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Old 31-12-2019, 11:35 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Happy New year samsters
Old 03-01-2020, 07:06 AM
DPOWER DPOWER is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her. In order to show my sincerity, i decided to announce my quitting in writing. She was so happy on 29 Dec 19 when i informed her about my announcement and agreed to continue meeting me ( being handsome and mascular, lol)
But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks, i shall not keep my agreemet with her to quit writing since she broke her agreement with me first. I know her fans will now tell her : " u see lah, i told u that he cannot be trusted ....." . It doesnt matter to me. Since the primary source of driving force to induce me to quit writing has now non- existed , there is really no point for me to stick to my agreement like a fool. I did feel sad for her decision but i respected her final decision.

I shall still write in a manner as and when i like. But for WLs whom i truly 'like' for my long term bonking, i shall not FR/mention the name in forum to avoid such case to recur.

Yesterday one WL, out of a blue moon, sent wechat messages to thank me for FRing her a few months ago. She said her business has now been better after my FR on her and she thanked me sincerely. Think about it, indeed, there were many cases of WLs thanking me via wechat for the wholesome effects after my FRs. So my FRs have indeed helped them. One WL, 5 months ago, had also thanked me via wechat after she rtc. She said as i mentioned her resembling one famous actress, there was a customer specially looked for her after reading my FR. This customer treated her real nice and became her tirak. She had a great time with him since then and this tirak took great care of her during her stay. This WL treated me as a gd ftiend and we are still in touch on monthly basis via wechat. So, my FRs are still meaningful to many WLs in one way or another. With the intention to help, i will be more careful in writing from now onwards. For example, for WLs who dont french, i will not reveal her frenching me if i happen to be the lucky guy .......etc.

My last bonk on Yue Jia was on 1 Jan 20, 2 solid hours. But she mentioned this would be the last bonk.

Nevertheless, it was still a memorable day, esp it fell on the 1st day of the New Year, lol.

Tremendously sextisfied. This was the first time in my life i AR a WL's butt hole
She enjoyed it very much. But i quickly washed my mouth and rinsed with solution after my AR. I did it at the end of the 2 hr session.

My 1st ejection was around 45 mins of net thrusting and conquered during the standing doggie. Wanted to last longer but could not due to her tight pussy. Furthermore, it was so erotic to watch her super nice slim figure, B boobs , nice long legs and her authentic enjoying expressions in the mirrors. These strong visual sensations, tight cunt and her soft authentic moans made me wild and ejected, though i had already tried my best, wanting to last longer ......

After ejection, i had a long hug in missionary and spooning positions with nice tender frenching with her.
I must admit that of all the WLs i have met, her frenching was the best of the best, whether she did it furiously or in a tender manner. So full of GFE and fun and passion. She really make u feel that you are her only Man, with such a pretty lass. Of course, i asked for her saliva and drank a few loads.

Besides, i enjoyed her thrustings and grindings in Cowgirl position and Lotus grindings with great passion. Her tight small cunt really made me moaning hard. I had to stop her a few times to avoid ejection. She was very nice and accomodating and listened to my instruction. Never persusde me to eject fast.

Her cowgirl grindings were as solid as that of An An. Really no horse run. The Cowgirl grindings with her bending body to french me furiously really made me wishing that this moment would last forever .......i had a long session in these two positions.

Her body facing the ceiling mirror with her body on top of me, supporting herself by her two hands while i held the side of her butt and thrust/grinded upwards was extremely sextisfied.

Then follwed by CBJ. So nice watching her pretty face and body while she licked my balls and sucked my shaft with great suction. I had 2 rounds of CBJ (each for about 10 mins). One round before ejection and one round after ejection. I feel regretted now as i should have done BBBJ and CIM since she had agreed in previous rtf sessions (i had bonked her for a total of 6 hrs for 4 sessions)

We were having great fun in chit chatting while i hugged her tightly, caressing her body with frequent frenchings for 30 mins. I regretted for not fondling her clitoris during this part make her horny.

She allowed me to press in raw rub during my 1st session but declined to it for the subsequent 3 sessions. Really missed it very much.
1st session : net thrusting 40 mins
2nd session : 50 mins
3rd session : 1 hr 45 mins but with frequent 30 secs break
4th session : 45 mins for 1st round and 11 mins for 2nd tound.

The 2nd round of 11 mins furious thrustings was super shiok. Very agressive spooning, doggie and doggie with her lying flat. My Beast mode was over exerted esp seeing her "Appeared suffering but actually enjoying" facial expressions in the mirror. So erotic. It was almost the same scenario of her 'shiok' expressions compared to that when i thrust An An violently in doggie. But she didnt move her hands and twisted her body like An An. Got to reluctantly release her though i could not eject on the 2nd round and it was only 3 mins left.
This ferocious 11 mins of thrusting on this pretty lass of nice body will be an unforgettable experience in my mind for good.

She is the WL whom i am willing to support all the way till her rtc, with 2 to 3 bonkings per week. But sigh ......i dont have this luck.

Of all the girls i had bonked in the past, if i am only allowed to choose to bonk three and keep their memories for good, one will be RTC An An, one will be the AP i am enjoying presently (the egg whites event) and one will be Yue Jia.

She really bonk u as if u are her only Man. This gem, with a pretty face and nice slim body of B boobs .......sigh .......How nice if i never FR her. I will be enjoying her for another 1 yr plus. Anyway, i will not repeat my mistake again , lol. Thinking back, i was able to enjoy An An from May 19 to Oct 19 because i never reveal anything on Ex-AA during these 6 months ....

Last edited by DPOWER; 03-01-2020 at 09:07 AM.
Old 03-01-2020, 10:03 AM
naan1974 naan1974 is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

I almost cant believe what I read. is this some kinda of prostitutes politics
in GL? WTF!

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her. In order to show my sincerity, i decided to announce my quitting in writing. She was so happy on 29 Dec 19 when i informed her about my announcement and agreed to continue meeting me ( being handsome and mascular, lol)
But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks, i shall not keep my agreemet with her to quit writing since she broke her agreement with me first. I know her fans will now tell her : " u see lah, i told u that he cannot be trusted ....." . It doesnt matter to me. Since the primary source of driving force to induce me to quit writing has now non- existed , there is really no point for me to stick to my agreement like a fool. I did feel sad for her decision but i respected her final decision.

I shall still write in a manner as and when i like. But for WLs whom i truly 'like' for my long term bonking, i shall not FR/mention the name in forum to avoid such case to recur.

Yesterday one WL, out of a blue moon, sent wechat messages to thank me for FRing her a few months ago. She said her business has now been better after my FR on her and she thanked me sincerely. Think about it, indeed, there were many cases of WLs thanking me via wechat for the wholesome effects after my FRs. So my FRs have indeed helped them. One WL, 5 months ago, had also thanked me via wechat after she rtc. She said as i mentioned her resembling one famous actress, there was a customer specially looked for her after reading my FR. This customer treated her real nice and became her tirak. She had a great time with him since then and this tirak took great care of her during her stay. This WL treated me as a gd ftiend and we are still in touch on monthly basis via wechat. So, my FRs are still meaningful to many WLs in one way or another. With the intention to help, i will be more careful in writing from now onwards. For example, for WLs who dont french, i will not reveal her frenching me if i happen to be the lucky guy .......etc.

My last bonk on Yue Jia was on 1 Jan 20, 2 solid hours. But she mentioned this would be the last bonk.

Nevertheless, it was still a memorable day, esp it fell on the 1st day of the New Year, lol.

Tremendously sextisfied. This was the first time in my life i AR a WL's butt hole
She enjoyed it very much. But i quickly washed my mouth and rinsed with solution after my AR. I did it at the end of the 2 hr session.

My 1st ejection was around 45 mins of net thrusting and conquered during the standing doggie. Wanted to last longer but could not due to her tight pussy. Furthermore, it was so erotic to watch her super nice slim figure, B boobs , nice long legs and her authentic enjoying expressions in the mirrors. These strong visual sensations, tight cunt and her soft authentic moans made me wild and ejected, though i had already tried my best, wanting to last longer ......

After ejection, i had a long hug in missionary and spooning positions with nice tender frenching with her.
I must admit that of all the WLs i have met, her frenching was the best of the best, whether she did it furiously or in a tender manner. So full of GFE and fun and passion. She really make u feel that you are her only Man, with such a pretty lass. Of course, i asked for her saliva and drank a few loads.

Besides, i enjoyed her thrustings and grindings in Cowgirl position and Lotus grindings with great passion. Her tight small cunt really made me moaning hard. I had to stop her a few times to avoid ejection. She was very nice and accomodating and listened to my instruction. Never persusde me to eject fast.

Her cowgirl grindings were as solid as that of An An. Really no horse run. The Cowgirl grindings with her bending body to french me furiously really made me wishing that this moment would last forever .......i had a long session in these two positions.

Her body facing the ceiling mirror with her body on top of me, supporting herself by her two hands while i held the side of her butt and thrust/grinded upwards was extremely sextisfied.

Then follwed by CBJ. So nice watching her pretty face and body while she licked my balls and sucked my shaft with great suction. I had 2 rounds of CBJ (each for about 10 mins). One round before ejection and one round after ejection. I feel regretted now as i should have done BBBJ and CIM since she had agreed in previous rtf sessions (i had bonked her for a total of 6 hrs for 4 sessions)

We were having great fun in chit chatting while i hugged her tightly, caressing her body with frequent frenchings for 30 mins. I regretted for not fondling her clitoris during this part make her horny.

She allowed me to press in raw rub during my 1st session but declined to it for the subsequent 3 sessions. Really missed it very much.
1st session : net thrusting 40 mins
2nd session : 50 mins
3rd session : 1 hr 45 mins but with frequent 30 secs break
4th session : 45 mins for 1st round and 11 mins for 2nd tound.

The 2nd round of 11 mins furious thrustings was super shiok. Very agressive spooning, doggie and doggie with her lying flat. My Beast mode was over exerted esp seeing her "Appeared suffering but actually enjoying" facial expressions in the mirror. So erotic. It was almost the same scenario of her 'shiok' expressions compared to that when i thrust An An violently in doggie. But she didnt move her hands and twisted her body like An An. Got to reluctantly release her though i could not eject on the 2nd round and it was only 3 mins left.
This ferocious 11 mins of thrusting on this pretty lass of nice body will be an unforgettable experience in my mind for good.

She is the WL whom i am willing to support all the way till her rtc, with 2 to 3 bonkings per week. But sigh ......i dont have this luck.

Of all the girls i had bonked in the past, if i am only allowed to choose to bonk three and keep their memories for good, one will be RTC An An, one will be the AP i am enjoying presently (the egg whites event) and one will be Yue Jia.

She really bonk u as if u are her only Man. This gem, with a pretty face and nice slim body of B boobs .......sigh .......How nice if i never FR her. I will be enjoying her for another 1 yr plus. Anyway, i will not repeat my mistake again , lol. Thinking back, i was able to enjoy An An from May 19 to Oct 19 because i never reveal anything on Ex-AA during these 6 months ....
Old 03-01-2020, 11:32 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her. In order to show my sincerity, i decided to announce my quitting in writing. She was so happy on 29 Dec 19 when i informed her about my announcement and agreed to continue meeting me ( being handsome and mascular, lol)
But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks, i shall not keep my agreemet with her to quit writing since she broke her agreement with me first. I know her fans will now tell her : " u see lah, i told u that he cannot be trusted ....." . It doesnt matter to me. Since the primary source of driving force to induce me to quit writing has now non- existed , there is really no point for me to stick to my agreement like a fool. I did feel sad for her decision but i respected her final decision.

I shall still write in a manner as and when i like. But for WLs whom i truly 'like' for my long term bonking, i shall not FR/mention the name in forum to avoid such case to recur.

Old 03-01-2020, 12:05 PM
JuicyG JuicyG is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by naan1974 View Post
I almost cant believe what I read. is this some kinda of prostitutes politics
in GL? WTF!
Hello brudda naan1974, I oredi told you all DPower is the biggest CB clown in SBF de! Told u he never retire from SBF. He Tok cock all the time. His story only 20% true nia. If he not premium, confirm plus chop he kenna zap to moderation. This CB Kia is a confirm botak head, not muscular and confirm not hansum, u think WL love him? WL love him for his tips. Only thing is he got some money to tip WL. I knoe bcos WL he tried I oso tried liao. If u wanna catch him in action, easy, go to 1658A okt Tua Tow shop lor. He is bald and in his forties Liao. Bye brudda!
Old 03-01-2020, 02:02 PM
JuicyG JuicyG is offline
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Thumbs down Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her. In order to show my sincerity, i decided to announce my quitting in writing. She was so happy on 29 l

I shall still write in a manner as and when i like. But for WLs whom i truly 'like' for my long term bonking, i shall not FR/mention the name in forum to avoid such case to recur.

Yesterday one WL, out of a blue moon, sent wechat messages to thank me for FRing her a few months ago. She said her business has now been better after my FR on her and she thanked me sincerely. Think about it, indeed, there were many cases of WLs thanking me via wechat for the wholesome effects after my FRs. So my FRs have indeed helped them. One WL, 5 months ago, had also thanked me via wechat after she rtc. She said as i mentioned her resembling one famous actress, there was a customer specially looked for her after reading my FR. This customer treated her real nice and became her tirak. She had a great time with him since then and this tirak took great care of her during her stay. This WL treated me as a gd ftiend and we are still in touch on monthly basis via wechat. So, my FRs are still meaningful to many WLs in one way or another. With the intention to help, i will be more careful in writing from now onwards. For example, for WLs who dont french, i will not reveal her frenching me if i happen to be the lucky guy .......etc.

My last bonk on Yue Jia was on 1 Jan 20, 2 solid hours. But she mentioned this would be the last bonk.

Nevertheless, it was still a memorable day, esp it fell on the 1st day of the New Year, lol.

Tremendously sextisfied. This was the first time in my life i AR a WL's butt hole
She enjoyed it very much. But i quickly washed my mouth and rinsed with solution after my AR. I did it at the end of the 2 hr session.

My 1st ejection was around 45 mins of net thrusting and conquered during the standing doggie. Wanted to last longer but could not due to her tight pussy. Furthermore, it was so erotic to watch her super nice slim figure, B boobs , nice long legs and her authentic enjoying expressions in the mirrors. These strong visual sensations, tight cunt and her soft authentic moans made me wild and
Besides, i enjoyed her thrustings and grindings in Cowgirl position and Lotus grindings with great passion. Her tight small cunt really made me moaning hard. I had to stop her a few times to avoid ejection. She was very nice and accomodating and listened to my instruction. Never persusde me to eject fast.

She allowed me to press in raw rub during my 1st session but declined to it for the subsequent 3 sessions. Really missed it very much.
1st session : net thrusting 40 mins
2nd session : 50 mins
3rd session : 1 hr 45 mins but with frequent 30 secs break
4th session : 45 mins for 1st round and 11 mins for 2nd tound.

The 2nd round of 11 mins furious thrustings was super shiok. Very agressive spooning, doggie and doggie with her lying flat. My Beast mode was over exerted esp seeing her "Appeared suffering but actually enjoying" facial expressions in the mirror. So erotic. It was almost the same scenario of her 'shiok' expressions compared to that when i thrust An An violently in doggie. But she didnt move her hands and twisted her body like An An. Got to reluctantly release her though i could not eject on the 2nd round and it was only 3 mins left.
This ferocious 11 mins of thrusting on this pretty lass of nice body will be an unforgettable experience in my mind for good.

She is the WL whom i am willing to support all the way till her rtc, with 2 to 3 bonkings per week. But sigh ......i dont have this luck.

Of all the girls i had bonked in the past, if i am only allowed to choose to bonk three and keep their memories for good, one will be RTC An An, one will be the AP i am enjoying presently (the egg whites event) and one will be Yue Jia.

All bruddah! After I investigated, this CB clown Dpower actuali bcum bery aggressive and posssessive and want to be Yue Jia lover outside GL. It is one sided love as Yue Jia dun like him at all de. Yue Jia only likes his money and treat him as friend. Who will like botak head man in his forties?! Unless he is Vince Diesel or Dwyan Johnson The Rock lah, Bery the rich and hansum.

Bcos of CB clown Dpower too aggressive to be her BF and bery possessive wor, Yue Jia disconnected him and asked him dun book her anymore. YJ did right thing.

Wat I say above is truth story! Dun ask me how I know ah. This CB Kia Dpower want to cover himself by telling nice nice story bout himself & to tell ppl he gentlemen but hor, he actuali is a wicked man who Wanna sabo the WL who r still working in gl. This is something like taking revenge on her for dumping him. if he good person, he won’t say this in the public Liao. Agree boh?

Bye bye all brudda !
Old 03-01-2020, 03:45 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by JuicyG View Post
All bruddah! After I investigated, this CB clown Dpower actuali bcum bery aggressive and posssessive and want to be Yue Jia lover outside GL. It is one sided love as Yue Jia dun like him at all de. Yue Jia only likes his money and treat him as friend. Who will like botak head man in his forties?! Unless he is Vince Diesel or Dwyan Johnson The Rock lah, Bery the rich and hansum.

Bye bye all brudda !
Hardly surprising. This pathetic clown is always living in his own fantasies The place he should frequent is mental clinic, not GL
Old 03-01-2020, 05:03 PM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her. In order to show my sincerity, i decided to announce my quitting in writing. She was so happy on 29 Dec 19 when i informed her about my announcement and agreed to continue meeting me ( being handsome and mascular, lol)
But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks, i shall not keep my agreemet with her to quit writing since she broke her agreement with me first. I know her fans will now tell her : " u see lah, i told u that he cannot be trusted ....." . It doesnt matter to me. Since the primary source of driving force to induce me to quit writing has now non- existed , there is really no point for me to stick to my agreement like a fool. I did feel sad for her decision but i respected her final decision.

I shall still write in a manner as and when i like. But for WLs whom i truly 'like' for my long term bonking, i shall not FR/mention the name in forum to avoid such case to recur.

Yesterday one WL, out of a blue moon, sent wechat messages to thank me for FRing her a few months ago. She said her business has now been better after my FR on her and she thanked me sincerely. Think about it, indeed, there were many cases of WLs thanking me via wechat for the wholesome effects after my FRs. So my FRs have indeed helped them. One WL, 5 months ago, had also thanked me via wechat after she rtc. She said as i mentioned her resembling one famous actress, there was a customer specially looked for her after reading my FR. This customer treated her real nice and became her tirak. She had a great time with him since then and this tirak took great care of her during her stay. This WL treated me as a gd ftiend and we are still in touch on monthly basis via wechat. So, my FRs are still meaningful to many WLs in one way or another. With the intention to help, i will be more careful in writing from now onwards. For example, for WLs who dont french, i will not reveal her frenching me if i happen to be the lucky guy .......etc.

My last bonk on Yue Jia was on 1 Jan 20, 2 solid hours. But she mentioned this would be the last bonk.

Nevertheless, it was still a memorable day, esp it fell on the 1st day of the New Year, lol.

Tremendously sextisfied. This was the first time in my life i AR a WL's butt hole
She enjoyed it very much. But i quickly washed my mouth and rinsed with solution after my AR. I did it at the end of the 2 hr session.

My 1st ejection was around 45 mins of net thrusting and conquered during the standing doggie. Wanted to last longer but could not due to her tight pussy. Furthermore, it was so erotic to watch her super nice slim figure, B boobs , nice long legs and her authentic enjoying expressions in the mirrors. These strong visual sensations, tight cunt and her soft authentic moans made me wild and ejected, though i had already tried my best, wanting to last longer ......

After ejection, i had a long hug in missionary and spooning positions with nice tender frenching with her.
I must admit that of all the WLs i have met, her frenching was the best of the best, whether she did it furiously or in a tender manner. So full of GFE and fun and passion. She really make u feel that you are her only Man, with such a pretty lass. Of course, i asked for her saliva and drank a few loads.

Besides, i enjoyed her thrustings and grindings in Cowgirl position and Lotus grindings with great passion. Her tight small cunt really made me moaning hard. I had to stop her a few times to avoid ejection. She was very nice and accomodating and listened to my instruction. Never persusde me to eject fast.

Her cowgirl grindings were as solid as that of An An. Really no horse run. The Cowgirl grindings with her bending body to french me furiously really made me wishing that this moment would last forever .......i had a long session in these two positions.

Her body facing the ceiling mirror with her body on top of me, supporting herself by her two hands while i held the side of her butt and thrust/grinded upwards was extremely sextisfied.

Then follwed by CBJ. So nice watching her pretty face and body while she licked my balls and sucked my shaft with great suction. I had 2 rounds of CBJ (each for about 10 mins). One round before ejection and one round after ejection. I feel regretted now as i should have done BBBJ and CIM since she had agreed in previous rtf sessions (i had bonked her for a total of 6 hrs for 4 sessions)

We were having great fun in chit chatting while i hugged her tightly, caressing her body with frequent frenchings for 30 mins. I regretted for not fondling her clitoris during this part make her horny.

She allowed me to press in raw rub during my 1st session but declined to it for the subsequent 3 sessions. Really missed it very much.
1st session : net thrusting 40 mins
2nd session : 50 mins
3rd session : 1 hr 45 mins but with frequent 30 secs break
4th session : 45 mins for 1st round and 11 mins for 2nd tound.

The 2nd round of 11 mins furious thrustings was super shiok. Very agressive spooning, doggie and doggie with her lying flat. My Beast mode was over exerted esp seeing her "Appeared suffering but actually enjoying" facial expressions in the mirror. So erotic. It was almost the same scenario of her 'shiok' expressions compared to that when i thrust An An violently in doggie. But she didnt move her hands and twisted her body like An An. Got to reluctantly release her though i could not eject on the 2nd round and it was only 3 mins left.
This ferocious 11 mins of thrusting on this pretty lass of nice body will be an unforgettable experience in my mind for good.

She is the WL whom i am willing to support all the way till her rtc, with 2 to 3 bonkings per week. But sigh ......i dont have this luck.

Of all the girls i had bonked in the past, if i am only allowed to choose to bonk three and keep their memories for good, one will be RTC An An, one will be the AP i am enjoying presently (the egg whites event) and one will be Yue Jia.

She really bonk u as if u are her only Man. This gem, with a pretty face and nice slim body of B boobs .......sigh .......How nice if i never FR her. I will be enjoying her for another 1 yr plus. Anyway, i will not repeat my mistake again , lol. Thinking back, i was able to enjoy An An from May 19 to Oct 19 because i never reveal anything on Ex-AA during these 6 months ....
You are like a woman.....
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Old 03-01-2020, 06:52 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her. In order to show my sincerity, i decided to announce my quitting in writing. She was so happy on 29 Dec 19 when i informed her about my announcement and agreed to continue meeting me ( being handsome and mascular, lol)
But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks, i shall not keep my agreemet with her to quit writing since she broke her agreement with me first. I know her fans will now tell her : " u see lah, i told u that he cannot be trusted ....." . It doesnt matter to me. Since the primary source of driving force to induce me to quit writing has now non- existed , there is really no point for me to stick to my agreement like a fool. I did feel sad for her decision but i respected her final decision.

I shall still write in a manner as and when i like. But for WLs whom i truly 'like' for my long term bonking, i shall not FR/mention the name in forum to avoid such case to recur.

Yesterday one WL, out of a blue moon, sent wechat messages to thank me for FRing her a few months ago. She said her business has now been better after my FR on her and she thanked me sincerely. Think about it, indeed, there were many cases of WLs thanking me via wechat for the wholesome effects after my FRs. So my FRs have indeed helped them. One WL, 5 months ago, had also thanked me via wechat after she rtc. She said as i mentioned her resembling one famous actress, there was a customer specially looked for her after reading my FR. This customer treated her real nice and became her tirak. She had a great time with him since then and this tirak took great care of her during her stay. This WL treated me as a gd ftiend and we are still in touch on monthly basis via wechat. So, my FRs are still meaningful to many WLs in one way or another. With the intention to help, i will be more careful in writing from now onwards. For example, for WLs who dont french, i will not reveal her frenching me if i happen to be the lucky guy .......etc.

My last bonk on Yue Jia was on 1 Jan 20, 2 solid hours. But she mentioned this would be the last bonk.

Nevertheless, it was still a memorable day, esp it fell on the 1st day of the New Year, lol.

Tremendously sextisfied. This was the first time in my life i AR a WL's butt hole
She enjoyed it very much. But i quickly washed my mouth and rinsed with solution after my AR. I did it at the end of the 2 hr session.

My 1st ejection was around 45 mins of net thrusting and conquered during the standing doggie. Wanted to last longer but could not due to her tight pussy. Furthermore, it was so erotic to watch her super nice slim figure, B boobs , nice long legs and her authentic enjoying expressions in the mirrors. These strong visual sensations, tight cunt and her soft authentic moans made me wild and ejected, though i had already tried my best, wanting to last longer ......

After ejection, i had a long hug in missionary and spooning positions with nice tender frenching with her.
I must admit that of all the WLs i have met, her frenching was the best of the best, whether she did it furiously or in a tender manner. So full of GFE and fun and passion. She really make u feel that you are her only Man, with such a pretty lass. Of course, i asked for her saliva and drank a few loads.

Besides, i enjoyed her thrustings and grindings in Cowgirl position and Lotus grindings with great passion. Her tight small cunt really made me moaning hard. I had to stop her a few times to avoid ejection. She was very nice and accomodating and listened to my instruction. Never persusde me to eject fast.

Her cowgirl grindings were as solid as that of An An. Really no horse run. The Cowgirl grindings with her bending body to french me furiously really made me wishing that this moment would last forever .......i had a long session in these two positions.

Her body facing the ceiling mirror with her body on top of me, supporting herself by her two hands while i held the side of her butt and thrust/grinded upwards was extremely sextisfied.

Then follwed by CBJ. So nice watching her pretty face and body while she licked my balls and sucked my shaft with great suction. I had 2 rounds of CBJ (each for about 10 mins). One round before ejection and one round after ejection. I feel regretted now as i should have done BBBJ and CIM since she had agreed in previous rtf sessions (i had bonked her for a total of 6 hrs for 4 sessions)

We were having great fun in chit chatting while i hugged her tightly, caressing her body with frequent frenchings for 30 mins. I regretted for not fondling her clitoris during this part make her horny.

She allowed me to press in raw rub during my 1st session but declined to it for the subsequent 3 sessions. Really missed it very much.
1st session : net thrusting 40 mins
2nd session : 50 mins
3rd session : 1 hr 45 mins but with frequent 30 secs break
4th session : 45 mins for 1st round and 11 mins for 2nd tound.

The 2nd round of 11 mins furious thrustings was super shiok. Very agressive spooning, doggie and doggie with her lying flat. My Beast mode was over exerted esp seeing her "Appeared suffering but actually enjoying" facial expressions in the mirror. So erotic. It was almost the same scenario of her 'shiok' expressions compared to that when i thrust An An violently in doggie. But she didnt move her hands and twisted her body like An An. Got to reluctantly release her though i could not eject on the 2nd round and it was only 3 mins left.
This ferocious 11 mins of thrusting on this pretty lass of nice body will be an unforgettable experience in my mind for good.

She is the WL whom i am willing to support all the way till her rtc, with 2 to 3 bonkings per week. But sigh ......i dont have this luck.

Of all the girls i had bonked in the past, if i am only allowed to choose to bonk three and keep their memories for good, one will be RTC An An, one will be the AP i am enjoying presently (the egg whites event) and one will be Yue Jia.

She really bonk u as if u are her only Man. This gem, with a pretty face and nice slim body of B boobs .......sigh .......How nice if i never FR her. I will be enjoying her for another 1 yr plus. Anyway, i will not repeat my mistake again , lol. Thinking back, i was able to enjoy An An from May 19 to Oct 19 because i never reveal anything on Ex-AA during these 6 months ....

Everyone has one life. Enjoy in the way it makes you happy. Carry on bro DPOWER!
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 03-01-2020, 06:53 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by naan1974 View Post
I almost cant believe what I read. is this some kinda of prostitutes politics
in GL? WTF!
Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction ...
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Old 03-01-2020, 09:23 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs

Didn't I say it should be obvious to SENSIBLE people that he is a nutcase? From the time he moan about his Coach bag up to now, this kungfu midget has been giving WL after WL problem.

His adoring fans will rejoice he is back:

bigbadbird (Where got frenching? I can't get frenching! Frenching please!)
dignified69 (How to date WL without spending $?)
tugid (Mr Full GST rebate)

same Ah Pek shit stick all day long about what they don't know. Watching these clowns talk among themselves is an eye-opener: So this is what the HDB rental types think. Needless to say, all like the bakcais for obvious reasons. LOL
Old 03-01-2020, 10:34 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs

The crux of DPOWER's story is that as with all the WLs, he is rock bottom on her list of customers. When the WL's high valued customers advised her not to bother with the nut, she dropped him like a sack of shit.

This is the pathetic life of a low value customer, going from WL to WL like a dog, offering to write FRs. Such people are so used to taking orders, they didn't realise that actually they are paying money, yet volunteering to be the WLs errand boy. I bet he probably buys food too. LOL. This moron is so proud that the WL treats him like her Pinoy maid when it is a clear signal that she doesn't hold you in high regard. Low value job for low value customer. So old, still so stupid. Since this idiot volunteer to do it for free...LOL
Old 04-01-2020, 08:46 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by gogeylang View Post
The crux of DPOWER's story is that as with all the WLs, he is rock bottom on her list of customers. When the WL's high valued customers advised her not to bother with the nut, she dropped him like a sack of shit.

This is the pathetic life of a low value customer, going from WL to WL like a dog, offering to write FRs. Such people are so used to taking orders, they didn't realise that actually they are paying money, yet volunteering to be the WLs errand boy. I bet he probably buys food too. LOL. This moron is so proud that the WL treats him like her Pinoy maid when it is a clear signal that she doesn't hold you in high regard. Low value job for low value customer. So old, still so stupid. Since this idiot volunteer to do it for free...LOL
The crux is that DPOWER has a story and many of his critics don’t. Also massive failures in the education system detected in the above regurgitation
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 04-01-2020, 09:14 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by gogeylang View Post
The crux of DPOWER's story is that as with all the WLs, he is rock bottom on her list of customers. When the WL's high valued customers advised her not to bother with the nut, she dropped him like a sack of shit.

This is the pathetic life of a low value customer, going from WL to WL like a dog, offering to write FRs. Such people are so used to taking orders, they didn't realise that actually they are paying money, yet volunteering to be the WLs errand boy. I bet he probably buys food too. LOL. This moron is so proud that the WL treats him like her Pinoy maid when it is a clear signal that she doesn't hold you in high regard. Low value job for low value customer. So old, still so stupid. Since this idiot volunteer to do it for free...LOL
Let’s enumerate

1. It is better to be on the list of customers than not to be on the list at all.
2. Dogs are man’s best friend. Ask any pet lover. Why the negative view on our four legged friends?
3. A low ‘value’ customer still has spenDing POWER. What about reaping the wealth at the bottom of the pyramid?
4. Some command, some obey. Without one there is never the other. Reflect on your NS experience.
5. Volunteering is a noble expression of humanity. Errand boys also contribute.
6. When you are at the pearly gates, buying food for the hungry will be counted among your virtuous deeds.
7. Pinoy, Indon, PRC, Japanese, American, Brazilian all made by the same God. Do you have think differently?
8. People who employ maids are usually very grateful for the service rendered. To help in someone’s household affairs, to provide love and care to young and old are tasks of high virtue. I’m sure you agree.
9. Age is a number. Advancement in years is looked upon favorably by those who departed earlier.

Release your pent up anger and rage. Be blessed by the power of the confessional. Become the best version of yourself so you are a Singaporean the world can be proud of.

Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter. Shine in the light and be the light.
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 04-01-2020, 12:54 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by Dignified69 View Post
The crux is that DPOWER has a story and many of his critics don’t. Also massive failures in the education system detected in the above regurgitation
Like I said, the Ah Peks are uneducated if that is what you understand by crux. Many people have far more interesting stories but are educated enough not to annouce it in a public forum. But to you, don't post means no story. LOL Aren't you the fool who didn't realise you need to spend money to date WLs?

Last edited by gogeylang; 04-01-2020 at 02:02 PM.
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