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Old 31-01-2019, 01:08 PM
DPOWER DPOWER is offline
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Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Then it is good for you to visit the house and have a look at the girls. Don't ever go to Oolong and look at his ipad. The real woman usually turn out to be better than expected.

I just suan him last week. Would have missed Coco W15 if i use the photo as assessment
Bro, noted with thks

CoCo of W15 is in my list now.Will try within next 3 months, thks Bro.
Old 31-01-2019, 01:35 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Then it is good for you to visit the house and have a look at the girls. Don't ever go to Oolong and look at his ipad. The real woman usually turn out to be better than expected.

I just suan him last week. Would have missed Coco W15 if i use the photo as assessment
Wah lao eh bro, don’t add on to the queue leh.
'To up' List:
Old 31-01-2019, 03:18 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
Bro, noted with thks

CoCo of W15 is in my list now.Will try within next 3 months, thks Bro.
Tried Coco recently.
IMO she’s slightly fleshy but pretty and generally good bonk.
You may refer to my FR
Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 31-01-2019, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post
Tried Coco recently.
IMO she’s slightly fleshy but pretty and generally good bonk.
You may refer to my FR
Bro, i expect those favoured by Bro Apache are a bit fleshy ones )
As u dont favour Bah chai but still recommend her, its now double confirm she is good, lol.

Btw, i start to love LOTUS style, hahahaha
Old 31-01-2019, 05:38 PM
gogeylang gogeylang is offline
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by turgid View Post
Hello gogeylang:

May I know if there is any age restriction to go bonk girls? Why are you so against Ah Pek to go bonk girls?

In the first place, what makes you so sure everyone here is Ah Pek?
What makes you think the regular posters here are not Ah Sohs? Ask them la. I'm not against anybody. I'm just laughing at the shit reputation that Ah Peks have with WLs because they are really shit. If you are not an Ah Pek and a sensible customer, your regular WL would have complained about a 死老头 or bad mood over one by now. Referring to either baotohk or the dominator this kind. Ugly, old and no money but want to french. The Ah Peks are well known for having the highest expectations, the worst mentality but the least money. Like dominator. Many WLs will be in a bad mood after an Ah Pek which is why they get kicked out of houses a lot. Don't spoil the goods.

Last edited by gogeylang; 31-01-2019 at 06:00 PM.
Old 31-01-2019, 05:42 PM
gogeylang gogeylang is offline
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
Bro, seriously, i skipped Monkeys' postings. I really dont know what they posted and dont bother. They can post another thousands till their cock jek thio also no issue to me, hahahaha
林子大了,什么乌都有, heyhey
Yah loh. Come online and cry over a coach and thought the SYT love you. People give far more expensive tips and gifts also never ask or say anything. Really all kind of bird also have. No standard.

I am "dominating". What the...? LOL

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Barking dogs are everywhere. They needed attention badly.

Empty vessel makes the most noise.
Old 31-01-2019, 06:14 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs

Most EDUCATED people fuck already go home shower and sleep. If the WL is nice to you, you help her be discreet and then show some appreciation. Many customers just quietly give money or presents without any expectations. Rental mah, expect what. This is a normal, standard customer. I personally never care what the WL does when she's not with me. It's like taking the bus and everyday wonder how much the bus driver earns and what the bus driver does after work. Wah the bus driver earn so much ah! Like that I should only pay 10 cents for my fare. Who the hell thinks in this way? Brain got problem.

Ah Peks are sick in the head. You can see from what they type. Not I make up stories. Because they are poor as fuck, whenever they give any small thing, they expect the WL to be devoted to them for life. High expectations, little $. Same behaviour in the room.

Cannot marry everyone know but say WL cheat their feelings. Best is already married but also say WL cheat their feelings. Joke. No sense of reality. If get to raw, will go online and tell everyone about it. Most people have the common sense to keep quiet. But as I said, Ah Peks are sick in the head.

You call a WL twice, she's nice to you twice, no tip. That's your personality already. No need to talk. But the Ah Peks somehow think they have personality. All have a nut loose in the head. When the WL say no need to tip, they come online and faster share with everyone like strike toto. Then all the Ah Peks congratulate the winner. Found bargain already! Hor seh liao! There, told you no need to pay extra can french! Soooo happy.

Normal sane people find the whole scene pathetic and embarrassing. But not Ah Peks. They are actually...proud of themselves. Bunch of nuts.

Last edited by gogeylang; 31-01-2019 at 06:41 PM.
Old 31-01-2019, 08:53 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by turgid View Post
Hello gogeylang:

Regarding what you mentioned “What makes you think the regular posters here are not Ah Sohs?”, if you were to refer to all my previous postings, I never call anyone “Ah Sohs”.

Regarding what you said “you are not an Ah Pek and a sensible customer”, thanks (not being sarcastic in anyway) for your compliment!

Since you have no evidence, they are Ah Pek, why do you keep calling them that? Last but not least, may I know if there is any age restriction to go bonk girls? Why are you so against Ah Pek to go bonk girls?

I had already replied your question. I said I wasn't against it but I like to laugh at their behaviour. Can you get it this time or I need to repeat it again?You assume I have no evidence. That's up to you. I replied you that you can ask them yourselves if they are Ah Peks. So why don't you do that? Don't ask for the sake of asking. Yes, the age restriction is 45yrs old. Any other stupid questions?
Old 31-01-2019, 09:12 PM
gogeylang gogeylang is offline
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by turgid View Post
I had already replied your question. I said I wasn't against it but I like to laugh at their behaviour.

You said “laugh at their behaviour” and may I know why is it funny? You can go bonk the girls regardless of your age.

Can you get it this time or I need to repeat it again? You assume I have no evidence.

You said “You assume I have no evidence”, since you have evidence, why don’t you show it to us?

That's up to you. I replied you that you can ask them yourselves if they are Ah Peks.

I did not call anyone Ah Peks so why should I ask them? Why don’t you ask them since you keep calling them Ah Peks?

So why don't you do that? Don't ask for the sake of asking. Yes, the age restriction is 45yrs old. Any other stupid questions?

You claimed the “age restriction is 45yrs old”, do you have any evidence to support this claim?
Ah Pek, grow a brain.
Old 31-01-2019, 09:35 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by turgid View Post
Hello gogeylang:

You had called me “Ah Pek” but I am a sensible person so I shall not make fun of you by calling you names.

You had told me to “grow a brain”, actually you are the brainless one.

You spout nonsense here saying “the age restriction is 45yrs old” so do you have any evidence from judge / jury / lawyer to support your claim?

I called you sensible? Sorry I'm not giving you my full attention.

I asked you to grow a brain because you're a baby. You asked a stupid question about age restriction so I gave you a stupid answer. Since you know that there is no restriction, which should be obvious to anyone, then you ask for? Or is it you really don't know if there is a age restriction. If so, you're even dumber than I thought. Ooh you don't know ah? Then I tell you loh. Don't have. Like that also you don't know. HAHAHAHA Happy you got your answer Ah Pek?

A brainless person shoots himself in the foot by asking a brainless question.

If you require evidence, then you go find it. Am I your maid? You want evidence you go find it lah! The most straightforward way is to ask them yourselves. If you're not sincere in finding evidence then you ask for?

A brainless person misses the crux of my posts and asks something completely irrelevant. What would you like to ask next? Whether there is a height restriction? Are my posts talking about age restriction or the uneducated behaviour of Ah Peks?

Do yourself a favour. Go take a cold shower. You shut up no one know you are an Ah Pek with no brain. You open your mouth all exposed already.

Old 31-01-2019, 09:55 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
Bro, i expect those favoured by Bro Apache are a bit fleshy ones )
As u dont favour Bah chai but still recommend her, its now double confirm she is good, lol.

Btw, i start to love LOTUS style, hahahaha
Glad you enjoyed it.
Today I adopted another seldom used style- carrying and bonking Huizi
Stay tuned for my FR

Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 31-01-2019, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post
Glad you enjoyed it.
Today I adopted another seldom used style- carrying and bonking Huizi
Stay tuned for my FR

Great ! Pls share also the appearance of Shan Shan and Fei Er since u mentioned in your PM that u saw them while waiting for Huzi, Huat Ah, lol
Old 31-01-2019, 10:02 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
Great ! Pls share also the appearance of Shan Shan and Fei Er since u mentioned in your PM that u saw them while waiting for Huzi, Huat Ah, lol
Let me rest awhile first bro.
After all the action, now apply deep heat on my back

Lao liao cannot chut so much pattern actually

Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 31-01-2019, 10:17 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs

Oh wow. So smart reply. I have no evidence har. You must be pleased with yourself for thinking that one up. Ok. You got me. Hey Ah Pek, neither do you! LOL HAHHAHA. You got evidence to prove me wrong? You also no evidence what! Can you try some rebuttals that require me to use more than my leg hair to think?

Uhh...I didn't embarrass myself. I was mocking you but you were too stupid to get it. Hahahaha

So what is it? You haven't clarified whether you waste your life asking questions that you know the answer or you really don't know whether there is an age restriction.
Old 31-01-2019, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post
Let me rest awhile first bro.
After all the action, now apply deep heat on my back

Lao liao cannot chut so much pattern actually

Hahahaha, seriously u may consider to retry the tonic i mentioned in my postingp. I used it not for cheoing GL. Mainly for recovery of energy for my main job and side line. It works well, i feel energetic in work. Esp we are in the same line in main job and that is certainly hectic and strenuous.
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