The Legal Geylang (prostitute) SceneHad a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.
Once a FR has been written, it is no longer private. It is meant to be shared, not only among samsters but also with interested WLs (who hear from samsters). Some WLs treat FRs as a form of publicity, while others may react negatively. Those WLs who don't like such publicity will somehow have their desire conveyed. For example, my FR on Ruyi has made life difficult for her as I did not know she rarely offer frenching. I got a grilling from her during my rtf. Fortunately, she still gave me a wonderful time! She told me not to write about her anymore!
I managed to get a good frenching from her on 2nd visit. Why ? because i mentioned your case and requested politely .....However, she did one thing that made me lose faith on her and thats why i bonked other girls at 1658a regardless she was around and i was not too keen to respond to her daily greetings at night and in morning. She said that she was forced by a brother and gave frenching out of no choice. She said this is a short and ugly old man. She will never french him again.i know the rationale of why she ssid that. But i dont like she lied to me like that. Since that day, my impression of her dropped bit by bit till today and thats why i didnt rtf for the 3rd time since May
Haha most times if WL ask where I hear her name from, I just tell her from my friend. If press more, I just say internet friend or describe some generic guy lol.
paintingfan and Dpower, your contributions are helpful and appreciated, please keep doing so, as mentioned please keep doing so! I'll post my new FR in the next post
I managed to get a good frenching from her on 2nd visit. Why ? because i mentioned your case and requested politely .....However, she did one thing that made me lose faith on her and thats why i bonked other girls at 1658a regardless she was around and i was not too keen to respond to her daily greetings at night and in morning. She said that she was forced by a brother and gave frenching out of no choice. She said this is a short and ugly old man. She will never french him again.i know the rationale of why she ssid that. But i dont like she lied to me like that. Since that day, my impression of her dropped bit by bit till today and thats why i didnt rtf for the 3rd time since May
You lost faith in her because she gave in to a demanding customer? What did she lie to you about? Curious bro..
Haha most times if WL ask where I hear her name from, I just tell her from my friend. If press more, I just say internet friend or describe some generic guy lol.
paintingfan and Dpower, your contributions are helpful and appreciated, please keep doing so, as mentioned please keep doing so! I'll post my new FR in the next post
You lost faith in her because she gave in to a demanding customer? What did she lie to you about? Curious bro..
When i mentioned Bro Ejectjoy case to her and quoted tall and mascular so that she wont recall the wrong person, she painted Bro Ejectjoy as the short and ugly old man forcing her to french .....i dont like this sophisticated and articulated styles .....she could have just admitedt it and said willing to serve me also and i will be happy to rtf her many times for her to earn my money. But i dont like this false account of story , lying to me.The more i think of it, the more i lose interest in her.I know she does not have bad intentions. Just that i as a fucking knn petty bastard, unhappy that she lied to me in this manner.
When i mentioned Bro Ejectjoy case to her and quoted tall and mascular so that she wont recall the wrong person, she painted Bro Ejectjoy as the short and ugly old man forcing her to french .....i dont like this sophisticated and articulated styles .....she could have just admitedt it and said willing to serve me also and i will be happy to rtf her many times for her to earn my money. But i dont like this false account of story , lying to me.The more i think of it, the more i lose interest in her.I know she does not have bad intentions. Just that i as a fucking knn petty bastard, unhappy that she lied to me in this manner.
Maybe you should have given her the benefit of the doubt. Afterall, she told me that quite a number of customers requested her to French them following bro Ejectjoy's FR. So you might have mistaken, the short and ugly old man is not bro Ejectjoy... Lol
But don't get me wrong, I'm not defending her here. Just bringing up some new perspectives after hearing from her.
Maybe you should have given her the benefit of the doubt. Afterall, she told me that quite a number of customers requested her to French them following bro Ejectjoy's FR. So you might have mistaken, the short and ugly old man is not bro Ejectjoy... Lol
But don't get me wrong, I'm not defending her here. Just bringing up some new perspectives after hearing from her.
Bro, does not matter now. Nevertheless, she is a kind and pretty WL furnishing good services
While i still have a long list of new faces....
Besides, i still have my most favoured Shan Shan
Maybe you should have given her the benefit of the doubt. Afterall, she told me that quite a number of customers requested her to French them following bro Ejectjoy's FR. So you might have mistaken, the short and ugly old man is not bro Ejectjoy... Lol
But don't get me wrong, I'm not defending her here. Just bringing up some new perspectives after hearing from her.
Just to clarify, i already mentioned that i didnt believe in that crap story and it was a lie. Of course Bro Ejectjoy is not short and ugly. I hereby make my stand clear to avoid any misunderstanding.
All WL will tell lies haha.. even FRs also can contain lies
Maybe im getting old and nv get too attached to the scene anymore. If some bro can get french but I don't only means she don't need my patronage.. so I no rtf, continue to let those privileged brothers to support her while I continue the hunt for gems..
All depends on chemistry. If u are not her cup of tea, then proceed to others which u may be the othercup of coffee.
But sometime we must do our parts like maintain good hygiene. Who want to french a mouth smell like toilet bowl. Have a mint sweet before sure increase yr chance to get french.
Just to clarify, i already mentioned that i didnt believe in that crap story and it was a lie. Of course Bro Ejectjoy is not short and ugly. I hereby make my stand clear to avoid any misunderstanding.
I’m curious -
1) how do you know ruyi is lying?
2) how do you know ejectjoy is “not short and ugly”?
All depends on chemistry. If u are not her cup of tea, then proceed to others which u may be the othercup of coffee.
But sometime we must do our parts like maintain good hygiene. Who want to french a mouth smell like toilet bowl. Have a mint sweet before sure increase yr chance to get french.
well, this is very true. we all have our favourite bonking list. we have our favourite dishes and style. just like in a buffet. some like sashimi, some like cooked dory fillet, some like teppanyaki salmon.
in SBF, we just post our experience and FR. when i write my FR, i based on my total experience with the gal. no need to hide or boast about her. the bros will try and they will know.
Work hard and play hard.
Enjoy life while you can or you shall regret in your last moments.
We want a good bonking session and leave Geylang a happy man. The gals happy, we happy, and we look forward to the next visit, that is even more important.
as a Geylang firing machine, i have my share of being KC and also sadden and also lots of joy
we need to know how far we are going to go with the WL, whether she is in line with your expectation, whether we have the missiles and Vit M to match our promises and their expectation.
If the WL cannot bear to see you spend money on her, then maybe she is worth the effort in wooing. how far can we go? be our mistress in China next time?
If the WL wants to you buy for her Gucci or Omega watch, you dare to woo her? are we just one of the 11 others feeding the WL?
Last year i tried all my means to court a WL. bought her dabao lunch almost everyday, bought her gold bracelet and LV bag for her birthday, bought her an iphone when hers dropped and spoilt. when she resting i bring her out buy gift and good meals. within 2 months spent about sgd10k on her (including bonking her). only later to find out i have an even stronger competition, along with 8 others. felt like shit. what a fool i was. on several occasions, i was a bit emotionally affected by her being so close with that fella. suddenly the daily midnight chat shortened and later say she is tired or on wechat calls with family and shut me out gradually.
she went back china last year. the WLs told me that man still look after her. good luck to them and wish them well. anyway she deleted my wechat and the WLs laughed it out. She also deleted a lot of other of her Roberts. after that, i use her as my example to remind myself not to repeat this silly stupid fucking mistake.
yes, i asked for it. no one forced me to do what i did.
rather spend the money and enjoy the buffet spread in Geylang with little strings attached to any of them.
Work hard and play hard.
Enjoy life while you can or you shall regret in your last moments.
We want a good bonking session and leave Geylang a happy man. The gals happy, we happy, and we look forward to the next visit, that is even more important.