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Re: My kinky ex
9th March 07
Friday. Jessica didn't have any class that day. We had Friday,Saturday and Sunday. Just a short 3 days trip to one of our nearby islands. Our ferry was at 10am, being too excited to sleep the night before, I was already ready to leave the home at 7am. But knowing that I will be too early even if I was cabbing down. Daniel: Morning baby!!!! Jessica: (the sleepiness still in her voice) your up already? What time is it? Daniel: 7.10 baby. Jessica: you didn't sleep again right? Daniel: sorry sweetie, I'm too excited to sleep. Jessica: silly boy. It's just a trip. Daniel: I know, I know, but this is our first trip together. So what time will you be done? I'm cabbing down. Jessica: hmmm... I think I can be done by 8.30. Daniel: ok than pick you up at 8.30 than. Jessica: ok baby, see you later. Heading downstairs, I saw my dad was at his usual spot. Having his breakfast, reading the news and watching the news. Daniel: morning dad. Morning mum. Dad: you going on your trip today? Daniel: yap. Coming back Sunday evening. Jessica got classes on Monday. Mum: you don't do anything to her during this three days. Later her parents kill you. My dad just stared at me as my mum said that. Sipping his coffee as he eye me, I reach for the pepper shaker to season my eggs. Dad: you got take your credit card with you? Daniel: yes dad. Got it in my wallet. Dad: try not to use it over there...( my dad slip his hand over and pass me a envelope.) I look inside to see a stack of fifties. There must be like 4K inside. Daniel: dad... What??? Before I finish my sentence, my dad place his index finger on his lips, signaling me to keep quiet. Dad: don't tell your mum about this. Use the money to get a upgrade and have fun. Daniel: thanks dad. Just in time for my mum to step out of the kitchen and catch a glimpse. Mum: what you two father and son up too? Daniel: nothing mum, dad just telling me to be careful. Since he golf there often. Daniel: I got to go soon mum. See you on Sunday. I got up and run up to my room, my bags were pack short of my charger. Since I was in my room, I took this opportunity to count the money my dad pass me. Inside was 4500 dollars. All in fifties.. . |
Re: My kinky ex
Please continue. Support !
Re: My kinky ex
Daniel: baby, I'm about to leave the house, you almost done?
Jessica: yup... Changing now. Call me when you turn in ok? Daniel: ok dear. One more thing.... My dad pass me some cash. He ask me to use it for an upgrade and to have fun. Jessica: ok baby, your dad really loves you a lot. So nice of him. After hanging up, I called for a cab. Strangely I didn't have to wait long for a taxi to accept my booking... Picking up my bag, I headed out of my room. My er Jie was also heading out the room. We bum into each other heading downstairs.... Er Jie: going Bintan with Jessica right? Daniel: yup. Er Jie: don't do anything I won't do ok? She wink at me as we reach the ground floor. Unfortunately, my mum caught that as well. Mum: what wrong with you two? Both father and daughter behaving so weird today. You two miss Daniel already? It's only two days. He'll be back on Sunday. Daniel: nothing wrong mum. Jie is just wishing me a safe trip. See you all on Sunday. Bye dad. Just in time, as I left my home, the taxi pulled up right away. I can still hear my mum trying to probe information out of my sister.... |
Re: My kinky ex
We manage to reach Bintan slightly afternoon, using the money from my dad, I manage to get an upgrade in the room, the lady was nice enough to have her a room with the sea view instead of the swimming pool view. I processed to pay the lady but she told me the bill can be settle on Sunday after we check out. I tip her 50 for her help. And her smile was the biggest I seen ever.
She quickly had a bell boy take our bags and to show us to our new room, luckily we had a guide, cause our upgraded room was in another wing of the building. We had to take a lift up, walk down a long corriender before taking another lift down, walking through another shorter but still long corriender before we reach our room. The bell hop got the power on, carried our bags in and gave us a quick description of the way to the pool, the dining area and other facilities. He explain that since it was drizzling, he took us by the shelter way. If we were to walk by the pool, it will be along faster. I tip him 50 for his help and he kept on thanking me for it. As he exited the room. Jessica: baby you feeling damn rich? Keep tipping people 50.... Daniel: my dad does the same besides it his money. Jessica: ok... How much did your father give you exactly? Daniel: urgghhhh... None of your concern? Jessica: what you mean none of my concern? Jessica started walking towards me, her arm slightly out stretch, fingers wiggling away. Looking like she wanted to start a tickling war. I back away slowly... Daniel: now now, no need to resort to violences dear. We are all civilized people here. Jessica: with you?? I think violences is absolutely needed to deal with the likes of you. Daniel: you sure about that baby? Jessica: yes I'm absolutely sure. My coach had taught me, the best defense is offense. Make your opposition play your game, don't play theirs. And that was my mentality ever since, I bend my opponent to my will never will I bend to theirs. I charged Jessica, with my back against the wall, and Jessica was closing in. All it took was 2 steps and I had her. My sudden attack took her by surprise as she scream and tried to run. Too late baby, I caught her in a blick of an eye. Throwing her up in the air, I caught her as she came back down. My hands were cupping her butt, she had her legs wrap around my waist, her hands around my neck. I tried going in for a kiss, Jessica covered my mouth with both hands, pushing my head away and trying to shake my gripe of her. Last edited by iceman1314; 14-06-2016 at 10:16 PM. |
Re: My kinky ex
Nice update TS, waiting for more
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Re: My kinky ex
Jessica: your not getting at action tonight till you tell me the truth.
Daniel: hmm.. Hmmm... Hmm... Jessica: I don't understand hmm. Tell me!!!! Daniel: hmm.. Hmm.. I release my gripe of Jessica, she landed on to the floor. Her hands no longer covering my mouth. Daniel: I said how you expect me to say anything went your hands are covering my mouth. Jessica: ok now i'm not covering your mouth. So? I started walking towards Jessica. She place an arm out. Keeping me at arms length. Don't come closer. She stared at me, waiting for an answer. Daniel: ok ok , my dad pass me 4.5k Jessica: so much? You better return him the money. Daniel: I was planning on using the money for upgrade and returning the balance to him after that. Jessica: ok good boy. Jessica close the short distance and wrap her arms around me. We stood there for a moment taking it the room. The room was really big. There was a normal size hall, 2 bedrooms and a balcony with a overlooking view of the sea. It was a beautiful view and the room was worth every penny. Jessica: baby let's go see the view. She pulled me by the hands as she walk over to the sliding glass door. I unlock the door and slide the doors open. The gentle sea breeze started blowing in. The light rain, seabreeze and the sounds of waves crashing against the shore made for a romantic moment, I stood behind Jessica and place my arms around her neck. Holding her and enjoying the breeze and the view. Watching the light rain peddled down. We just stood there taking in the beauty of our surrounding. Jessica: baby. This is such a nice room, thank your daddy for me ok. Daniel: I will baby. So what you want to do? You hungry? Jessica: a little... You wanna go for lunch? I pulled the door close before we exited the room, making our way to the dining area for lunch. Along the way, I realise most of the rooms around us were empty. (This proves to be a good point later on) After lunch, we walked around the resort, it was still raining. In fact, the rain seems to have gotten heavier. Looks like the day was wasted, so we decided to buy some snacks and a two bottle of wine before going back to the room. I process to chill the wine in the mini fridge, and check the room service menu. Daniel: baby... You wants walk out to eat again during dinner or you prefer to order room service? Jessica: I don't know baby, like quite far to walk since we can't use the short cut. Anything good on the room service menu? Daniel: typical fares baby. Jessica: we see how than? Daniel: ok baby, what you doing in the bathroom? Jessica: taking a shower, I'm feeling sticky. You wanna smoke first? Seeing that Jessica usually takes more than 1/2 an hour to shower, I took my cigarettes and grab a mini whisky bottle and a can of coke from the mini bar. I open the doors to the balcony, took a seat outside and lighted up. Luckily, there was a canopy preventing the rain from coming in. The wooden chairs were cold but not wet. The rain had gotten bigger and was still getting bigger.. Hopefully the sky will clear up tomorrow. |
Re: My kinky ex
go holiday then rain is sibei sian 1
Actually bro, it rain only on the day with arrive, but it worked to my advantage. I also agree with you. Damn sianz go holiday than Kenna struck in room cause raining. But that day. It was a blessing in disguise
Re: My kinky ex
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Re: My kinky ex
TS you really have a flair for writing.
Re: My kinky ex
There's something so peacefully about watching the rain, hearing the waves wash up shore with a cigarette nursing a bourbon coke. My mind was completely relaxed, watching the cloud of smoke vanish with the breeze. Little did I know, my mind was about to be scrambled by Jessica in just a few moments.
Half way through my second stick, Jessica's voice wondered through the air. Jessica: baby where are you? Daniel: in the balcony baby. Why? I heard soft foot steps getting closer to the balcony. Turning my head sideward what I saw, took my breath away...... Jessica was standing in the middle of the walk way, her hair was down, she was no longer wearing her earlier outfit. She had on a black two piece lingerie from "La Sanza"The top was a bra with two translucent piece of fabric, join at the bottom and going around the bottom of the bra, it spits open at the centre with a sting of crystal dangling down the middle, pair with a black lacy sting panties and to complete the look, she had on a pair of open toe heels. The sight of her did three things to me. 1st- She cause my cock to harder up instant. 2nd- she took my breath away. 3rd- my brains were scrambled from the sight of this goddess standing in front of me. Jessica lick her lips seductively, with a wave of her index finger, she place me under her spell, drawing me in like a "moth to a flame" I total forgot about my cigarette and bourbon. My mental state was in a mess and my body was moving on it's own free will. I got up and my feet carried me towards her. Jessica: happy birthday baby. You like your birthday present?( as she ran her hands from her hips up to her neck. |
Re: My kinky ex
Reaching her, I finally snap out of her spell.
Daniel: baby you have no idea what you just did to me? Jessica laughed and point downwards. Jessica: I know perfectly fine what I'm doing to you. Daniel: come here sweetie. I reach out for her. She place her hand in mine, I pulled her in, she collapse on to my chest. My hands wondered downwards as I cupped her butt. Lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around me, one hand on my shoulder as the other sweep her hair back wards. Our face inches from each other, we look into each other's eye. Time stood still for that moment. The wind blowing it, messing up Jessica's hair. Her legs wrapped around me, me cupping her butt looking up at her as she look back down at me. In a moment, our animals instincts took over. It was like a our lust for each other that was building up thought the months of light petting and teasing was overflowing from us. Like the yellow river bursting its banks, our lust was bursting out from us. Our lips locked, out tongue battle was furious, Jessica moaned into my mouth as our tongues did battle. I grab her ass harder, making her moans increase a few decimal. I took her towards the bed room. Upon reaching the bed. I drop Jessica onto the bed. Her hair flew all over, using one arm she prop herself up as the other swept her hair back. I lean down, carrying on our tongue fight. Jessica slowly seat up and inch her way towards the edge of the bed. My body moving along with her flow. Once Jessica reached the end of the bed, both her hands went for my shorts. My hands went down immediately to stop her. Daniel: baby.... You sure?? Jessica: (nodding her head) yes baby, I'm sure. I want you to take your cock out for me, I want to make it up to you for this few months. I took my tee off as jessica work my belt first, followed by the button than the zipper. My shorts fell away to the floor, my tee somewhere in the room. My harden cock was making a tent with my boxer. Jessica caress my harden member through my boxer. Her hands trembling slightly as she move them upwards to the waist bend. As she exhale out a deep breath, she pulled my boxer down with it. My cock sprang free from the restrictions place upon it. The first time Jessica laid eyes on a guy's privates.... Daniel: baby you ok? Jessica: I never knew it will be so big... I have felt it so many times but this is the first time, I'm seeing it. I never knew it with be so thick. Are they all that thick honey? Daniel: dear I won't know, I never seen other erected cocks before. Jessica reach out and gently stroke my cock with her index finger. It jump at her touch. Jessica: baby what's that? Daniel: I don't know, it has a mind of it own. I lean down, we kissed. Our third round battle of the tongues began. Jessica had her hand wrapped around my cock. She was just holding it, she was not stroking or teasing it. But just having my harden member in her hand was enough to send shock waves racing all round my body. |
Re: My kinky ex
now i also having a hard on
moreeeeee |
Re: My kinky ex
Jessica tighten her gripe on my cock. It was my turn to groan under her touch. Jessica literally had me by the cock, she could control where she wanted me to go. With one hand griping my cock, the other hand together with the butt movement, Jessica began making her way backwards onto the bed. I had no choice but to follow as she pulled me along by the shaft.
We were both on the bed, as Jessica turn me over by the balls, she straddled me and broke out kiss. I wanted to follow her up but she stop me with both hands, pushing me down onto the bed. Running her fingers along my chest down to my stomach, up her own stomach to that dangling crystal... Her hair partially covering her face, the rain beating down the windows, flash of lightning steak the skies. Jessica tongued one finger as the other push her hair back again. Looking at me with those sexy eyes.... She reach down to pull on that dangling crystal. What I thought of as a decorative piece was a key piece in the whole set up... It acted as a pull to unclip the whole lingerie. With one pull, the treasure chest was open. The whole piece open into two, spit right down the middle. What I had been waiting for was FINALLY mine. Jessica's stunning love pillows came into view, she had little brown nipples that was already erected. A nice hand fully. Not too big not was it too small. Jessica carried on by slipping one strap off her shoulder.... Followed by the other strap. The piece fell off her landing on my twitching mad cock. She had that same shy look about her. Her face turn to one side facing the dark skies. Her hands trying to cover up her nakedness in front of me. I fucking lost my mind, I had to have them. Propping myself up, I grab Jessica and flip her round. Now I was on top of her. She still had her face turn to one side. Hair covering the other side of her face. I gently reach up and brush her hair away. Jessica turn and face me, the look on her face..... I can still remember to this day. Our eyes locked, I lean down slowly and kiss her neck, working my work down to the treasure. Stopping at her collar bone, I suckle on it, kissing and licking her neck, collar bone... Taking my time, fucking the urge to go straight for the prize. After much teasing, I make my way down to the prize. Kissing her boobs gently, going around her nipple, make sure to avoid them, teasing her for as long as possible. My other hand squeezing her other pillow, I switch between them. Make damn sure to avoid both nipples, as I tot with her. Making Jessica moan louder and louder, with each cries of pleasure, it drove me further over the edge. I finally couldn't control myself, my tongue flicking out at her nipple as my other hand place her nipple between my index and thumb, I began rubbing. My mouth open to engulf her nipple. Sucking and flicking my tongue at it. Jessica tilted her head back, grabbing the sheets. She let out a loud Jessica: OH MY FUCKING GOD.... Hmmm.... Urgghhhh... Jessica: baby.... It feels fucking awesome. Her body shook for the first but not the last time that day. Jessica looked at me sucking on her nipple. As my other hand massage her other breast. I release her breast from my mouth and switch over. Looking at her as I flick her nipple, toying her... Knowing fully well that she was watching my every move. I took her nipple back into my mouth, sucking hard on it this time. Jessica close her eyes and let out a louder moan. She dig her nails into my back, causing me slight pain, which only drove me on. Using my teeth, I gently nibble down on her nipple. Jessica body shook slightly, as my other hard squeeze down hard on her breast. |
Re: My kinky ex
Wow still updating at this hour, you are THE MAN
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