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Re: Tantric Massage
Bro, the correct term here should be "sensual massage".
Re: Tantric Massage
Ooops my bad. Its really a pity that we cannot get something more authentic then a 'sensual massage' locally. Although I am pretty sure that what Apple offers is more "tantric" than your average 'sensual massage' given the review by starboy with prolonged ejaculation etc
Besides, I would think a sensual massage would involve a essential body-to-body massage etc which Apples does not provide. Cheers! |
Re: Tantric Massage
http://www.livestrong.com/article/17...age-therapies/ http://www.ehow.com/about_5414608_di...therapies.html I don't think we can say that (pop) Tantric Massage is not sensual massage; it is. However, I qualify that I am mostly referring to pop Tantric Massage (or sometimes referred to as California Tantra), the form popularized in the West, after it was learned in India (see article on Red Tantra: http://kundaliniyoga.homestead.com/tantra.html). The traditional or purer form of tantra is distinctly different from the pop Tantric Massage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantra. I would think that if anyone of us were to look for and experience traditional Red Tantric Massage in India, particularly from the mainstream sects, they might be disappointed by the absence of the sexual form they were looking for or be alienated by the strong association with the spiritual aspects. It appears from the wikipedia article that the sexual rites, popularly by the West with Tantra, were only practiced by a minority of sects. Even with the few India sects practicing tantric sex, there were preparatory and purificatory rites. And even then, the Western 'pop' form of tantric massage at least contained both sexual and spiritual aspects of the original form. The form I experienced with Cici in Beijing, albeit very orgasmic, does not even resemble the Western 'pop' form of tantric massage. I think with many jumping on this bandwagon and claiming they are practicing tantric massage that it is becoming less clear what is the 'correct' or 'authentic' form of tantra massage. Read this:http://knol.google.com/k/proson-chen...4iz7ebxbab6/5# So I question what are the broes in this forum looking for: the Red (Indian) or Californian form of tantric massage or an enjoyable form of extended tantric-like, blissful massage? Just digressing: I found another massage option if you are in HK: http://tantricmassagehk.blogspot.com/ (and they claim that they are the "ONLY true tantric massage therapists in Hong Kong"; the founder was practicing at RedTantra. Last edited by rokhard; 12-06-2011 at 06:42 PM. |
Re: Tantric Massage
bro rokhard
I have replied to your questions Just to share with you, I had tried Red Tantra and paid the premium price of the tantric massage just to have a feel of how sensual it is. the main reason is to rekindle my desire back as I am in my mid 40s. Unfortunately, it was a sad session firstly, I was assigned an Indian (I am not racist but I am half chinese and half indon) secondly I regretted approving the TV in the hotel room to be switched on because she was watching TV while doing tantric massage and it aint tantric anymore. Lastly, it was embarassing for me when she tried the Yoni massage and mind you, it will be wise to clear before trying...I do not wish to elaborate. |
Re: Tantric Massage
It's far from the kind of Indian tantric or california tantra that TS mentioned. The "Tantric"/"tantra" services in Singapore are merely "sensual massage" + a bit of lingam + prostate (anal). And they have called it "Tantric". |
Re: Tantric Massage
Do let us know how Apple compares with Red Tantra, as few of us of have tried both to be able to say anything. If I were you, just make sure the TV is switched off, as the previous occupant might have left the TV on and it comes on automatically when the key card is inserted when you enter the room. By the way, Yoni is the woman's vagina and Lingam is the man's penis. I am also in my mid-40s. I don't know whether we share the same predicament, but I sometimes cannot erect or even if my didi is erect, it often loses strength mid-session. The reasons might be attributed to age, lack of exercise (I am certified as obese, even though I still do vigorous exercises), obstructive sleep disorder (there is snoring but I am not sure whether I have sleep apnea) that is scientifically proven to affect erection quality (see today's Today) and stress; or a combination of the above. Its gotten so bad that I could not neither get a proper erection nor maintain one with syts or a masseur trying to expertly fondle my privates. And then I found Apple. I need not repeat her talents again (see previous postings), but I now find myself waking up sometimes with an erection, like I did when I was a wee young boy. When recently before, I had to wait at least 4 days or even a week to recover after ejaculation (which is why I am a proponent of retaining the cum), now Apple has helped restore my ability/confidence to regenerate my cum production with a recovery of just 2 days. I must however qualify that I only tried 2 sessions in succession with one day apart, with each time ending in ejaculation for the sole purpose of assessing recovery rate. One of Apple's best abilities for me is the fact that she can let me lose my erection and then help me erect again; this is something other masseurs cannot do because when they lose my erection, they lose it completely. Lastly, I noticed in the last session that she took more liberties to pump me harder and faster when she noted my 'strength' and I was pleasantly surprised that I need not worry about ejaculation at all. I have been served by Apple for the past 9 months so I think a lot of the connection or her knowledge of my needs and limits were built up over this time. I would suggest that you go (this Friday) with the goal of keeping your erection strong for at least 30 minutes in the 1st session and then ejaculate. Go back to her in the next earliest session (next Monday) but this time, try for a longer erection period of maybe between 30 to 60 minutes, but this time retain your cum. In the 3rd session, you should be able to hold the erection for 60 minutes and see if you can still hold the cum in this 3rd session. In the 4th session, I think you would be lucky to resist her "sweet torture" for 60 minutes and I believe if you did ejaculate in this 4th session, you will not believe how explosive your climax will be. The above is just a guideline but do share with us (or me) how your sessions go. |
Wow Bro Rokhard, must b very enjoyable...
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Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months... For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it ![]() |
Re: Tantric Massage
The problem is that it is possible also to miss Apple's true potential. When I first tried her (about 9 months ago), I was almost prepared to write off the experience. I gave the benefit of doubt and tried her again and again, then I realized that she needed to make a connection with me. I can connect with this because in my life experience, my employers and business counterparts all needed time to appreciate my true potential. Despite all the advice I give her, Apple insists that every bro is different and she needs to 'read' the bro; to know what makes him tick. Apple shared with me that in a recent massage session, she totally could not read the bro and there was a disconnect. I learned something new about Apple today: she doesn't like to be 'told' what to do. Communication is a funny thing. It is important to say what we want, but sometimes saying what we want ends up making (especially) a female (such as Apple) feel like she is not doing the right thing and thus impacting on her inner-confidence. I discovered today that she (perhaps like most females) need to read our non-verbal cues such as the sounds or actions that we make to signal approval or enjoyment or appreciation. Anyway, I think I am slowly breaking through Apple's mental block with the perineum; some broes might think the perineum is the same as the prostrate, but the prostrate massage is a lot different than just massaging the perineum. Anyway, I personally think the perineum represents the 1st and 2nd most pleasurable erogenous zones: the 1st being the area around the anus and the 2nd being the area between the anus and the scrotum. In my session today with Apple, she hit the sweet spot and it was in and by itself a new pleasurable experience. I did not achieve the cum-less climax because she has not yet mastered this massage of the perineum, but it was still sweet (on top of the sweet torture); I also shared with her that I experienced something close to 'love' though it clearly isn't. So I need to help Apple work on my perineum, especially because I can visualize some very hot moves she can learn to give. As for the explosive climax, I was itchy to see how healthy is my cum production so I asked for a release in today's session, despite having released in Friday's session; I am in my mid-40s and I am surprised that it was still copious today. Apple and I discovered that her particular motion from the base was very important to producing the explosive climax, what Starboy described as the second climax; my personal view still remains that holding my cum for a week is needed for an explosive 'happy ending'. Now it seems that when I am in the throes of my climax, Apple's accentuated stroking of the base can make me feel like I am experiencing a multiple climax (or maybe it was). Apple did however say that there is a timing issue: she has to be in position to 'milk' the explosion and again, my ability to give her a non-verbal cue (by my breathing and groaning) was critical to her delivering the explosion. |
Re: Tantric Massage
reading all this, just made me wanna try it.
any other girl is offering this kind of service? |
Re: Tantric Massage
Thanks bro rokhard for apple contact. I had a session last Friday lunch time. I must say her service is really good, Her massage was very enjoyable, love it when she massage the area between anus and crotch. The feeling is heavenly. however, on that morning, there're a few problems. And I just couldn't relax myself. During the whole 60 minutes or so of sweet torture, my little bro soften and then harden again for a few times. But the final explosion was indeed something different, my whole body was trembling when I ejaculate.
Bro rokhard, was it me that apple mentioned to you that she couldn't connect well? If it is, please let her know that it's not her fault. But on that day, I just have to many things in my mind. Actually, I was about to cancel it, but since I had made the appointment, I didn't want to fly aeroplane. |
Re: Tantric Massage
Also she didn't like to encourage the massage of the perineum because it is not natural in the sense that we (who depend on this ero zone) might end up being so dependent on this kind of arousal to get it up. However, I have since asked her to reconsider her thinking because this ero zone is in huge demand by the broes, especially those seeking the cum-less multiple climax. |
Re: Tantric Massage
Re: Tantric Massage
thanks bro rokhard for apple's contact.
as you may be able to ascertain from my points and reps, this is the very few responses that i've attempted. but i thought it would be a disservice to bro rokhard (and to the other brothers of cos) who've so unselfishly contributed if i don't at least publish my FR. please note that this is my personal opinion and i do appreciate if others feel differently. so here goes; even though i found out later that apple doesn't provide the service daily (sorry if i missed out in the thread on availability), she was accommodative as she just happened to be free that thursday afternoon. anyway, to cut a long story short, i shall proceed to the massage. not knowing what to expect (again - i could've miss the thread on procedures), i was prepared to accede to her requests and just enjoy the initial 'getting to know you' encounter. it was a good start (with her stimulating the back) with soft fabric touches and warm hand contact. (i'd always believed in the healing touch of hands simply coming into contact with skin). btw for bros who are looking for an 'ache relieving' type massage, i didn't get it (could also be because i didn't ask for it due to the fact that i didn't want to 'spook' her and just wanted to find out what she's comfortable with instead of asking for things that she might have to say no to). almost every inch of my back was in contact with her hands at some point and we didnt talk that much during the session (which was also my preference - total quiet & darkness). then its time to turn over and she continued. at some point (probably 90 mins into the session), i'd felt that the room was getting too cold, and i had to pee. so the aircon was switched off and i relieve myself. when i returned, the session seem to have taken a turn for the better as didi was able to stand and sustain an erection longer. (i think it would've much better if the aircon had been switched off at the start). there's no doubt that she's able to control my erection and ejaculation & in the end, i opted not to cum. overall, it was a good introduction for a first session (considering bro rokhard's posting on his initial experiences) and i certainly look forward to building up the trust between us. apple is a pleasant lady & easy conversationist. as we went into overtime, i paid her usual $160 + $40 extra. i'd suggested that she use the room as i'd booked it under her name till the next morning but as she wasn't really working that day, there was no appointments after mine. she'd opted to stay back to watch tv which was fine with me. the next morning, i'd discovered that my body was more 'alive' and i felt that it was a lot easier to get out of bed (& hit the gym which i hadn't done in 2 months). on retrospect, i'd never had anyone (wife gf masseur pseudo-massuer, etc) touched almost every inch of my body like apple did and this has rejuvenated my body. you ever had this feeling that you 'need' something sensual or sexual but the urge just wasn't satisfied after sex? i may have found the answer. i'm looking forward to getting to know apple better and getting her to understand my needs better for future sessions. thanks again to bro rokhard for the introduction and information. |
Re: Tantric Massage
Thanks bro for your kind FR. For what to expect from Apple's service, you might want to read the post#38 on pg3 (http://sbf.today/showthr...=239761&page=3).
I also wanted to share with you my own weak didi story, parts of which have been posted in the thread. I am in my mid-40s. When I was in late 20s, I had begun to experience weak recovery and would take eggs and oysters just to overcome the refractory period. And this was the time I really sowed my oats in extreme hedonistic fashion. It was not enough that the girl was young or pretty, I liked them lean and without any fats. I became a sex connoisseur. In my mid-30s, I continued my pursuit of hedonistic sexual pleasures but this time round, I began experiencing performance failure mid-session. It could have been caused by stress, smoking, not eating well or lack of exercise. Perhaps i was ven getting gelat. My predicament terrified me; without a sustainable boner, I was as good as a eunuch. I tried a variety of 'strict form' juagen provided by the likes of estee, penny etc. It was strict form because these sessions were intended to be painful and my bro obviously wouldn't erect. These sessions made me worry more because my 'condition' was worsening. My initial session with Apple about 9 months ago seemed to imply that my possible Erectile Dysfunction could not be reversed. But I decided to give her another try and realized that communication was important. Now she knows my needs and I was always get a sustained erection everytime, on demand and for as long as I pleased. I think her pseudo-tantric service helps push the blood into my didi, the same way a body builder aims to push blood into the muscle training. It would seem that my didi is now stronger, like a well exercised, well pumped muscle! The other interesting benefit of this long training with Apple is the apparent improvement of my cum production. I used to think I had to eat a lot of high zinc foods to improve my cum recovery rate or I would hold to preserve my sexual energy. My recent experiment to cum 3 sessions in a row evidently indicated to me that my cum production is fine; Apple reports each time "还很多". Though I must add that I am now on a less protein/higher fruits & veg diet. I share with you this, in case you need to improve one thing or another, or if you are seeking the extended sensual bliss. Last edited by rokhard; 25-06-2011 at 04:24 PM. |
Thanks bro rokhard for the ctc. Like what other bros said. she's really a real gem. 很好.
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