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Old 15-04-2014, 10:00 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Boss will never understand where we are coming from, because he is the boss. We need a better way for him to see things from a normal member's perspective. Or change tact in our explanation.

The effect of getting zapped is more psychological and emotional than being logical. Its like getting insulted and criticized without knowing where it is coming from, and without any means of exerting revenge. If we can at least see the nick, we can check his postings to get an idea of the person we are dealing with, and at least put some closure to it by confronting the person / taking action.

From another point of view, I always held the belief that its easier to change yourself to adapt to the world than to attempt to change the world. If zappings matter to you, create a few battalions of clones to protect yourself lor Then all the zappings will never matter to you, because you'll have so many clones and so many reputation points, and you can always up yourself back / trade with others to gain more points. (Which I suspect, is what many members here do )
Old 16-04-2014, 12:32 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by LastApril View Post
Boss will never understand where we are coming from, because he is the boss. We need a better way for him to see things from a normal member's perspective. Or change tact in our explanation.

The effect of getting zapped is more psychological and ……..

From another point of view, I always held the belief that its easier to change yourself to adapt to the world …. )
To his credit, I do believe that Boss is indeed trying his very best to figure out what I’ve been complaining about. I hope that I have done my best to let him see and feel what it is like to be just a regular member; I owe at least this to the members who have really been supportive of my efforts and had basically negated ALL the effects of the mass zappers to-date PLUS more!

And yes, I do agree that psychologically, being zapped anonymously is quite demoralizing and could easily dissuade anybody who’s just trying to join in; and that is what I am most concerned about, especially when a group of malicious plonkers is always lurking on the boards, eager to raise havoc to assert control over others.

But as far as myself really caring about points, I only care if I‘m in danger of falling into negative figure and have to be moderated. As for clones, I DO have a clone, SEAJ2, which I declared and had openly used a couple or so years ago, when I experienced my first wave of anonymous zappings; but I do not anticipate using that or any other clones…just so long as I ain’t gonna go into moderation! LOL.

I really would be glad if Boss will take to heart what I have explained to him and take the necessary steps to right what I feel is not exactly right on SBF. Not just for myself, but more so, for the general members who just want to enjoy this forum…. And of course for SBF in total!

Thanks for your meaningful input.


Ps. It really would be great if all upz and zaps will appear publicly on the actual post that is subject to the award. Then it would be fully transparent and others can discuss the merit/otherwise of such point award.

Last edited by SEAJ; 16-04-2014 at 01:27 AM.
Old 16-04-2014, 12:52 AM
ThreeSixZero ThreeSixZero is offline
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
But as far as myself really caring about points, I only care if I‘m in danger of falling into negative figure and have to be moderated.
Is yr points expiry date soon? What prizes & how many points u want to redeem?
Old 16-04-2014, 04:54 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
I really would be glad if Boss will take to heart what I have explained to him and take the necessary steps to right what I feel is not exactly right on SBF. Not just for myself, but more so, for the general members who just want to enjoy this forum…. And of course for SBF in total!

Thanks for your meaningful input.


Ps. It really would be great if all upz and zaps will appear publicly on the actual post that is subject to the award. Then it would be fully transparent and others can discuss the merit/otherwise of such point award.
I'm not going to change anything as the system is working perfectly and exactly as I intended.

Because of the rep system, old nicks have value as they have more power. Junior members have to tread carefully just as they do in the real world. If you join a company, you don't just walk in and behave as if you own the place on your first day at work. You'll be taken to task for sure.

The points system makes this forum similar. You need to blend in and form alliances so you can survive and prosper.

However, if you do want to throw your weight around with your very first post, all it costs is $17.95 and you're immortal.
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Old 16-04-2014, 04:57 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by LastApril View Post
The effect of getting zapped is more psychological and emotional than being logical. Its like getting insulted and criticized without knowing where it is coming from, and without any means of exerting revenge. If we can at least see the nick, we can check his postings to get an idea of the person we are dealing with, and at least put some closure to it by confronting the person / taking action.
That's exactly what I don't want.. confrontation and flame wars all over the place which takes up forum resources and destroys even more threads.

The reputation system is like the elections. If you don't like the government, you're supposed to be able to vote them out without fear of retaliation.

Same thing with this forum, if some senior member pisses you off, you can zap him without him unleashing his superior power to take revenge.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 16-04-2014, 05:31 AM
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Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
.. target some helpless/clueless member and zap him .. would gloat publicly to re-inforce their message that they are the actual boss ..
Same in Geylang - many gangs, gangsters, zaps.

SBF is a great forum. Joined SBF after years of "silent benefits". After 24 posts, got first upz, very happy - got 3 pts. Got "heart attack" (zapped -4pts), the next post:

"Westerhaut FRs 14-04-2014 05:44 PM "

Just a "smiley" - no nick. Very upset / No mood to post now.

Even if he identify his nick, what can I do ? No power / no gang.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
..Junior members have to tread carefully just as they do in the real world. ..
Boss, look at my posts. I have been a good boy.

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Old 16-04-2014, 11:48 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
That's exactly what I don't want.. confrontation and flame wars all over the place which tak.....

The reputation system is like the elections. If you don't like the government, you're supposed to be able to vote them out without fear of retaliation.

Same thing with this forum, if some senior member pisses you off, you can zap him without him unleashing his superior power to take revenge.
Ahhhhh....!! Me-thinks we are getting closer to discovering where the disconnect is! Running it as a business instead of just a place to socialize and chill out at!!

Please note that none of us earn anything from participating in sbf; and if things are not even merely just to our liking, we just leave! Plus you're forcing us to earn our pay (points - errr.. !!) from each other?

As a boss I would never allow secret cliques and unholy alliances to form in my company. Yes I form teams to compete against each other but it needs to be totally transparent for it to be a useful management tool. Secret arrangements ONLY serve the participants and always to the detriment of the enterprise as a whole; Businesses, governments and for sure a forum which is just a pastime and a parallel universe to go to chill out at.

I always believe in UNIFYING my staff to fight against the outside world - and will definitely not engineer internecine warfare and arm them with nukes; only the one well armed will win and go on to either take over my company or set one up in competition. And errr... Yes, happens all the time... In business..IRL... And of course forums!

Confrontations and flame wars? It's happening right now - but fought in secret pitched battles as the ones fighting an unfair battle don't want the Boss to know!!

Elections? Yes... If it is a fair, transparent competition highlighting each candidate's attributes and not one where threats, intimidation a and the odd favor (a chance to party in a foreign unfamiliar land, be part of the real bosses, protection etc) thrown in. Like bones thrown to dogs. How can there be anything but chaos? Yes if we're electing a mafia boss - errr... Yeah, a Taikor - I guess an apt parallel after all!! LOL

Old 16-04-2014, 12:22 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Ahhhhh....!! Me-thinks we are getting closer to discovering where the disconnect is! Running it as a business instead of just a place to socialize and chill out at!!
Premium membership is only a year old so don't give me that crap. It was added because places that are for socialising still have bills to pay and they get larger by the year.

You're beginning to get on my nerves and I now understand why other members feel like gang raping you. In fact I'm wondering how you ever got to 1000 plus points in the first place. There must be some sort of cronyism going in your favor too.

This forum has evolved over the years and has been fine tuned to become what it is today. If you don't like the way it operates, why don't you just leave?
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 16-04-2014, 12:58 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.


here is a piece of advice for you now that boss has stated his position.

you really should just leave things as it is and move on. the system though not perfect, is working great. the last i want would be for my staff to come knocking on my door everyday and demand that i do things their way when things are working great... dont get me wrong, constructive comments and suggestions are always welcome, but sadly, yours doesnt falls into the category.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Confrontations and flame wars? It's happening right now - but fought in secret pitched battles as the ones fighting an unfair battle don't want the Boss to know!!
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Old 16-04-2014, 01:58 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

cry baby! Really a waste of bandwidth with those thesis like postings. Yawnz....telling the owner of the forum what to do?


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Old 16-04-2014, 09:21 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Well bub, I'm still here! And I do all my own fighting instead of how you do it.

All your scheming and manipulating... Just to maintain your standing as the Taikor of the Chang Ping thread? A hamlet that's rapidly dying anyway?
Enjoy your hollow, meaningless gloating. LMFAO


Last edited by SEAJ; 16-04-2014 at 10:56 PM.
Old 17-04-2014, 12:59 AM
Kao Pai Kai Bu Kao Pai Kai Bu is offline
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Well bub, I'm still here! And I do all my own fighting instead of how you do it.

All your scheming and manipulating... Just to maintain your standing as the Taikor of the Chang Ping thread? A hamlet that's rapidly dying anyway?
Enjoy your hollow, meaningless gloating. LMFAO

If u not happy, dun surf SBF
Old 17-04-2014, 01:31 PM
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Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by Koiz View Post
Same in Geylang - many gangs, gangsters, zaps.

SBF is a great forum. Joined SBF after years of "silent benefits". After 24 posts, got first upz, very happy - got 3 pts. Got "heart attack" (zapped -4pts), the next post:

"Westerhaut FRs 14-04-2014 05:44 PM "

Just a "smiley" - no nick. Very upset / No mood to post now.

Even if he identify his nick, what can I do ? No power / no gang. .
Petain is worse (for zaps). Very enthusiastically contributed my 1st post and "the sky dropped" (got zapped 6 pts).:

Very touched, moved, grateful, forever in debt to the kind seniors (many) who rallied to comfort and up.

Now very worried to post - in case offend (got zap).

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"


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Old 17-04-2014, 02:26 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

mate, you are so negative... look at it the other way,
if you dont post, you will never get upped.

Originally Posted by ClownTeaser View Post
Now very worried to post - in case offend (got zap).
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Old 17-04-2014, 06:47 PM
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Upz for unfair zap in Petain

Originally Posted by ClownTeaser View Post
Petain is worse (for zaps). .. Now very worried to post - in case offend (got zap).
Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
mate, you are so negative... look at it the other way, if you dont post, you will never get upped.
Do carry on posting, ClownTeaser:

Fully understand your pain when got zapped !! ( Mine was worse - zapped to 7 pts when newbie).

Be positive / laugh at the zapper /thank him for the 46 pts with power = 1.

Have fun in SBF. Cheers.

PS - Boss is fair. He will return points for unfair zaps. Just complain here.
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