H11 R03 - JJ (CAT50)
H11 R04 - Julia (CAT30)
H11 R05 - Rose (CAT50)
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50)
H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30)
H11 R10 - Ah Leng (CAT40)
H11 R11 - Jolene (CAT50)

H11 = 8

H12 R01 - May (CAT50)
H12 R03 - ???? (CAT??)
H12 R04 - Selene (CAT30)
H12 R05 - Kelly (CAT30)
H12 R07 - ???? (CAT30)
H12 R08 - Janet (CAT50)
H12 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H12 R10 - ???? (CAT40)
H12 R11 - Helen (CAT30)
H12 R13 -???? (CAT??)
H12 R14 - Ana (CAT30)
H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50)

H12 = 12

H14 R01 - Carol (CAT30)
H14 R02 - Yuki (CAT30)
H14 R03 - Mei Ling/Ah Ling (CAT30)
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40)
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (CAT30)
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen (CAT30)
H14 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50)
H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)
H14 R11 - Candy (CAT50)
H14 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H14 R13 - Catherine (CAT30)
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura (CAT40)

H14 = 13

H16 R01 - ???? (CAT??)
H16 R02 - ???? (CAT30)
H16 R03 - Michelle (CAT40)
H16 R04 - Ivy (CAT50)
H16 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H16 R06 - Nancy (CAT40)
H16 R07 - Yvonne (CAT40)
H16 R08 - Ida/Rose (CAT30)
H16 R09 - Lynn (CAT30)
H16 R10 - Ada (CAT50)
H16 R11 - Pat (CAT40)
H16 R12 - Jennifer (CAT50)
H16 R13 - Vivi (CAT50)
H16 R15 - Amy (CAT50)
H16 R16 - Carol (CAT50)
H16 R17 - Moon (CAT50)

H16 = 16

H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20)
H17 R03 - Honey (CAT30)
H17 R04 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R10 - ???? (CAT40)
H17 R11 - Mei Yee (CAT40)
H17 R17 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R18 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R05 (2F) - Wendy (CAT40)
H17 R08 (2F) - Sally (CAT40)

H17 = 11

H20 R01 - Linda (CAT20)
H20 R02 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R03 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R06 - Peng Peng (CAT20)
H20 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R09A - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R13 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R20 - Sai Li (CAT20)
H20 R28 - ???? (CAT??)

H20 = 12

H22 R07 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R08 - Aida (CAT30)
H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30)
H22 R10 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R11 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R15 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R16 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R17 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R18 - Mei Na (CAT30)
H22 R19 - Nikki (CAT50)
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50)
H22 R21 - Xue Er (CAT50)

H22 = 12

H24 R01 - Amy (CAT20)
H24 R03 - Ah Fen (CAT20)
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li (CAT20)
H24 R07 - Mona (CAT30)
H24 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H24 R09 - Lilian (CAT20)
H24 R10 - Jessy (CAT20)
H24 R11 - Lily (CAT20)
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30)
H24 R15 - Lily (CAT30)
H24 R16 - ???? (CAT??)
H24 R17 - Shirley (CAT30)
H24 R18 - Angie (CAT30)
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy (CAT20)
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian (CAT50)
H24 R33 - Lai Lai (CAT50)

H24 = 16

Total WLs listed = 158

Hope this helps.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 14-04-2012, 09:42 AM
jacky43 jacky43 is online now
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Wink New girls in town

From this website we had infos of 2 girls, H12R6 a brother wrote ex GL Malaysian girl but he did not post her charges. This is ex MJ room, keeping fingers cross she is prettier than MJ.

The other remains a mystery waiting to be uncovered, she is at H17R10 could be Ruby? Oh! It happen this weekend is Thailand new year, the so called water festival. Probably warm weather over at PT, we are not so far to Thailand.

I guess over at GL Thai brothels, over the weekend there will not be much Thai WLs operating business. Is her new year, take a break and, hang around with her folks. They could be found at Thai temples, orchard shopping and, not least golden mile.

Have a blessed water festival every body.
Old 14-04-2012, 06:08 PM
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Re: New girls in town

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
From this website we had infos of 2 girls, H12R6 a brother wrote ex GL Malaysian girl but he did not post her charges. This is ex MJ room, keeping fingers cross she is prettier than MJ.

The other remains a mystery waiting to be uncovered, she is at H17R10 could be Ruby? Oh! It happen this weekend is Thailand new year, the so called water festival. Probably warm weather over at PT, we are not so far to Thailand.

I guess over at GL Thai brothels, over the weekend there will not be much Thai WLs operating business. Is her new year, take a break and, hang around with her folks. They could be found at Thai temples, orchard shopping and, not least golden mile.

Have a blessed water festival every body.
hi,yup forgot to add 1206 is cat50. i dunno whos mj, coz just came into scene, but i tink chances she is prettier than mj is q low.
Old 14-04-2012, 08:38 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.

Last updated: 14 APRIL 2012 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor by: fornicator


Latest updates:

* Total of WLs listed todate = 159 *

Returning from 1 month mandatory leave:

H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40) OL, RTW 16 April 2012
H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20) OL, RTW 24 April 2012
H09 R06 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H09 R07 - Shan Shan (CAT20) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50) OL, RTW 30 April 2012
H16 R01 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R08 - ???? (CAT??) OL, RTW 08 May 2012
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50) OL, RTW 08 May 2012

Operating Hours:

Approximately: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Please take note that:

- every house got it's own different operating hours; and
- most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go (recommended): weekdays, Monday to Friday between 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are peak days and is usually crowded, this is self explanatory. So try to avoid if possible. Unless you have prior booking!

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: Kindly refer to map below. Please "Click" the image to enlarge, (thank you Bro song).

For more information on how to get there:

Houses IN full operation: 02,04,07,09,10,11,12,14,16,17,20,22,24 (Total: 13)
Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,06,08,15,18,26.28,30 (Total: 10)


OL = On Leave (mandatory, 1 month)
LDW = Last Day Working (before 1 month leave)
RTW = Return To Work (after 1 month leave)

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik Road
PT = Petain Road

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, and 24)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2F) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: 07, 09, 11, and 17)

CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

For more acronyms: Click here.

Thanks and full credits to Bro enigmahomme!

Additional Information:

Duration of sessions is approximately 20 minutes per session. CAT20/30 may be less (15 minutes?)

Condoms, tissue paper are provided!


Thank you to Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.
Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.
Thank you to Bro jacky43 and Bro song for the detailed map.
Thank you to Bro austin69 for your help in updating the PSL.
Thank you to Bro Wiseman for suggesting to include the "General Petain Guide, Suitable for Newbie" thread here in the PSL.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R01 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R02 - Maggie (CAT50)
H02 R03 - Sally (CAT50)
H02 R04 - OG (CAT20)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50)
H02 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R07 - ???? (CAT 30)
H02 R09 - Hong Hong (CAT40)
H02 R10 - ???? (CAT 30)
H02 R11 - Mei Qi (CAT 20)
H02 R12 - Bobo (CAT50)
H02 R13 - ???? (CAT20)
H02 R14 - ???? (CAT??)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50)
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50)

H02 = 15

H04 R06 - ???? (CAT20)
H04 R09 - Annie (CAT20)
H04 R10 - ???? (CAT20)

H04 = 3

H07 R01 - Joanne (CAT30)
H07 R01A - Serene (CAT30)
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50)
H07 R03 - Cookie (CAT50)
H07 R04 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R06 - Joyce (CAT50)
H07 R09 - Pauline (CAT30)
H07 R10 - Xiao Rong (CAT20)
H07 R11 - Carol (CAT50)
H07 R12 - Alice (CAT20)
H07 R15 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R18 - ???? (CAT??)
H07 R01 (2F) - Ann (CAT50)
H07 R02 (2F) - Chris (CAT50)
H07 R05 (2F) - Queenie (CAT50)
H07 R06 (2F) - Kathy (CAT50)
H07 R28 (2F) - Miki (CAT50)

H07 = 18

H09 R01 - ???? (CAT20)
H09 R03 - ???? (CAT30)
H09 R05 - Siao Wei (CAT30)
H09 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R07 - Shan Shan (CAT20)
H09 R08 - Mary (CAT30)
H09 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R11 - Nana (CAT30)
H09 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H09 R13A - Kyoco (CAT30)

H09 = 10

H10 R01 - Mun Mun (CAT30)
H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40)
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R03 - Eileen (CAT30)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50)
H10 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50)
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30)
H10 R09 - Susan (CAT30)
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50)
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50)
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)

H10 = 12

H11 R01 - Amy/Jenny (CAT40)
H11 R03 - JJ (CAT50)
H11 R04 - Julia (CAT30)
H11 R05 - Rose (CAT50)
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50)
H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30)
H11 R10 - Ah Leng (CAT40)
H11 R11 - Jolene (CAT50)

H11 = 8

H12 R01 - May (CAT50)
H12 R03 - ???? (CAT??)
H12 R04 - Selene (CAT30)
H12 R05 - Kelly (CAT30)
H12 R06 - ???? (CAT50)
H12 R07 - ???? (CAT30)
H12 R08 - Janet (CAT50)
H12 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H12 R10 - ???? (CAT40)
H12 R11 - Helen (CAT30)
H12 R13 -???? (CAT??)
H12 R14 - Ana (CAT30)
H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50)

H12 = 13

H14 R01 - Carol (CAT30)
H14 R02 - Yuki (CAT30)
H14 R03 - Mei Ling/Ah Ling (CAT30)
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40)
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (CAT30)
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen (CAT30)
H14 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50)
H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)
H14 R11 - Candy (CAT50)
H14 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H14 R13 - Catherine (CAT30)
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura (CAT40)

H14 = 13

H16 R01 - ???? (CAT??)
H16 R02 - ???? (CAT30)
H16 R03 - Michelle (CAT40)
H16 R04 - Ivy (CAT50)
H16 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H16 R06 - Nancy (CAT40)
H16 R07 - Yvonne (CAT40)
H16 R08 - Ida/Rose (CAT30)
H16 R09 - Lynn (CAT30)
H16 R10 - Ada (CAT50)
H16 R11 - Pat (CAT40)
H16 R12 - Jennifer (CAT50)
H16 R13 - Vivi (CAT50)
H16 R15 - Amy (CAT50)
H16 R16 - Carol (CAT50)
H16 R17 - Moon (CAT50)

H16 = 16

H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20)
H17 R03 - Honey (CAT30)
H17 R04 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R06 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R10 - ???? (CAT40)
H17 R11 - Mei Yee (CAT40)
H17 R17 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R18 - ???? (CAT??)
H17 R05 (2F) - Wendy (CAT40)
H17 R08 (2F) - Sally (CAT40)

H17 = 11

H20 R01 - Linda (CAT20)
H20 R02 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R03 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R06 - Peng Peng (CAT20)
H20 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R09A - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R12 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R13 - ???? (CAT??)
H20 R20 - Sai Li (CAT20)
H20 R28 - ???? (CAT??)

H20 = 12

H22 R07 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R08 - Aida (CAT30)
H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30)
H22 R10 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R11 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R15 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R16 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R17 - ???? (CAT??)
H22 R18 - Mei Na (CAT30)
H22 R19 - Nikki (CAT50)
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50)
H22 R21 - Xue Er (CAT50)

H22 = 12

H24 R01 - Amy (CAT20)
H24 R03 - Ah Fen (CAT20)
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li (CAT20)
H24 R07 - Mona (CAT30)
H24 R08 - ???? (CAT??)
H24 R09 - Lilian (CAT20)
H24 R10 - Jessy (CAT20)
H24 R11 - Lily (CAT20)
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30)
H24 R15 - Lily (CAT30)
H24 R16 - ???? (CAT??)
H24 R17 - Shirley (CAT30)
H24 R18 - Angie (CAT30)
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy (CAT20)
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian (CAT50)
H24 R33 - Lai Lai (CAT50)

H24 = 16

Total WLs listed = 159

Hope this helps.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 14-04-2012, 10:12 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Bro fornicator, I'm kinda new to this but if I may, suggest a few tweaks to the list to make it more complete. It is a very good reference but I can see that it's still possible to make it even better.

The old list used to indicate a word or two as a description to the WL of the particular room / house. I believe that it is a good practice. Perhaps we can update the list further by adding a word or to describe and then add some words on what the individual allow and don't the client to do.

1. Enable easy reference for any particular taste.
Unless most bro's prefer "a box of chocolates concept", you won't actually know what you'll get until the door is closed and well, the action begins which may lead you to be a happy man or a angry hulk at the end. With the list added with a description, at least any client can see what to expect or whether does it fulfills his interest of the day.

2. Knowing what the WL will do / won't do / dislikes
This would prepare each client when approaching the specific WL to avoid offending the WL by doing something she doesn't like. She may have preferences and disappointed bros are not something good. Both ways, the WL is happy and so is the client. With mutual respect, client gets his desires fulfilled and the WL gets her money.

I'm really new in this, and may all the bro's guide me in this. I hope that this does offend anyone and I'm open to any discussions. Hope this gets considered as it will benefit a lot of people.
Old 15-04-2012, 08:44 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Thank you for your suggestions Bro ultimaweapon.

I will try to tackle the Reasons you presented one by one.

Reason 1. Enable easy reference for any particular taste.

I don't see the need for this since you will see outright once you step into a house. That is of course if the WLs door is open. You will see her inside waiting for us customers and from there you can judge with your own taste: SYT, MILF, AILF or GILF.

Reason 2. Knowing what the WL will do / won't do / dislikes.

Every experience differs for every customer, but there are some WLs that are consistent. But still difficult to say because they may change their standards anytime they want. The offerings are so unpredictable that you'll just have to go there, try her and find out for yourself. That is why in the FRs, I for one would indicate that what I got doesn't mean you will also get as the WL got her own preferences and chemistry with the WL is also a factor. You may be surprised but you must remember that they are also human.

You are correct when you mentioned mutual respect. When I enter a WL's room for the first time, try to know her "rules". What are the can and cannot and I have to respect them. If she is ok with me, she will be in my RTF list, regardless. If she is rude, I will not RTF. Also, I always pay upfront.

In conclusion, I will not be able to consider the "few tweaks to the list" as what you are suggesting, especially for Reason 2. Because if not 100% accurate, I might have tons of complaints coming in, and worse, I will get zapped!

Finally, be careful when typing your posts: "I hope that this does offend anyone and I'm open to any discussions.". You for got to type in not. So what it should've been was, "I hope that this does not offend anyone and I'm open to any discussions.".

Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by ultimaweapon View Post
Bro fornicator, I'm kinda new to this but if I may, suggest a few tweaks to the list to make it more complete. It is a very good reference but I can see that it's still possible to make it even better.

The old list used to indicate a word or two as a description to the WL of the particular room / house. I believe that it is a good practice. Perhaps we can update the list further by adding a word or to describe and then add some words on what the individual allow and don't the client to do.

1. Enable easy reference for any particular taste.
Unless most bro's prefer "a box of chocolates concept", you won't actually know what you'll get until the door is closed and well, the action begins which may lead you to be a happy man or a angry hulk at the end. With the list added with a description, at least any client can see what to expect or whether does it fulfills his interest of the day.

2. Knowing what the WL will do / won't do / dislikes
This would prepare each client when approaching the specific WL to avoid offending the WL by doing something she doesn't like. She may have preferences and disappointed bros are not something good. Both ways, the WL is happy and so is the client. With mutual respect, client gets his desires fulfilled and the WL gets her money.

I'm really new in this, and may all the bro's guide me in this. I hope that this does offend anyone and I'm open to any discussions. Hope this gets considered as it will benefit a lot of people.
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 15-04-2012, 11:09 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

i tink the present is good enough,well done bro forni
Old 15-04-2012, 11:25 AM
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Smile Re: New girls in town

Originally Posted by simsim87 View Post
hi,yup forgot to add 1206 is cat50. i dunno whos mj, coz just came into scene, but i tink chances she is prettier than mj is q low.

Welcome to the club mine brother, a bit of ex PT girls, MJ/ Diamond/ Super/ Inter/ May and Sugar. Do not be trouble of their room numbers, all were beautifully.

Ex MJ is what local guys, Malaysian too called Ipoh classic beauty. It is tragic that such beauty would pick up this career. For brothers who came from countries further then Malaysia.

Tyical village simple prettier, slim with pointed tits. Few younger girls are trained to clip their pussy tighter during FJ, today no PT girls posses such skills. Instead few choose to use harmful CDs to cheat customers.
Old 15-04-2012, 11:36 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Thank you for your suggestions Bro ultimaweapon.

Finally, be careful when typing your posts: "I hope that this does offend anyone and I'm open to any discussions.". You for got to type in not. So what it should've been was, "I hope that this does not offend anyone and I'm open to any discussions.".
Ah yes. That's what was supposed to be written.
(Where's the edit post button by the way?) Thanks bro fornicator.

Your explanation seems good enough for me. Accepted.
To be honest with you, I'm not familiar with this and with the limited
number of days I'll be in Singapore, I thought it would help people like me seeking for some experience without getting a bad taste in the mouth due to wrong selection.

I suppose I can get some recommendations from your vast experience bro fornicator? My tastes are on big-boobs and pussy licking.

Old 15-04-2012, 12:00 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Every experience differs for every customer, but there are some WLs that are consistent. But still difficult to say because they may change their standards anytime they want. The offerings are so unpredictable that you'll just have to go there, try her and find out for yourself.
not only preference, they also got mood.

say yesterday, they like rice, today, dun like liao, want noodle, then tomorrow like roti prata. i exaggerating la, but u get the idea.

if u rtf a same ger a few times, u will know. even for the very same person, sometimes u can on one day, sometimes u can't on another day.

the present list oredi beri beri good liao, thks to fornic and thread starter.
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