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Old 10-02-2014, 02:43 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Events In CP

厚街 yesterday got 3 hotel SN raided...including Sheraton...
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Old 10-02-2014, 02:52 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ah_tan View Post
the situation looks bad. 6000+ gongan exercise to raid a lot of entertainment centres. knn and i just booked my tickets last friday

any senior bros can name the locations in the video?
Yue Sheng @ Houjie is raided...shown in the video
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Old 10-02-2014, 02:54 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
厚街 yesterday got 3 hotel SN raided...including Sheraton...
Bro unfit yr favourite hotel Sheraton houjie ...
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Old 10-02-2014, 03:03 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
Bro unfit yr favourite hotel Sheraton houjie ...
Yah lor gone liao...

Luckily GuoJi and Jia Hua nothing yet...
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Old 10-02-2014, 03:22 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by HonestCrook View Post

This exercise were conducted at 虎门,黄江,厚街,凤岗 & I think 麻涌。These 5 towns are the worst hit. In CP, it's only routine checks and the saunas were on high alert and not doing business. KTV is normal but alert as well.

The word 悦 is used by many and countless hotel. Hyatt has a 悦 as well. Many hotel's name in China uses 悦 as in many hardware businesses use 鑫 as their company's name. And dunno why CP was not swept yesterday. I was just there yesterday and it was my last day there.
thanks bro~ this is like the best news so far!!

please up me if you find my post helpful~
Old 10-02-2014, 03:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Oh Shit going there in 2 weeks time. hope everything back to normal.
Old 10-02-2014, 03:57 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by HonestCrook View Post

This exercise were conducted at 虎门,黄江,厚街,凤岗 & I think 麻涌。These 5 towns are the worst hit. In CP, it's only routine checks and the saunas were on high alert and not doing business. KTV is normal but alert as well.

The word 悦 is used by many and countless hotel. Hyatt has a 悦 as well. Many hotel's name in China uses 悦 as in many hardware businesses use 鑫 as their company's name. And dunno why CP was not swept yesterday. I was just there yesterday and it was my last day there.
even if no mention, i think better to stay away from BBS and SN. dont want to be labelled as a 'sex tourist'.

a DJ i know at YH told me they asked to stay home and not go work yesterday. any bros can confirm?
Old 10-02-2014, 04:43 PM
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Re: Events In CP

IMHO - We are only speculating about the situation in Dongguan now. The information we have are only hearsay and from the limited news coverage. And you'd know that the media will only show the worst segment so I advise you guys not to believe 100%. Just play with caution and trust your own instinct.

I observed as to why all these 5 lesser and smaller town which are more dependant on their factories, manufacturing sectors and less on VICE are hit. It's my own conclusion that the central garmen is perhaps making a statement in telling places like ZMT, CP, DALANG and CHANGAN to tone down or the GARMEN will come calling.

Why do the sweep at this time knowing the meimei strength is by far cry less compared during CANTON Fair period. Knowing many WGs are celebrating their respective festive season. There will definitely be less "Prostitute" to arrest. Very kind hearted of the GARMEN. My experience tells me that Fenggang Town (凤岗镇) is always the first town to get swept. They are the whipping boys of Dongguan city. Maybe it's because of it's location as it us situated at the far southeast end of Dongguan. So when they first hit this poor town, ample time and warning will be alerted to the other sisters towns. So, in doing any businesses, location is the utmost importance.

Towns like Dalang depend greatly on Dihao Garden intl hotel and of course the high clubs. CP has so many hotel chain owned by powderful people with strong link to the community and the local GARMEN. How to eradicate them overnight? Most if not all sauna business are partly owned by the town mayor, police chief, army generals and big towkay. In the news, one reporter made a police report through the telephone citing vice operation is taking place in a certain sauna building, guess what? The police took 360 minutes or 6 hours to arrive. On the video playback from the reporter who is still waiting outside the establishment, he witnessed all the patron leaving leisurely and the meimei, all changed into their own cloths as if they had finished work on their way home. So this is the law enforcement in Dongguan which has all their fingers in the sweet pie they shared.

Just my own humble opinion and observation.
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Old 10-02-2014, 04:53 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ah_tan View Post
even if no mention, i think better to stay away from BBS and SN. dont want to be labelled as a 'sex tourist'.

a DJ i know at YH told me they asked to stay home and not go work yesterday. any bros can confirm?
Yes, confirm. Just called my YH meimei. They are closed for 3 days from today.
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Old 10-02-2014, 05:39 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Tis time ccp garmen sure closed dongguan vices for sure liao... How can president xi faced world leaders if he still allow dongguan to continue biz as usual... The world now know
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Old 10-02-2014, 06:20 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Sent to me by my favourite mummy in CP.
东莞有爱,不要被某些信息所误导![Determined] 东莞作为连续十数年上缴中央和省税收第一的地级市,没有报道!东莞没拿中央一分钱,自力更生从一个小渔村到 现在国际加工业之都,没有报道!汶川地震东莞是出钱出力最大的一个市,没有遍言只语!东莞连续十五年高考招 生广东第一、全国前十,没有报道!现在就一个全国都有的问题却连着出两个专题,钻到哪个城市的角落暗访都有 肮脏的东西,谁没在其他城市大牌酒店碰到骚扰电话和堂而皇之的门缝塞卡片吗?有过之而无不及!东莞就是一个 创新、包容的城市,她拥有怡人的气候、合适的房价、闲适的心境,台风绕道走的奇迹,东莞是我们的家园,!兄 弟姐妹们我们要做的就是配合上级领导!!加油东莞[Fist]
Old 10-02-2014, 07:05 PM
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Re: Events In CP

was told just now all ktvs are close tonite
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 10-02-2014, 07:46 PM
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Re: Events In CP


中新网2月10日电 据中央电视台新闻中心官方微博“央视新闻”消息,针对曝光东莞卖淫嫖娼问题,公安部昨天召开专题会议,要求 坚决整治、从严查处,严肃追究当地公安机关领导责任,坚决打击卖淫嫖娼活动的组织者、经营者及幕后“保护伞 ”。公安部目前已派出督导组赶赴广东。

Got this from.腾讯新闻,looks like this time for real...
Old 10-02-2014, 08:30 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Called and verified... Quite big issue now. Almost book tickets to go and now KIV. BROS here better caution.
Old 10-02-2014, 09:33 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Events In CP

东莞不[大哭],东莞加油!央视无情,人间有爱,众志成城,东莞加油!一方有难,八方支援!东莞挺住!大灾面前不放弃,务 必抓好灾后重建工作,尽快恢复当地的生产生活秩序。今夜,我们在一起,双手合十为东莞祈福。。 🙏🙏🙏
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