Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Thanks for the info. I will bring my cam and shoot. Hope to get some good pic to share w bros here.
Life is about SEX and FOOD. |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
10Q to all bros who up my pts ...
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Found this interesting article on Joanne Peh.
http://www.omy.sg/showbiz/enews/2008...43_imgmain.jpg 白薇秀:我没隆胸 穿bikini勇闯巴刹被批低俗,白薇秀突然长大掀隆胸疑云! 本地女星白薇秀上周为新剧《球爱大战》,与刘芷绚及谢美玉仅穿三点式bikini一早勇闯中峇鲁巴刹,一向 不露、走健康阳光路线的白薇秀,大庭广众下秀出波涛汹涌的好身材,瞬间成为众人焦点,在多个本地讨论区中引 起议论,有人更将此举动狠批为低俗。也有不少网民指,白薇秀一夜间长大,不是胸部垫水饺,就是 之前已动手脚。 隆胸疑云笼罩下,穿bikini奔巴刹戏份拍摄后两天(9日),白薇秀博客中喊冤并作 出澄清。 日前受访时,她无奈说:博客写的是为保护自己,很多报道的焦点都集中在我的胸部,是有点出乎意料,也让我 很不舒服。之前大家不曾讨论我的胸部,但那场戏后,观众的焦点就转移了 其实对我来说,穿bikini就 好像只穿内衣裤而已一样,真的很尴尬。 白薇秀直言,胸垫、胸贴和两件bikini是为防走光,但否认隆胸一说,她表示:Wardrobe提供的 bikini都太小件了,白色的那件也太 透了,所以当天穿了两件,绑起来才有集中效果,可能大家都低估了我,哈哈。也因为月事来时会水肿, 看起来会比较丰满。当天,大家只注意到我的胸部,但没注意到我手脚也有水肿的迹象。 除了穿bikini现身巴刹外,白薇秀当天还得赤手活捉青蛙,尽管捉起青蛙战战又兢兢,但她毫不犹豫表示, 若得从两者中选,我宁可活捉青蛙、吻青蛙、陪青蛙睡觉,就算整个过程重复几遍都ok! 巴刹酥胸半露后,遭网友性骚扰 巴刹露半波后,白薇秀讨论区遭网民调戏、性骚扰。 其实,自bikini的玉照传开来后,掀起隆胸疑云同时,不少网民自此对白薇秀刮目相看。有网民留言,以 谁说白薇秀很小?为题,还写道:(胸部)看起来像不小,不知道触感如何?还有人嘲笑道:胸部怎 么变又圆又大?她是如何锻炼那部分啊? 问当事人,她却表示目前没被性骚扰,所以不会担心:至少他们不知道我住在哪儿吧,呃应该不知道吧!目 前我还没收到类似电邮或在博客的类似留言,所以不大会担心。等收到了再来说吧,哈哈。 白薇秀:大姨妈过了,胸部就会变小 接下来还会穿bikini打排球,白薇秀:到时大姨妈过了,胸部就会缩水啰。 自上周穿布少少的bikini勇奔巴刹后,白薇秀透露,接下来还会穿bikini到沙滩拍外景,她指:我 们还有到沙滩打排球的戏份,到时也只会穿bikini。只不过,到时大姨妈过了,胸部就会缩水,大 家就知道我有没有动手脚。 她还笑言:造型师看了报道后,也问我如何变得那么大,我说是大姨妈,他笑说以后得等到我那个来时 才做造型拍照! 本地娱乐圈不大,在这行,只要有动手脚,总会有人知道,我问心无愧。
10Q to all bros who up my pts ...
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Thanks bro for sharing.
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Well seems to be true. Was told by my TN girl that when auntie come their breasts tend to swell alittle and are very sensitive.
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
kudo to you bro ang!
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Looks like Bro Ang076 has a very intensive spy network!
"Cries and screams of sex are music to my ears!"
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
btw just curious are u in her fan club or her no 1 fan? nowadays felicia so pretty in the silkygirl and olay tv ad... esp the olay ad when she wore that uniform
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Dont mention it , bros.
To bro Slyer: I got the info from her fanclub website.
Pls dont up my points anymore because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all. |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
ivy lee and fiona xie...
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Pls dont up my points anymore because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all. |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
i don't know abt you guys but i used to be crazy over this ex-actress... Tang Miao Ling.
used to wank and fantasize abt her when i was young.. ahem. sori.. should be when i was very young.
The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. I like BBBJ. I like CIM too. I like Girls Who Swallow Even More. |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
tang miao ling..
at last, somebody reminded me of her.. she was oso 1 of my fav actress back in those days when i was still very young .. very, very sweet look.. |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Tang Miao Ling was given a minor role in Beach Ball Babe, as a wife of Mr Li (played by Bernard Tan) and a father of Sixing(played by Dawn Yeoh).
She has aged.. She is now a real estate agent.
Pls dont up my points anymore because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all. |
Re: Mediacorp Actress To Bonk
Bro Ang076 ... you walking dictionary on local stars
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