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Old 10-04-2012, 07:26 AM
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Re: L6h70

Originally Posted by hengarr View Post
this hse okt press bell in abt 25 min and the gal will ask u to leave immediately or extend what do you think...highly overrated liao...G38...
bro i have gone to this hse over the last 10-15years and i have never on any event heard the buzzer going off. You are given 25mins for the fuck and 5 mins for the shower which is the best comparing to other houses like WH2 which give you 20mins including shower.
Old 11-04-2012, 08:26 AM
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L6h70 - 30 mins/session of $50

Originally Posted by sintaro View Post
... last 10-15years ..never ..heard .. buzzer going off. ..25mins for the fuck and 5 mins for the shower ..the best comparing to other houses like WH2 which give you 20mins including shower.
Fully agree. I have also never heard the buzzer so far. Cat 50 Houses giving 30 mins/session are the exception - not the norm. Have a nice day. Cheers.
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Old 12-04-2012, 10:48 PM
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Re: L6h70

Just RTF ger 18, had to wait 30 mins

She is getting more n more popular by the minute, feel happy for her, she commented a customer says she looks like a minah, fulfilling his fantasy lol.

Taking a close look, she does look like a sweet minah.

I was not in optimal condition and she helped me wank/blow off

Bros yet to try this gem hurry b4 she becomes too overbooked
Old 13-04-2012, 08:35 AM
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L6h70G18; G12; G16; G38 - New WLs

Originally Posted by Ah kan View Post
..RTF (G) 18, .. wait 30 mins ..more popular ..... look like a sweet minah...... try this gem hurry ..
L6H70G18 is petite, sweet looking - like minah. Probably best looking in L6H70 - Very popular now.

New WLs are G12, G16, G18, G38. G12 is nice looking but very poor English - not so friendly (no smile). Cheers.
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Old 13-04-2012, 11:16 PM
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Re: L6h70

i went to L6H70 and tried G18 because bro here said she look like a minah and i have never tried a minah before. as the saying goes, no fish prawn also will do. lucky she was not overbooked.

Looks: 7.5/10
Body: 7.5/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
RTF: nope
Old 15-04-2012, 05:19 PM
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Re: L6h70

Yea, coz she's still new in town.

Missing her already n wanted to rtf but found out her big aunty came

Old 17-04-2012, 07:11 PM
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Re: L6h70

Tried G12 last night and can confirm her English is almost non-existent. 'Finished' earlier than usual but she was kind enough to massage a little till time almost up - which is usual for some of the girls but I must say that the massage was quite good!
Old 20-04-2012, 05:20 PM
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Re: L6h70

G18Name : Lin
Jump to GL pond from Petain pond early this week, went straight to L6H70 as recommended by brother Kalv, saw G16, G18 and anothe fair lady with well proportioned body and bigger boobs than the others, not sure who she is so stick to recommendation to prevent disappointment as $$ and cum is precious
Choose G18 due to her pretty face, proportioned body thou abit tanned. She got tattoo and some dark shade on her butt but overall appearance is still a fine piece of femine body.
Her DT bj is wonderful as she can do it simultinously for 10mins Of cos I cant let her go on like that to drive me heaven 9 as I havent taste her yet.
She responded well to nipples sucking and licking, allowed well lub fingering but no frenching.. Did her in missionary, her frequently frowned and moans and sometimes gave you the unbelivered stares sped up my bursting effect..But the best part was throught out the session, I feel like having sex with a new gf on the 1st date! SONG AH!

Age: look like early 20+

Language : simple chinese

BJ : 8/10, super suction

Boobs : Droplet bear type, cuppa B and soft le, nice pair!

Figure: 8/10

FJ: 8/10

Attitude : 9/10

RTF : already thinking of her again, but may like to try the one as discribed above.

"Don't miss out her massage, especially her reach to your inner thigh, heavenly."...Damn, i missed out on this..

Sorry for the long FR, thanks to bro Kalv for the recommendation.
Up my points if you like my post, and leave your nick so I can trace you and up you back!
Old 21-04-2012, 12:06 AM
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Re: L6h70

Nice FR mbam,

missing her already

up u my humble pts
Old 21-04-2012, 04:32 PM
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L6H70G18 Lin

Originally Posted by mbam View Post
G18.. Lin
..saw G16, G18 and another fair lady with well proportioned body and bigger boobs .. (G18)..pretty face, proportioned body.. abit tanned. She got tattoo and some dark shade on her butt...DT bj is wonderful ..10mins...allowed well lub fingering but no frenching.. ..missionary, ...moans.. through out .. feel like having sex with a new gf on the 1st date! SONG AH! ...early 20+ simple chinese BJ : 8/10, .. cuppa B .. soft.. nice ..RTF : already thinking of her ...thanks to bro Kalv ...
Great FR for L6H70G18 Lin. G38 Ying should be the other WL: . Thanks for sharing. Unable to upz U again. Wishing all a nice weekend. Cheers.
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Old 26-04-2012, 08:49 PM
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L6H70G18 Lin

Jut popped in L6H70. G19, G22 - not so nice looking. Newer G12,16,18, G38 better looking. G38 looks especially sweet/beautiful.

Had a sextifying session with G18 Lin, B boobs, 28 yrs from Chiang Rai, looks sweet / younger than her age, friendly, Chinese speaking (good), tattoo on back, tanned.

Great BJ, energetic cowgirl, french (soft/GF type) during missionary, allows fingering, accommodating etc. Like making love to GF - Highly recommended. Cheers
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Old 05-05-2012, 12:46 PM
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Re: L6h70

Tried No.12 and we make a bigger joke. For those bros this joke, pls up my point. The joke are following:

Went in, only 22 & 12 are available, 22 is so Ugly, so I choose 12. Went to the room, not realised 12 cannot understand english at all and she can only speak Yes, No, FXXX. For me, I cannot understand Thai, but I can speak some base on my memory.

Now story start. went in and SOP go to the shower, during shower we play some fingering, then I ask her to sit and hold my brother and I would like to help her to clean her face (piss at her face) - of course I speak in English. Then she really sit and hold my brother (I though she agreed and understand), so I start piss to her face, she so angry and say X#$% (I think she think I ask her to sit down and clean.) Anyway, since my brother is so hard, I cannot care whether she is angry or not, so I say sorry then move on. From this point I know her english is 0000

Went to the bed, after FXXX for 10 mins, I found it boring, as all the same, so I ask her (in Thai) whether I can FXXX back side with RAW, so she turn to the doggie position and I remove the condom and put my brother in. Once I put in, she immediate shout and jump, my brother nearly break and her face turn very very black and tell me finish. I have no idea why, so I go.

Do you know why??? After I come out, I called my friend who teach me Thai. I mix up the sentence, in fact I am asking her whether I can do doggie. (I did not say back side with RAW).

Now I feel very guilty and tonight I think I need to bonk her for 2 hours to say sorry.
Old 05-05-2012, 01:08 PM
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Re: L6h70

F**k ulaukintak for putting other people at risk without proper consent. You are even lower than animals, a pest and leech, not worth living on this earth.
Old 05-05-2012, 01:11 PM
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Re: L6h70

Originally Posted by laukintak View Post
Tried No.12 and we make a bigger joke. For those bros this joke, pls up my point. The joke are following:

Went in, only 22 & 12 are available, 22 is so Ugly, so I choose 12. Went to the room, not realised 12 cannot understand english at all and she can only speak Yes, No, FXXX. For me, I cannot understand Thai, but I can speak some base on my memory.

Now story start. went in and SOP go to the shower, during shower we play some fingering, then I ask her to sit and hold my brother and I would like to help her to clean her face (piss at her face) - of course I speak in English. Then she really sit and hold my brother (I though she agreed and understand), so I start piss to her face, she so angry and say X#$% (I think she think I ask her to sit down and clean.) Anyway, since my brother is so hard, I cannot care whether she is angry or not, so I say sorry then move on. From this point I know her english is 0000

Went to the bed, after FXXX for 10 mins, I found it boring, as all the same, so I ask her (in Thai) whether I can FXXX back side with RAW, so she turn to the doggie position and I remove the condom and put my brother in. Once I put in, she immediate shout and jump, my brother nearly break and her face turn very very black and tell me finish. I have no idea why, so I go.

Do you know why??? After I come out, I called my friend who teach me Thai. I mix up the sentence, in fact I am asking her whether I can do doggie. (I did not say back side with RAW).

Now I feel very guilty and tonight I think I need to bonk her for 2 hours to say sorry.
you say you mixed up the language but why you remove the condom and fuck her backside?? U are contridicting yourself right???
Old 05-05-2012, 01:32 PM
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Re: L6h70

Originally Posted by laukintak View Post
Tried No.12 and we make a bigger joke. For those bros this joke, pls up my point. The joke are following:

Went in, only 22 & 12 are available, 22 is so Ugly, so I choose 12. Went to the room, not realised 12 cannot understand english at all and she can only speak Yes, No, FXXX. For me, I cannot understand Thai, but I can speak some base on my memory.

Now story start. went in and SOP go to the shower, during shower we play some fingering, then I ask her to sit and hold my brother and I would like to help her to clean her face (piss at her face) - of course I speak in English. Then she really sit and hold my brother (I though she agreed and understand), so I start piss to her face, she so angry and say X#$% (I think she think I ask her to sit down and clean.) Anyway, since my brother is so hard, I cannot care whether she is angry or not, so I say sorry then move on. From this point I know her english is 0000

Went to the bed, after FXXX for 10 mins, I found it boring, as all the same, so I ask her (in Thai) whether I can FXXX back side with RAW, so she turn to the doggie position and I remove the condom and put my brother in. Once I put in, she immediate shout and jump, my brother nearly break and her face turn very very black and tell me finish. I have no idea why, so I go.

Do you know why??? After I come out, I called my friend who teach me Thai. I mix up the sentence, in fact I am asking her whether I can do doggie. (I did not say back side with RAW).

Now I feel very guilty and tonight I think I need to bonk her for 2 hours to say sorry.

go f urself. u deserved to be zapped heavily
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