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Old 30-04-2006, 07:08 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

bro sianguy2006,
they are right it is long po thuad i have one given to me when i went to wat ananda.. think that monk has many of it! all my friends got 1.

bro oasisg,
u seem very knowlegable about these! don't tell me all your knowledge from that website? how long did u study these? by the way do u know how to verify whether an amulet is authentic?
Old 30-04-2006, 08:29 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Yeah Bro VL,
you are very rite, we will be hunt by our Karma if we did any evil. What goes around, comes around.

i'm wearing Phra Chinnaraj Wat Suthat, Setab LP Cheam & Rian LP Ngern Wat DonYaiHom, a Rahu Om Chan Wat Sisathorn. carrying a Phrakit & tigerskin Tarkrut LP Pern Wat BangPhra, KrongBuri "cigarette filter" LP Zer Wat KlangBangKeow. Cheers!

What about the cigarette filter by LP Zer?

Care to enlighten?

Old 30-04-2006, 09:24 PM
weixiang weixiang is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

i got 1 Kong Pheng quite long never wear to "revive" it ar..?

any advices bro..?
Old 30-04-2006, 10:11 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Hi Bro Weixiang,
From what i know, if it's properly conserated by a monk, there isn't a need to so call revive it.

err, i guess mine is...but many years ago...14 years i think..? hahahaha

at the thai temple opposite former Zhangde pri sch...

meaning the monk chanted and sprinkled water right? hehehe
Old 30-04-2006, 10:15 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

bro oasisg
haha i won't continue with the argument anymore as it is not going anywhere. hmm do u have any opinion on the number of amulets that one can wear on his body? and where u should wear it?

wad i heard, best is to wear odd numbers (this practise is a chinese practise) and with the highest ranking at the center. buddha types must be worn at the front, and only non-buddha types can be worn at the back... care to comment?
Old 30-04-2006, 10:17 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

bro weixiang,
if ur kong peng got kai guan b4, there should not be a problem unless its broken or wad... if u still want more assurance, u can always bring it to a monk to bless again.
Old 30-04-2006, 10:45 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

There's nothing such as "reactivate" or "revive" it again.
Old 30-04-2006, 10:56 PM
weixiang weixiang is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

thanks bro..i found it the other day while spring long no wear liao..hahaha

i still rem the 1st day i wear it i got to know a gal on the bus, and it's she came over to know me one, wow...amazing..
Old 30-04-2006, 11:00 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by KTV siao
bro weixiang,
if ur kong peng got kai guan b4, there should not be a problem unless its broken or wad... if u still want more assurance, u can always bring it to a monk to bless again.
I normally don't recommend that. If his Khunpaeh is consecrated by a great guru before, i think it's good enough and should not be rebless it again. No offence but do you think the monks in Singapore could do better than those well known gurus? I'm not saying the monks in Singapore are unqualified or what.. but yeah.. you guys get what i'm trying to say.

Example, it's pretty foolish to bring let say a, Luang Phor Pern, Luang Phor Toh or Luang Phor Tae amulet to be rechant right?
Old 30-04-2006, 11:02 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by weixiang
thanks bro..i found it the other day while spring long no wear liao..hahaha

i still rem the 1st day i wear it i got to know a gal on the bus, and it's she came over to know me one, wow...amazing..
The image on Khunpaeh amulets is Lord Buddha himself.

Do you think Buddha would help you to get girl?


(Forget what i've said above if your Khunpaeh is not those typical Buddha image ones)
Old 01-05-2006, 12:21 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

thx for the info regarding my amulet..i only bet on soccer and 4d shouldn't be a problem..btw is there anywhere in sg to get authentic thai amulet at not too exp price?I'm looking for a khun paeng..
Old 01-05-2006, 12:31 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

y alar, correct also, wear also must have faith...

also got th0se din wear but have faith...
Old 01-05-2006, 01:06 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Hi Bro KTVSiao,
Always remember that Buddha is the highest rank. for myself, i always place Somdej on the left side of my heart and locket on my right. Cheers!
Been wearing my JTK in my shirt pocket and LP Thuad on my neck with takrut at the back.. However haven't been quite smooth lately.. going to try a new arrangement of wearing my amulets..

Maybe I'll try Buddha Sattawa in the centre, LP Thuad on my right, JTK on my left.. Takrut at the back..

Maybe it's just me.. or maybe it's just my boss.. LOL ..
Old 01-05-2006, 01:15 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Hi Bro KTVSiao,
Very glad that you put the things aside. As for the way of wearing, this is what i learn from the people in Thailand of wearing odd no. if you don't find it heavy, for sure you can wear 15 on one chain also can. let's said a chain of 3 hooks, and you have a Phra Chinnaraj which is a Buddha, it should be place at the centre, a locket which is a picture of a Laung Phor, should be place at the side, a Khun Paeng or Somdej can also place at the other side. for Rahu, should be wear at the back as it help you fends off "Xiao Ren" from back stabbing you, Tanga or Takrut can also wear at the back. Always remember that Buddha is the highest rank. for myself, i always place Somdej on the left side of my heart and locket on my right. Cheers!


Bro OasisG,

From wat I learn from a Thai monk when I bought the amulet (Sothan, Somdej, Khun Paen), the arrangement is that Somdej must be in the centre, Sothan must be on the right hand side and Khun Paen must be on the left hand side. Cheers
Maybe different ppl got different way of arranging their amulet.
Old 01-05-2006, 12:08 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sianguy2006
thx for the info regarding my amulet..i only bet on soccer and 4d shouldn't be a problem..btw is there anywhere in sg to get authentic thai amulet at not too exp price?I'm looking for a khun paeng..

No worries, we are still normal man. IMO gambling is not bad karma cause your spending your own money but if you starts to go beyond that and borrow money etc then it's bad.

When wearing a amulet, just show the basic respect you have. Like what i do, when watching porn or other "matters" i'll just take it off my neck and place it somewhere where it's not in sight of what i'm doing.

Maybe you can try those amulet forums locally, people normally bring back afew pieces of amulets for sale to cover their expenses in Thailand. I really really do not recommend newbies to go and buy from shops. The thing about amulet market is so complicated so it's always better to be extra careful.

The thing about local Thai temples are that they don't make amulet themselfs, their amulets are gotten from people who donated it to them or from temples from Thailand. So you won't know if your getting a real piece. But it's still a kind of respect for the amulet even if it's fake. I've got a piece of fake Nangkwak gotten from a local Wat but i kept it cause it's from the hands of a monk to me.
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