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Old 28-01-2014, 10:06 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Btw heard on radio today ERP at MCE to be reduced from $6 to $4 bet 8.30 and 9am. However a few gantries along CTE to be increased from $1-$2. Probably an attempt to ease out temples on the crazy MCE situation, but still need compensate, so eat the "pigs" of north to compensate the "dogs" of East (吃猪陪狗).
I stay in North unfortunately and am paying about $6-$8 in ERP every morning as I hit CBD at 810. It used to be $4 max at this time. LTA used to charge this timing group very low to encourage lower traffic at the later 830 traffic, now they punish this timing group. Think it's much cheaper to hit CBD at 845 these days, but be prepared to stay in Jam for 15-20 mins. Logic has been reversed. Think it's revenue that counts........
And if any bros has been to MBFC in the morning, am sure you guys feel like phui cao nua and drown the mannequin like TP there.......
Old 29-01-2014, 01:08 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Old 13-02-2014, 12:51 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Half billion taxpayer dollars go to People’s Association each year
Old 13-02-2014, 12:54 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport


How WP frustrates PAP

By Augustine Low

The Workers’ Party has been frustrating the PAP by doing what it does best – staying moderate and restrained, and avoiding confrontation and tit-for-tat.

Since GE 2011, PAP Ministers and MPs have taken turns to take pot shots at the WP. When the WP stays silent on issues, it is accused of opting out or sitting on the fence. When it makes a stand on something, it is criticised for pandering to the public, claiming credit and trying to score points.

The WP strategy appears to be this: You can snipe and snap all you want, we choose to respond only when we want to, we have no intention to engage in bickering and tit-for-tat.

The PAP has adopted an offensive strategy in a bid to draw the WP out of its comfort zone. Most recently, the likes of Hri Kumar, Indranee Rajah and Josephine Teo have chastised and castigated the party for either staying silent or speaking up. But to the frustration of the PAP, the WP refuses to be baited to respond in kind.

The WP prefers to stick to its strategy of doing its work on the ground, connecting with residents one-on-one and attending to day-to-day problems.

The WP’s current strategy has its roots from key lessons learnt.

Low Thia Khiang is a wily politician who observed first-hand how the JB Jeyaretnam style of politics cost him dearly. JBJ was a fearless warrior and a raging bull who attacked relentlessly, but he was felled by libel suits, bankruptcy charges and credibility issues. For all his brave efforts, JBJ failed to put together a cohesive force to challenge the might of the PAP.

Low learnt that patience and moderation would prolong longetivity in politics. He chose to concentrate on constituency politics and play an understated role in Parliament. For him, fireworks only provide short-lived euphoria. Finger pointing and strong words of condemnation are seldom necessary. For the WP, the priority is hard work on the ground. Once the WP has a stranglehold of a constituency, it is very difficult to dislodge it. This solid ground-up work was the key to it spreading its wings from Hougang to Aljunied GRC and Punggol East.

Another lesson learnt was from the AIM sage which became protracted and took up too much of the WP’s time and resources. For such disputes, the full weight of the PAP – and its government agencies – will be marshalled to discredit the WP, and distract it from constituency politics. And unlike the PAP, the WP does not have a wealth of resources and manpower at its disposal and will find itself on the losing end if it were to enter into long drawn bickering.

While the WP has frustrated the PAP with its restraint and reticence, it has also ironically frustrated some of its own supporters and pro-opposition forces for the very same reasons. Expectations rose exponentially when it captured a GRC in 2011. Some supporters want a WP that is more combative, ready to pounce on missteps, and vigorously take the government to task for shortcomings.

But the anticipated fireworks have not materialised. There is some dismay that the WP has not bared its fangs enough, and not been a bigger and louder voice for people’s angst and dissatisfaction. Whether this has consequences for the WP remains to be seen.

But the WP must be doing something right when it keeps frustratrating the PAP. It is adept at keeping its cards close to its chest and might yet spring another major surprise or two – like it did when it fielded its formidable A-team in Aljunied GRC in 2011. For the WP, it’s all about less talk and more action.

Last edited by kuasimi; 13-02-2014 at 01:16 AM.
Old 13-02-2014, 01:06 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport



A vote for the PAP is a vote for mediocrity and regression for Singapore. Why? Because PAP is headed by LHL who is incompetent and biased who only surrounds himself with yes-men who salute his bullshit. Singapore is getting worse based on his dismal track record shown below.

1) low productivity of Singapore economy
2) low birth rate
3) stagnant wages
4) sharp rise in the costs of living, housing, education, healthcare and transport
5) (3) and (4) resulted in lower standard of living for Singaporeans
6) PAP initially kept secret its pro-alien policies because it knew it was screwing Singaporeans
7) foreigners taking jobs away from Singaporeans
8) foreigners taking places in local school that could have gone to Singaporeans
9) DPM TCH said in Parliament it is not in PAP’s best interest to give more information to Singaporeans on foreigners in Singapore
10) shortage of public buses and trains
11) failed privatisation of public transport requiring billions in bailout
12) shortage of hospital beds, nursing homes, doctors
13) frequent 50-year “ponding”
14) HDB selling over-priced HDB flats (prices doubled over the last 5 years)
15) CPF accounts depleted after paying for HDB flat
16) PAP does not wanted to tell Singaporeans the actual cost of building HDB flats
17) AIM scandal proved PAP corruption
18) MBT threw insults in Parliament instead of answering questions on the AIM Scandal
19) using MND to cover-up PAP corruption
20) Lim “Zorro” Swee Say said “we (PAP) are deaf to all criticism”
21) bungled “investigation” (read as cover-up) of death of Shane Todd
22) delayed “investigation” (read as cover-up) of death of Dinesh Raman for two years for political reasons
23) Election Dept lost ballot boxes
24) failed private of power companies resulting in higher electricity bills
25) Singapore spying on other countries for US
26) poor air quality as per WHO Air Quality Guidelines
27) manipulated PSI readings to show better air quality
28) 70% of Government scholars break their bond wasting taxpayers’ money
29) created property bubble
30) foreigners taking places in local schools that could have gone to Singaporeans
31) MOE gives $210m tuition grants to FT students a year
32) Government spent $400m to invite FT students to study in Singapore
33) rampant corruption in the Civil Service – SCDF, MFA, NCB, MDA, NParks
34) frequent breakdowns of MRT
35) public bus drivers went on strike
36) PAP out of touch with reality (Nasi Padang: $2.50 and Bandung: $0.50)
37) public transport makes tens of millions each year, have frequent breakdowns and get $2b bailout from Government yet fares are raised
38) local student fined $400 for using unmarked power outlet in MRT station but racist Anton Casey given second chance
39) PAP “uninvites” Dr Tan Cheng Bok for CNY party at Istana but invites Pinoys

Jiang Haiwei
Old 23-02-2014, 12:02 AM
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curry_mutu_man curry_mutu_man is offline
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by kuasimi View Post


A vote for the PAP is a vote for mediocrity and regression for Singapore. Why? Because PAP is headed by LHL who is incompetent and biased who only surrounds himself with yes-men who salute his bullshit. Singapore is getting worse based on his dismal track record shown below.

1) low productivity of Singapore economy
2) low birth rate
3) stagnant wages
4) sharp rise in the costs of living, housing, education, healthcare and transport
5) (3) and (4) resulted in lower standard of living for Singaporeans
6) PAP initially kept secret its pro-alien policies because it knew it was screwing Singaporeans
7) foreigners taking jobs away from Singaporeans
8) foreigners taking places in local school that could have gone to Singaporeans
9) DPM TCH said in Parliament it is not in PAP’s best interest to give more information to Singaporeans on foreigners in Singapore
10) shortage of public buses and trains
11) failed privatisation of public transport requiring billions in bailout
12) shortage of hospital beds, nursing homes, doctors
13) frequent 50-year “ponding”
14) HDB selling over-priced HDB flats (prices doubled over the last 5 years)
15) CPF accounts depleted after paying for HDB flat
16) PAP does not wanted to tell Singaporeans the actual cost of building HDB flats
17) AIM scandal proved PAP corruption
18) MBT threw insults in Parliament instead of answering questions on the AIM Scandal
19) using MND to cover-up PAP corruption
20) Lim “Zorro” Swee Say said “we (PAP) are deaf to all criticism”
21) bungled “investigation” (read as cover-up) of death of Shane Todd
22) delayed “investigation” (read as cover-up) of death of Dinesh Raman for two years for political reasons
23) Election Dept lost ballot boxes
24) failed private of power companies resulting in higher electricity bills
25) Singapore spying on other countries for US
26) poor air quality as per WHO Air Quality Guidelines
27) manipulated PSI readings to show better air quality
28) 70% of Government scholars break their bond wasting taxpayers’ money
29) created property bubble
30) foreigners taking places in local schools that could have gone to Singaporeans
31) MOE gives $210m tuition grants to FT students a year
32) Government spent $400m to invite FT students to study in Singapore
33) rampant corruption in the Civil Service – SCDF, MFA, NCB, MDA, NParks
34) frequent breakdowns of MRT
35) public bus drivers went on strike
36) PAP out of touch with reality (Nasi Padang: $2.50 and Bandung: $0.50)
37) public transport makes tens of millions each year, have frequent breakdowns and get $2b bailout from Government yet fares are raised
38) local student fined $400 for using unmarked power outlet in MRT station but racist Anton Casey given second chance
39) PAP “uninvites” Dr Tan Cheng Bok for CNY party at Istana but invites Pinoys

Jiang Haiwei

Number one online sabo king trying to ruin our country 24/7 365 days !!!

Trying to brain wash the young and to sway others to revolt against our hardworking PAP govt !!!

Trying to split our peaceful society into two with vastly divided view !!!

Trying to make Singapore like what Thailand is going thru now, leading to road of disaster !!!

If a country's population doesn't go in sync, the nation, the people suffer the most thus no investor will invest in our country thus our strong Singapore currency will devalue and that is what the online sabo king intend to do !!!

Readers Beware !!!
Old 23-02-2014, 11:05 AM
tiuminator tiuminator is offline
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Curry Mutu, please dont quote the whole passage and refrain highlighting big fonts.

Dont keep repeating same messges.

Getting giddy scrolling down from my budget samsung hp.
Bro DONT UP me. Seldom login SBF. SemiRetired
Old 23-02-2014, 06:40 PM
whiplash whiplash is offline
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Curry Mutu Man. Zap you, you boot licking piece of shit. Go back to the hole you crawled out from.
Old 23-02-2014, 11:11 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post
Curry Mutu, please dont quote the whole passage and refrain highlighting big fonts.

Dont keep repeating same messges.

Getting giddy scrolling down from my budget samsung hp.
Why don't you ask those online sabo king to stop repeating, why asked me, you a bloody clone

Originally Posted by whiplash View Post
Curry Mutu Man. Zap you, you boot licking piece of shit. Go back to the hole you crawled out from.
Your mind has been completely washed by the online sabo king and terrorists, you don't even know who they are, where they come from and what their ultimate objectives were !!!

You only know them via this forum hiding behind the computer screen and yet you hook up with them to destroy your own country, what a dumb asshole you are !!!

They are here to brain wash the young like you, play with your feeling, wanting you to vote against your hardworking govt, trying to destroy your country thus making Singapore currency depreciate and everyone suffers.

They want to turn your life, your family life and every S'porean's life upside down like what Thailand is going thru now, you idiot dumb fuck !!!

Can't you see that nobody wants to join in the conversation except dumb fuck like you !!!

Those who joined are their clones and their nicks will never in red zone, have you wake up you idiot !!!
Old 24-02-2014, 11:11 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

then click user list and add him into your ignore list.

this way you will never see anything from him

problem solved and a very effective way on dealing with pests.
Old 24-02-2014, 11:19 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Originally Posted by curry_mutu_man View Post
Number one online sabo king trying to ruin our country 24/7 365 days !!!

Trying to brain wash the young and to sway others to revolt against our hardworking PAP govt !!!

Trying to split our peaceful society into two with vastly divided view !!!

Trying to make Singapore like what Thailand is going thru now, leading to road of disaster !!!

If a country's population doesn't go in sync, the nation, the people suffer the most thus no investor will invest in our country thus our strong Singapore currency will devalue and that is what the online sabo king intend to do !!!

Readers Beware !!!

Old 25-02-2014, 01:17 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Last edited by kuasimi; 26-02-2014 at 12:13 AM.
Old 25-02-2014, 02:26 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

Old 25-02-2014, 06:54 PM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

What happened to Thailand NOW and WHY, what is the REASON behind ???

The nation is not united, peoples' view are bitterly split thus the country is not moving forward and this will scare off foreign investors and will eventually lead to currency depreciation, people hating against each other, injury and crime rate will slowly escalate !!!

My young fellow Singaporeans, this is precisely what the online sabo king, terrorist, fugitive, foreign fugitives, selfish individual etc.......are trying to do, trying to brain wash you the young Singaporeans to revolt against our hard working govt !!!

The evils are here 24/7, 365 days to brain wash you, sway you to vote against your own govt !!!

As long as you show any sign of discontent with the govt, the terrorists, sabo king and fugitives will play with your feeling, they pamper you and agree with whatever you say online !!!

If you disagree with them, they will instantaneously criticize you and shame you publicly, using clones to zap you into moderation thus you have got no choice but to join them and this is what I call "Cyber Bullying" and the best part is those silly blind Singaporean follow the evil to criticize your own fellow countrymen, naming Singaporean as "Sinkies", calling your own hard working govt as "Papies" or PAP supporters as "Running Dogs or Lackeys" !!!

The evils ulterior motive is to destroy our country !!!

To those silly foolish Singaporean, shame on you for naming your own fellow countrymen as "Sinkies" and shame on you for criticizing your hard working govt in front of your foreign colleagues, friends and visitors. I bet they will quietly laugh at you how silly you are.

Do you know the reason why many foreign expats fly all the way to work in Singapore, BECOS we have good working condition and environment, the govt is able to attract talent to create new ideas and boost productivity here, you silly Singaporean shame on you and wake up your pig brain and stop whining jobs have been ROBBED by foreign expats, cheap labours etc.......Your brain have been COMPLETELY WASHED and FLUSHED !!!
Old 26-02-2014, 02:14 AM
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Re: do you feel everything keep increasing price matches, FL, transport

What happened to Thailand NOW and WHY, what is the REASON behind ???

The nation is not united, peoples' view are bitterly split thus the country is not moving forward and this will scare off foreign investors and will eventually lead to currency depreciation, people hating against each other, injury and crime rate will slowly escalate !!!

My young fellow Singaporeans, this is precisely what the online sabo king, terrorist, fugitive, foreign fugitives, selfish individual etc.......are trying to do, trying to brain wash you the young Singaporeans to revolt against our hard working govt !!!

The evils are here 24/7, 365 days to brain wash you, sway you to vote against your own govt !!!

As long as you show any sign of discontent with the govt, hating the govt, the terrorists, sabo king and fugitives will play with your feeling, they pamper you and agree with whatever you say online !!!

If you disagree with them, they will instantaneously criticize you and shame you publicly, using clones to zap you into moderation thus you have got no choice but to join them and this is what I call "Cyber Bullying" and the best part is those silly blind Singaporean follow the evil to criticize your own fellow countrymen, naming Singaporean as "Sinkies", calling your own hard working govt as "Papies" or PAP supporters as "Running Dogs or Lackeys" !!!

The evils ulterior motive is to destroy our country !!!

To those silly foolish Singaporean, shame on you for naming your own fellow countrymen as "Sinkies" and shame on you for criticizing your hard working govt in front of your foreign colleagues, friends and visitors. I bet they will quietly laugh at you how silly you are.

Do you know the reason why many foreign expats fly all the way to work in Singapore, BECOS we have good working condition and environment, the govt is able to attract talent to create new ideas and boost productivity here, you silly Singaporean shame on you and wake up your pig brain and stop whining jobs have been ROBBED by foreign expats, cheap labours etc.......Your brain have been COMPLETELY WASHED and FLUSHED !!!
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