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Old 23-11-2006, 10:32 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

at first thought they lousy business on sunday so i can have longer and better session...

sunday FR on judy (claim 4month old)
face: far7, near5.5 , dimple deep deep like michelle chia, bad hair, smoke breath
body: not fair, not smooth, first GL150 i saw wearing mini-shorts. boob B-
bathing SOP
service: 7 old-bird -like, think she worked before turning GL150
FJ: 6 feel tight
think judy need make-up lessons, and mints.
RTF: no
conclusion sunday dont go too early. best is 2pm. i go about 12-1pm also a lot not working, end up with this type of quality. dont go too late also, most WL close shop earlier (some 9+pm close already)

another better encounter:
FR on carol (old carol)
heard 2 carol GL150 and 2 more GL80. another carol is newer(6months)
this one is from L16H54a (not sure)

face 6
body 8 extra fair, extra smooth plus half point for pink nib. boob A+B-
service: 8.5 SOP bath follow by loooong cat bath from i laying, i doggie (rejected AR as i no like AR) she BJ under me, but a bit different is she slide under me from the side, not from between my legs.
then i sitting on bed, then both standing, then i lay again. wa! her tongue stamina good.
FJ 6 not her fault as i didnt last long after the foreplay.
although already 45min gone, she still offer massage after FJ. i declined
good chem, no rush
RTF: yes dunno whether will long q as i think she should have regulars for her solid performance
not so new, not so old.
but getting older, cannot 4-shots liao
Old 23-11-2006, 12:12 PM
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SaSa (2224A)

all my targets on leave or not working so OKT recommended Sasa to
me...i tot why not try potluck...

Sasa is a Cantonese Ipoh gal, looks abt 23yrs old, syt/ah lian look
wif quite alot of makeup, crooked buck teeth in neeed of braces (tot
abt August!), long brown tinted hair, quite fair slim & petite wif a
pierced navel, slight droopy C cupper boobs wif brownish tits, flat
ass and a large tattoo abv her butt...

need to break the ice wif her as she does not appear chatty at the action in the shower...

Sasa starts off the session by paying alot of attention sucking my
nipples, more so than other GL gals, quite a pleasant
sensation...then turns me on my front to give me a catbath on my
back, followed by me in doggie while she licks my ass and uses her
hands to play wif my cock...then i am on my back again as she goes
south, first playing wif my balls and giving them a good lick/suck,
then the bbbj wif medium suction, she has quite a good technique of
using her lips to play wif the cockhead and she appears to enjoy
looking at herself in the side mirrors while doing the bbbj which is
quite a turn on...

my turn to service, downside is that she is not keen on frenching
which is a bummer, appears to like her boobs being squeezed and tits
licked gives a high look and makes the right sounds, ok wif fingering
although i think she uses enjoyed best wif her on top riding
me bronco style, face in ecstasy, squirming and moaning while i
fondled her boobs and pumped her tight pussy...ended wif a medium
body massage and chit chat...

Sasa is an ok fuck for a syt/ah lian GL150 gal,nothing special
though...she speaks good english and told me the difference between
the M'sian sex scene and GL is that the timming is the same, but in
M'sia the chaps only expect to be serviced for abt 25mins whereas in
GL chaps expect to be serviced for at least 35-40mins...perhaps that
is why the newbies take sometime to get use to the GL scene...
Old 23-11-2006, 12:32 PM
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Had Benz on the 21st, as mentioned previouisly she is quite pretty, probably a 7 or 8. (not much experience here, only previous GL WL is AB, who I rate as a Lao Chio, others I've tried are HC girls)
She's quite petite and slim, boobs not big but I think went with her look quite well.
For me being the first time with her I felt that she's very quiet, but I can't get over how good looking she is so I just kept staring at her and am not good at small talk.
Her catbath was long and wet and she seems quite hardworking but again too quiet for me so it felt quite SOP. Maybe will improve if I went for her again.
BJ was nicely paced.
Tried only 2 positions. Frenching was intense, overall quite good use of her tongue.
Overall quite a good time with her, though I did arrive too early and had to sit and wait an hour for her, next time better find out before I go down.
RTF: very likely.
Old 27-11-2006, 09:06 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

FR report on Kico

Date : Fri, 24 Nov 2006
Time : 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Fuckshop : L2033

Winnes n Juventus were in a month "vacation"...shit!

So, my third choice was called into action. I called her the "sleeping beauty"....cos of her sleeping eyes...but her svc n skill is by no means "sleeping"...

General description

avg look, avg boobs, avg figure, avg height...abt 1.6m...i would consider her slim...


presentable look...i considered her sweet sometimes...

Grade her 6.5/10 in this area.


she got nice natural boobs...but not for boobs lover.

Grade her 6.5/10 in this area.


she will warm your meat after a nice clean bath...her soft lips will lock tight against your shaft n worked their way up and down slowly...ooohhhh...

Grade : 10/10


very very soft yet simulating touch and licks on u...!

Grade : 9/10


another commando style...Deep Deep Deep....

Grade : 10/10


done in various positions...laying down...on doggy...then me on top, thrusting my hard meat deep down her this position...she will also allow you to tits fuck her.

this gal deep throat u deep deep...

Grade : 10/10


as always... i let myself erupted in CIM ending...and like most commando trained...she will suck u Dry Dry Dry...!

Grade : 10/10

Overall : still in my top three...w/o question!

My current fav in order : Winnes, Juventus, Kico, AC...

Disclaimer : the above ratings are only meant for a guide, and are personal ratings. Individual preferences and standards varies!
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Old 28-11-2006, 11:12 AM
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FR: big S (from L20H73?)

face 7.5 claims she's 27yo
boob 8 a+b-, 50cent coin,score extra for pink nib
body fair, extra smooth
bath nothing happened. can see she apply KY after she bath
BJ alternate catbath longer than average GL150. AR no grade, i not into AR. kissable but can smell cig
FJ 7.5 somehow she can sense u cumming and change pattern/tempo and delay it.

good reliable service
RTF on reserve list if fav not around
not so new, not so old.
but getting older, cannot 4-shots liao
Old 28-11-2006, 11:18 AM
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FR: big S (from L20H73?)

sorry double post
not so new, not so old.
but getting older, cannot 4-shots liao
Old 29-11-2006, 10:55 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

FR report on Nico ... L16H10 . Hi this is my first FR and first expereince at Geylang . Thanks bros for all your other posting ... teaches a newbie a lot without having to goto geylang
was walking along lor 16, looking for an early afternoon fuck and OKT of house 10 called and showed Nico. Sweet young thing, around 5ft3, with a handful breast. Great ass that caught my sight at once said her age was 23.
Shower was SOP... was expecting a nice hot water BBJ after readin so many bro's FR... But got nothing...
Moved back to the bed and don’t really like AR so told her to skip that. BBBJ was again ok ... standard procedure...
Then the fun started... can she ride a cock or what ... has so much energy nearly came after her constant riding ... had to take a break by cuddling and frenching .. very very GFE feeling with her .. no rush ...
tried a couple of positing , doggie is really good with her as she has a really nice ass ... Finally laid back and got her to ride me again and exploded in her ...
Overall rating
Body - 8
Boobs - 6 ( i like them bigger )
BBJ - 6
CIM- did not ask
AR - DID not ask
Cumming in her while she rides you ... awesome
Hope to have many more experiences ...
Old 08-12-2006, 09:31 AM
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FR blue ocean

blue ocean was from L14 but that shop closed liao. so moved to L18
all blue sky blue diamond all retire all move to various other houses

face 6
look from far still got young gal feature, small face w/ sharp chin
nearer see the eye lesh too long minus point, and can see aged already.

body 6
flabby arm, hived bottom. think she need serious toning.
extra fair, those fair till can see green vein type.
a+b- boob with pinkish nib

service 8.5
wet long cat bath. told me to adopt doggie and bbbj from rear, below, around. then i stand, BBBJ in front of me. then i stand one leg on bed, she BBBJ all around, from in front of me, rotate till behind (moved thru my legs)
then i lying on bed and service from ear to finger to toes.
FJ various positions

RTF: maybe. i think she can improve on her looks, with exercise and proper makeup. dump the fats and the long eyelesh. actually enjoyed her session BUT seeing from behind when she unclothed, really turn me off with her out-of porportioned bottom with cellolite. like auntie like dat
not so new, not so old.
but getting older, cannot 4-shots liao
Old 10-12-2006, 05:50 AM
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benz FR

Nice Ipoh chick, 23, speaks a little English, more comfortable in Mandarin or Cantonese
Looks a bit like a young Sumiko Tan. So if you have a festish about bonking Sumiko -
Benz doesn't like her cunt licked though.

Face: see above
Boob: she likes them caressed
Body: smooth skin and fair
French: she likes this too
BBBJ: She likes to give head, was OK for me.
FJ: She genuinely likes it
Overall: RTF - mebbe, I like to give head. She doesn't like it.
Old 16-12-2006, 05:17 AM
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Bmw Fr

Seen her a coupe of times now. Definitely Ang Pai chick, pretty, petite, classy, dresses ladylike rather than slut hostess with the slit dress , conversant in English, Cantonese, Malay...nice Ipoh chick. 24 yrs. Sex feels like sex with a new date rather than sex with sex worker. Skilled and accomodating. Apparently was high class escort before to various Tungkus and Da+++s. Came to earn volume dollar as opposed to top ringgit low volume, long wait high class malaysian escort biz. Not like Wen Fang as someone described her, Yes I knew Wen Fang well - great body, fake tits,pouting lips, slit eyes, protruding arse, leopard panties...Wen Fang was a bona fide sex kitten. BMW is a higher class bonk. She wears floral country dresses and would be quite at home in the expensive in a classy way as opposed to sex kitten. If you like the Desperate Housewives look.. haha

Face: She is wholesomely pretty, someone you'd bring home, She could easily be on TV
Boobs: nice pencil eraser tits, felt natural and looked natural
Body: smooth skin and fair, long black hair
French kissing: She's a good kisser
Pussy: nice, trimmed, clit can take strong action
BBBJ: She likes it both ways and loves to be licked. Made her come twice
FJ: It was good, pussy was not as tight though, hers has seen much action including some malayan Royal action I understand
Overall: RTF - definitely. Long wait though even if you are early.
Old 21-12-2006, 08:42 AM
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FR tian tian 2043a

looks 8: like pan ling ling from some angle short straight black hair
i love black hair dunno why most dye funny color
boob C+ to D cup. this is her highlight i think. but i not boobs man
but nib not pencil tip like.
body quite fair and smooth. a bit flabby thou.
SOP bath. will try not to AR, not to french, try not to bbbj, keep wiping. think she dislike all body fluid. a bit turn off. but i think if insist she will do them. uses her assets to massage all over and give u shaft in valley treatment.
FJ normal

the looks grow on you.
RTF 75% yes
not so new, not so old.
but getting older, cannot 4-shots liao
Old 21-12-2006, 11:31 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Late FR report on Singtel

Date : Fri, 15 Dec 2006
Time : 8.00pm – 9.00pm
Fuckshop : L2033

My all time fav Winnes still on vacation...kico and Juventus have to wait...sia liao...then okt said "Singtel ok bo?" hmm...heard alot abt this commando trained old bird so on lah...

General description
very chatty girl...a bit chubby...and of course SYT lover u might want to skip her...unless u are going for a super "hardcore" service...

old chick liao...for me...nothing special. presentable.

Grade her 6.0/10 in this area.

she got big boobs...but a bit chubby...

Grade her 6.0/10 in this area.

no shower...straight to action liao...

Grade : 0/10

funny way of using her tongue and funny sound too...!

Grade : 6/10

commando style...Deep Deep Deep....

Grade : 10/10

for beginner...pls try her with great care...she really suck you hard n dry!

Grade : 10/10

as usual, i let myself loose for a nice CIM ending...she would suck u Dry Dry Dry...! hardcore porno stuff

Grade : 10/10

Overall : err...she was good but my fav list remained as per below...

My current fav in order : Winnes, Juventus, Kico, AC...

Disclaimer : the above ratings are only meant for a guide, and are personal ratings. Individual preferences and standards varies!
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Old 22-12-2006, 10:01 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Just Testing
Old 22-12-2006, 06:46 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Went to look for a few of my fav today.
Not one available due to Dong Zhi. I suggest bros to avoid visiting GL for legal commercial sex during this Dong Zhi period as most of the good ones are gone.
Was recommended a gal by the name of Christine to me.
She has chubby face and B cup tits.
Dressed pretty simple in spaghetti top + jeans.

To cut a long story short, she told me the following
1. only here for a few months
2. she hardly do AR (i don't like it anyway so it's ok).

And my experience
1. Her BBBJ skills is totally fucked up. Very lazy. Blow for a short while and stop for a long time continuously. Totally NO SUCTION power. BBBJ lasted for only 2-3 minutes.
2. Fucking her like fucking a deadfish. Missionary all the way until i gave up (my didi also gave up).
3. Talkative. But does it matter?

I avoid those PRC bcos of their fucked up service, but this GL150 is a TOTAL WASTE OF $$$ as her service is as bad and some more looks is just average

Looks: 5/10 (bad complexion covered with thick powder)
Boobs: 8/10
BBBJ: 2/10
FJ: 2/10
Old 22-12-2006, 07:13 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by adultvidz View Post
2. Fucking her like fucking a deadfish. Missionary all the way until i gave up (my didi also gave up).
3. Talkative. But does it matter?

I avoid those PRC bcos of their fucked up service, but this GL150 is a TOTAL WASTE OF $$$ as her service is as bad and some more looks is just average

Looks: 5/10 (bad complexion covered with thick powder)
Boobs: 8/10
BBBJ: 2/10
FJ: 2/10
Hi bro that is why it is a good bet to surf here and get the names of those with more experience and super svc.... For me finances not very gd so i resort to Cat $50/80, heh heh but svc also good but looks cannot fight with those in cat$150.
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