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Old 12-05-2008, 11:40 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

back to the topic,

Business not too good , yesterday due to 3 hit combo of sunday , EPL , and torrential rain. Saturday night weather was allright though.

Will be trying casanova or the revamped Florence G club in srinakarin tonight , if the weather holds out. It already looks really cloudy at this time.

btw anyone familiar with ladphrao area's G clubs and tarpao karaokes ?? I went to one but it's since closed down on Ladphrao 85. I passed there 2 days back saw a number of gals seated outside on the karaokes along ladphrao.
Old 16-05-2008, 12:01 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

those who kena cheated in BKK, i not sure whether i should console you or at least i hope u had learnt your lesson.

whenever u cheong in BKK, just ask yourself this question.
Are you handsome? do you speak Thai? are you loaded?
why the gal love you for?

i am not realistic person, go BKK have fun, dont bring it back to sin! next time go again, try new something new again. this way, you will never get hurt and everytime, you can enjoy yourself properly.
Old 16-05-2008, 12:07 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

i been to this good club call santikan recently.
very good music and lots of babes. highly recommmended to fellow samsters who love dancing and good night out of drunk fun.

not very big place but well deco and definitely for working class adults.
Club SLIM is too young for me. hollywood too old for me.

i neve like KTV in Thai or any clubs that lady dance and chat with you.
you drink and the lady drink her coke.

for KTV, CHINA is best, pretty, no comms problem, gal are great drinker.
Old 16-05-2008, 03:21 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by condor View Post
those who kena cheated in BKK, i not sure whether i should console you or at least i hope u had learnt your lesson.

whenever u cheong in BKK, just ask yourself this question.
Are you handsome? do you speak Thai? are you loaded?
why the gal love you for?

i am not realistic person, go BKK have fun, dont bring it back to sin! next time go again, try new something new again. this way, you will never get hurt and everytime, you can enjoy yourself properly.
Agreed with condor,

I am not handsome nor not rich, I phut thai nit noi. Spend manyyears of cheonging alone, yes alone.... I super lone ranger...

All I can say is that I thought I have been hurt. But the true is that it is not. The real problem lies in ourselves......

Time will heal... Bro Charmaine... believe this.... time WILL heal

For nowadays, I still cheong.... maust share my experience..

Whenever I am with a gal, they will surely at one pint or another get phone calls, sms....etc. their phone are either on silent or what ever. Or they disappear somewhere to aswner the calls.

Most of the time, I would asked the gals to answer the calls and keep quiet.

And after their calls, I say, 'It's OK, don't worry, I understand' and followed by 'next time I call you, and if it is not convenient, just phut Thai and I know you are with someone else......'

Then that will make the rest of your night out with whatever gal, a great time.......

Having said all these Bro Charmaine, please feel welcome to join me/us in Danok..... this place will help you...... pm me


ps, I also support you....... but looks like the extra mile is not in your vocab, move on, and enjoy life....
Old 16-05-2008, 09:14 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Just come back from bkk for a few days trip, have minor update about the Resort Club, my prefered club.

Standard of coyotes & dancer drop (pretty one maybe kena "bao" liao, not longer working?) fewer customers even in weekend. Membership remain the same, if you get a member, you will be given a card like this. (hide it properly - don't want HM to find it in the wallet )

Old 16-05-2008, 09:34 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Sorry for off this off-topic post. Stayed in Palazzo Hotel, studio room, not bad for 1800bht (include breakfast). Here's a few pic I've taken.

Old 16-05-2008, 11:32 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by condor View Post
i been to this good club call santikan recently.
very good music and lots of babes. highly recommmended to fellow samsters who love dancing and good night out of drunk fun.

not very big place but well deco and definitely for working class adults.
Club SLIM is too young for me. hollywood too old for me.

i neve like KTV in Thai or any clubs that lady dance and chat with you.
you drink and the lady drink her coke.

for KTV, CHINA is best, pretty, no comms problem, gal are great drinker.
Hi Bros,

May I know where is this Club Santikan or SLIM
Old 17-05-2008, 01:19 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by condor View Post
i neve like KTV in Thai or any clubs that lady dance and chat with you.
you drink and the lady drink her coke.

for KTV, CHINA is best, pretty, no comms problem, gal are great drinker.
haha this i agree. Thai KTVs and G-Clubs are a waste of time and money. China KTVs are much more enjoyable.
Old 17-05-2008, 01:27 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by Thai_Traveller View Post
Just come back from bkk for a few days trip, have minor update about the Resort Club, my prefered club.

Standard of coyotes & dancer drop (pretty one maybe kena "bao" liao, not longer working?) fewer customers even in weekend. Membership remain the same, if you get a member, you will be given a card like this. (hide it properly - don't want HM to find it in the wallet )
hello fellow Resort member. fewer customers even better for us. you get more attention and girls are more eager to please. usually things are rather slow after Songkran as most Thais blow up their cash during the Thai new year. things will pick up around June. as for the girls some of them return to province for extended holidays. some even rest for a month or two before returning to work.

high turnover of girls are very common in this kind of place. also BKK is a competitive place. recent G-Clubs like Sherbet are gaining popularity. consumers are always spoiled for choice.
Old 17-05-2008, 01:30 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by ownage_sex View Post
Hi Bros,

May I know where is this Club Santikan or SLIM
Santika is at Samut Prakarn and Slim is at Pinklao. seriously you need to do more reading.
Old 17-05-2008, 02:39 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by ownage_sex View Post
Hi Bros,

May I know where is this Club Santikan or SLIM
actual location for the 2 joints -
santika is located along ekkamai (suk 63) and slim is in RCA.

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Old 19-05-2008, 03:54 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Originally Posted by tirak69 View Post
actual location for the 2 joints -
santika is located along ekkamai (suk 63) and slim is in RCA.

walau eh BKK lau jiao tirak69 making a rare appearance!
Old 19-05-2008, 10:36 PM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

Just came back from my cheong trip in Bangkok today afternoon. Did a bit walk and shopping at MBK, Paragon etc.. of course, Casear too (My 1st time there, not bad); else all my 2 nights--> it's about going to the pubs at Nana And Soi Cowboy, looking at the gals. No time to go RCA or Hollywood Club.

Think I still like Rainbow the best cos the chicks are considered the prettiest (in my opinion). Also it's this place where i met "Gal of my dream" with a very cute look and C cup to bonk at my hotel room on sat night but really expensive at bar fine of 600 baht and for her, 2000 baht. Actually, bought her a drink to chat to her 1st to "understand" her more as usually pretty gals comes with poor attitude. Was wrong as she's chatty and service was actually good. Worse thing is that after bonking her, still miss her after she left (Was her last customer of the night). So went back to Rainbow on Sunday night to look for her for another bonk cos she said she will still be working on Sun. Sigh... only to discover that she's on leave. Totally low morale last night and all the other gals suddenly also can't stir my "horniness" up either. Left Bangkok with a heavy heart cos don't know when have chance to go there again.... Managed to "sneak" there cos CO not around.

Just curious: Do all the gals at Nana/Soi cowboy allow overnight? Usually at what rate?
List of Shyguy's top 5 gals: (1)Rainee <Bonnie> - MIA (2) Kay <Bangkok> -> Quit (3)Shiraz <Loveseed> - Quit (4) Mona <Lolli> - Quit (5)Nong Pey <AJ> ->Quit .. Sigh.. End of my era of great gals
Old 20-05-2008, 12:42 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

actual location for the 2 joints -
santika is located along ekkamai (suk 63) and slim is in RCA.

personally i recommend santikan.

i was approached by gals of 2 nearby table to cheers with them.

good luck to bros!!
Old 20-05-2008, 11:15 AM
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Re: Happening Discos/Clubs in BKK

The Ritz club (next to Q bar) is now known as St.Moritz.
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