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Old 26-10-2022, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by yqz7 View Post
Don’t bother la, most bros won’t give, give already they also most probably would not accept.
Somemore he's asking these two angpai WeChat lol.
Old 26-10-2022, 10:18 PM
pooptato pooptato is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

My first exp at condo loc as I'm trying to get my nr into the database, so tried my luck at new MLs.

Looks discount 30%-40% from photos, but claims if she has make up it will look the same (lol). She asked me if she looked the same as photos so she also know the photos not accurate at all.

Massage soso but back stepping was decent.
Sensual was decent with licking all over the body, other than that nothing special.

I value a nice massage but it was unsatisfactory so won't RTM.
Old 26-10-2022, 10:40 PM
BJtryouts BJtryouts is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Bros, able to recommend any girls to help me get into database. I've tried a few girls but i still seem to not be in there. Pls pm or reply. Thanks in advance
Old 26-10-2022, 10:45 PM
Link7888 Link7888 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Crazy1982 View Post
Can try her roommate xiao ai , I think xiao ai is prettier and friendlier .
never tried Dora but Xiao Ai is cute. And very shy haha

edit: just noticed got 2 Xiao Ai. Referring to the "love" one

Last edited by Link7888; 26-10-2022 at 10:56 PM.
Old 26-10-2022, 11:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rix6669 View Post
Looks good. Do try and give fr!

In exchange I tried the coco in sbc.
Lao chio,just manage her age expectation. But her figure looks hotter than 90% girls in their 20s and 30s. One thing turned me off is her accent, Abit viet sounding. and keep repeating if I like, become her regular. This kind of things need to remind repeatedly meh.
Find her Ads in other site, reviews lousy
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Old 27-10-2022, 12:39 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kone3 View Post
keep trying and keep your cool !

I have been visiting ML since the days of hotel81. Then I stop for a few years as I have a regular in MP. Restarted in 2019/20. The ML who I book initially agree to the appointment. When I arrived at her condo, she hesitate to give me her unit number. Tried coaxing her but failed. As it was late, it’s unlikely I am able to book another ML. Just a few blocks away, there’s a MP. So I send her picture of the MP and tell her that if she don’t give me her unit number, I will visit the MP instead. Long story short, that MP is clean joint and I had a 1 hour massage. I complaint to her that she should not let me make a wasted trip. She apologized and I let it go. Getting angry at her wouldn’t make any diff

After the massage, I walk to the nearby prata shop. I send her a picture of the prata and asked if she would like to join me. Guess what? She asked if I can tabao for her instead. I agree after she promised that she wouldn’t fly me aeroplane again

The ML and her room mate even came down in a sexy nightie to pick me as I was having issues with the access. This might sounds liked a fairy tale. she was visibly touched and asked if I still want massage after eating the prata. She even suggested that I sleep over as I am the last customer. Yeah, she agree to help me write a good comment in the database. Ha ha …….just sharing
knn, just sharing my personal encounter also got pple zap me for boasting my ego and talk cock. Dude, this thread is named TCSS! Your eyes shoot bird ? Didn’t see the word TCSS ?

ps: not that the points matters a lot to me, just voicing out …..
Old 27-10-2022, 01:02 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kone3 View Post
keep trying and keep your cool !

I have been visiting ML since the days of hotel81. Then I stop for a few years as I have a regular in MP. Restarted in 2019/20. The ML who I book initially agree to the appointment. When I arrived at her condo, she hesitate to give me her unit number. ..........

.....The ML and her room mate even came down in a sexy nightie to pick me as I was having issues with the access. This might sounds liked a fairy tale. she was visibly touched and asked if I still want massage after eating the prata. She even suggested that I sleep over as I am the last customer. Yeah, she agree to help me write a good comment in the database. Ha ha …….just sharing

Thanks for sharing, bro.

A few years ago, I was scheduled to meet the playful AP, Momo, late one Friday night at her RV apt. There was a police car with flashing lights downstairs. As I was her regular, I just went upstairs and we proceeded with the session, with the flashing red/blue lights from the police car constantly visible through the openings between the curtains. It was quite kinky.

After the session, we watched a few drunk chaps being handled by the police, while standing at her third-floor apt.’s tiny balcony (or in reality, a planter area) when we had a post-session smoke and drink.
Old 27-10-2022, 02:05 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LinMing54321 View Post
Bro could share her ctc? Ad na now
Search jiao jiao
Old 27-10-2022, 06:37 AM
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Originally Posted by cookiesandcream View Post
Went back recently to look for Shuang Shuang after spending a few months in dome 1, still the same feel as when I first visited her
She gives me the KTV girl vibe and was constantly making sure I was comfortable. Not much change in terms of looks, WYSIWYG. She claims she has gain some weight but I really can't see or feel it.
Hugged me and moaned in my ears during HJ while I squeezed and zhut her nnp, boob lovers stay away, I prefer small perky boobs
Do note she's still a vanilla ML so manage your expectations.

Also tried Emily, she was quite confident about her massage skills which gave me high hopes. But as the saying goes, 期望越高 失望越大
Pic wise IMHO need to discount also so I doubt I'll rtm as there's nothing that attracts me to go back.
Emily RTC this morning already. Guess we are expecting an exodus of the older batch of MLs who are returning home for CNY. Let us look forward to the arrival of newer, younger, prettier and hopefully better Svcs (fingers cross) MLs to give all our bros a jolly good time!
Old 27-10-2022, 07:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by BJtryouts View Post
Bros, able to recommend any girls to help me get into database. I've tried a few girls but i still seem to not be in there. Pls pm or reply. Thanks in advance
did u ask them to help add ur number in after the session? some of them may not bother to do so unless you ask specifically.
Old 27-10-2022, 07:50 AM
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Post Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by pooptato View Post

My first exp at condo loc as I'm trying to get my nr into the database, so tried my luck at new MLs.

Looks discount 30%-40% from photos, but claims if she has make up it will look the same (lol). She asked me if she looked the same as photos so she also know the photos not accurate at all.

Massage soso but back stepping was decent.
Sensual was decent with licking all over the body, other than that nothing special.

I value a nice massage but it was unsatisfactory so won't RTM.
U value nice massage and u find all these half fxuk massage girls? U ok anot?
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES
Old 27-10-2022, 08:25 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cress View Post

Face: 9/10 (close to what you can see in pic) very gum me. Pretty.
Massage: 2/10 (not experienced. Was a florist back home)
Sensual: 1/10 (light licking and kissing of MY nips)
Boobs: soft, big B (enhanced) small pointy nips.
Body: 6/10 tight, no visible fats, small fleshy ass
Hj: 2/10 (no fancy moves, just tugging)

Cannot zhut, cannot kiss. Skirt on, cannot reach inside. Only top off and can fondle boobs and nips. Honestly, no reason to go

Thanks for the detailed intel. Actually had her on my radar, but apart from a pretty face , everything else seems to be well below standards.

Sounds like it's an underwhelming session. One if those MLs that begins with happy expectations, then ends with that feeling of nothingness, disappointment, and worse, regrets.

I'll skip, many better ones around.
Old 27-10-2022, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Link7888 View Post
never tried Dora but Xiao Ai is cute. And very shy haha

edit: just noticed got 2 Xiao Ai. Referring to the "love" one
I visited Xiao Ai a few times already. Trying hard to persuade her to offer more services and open up. Suggested that she go FN. Maybe bros here can help 'persuade' her together.
Old 27-10-2022, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Aftershave@8 View Post
Thanks for sharing, bro.

A few years ago, I was scheduled to meet the playful AP, Momo, late one Friday night at her RV apt. There was a police car with flashing lights downstairs. As I was her regular, I just went upstairs and we proceeded with the session, with the flashing red/blue lights from the police car constantly visible through the openings between the curtains. It was quite kinky.

After the session, we watched a few drunk chaps being handled by the police, while standing at her third-floor apt.’s tiny balcony (or in reality, a planter area) when we had a post-session smoke and drink.
Speak of the devil. Is AP Momo Back? Check her WC moment now. Today start work. Central location. Still settling down.

Disclaimer: Too many MLs in my WC contact list and too many MLs sharing same names. Any bros can verify? Was it the AP Momo last time? LOL. Need a better system to tag their WC properly for future uses.

Last edited by cheongster_11; 27-10-2022 at 11:07 AM.
Old 27-10-2022, 09:54 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by msig View Post
I visited Xiao Ai a few times already. Trying hard to persuade her to offer more services and open up. Suggested that she go FN. Maybe bros here can help 'persuade' her together.
Why should people spend their money to visit her to persuade her? She will know what needs to be done if nobody goes to her, they are not stupid. That’s like going to a restaurant with subpar food and continuing to visit it in hope it will improve

There are other pretty faces around that deserves our moolah, that’s besides my opinion that she is at max a 7/10
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