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Old 12-07-2015, 03:52 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

The forum began as a simple bulletin board in the Web 1.0 era. In fact the first script was nothing more than a simple guestbook.

It has grown and been defined by members. Its direction has not been determined by me. Neither was the format. All I did was create the various sections in response to the content eg like sorting books on a shelf by category which is pretty much what I am still doing today.

To cut a long story short I can't manage it the way you suggest. I'm not a corporation. I'm a one man show with a few volunteers who help out.

Asking me to moderate everything is pretty much impossible. The link exchange plaza is all embedded stuff. The files are not uploaded to my server. They go to file sharing sites which I have absolutely no control over. Some threads contain video mega links which are 1.5Gb and there could be hundreds posted daily.

If those were child porn videos, how would I possibly tell unless I actually downloaded all of them and reviewed the contents. I would need a staff of 100 and a T1 connection. Google doesn't moderate all its search results either. They respond to complaints the same way I do plus they have the resources to automate some tasks.

I simply cannot manage the forum anymore as it exists today. It has outgrown my capabilities and time.

For my OZ/NZ forums that I run for Sydney/Christchurch sex workers, I can hire people on the ground to ensure accurate images and proper descriptions, I even provide a photography service through a sub contractor. I tried to do that in Singapore but found it impossible even though prostitution is legal. No photographer wanted to get involved. The brothel operators are therefore given open season to simply steal images from the web and use them thereby exposing the site to all sorts of copyright liabilities.

You can see what I could achieve in Singapore with a professional team of staff.


1. Asian Agencies

When visiting Asian Agencies. If you have booked an Asian Escort from NZGirls, always ask to see the girl first on arrival before you hand over your money to confirm she is the one you were expecting. If she is not the lady you booked or if you are not satisfied with their choice of lady, you can ask them to bring you another escort until you are happy.

If they can not bring you the lady advertised or anyone suitable, let them know they have wasted your time and leave with your money. Avoid the classic "bait and switch" many experience. If you hand over the money first, do not expect to get it back, whether you stay or not. If this happens to you, go to NZ Adult Forum and tell your story to warn others.

2. Verified Photos

We recommend visiting ladies with "verified photos" to ensure the lady you see on NZG is the one you will get when you turn up to your appointment, whether it is a private escort or an agency. Always confirm with the escort when making the booking that the photos you see are up to date and are accurate.

If you find that the ladies photos and very different in real life or just fake pictures being used, email us and give us their name and phone number with a brief description of your version of the lady and what was not accurate to her pictures.

If you visit an escort and she is not the lady in the photos on NZG or if you are not happy with her in real life, you can leave. It is recommended that you politely explain why you are going to leave, so the lady learns the importance of having true and accurate information and photos.

*IMPORTANT* There can be times when an escort may not be verified, but they are her real photos, she may not have gone through the verification process yet.

To sum up the forum as it is now impossible to run if I am to try to ensure compliance to Singapore laws. It's just too big.

The only hope to make it compliant in the eyes of the Singapore authorities is to scale it down to a manageable size so that I can reduce overheads so that it pays its way somehow. I can then check out what sort of format will be acceptable to the police.

Perhaps the yellow pages format where it just says "XYZ escort services - Gorgeous girls available to take care of you" or something similar. However, it would be pretty bland and the forum would probably die in no time.

Sites like travel advisor would never be as popular as they are today if all they did was list destinations and establishments with zero customer inputs. That is why I thought this forum format was ideal because of its interactive nature. Of course I cannot moderate all the posts. It would take me more hours than I have in day unless I scale it down considerably.

I have always relied on community self regulation to keep this forum as sanitised as possible. Obviously it has not worked. I spend most of my on line time in the sexual health issues and matters of the heart sections because that is where I thought that I could be of most value. The rest of the forum was left to run on its own with a volunteer mod. The end result is the public crucification that we are witnessing today.

Originally Posted by *FiReWoRkS* View Post
This forum is too precious to both the Boss himself and the users to be totally destroyed or drastically revamped.

A simple diagnosis would suggest that this forum is essentially made up of 3 distinct areas - 1) Porn sharing 2) Paid advertising 3) Sharing of info among samsters

Each area has its fair share of problems and so lets do some simple disections below.

1) Porn sharing
Boss would have to decide if this area is still worth keeping and if its worth keeping then do we need to have some rules on banning or restricting certain objectionable genres like underage (obvious), voyeur/upskirt (50-50?), BDSM (50-50?) etc. And what should the rules be and how to implement the ban and restriction?

2) Paid advertising
This is the area that brings in the dough for Boss and also to provide the money to keep this forum going and it also benefit the OKTs and prospective clients ourselves - the most 'important' yet problematic component of the forum. 90% of the problems lie with the OKTs (fake FRs, fake pics, delete unfavourable FRs, cyber bullying towards other OKTs and clients etc) and the 10% problems caused by clients are to be honest borned out of the problems caused by the OKTs. We are all just regular horny samsters that want to have a good time thats matched by the ads descriptions. We 'cause' troubles only when we need to fight back against those unfair/fake ads.
Boss would need to decide if this is still worth keeping and if so should any form of rules and regulation be in place? Separate threads for separate OKTs to keep things tidy and manageable? Instead of scantily clad ads logos should we have a coy logo of the OKT instead? Or maybe just a name of the OKT will do? Let the OKT put in some descriptions for his girls and services and allow samsters to reply in that thread but suggest the OKT to put a link to his own webpage for samsters to refer to that place for more info and pics. In this way this section would look less sordid but still allow the users to check everything at one glance and allow the OKTs a good and fair platform to conduct their business. Boss and mods would retain all rights to the deletion of replies on the separate threads so that samsters would not complain of unfair deletion of honest FRs. And of cos obvious cases of rival OKTs posting damaging FRs on rival threads should be severely dealth with.

3) Sharing of info
Important but none-revenue generating thus the strict clampdown on threads that look only remotely like advertising threads. I believe this is the least problematic of the 3 in terms of attracting unwanted public attention yet the most important as it is the spirit of sharing that brings in the samsters and thus web traffic in making this forum a lively one. I just hope Boss would be less lenient on deleting suspicious looking threads in order for the spirit of sharing to flourish again.

Apologies for I cant and did not provide full solutions to all that ive mentioned but i just hope the above are good food for thoughts to further improve the forum.

Tips for ALL samsters.
  1. Keep your identity secret.
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  3. If you do arrange social meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your primary sammyboy nick.
  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 12-07-2015, 03:57 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

As long as you have the FL threads and a place for people to talk about non-mainstream sex... This forum will inevitably run into trouble with the powers that be.

Basically, they don't want content which they can't control. Its as simple as that, thus they will attack us at our weakest spot (The black sheep that is amongst us just like in any large group).

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
The forum began as a simple bulletin board in the Web 1.0 era. In fact the first script was nothing more than a simple guestbook.

It has grown and been defined by members. It's direction has not been determined by me. Neither was the format. All I did was create the various sections in response to the content eg like sorting books on a shelf by category which is pretty much what I am still doing today.

To cut a long story short I can't manage it the way you suggest. I'm not a corporation. I'm a one man show with a few volunteers who help out.

Asking me to moderate everything is pretty much impossible. The link exchange plaza is all embedded stuff. The files are not uploaded to my server. They go to file sharing sites. Some threads contain videos which are 1.5Gb and there could be hundreds posted daily.

If those were child porn videos, how would I possibly tell unless I actually downloaded all of them and reviewed the contents. I would need a staff of 100 and a T1 connection.

To cut a long story short I simply cannot manage the forum anymore as it exists today. It has outgrown my capabilities and time.

For my OZ/NZ forums that I run for Sydney/Christchurch sex workers, I can hire people on the ground to ensure accurate images and proper descriptions, I even provide a photography service through a sub contractor. I tried to do that in Singapore but found it impossible even though prostitution is legal. No photographer wanted to get involved. The brothel operators are therefore given open season to simply steal images from the web and using them thereby exposing the site to all sorts of copyright liabilities.

To sum up the forum as it is now impossible to run if I am to try to ensure compliance to Singapore laws. It's just too big.

The only hope to make it compliant in the eyes of the Singapore authorities is to scale it down to a manageable size so that I can reduce overheads so that it pays its way somehow. I can then check out what sort of format will be acceptable to the police.

Perhaps the yellow pages format where it just says "XYZ escort services - Gorgeous girls available to take care of you" or something similar. However, it would be pretty bland and the forum would probably die in no time.

Sites like travel advisor would never be as popular as they are today if all they did was list destinations and establishments with zero customer inputs. That is why I thought this forum format was ideal because of its interactive nature. Of course I cannot moderate all the posts. It would take me more hours than I have in day unless I scale it down considerably.

I have always relied on community self regulation to keep this forum as sanitised as possible. Obviously it has not worked. I spend most of my on line time in the sexual health issues and matters of the heart sections because that is where I thought that I could be of most value. The rest of the forum was left to run on its own. The end result is the public crucification that we are witnessing today.
PM me for exchange pics / contacts
Email me at [email protected]

How I saw my mom had sex:
Old 12-07-2015, 03:57 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by figure11 View Post
Cool down TS,

This thread was meant for suggestion to Admin. If you want to take these comments at personal level. I have only one advise for you. "drink liang teh"
THEN y didnt u stood up against sniping in your history of post??

is it now the media and boss say sniping is a NONO ... then u pressure to say no to sniping also? u contribute what? a load of trash.

I m negative, but only shallow people cannot see what I contributed or try to contribute.

Without me always causing a nuisance to stop deter these snipers, u think will so fast take action? Always creating commotions and taking zaps.

Now the snipes r gone. The zaps r gone. and suddenly people r giving me points. ppl r coming out like hypocrites saying ban the snipes.

r u one of them? I not taking personal. I dont even know u. First time exchange with u. What personal u talking about? I just think your suggestions come with ill intentions
Old 12-07-2015, 05:21 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

It is very sad to see this happening to one of the last bastions of free speech and free expression in Singapore, namely this forum.

All we want is good sex, good fun, and good chatting with each other. Its a pity some of those in power take it upon themselves to be the police of the moral universe.

I have nothing but utter contempt for those who try to run the lives of others by their own code which they seek to enforce without your permission.
Old 12-07-2015, 06:04 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by joejoewonsg View Post
is it now the media and boss say sniping is a NONO ... then u pressure to say no to sniping also? u contribute what? a load of trash.
A bit about the sniping thread.

When it first started some time ago, I actually asked one of my lawyer friends whether it was legal to take a photo of a pretty girl with huge tits walking down the street.

The reply he gave to me was that as long as the image was taken in a public place and no misleading captions accompanied the image, it was legal to post it on line. His advice is collaborated here :

EG if it was posted with the remarks "beautiful tits", then it was legal although it may not exactly be wholesome. If the caption was "had sex with her last night" which was absolutely untrue, then it would be libel.

I therefore let the thread run. This was the sort of images published... pretty girls but in a public place and pretty much qualified as "street photogpraphy:

However, it covertly morphed into an upskirt thread which is definitely illegal because it outrages the modesty of the subject. Unfortunately I did not realise it until it was too late and the shit hit the fan. The thread was started in 2009! It lasted forever with never a single complaint to me.
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  3. If you do arrange social meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your primary sammyboy nick.
  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 12-07-2015, 06:18 PM
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Exclamation Re: Re- launch of the forum

Hi TS,

I have no animosity against you. Just another usual salaryman. You have misunderstood my comment on this thread from the start and I am not going to continue with you in this debate. Your comments in most cases can be interprted as cyber-bullying. Please continue your cyber-vigilante ways as you deem fit. I applaude for your efforts.

Originally Posted by joejoewonsg View Post
THEN y didnt u stood up against sniping in your history of post??

is it now the media and boss say sniping is a NONO ... then u pressure to say no to sniping also? u contribute what? a load of trash.

I m negative, but only shallow people cannot see what I contributed or try to contribute.

Without me always causing a nuisance to stop deter these snipers, u think will so fast take action? Always creating commotions and taking zaps.

Now the snipes r gone. The zaps r gone. and suddenly people r giving me points. ppl r coming out like hypocrites saying ban the snipes.

r u one of them? I not taking personal. I dont even know u. First time exchange with u. What personal u talking about? I just think your suggestions come with ill intentions
Old 12-07-2015, 06:18 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by hijav View Post
I disagree with this, its like culling the forest to save a few trees but how do you know these few trees are not rotten themselves?
After filtration, it's basically up to the moderator to remove those rotten ones if they exist or starting to rot making trouble here.

Just curious, I believe this is not the first time that Police/Media had prompt boss about SBF... just wondering why does it sound so dead serious this time round and even talking about moving out of Singapore commercial scene?

Although good things have to come to an end, but still hope boss can find solution to maintain the thread. Will respect any decision by then yea.
Old 12-07-2015, 06:21 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

I wonder too. Why this time rounds sound so serious? ?
Old 12-07-2015, 06:24 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by Big_sam View Post
After filtration, it's basically up to the moderator to remove those rotten ones if they exist or starting to rot making trouble here.

Just curious, I believe this is not the first time that Police/Media had prompt boss about SBF... just wondering why does it sound so dead serious this time round and even talking about moving out of Singapore commercial scene?

Although good things have to come to an end, but still hope boss can find solution to maintain the thread. Will respect any decision by then yea.
The problem is that the volume is too high. No Mod or even a team of Mods can scrutinize everything.

They rely on people reporting. That is why I put the reporting link in the forum preamble.

HWZ is the same : In their forum, it is stated

Important Forum Advisory Note
This forum is moderated by volunteer moderators who will react only to members' feedback on posts. Moderators are not employees or representatives of HWZ. Forum members and moderators are responsible for their own posts.
The difference is that HWZ is owned by SPH where as sammyboy is not. They can therefore get away with a disclaimer whereas mine carries no weight whatsoever. In HWZ members are responsible for their own posts. In sammyboy, I am responsible for everyone's posts.
Tips for ALL samsters.
  1. Keep your identity secret.
  2. Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers, real names & addresses.
  3. If you do arrange social meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your primary sammyboy nick.
  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 12-07-2015, 06:32 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Just my two cents worth....

Simple, form a board of committee and get current or ex ministers/MP/PAP members as members to endorse this forum and work with the relevant agencies/authorities to revamp our image:

1. To ward against premarital sex (since sex transaction in this forum must be 18 years and above) - can work with city harvest or faith the Baptist church

2. Promote a stronger family bond (after bonking, the father/mother happily goes back to the family) - can work with Focus on the Family

3. Promote an active burns a lot of calories - can work with Health Promotion Board

4. Promote Work-life Balance - de-stress from work - can work with the Ministry of Manpower on this area

5. Promote equality for males and females - men pay for sex, women can also pay for sex - can work with AWARE

Lastly, during the relaunch, when cutting the red ribbon, get the PM or President to cut it.
You say....I say...we all say Hor Say!
Old 12-07-2015, 06:43 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

why not remove all the FL sections? And also the KTV/HC sections. Move them elsewhere. Maybe you keep it under the sammyboy banner, but under a different name. any members want to go there, so be it.

If that is too much, then at least remove fl2. let's make a stand here. fl2 and all its vendors have gone too far.

create other sections to attract other advertisers. like the ones in this subforum selling sex related items. example - a section abt cars and bikes, and invite workshops to buy ad space.
Thanks for the memories to the OG D1 OKTs who provide good service.

Stables that get honest FRs removed - FO&D.
Old 12-07-2015, 08:18 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by figure11 View Post
My humble suggestion.

Consider implementing an automated system, that any member whose reputation point reaches negative value will have their account removed.

In most cases, these members posting or comments were objectional to other SBF members which resulted in their reputation points 'ZAP' until negaive value. But their account are still active and they continue to their old ways, which promotes an unhealthy discussion within the forum.

Have a good day ahead to other fellow SBF members.
Not a good suggestion lah, in the end pple get obssess with rep pts again and than have clones just to build up their war chest..
Old 12-07-2015, 08:27 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Like many bros, have been in this forum for the longest time.

Reading through the comments, can tell that some of the bros here are genuinely concerned. But please have an understanding of Singapore Laws before making suggestions.

1) Prostitution is LEGAL, pimping is illegal. Meaning FLs are perfectly in line with the law, but taking earnings from a prostitute is illegal. Minimum age of 18.
2) Escorts are LEGAL, escort agencies are LEGAL. Consensual sex between adults is legal. Minimum age of having sex is 16, it is ILLEGAL however if money/favors have changed hands.
3) Propositioning sex to someone else is ILLEGAL, you cannot propose to exchange money/favours in return for sexual favours.
4) Outrage of modesty is criminal, ie. the upskirt saga, unless it is consensual.
5) Photographers copyrights is legal binding, which means you cant steal some model's photo and use it as and where you like.

Just bear in mind the above and help boss if you have any ideas.
Old 12-07-2015, 08:31 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Perhaps boss should put up a warning sign on site that those who upload illegal material ie. upskirts etc their IP will be reported to the authorities. Boss does have a similar approach towards pple who upload paedophilles stuff. At least that is some form of policing and deterrent against would be uploaders.
Old 12-07-2015, 08:35 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Singapore has this good/bad thing. Everytime something bad happens, something gets blown out of proportion, everyone goea crazy. But as long as the next few days/weeks/months doesn't have another similiar incident, we kind of grew tired, and shift our focus on another incident.

So it's like a temporary solution. Just my thoughts. Few incidents like the City Harvest Case, Rioting in India etc.

But when a similiar incident happens, then everyone's focus come back with more vengence; MRT breakdown.

FYI, I love this forum the way it is. 😀
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