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Old 28-02-2007, 01:51 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by sassina2 View Post
CNY is peak tourist season with many Taiwanese & perhaps HK and other people. So, the mei meis know its a good time to make money and they will be there on LHL despite the police around etc.

SWs are quickie jobs and less service oriented than BBS girls overall so the "interview" and "setup" is very important.

Takes patience and don't be ruled just be looks.

For me, a 4-5 day stay in CP with a night or two in Zhuhai considering that I have to fly in via Macau right now is a greCat mix of time and breaks up the travel well.

Also, the outdoor atmosphere on LHL is always ecletric & a good change from the indoors of Taoyuan and other venues of CP.

Then, I have had some good ones of SWs on LHL to always want to revisit!
Actualy CP Sauna choices are not fantastic... there are others in DG I have been that have been great... but of cos... more exp. The one sauna i went to in DG had Prince Girls working in the Sauna... wow... looks + service. Damage was about RMB 500 ... so in terms of price... cannot compare lorr...

Next time I must spend time with you at ZH and learn from you leh
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Old 28-02-2007, 08:41 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
pls lah, outside SG, u only pay $$ after the service / transaction is completed lah.

tis will increase the chances tat the service providers will work hard to earn the $$ by providing satisfactory service. U can even argue or demand them 2 do tis or tat, or u reduce the $$ payment, etc. They'll normally not leave until full service is rendered & payment is collected.

U can consider yrself lucky oredi, tat u got 1 shot outta it liao. Dun be surprised if the gals can even ask u if u can make payment 1st, even b4 u start the 1st round! Then sekali can cook up all sorta stories, example loan shark payment due, she'll take yr $$ 2 pay loan shark 1st, & then keep u company rest of the nite, etc etc. Or, take $$ oredi, somehow mobile phone ring, say got raid, emergency, watever watever.

If really raid, they'll run away even if u bonk 1 round oredi & havent pay $$ yet!!!

In PRC, if u more afraid of them, & when they know it, u are going 2 b super carrot-head!!!
Of course, of course. The money was asked after the first shot. But at that moment the situation sound threathening to me. I can stay and fight over the problem, but that would mean a longer stay or risk having physical harm? As a foreigner, I do not want that to happen. How do we know if there is really gangs there waiting for us? We do not like to be a carrot-head. You think i like to spend the extra money for nothing? But I would rather be a carrot-head and prevent myself from getting into more trouble. How would you know that I will not go back to SG with a leg missing? I can't predict. So to be safe, I pay the money knowing that it is a con job. At least now, I am safely back in SG, where this is still my homeland. Exchanging $100SGD for a peace of mind? I would still do that, unless I'm based in that place.

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
even the mummys / OKTs oso dun collect payment until end of the service session, ie. settle yr bill only when everything's done / u are leaving.

LHL street walkers are ok. In fact, I'm a regular patron of LHL SWs. Every time I'm there, bonking the SWs is part of my routine, hahaha.
I do pick up many SWs whenever i'm there. So certain prcedures i do know , that is also why i realized that she is a con when she asked for the money. I'll just take this as a payment for a lesson learnt, better than kena something worse next time.
Old 28-02-2007, 09:56 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by rapebill View Post
Hello, anyone going to CP (or Shenzhen) from Macau on 16 Mar?
I will reach Macau on 16 Mar/9+pm via Tiger.
Hope to have some buddies to share transport costs.
wow fast going back ZH. Heard Lau Zhao that u engaged his service to ZH during the last trip.
Old 02-03-2007, 01:49 AM
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Talking Re: Macau or Zhuhai

wah..all cheong Zh, CP... me stucked always. My current fav CN destinations...

Rapebill (u there again!), 84Gunner (sori, didn't get to go with u..), Sassina2, KLKool, Tirak99 (u still there in Sino-land?)

LHL - still a gd pick when I was there last yr... I even enjoyed chit-chat with all the warm bodies slutting around me... The local bro shared that more choices if got time to venture further - as Sassina experienced it. Maybe next time... aiyah..dunno spend time at CP or at Zh... so hard to decide...

then there's SZ & my pretty Zh gf now at GZ.. knocking my head how to prioritise & take leaves to tackle so many targets..


Last edited by chanyboy; 02-03-2007 at 01:51 AM. Reason: ewrwer
Old 02-03-2007, 08:59 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
..I do pick up many SWs whenever i'm there. So certain prcedures i do know , that is also why i realized that she is a con when she asked for the money. I'll just take this as a payment for a lesson learnt, better than kena something worse next time.
Just sharing experience.. somehow I feel for LHL just take ST enuf..the gers really want to do quick & go hunting for new cock again. Take gers from KTV/MP/joints recommended by local bro for overnite is more reliable.. the MP ger I took becomes my Zh gf (now mv to GZ to open small-shop and she "invites me" to call her if go GZ.... where bro KLKool is!! I guessed we enjoyed f**king together & wouldn't mind to continue if I'm in town I supposed....aiyoh come to think about it I'm hard on feeling...)
Old 02-03-2007, 10:42 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by chanyboy View Post
Just sharing experience.. somehow I feel for LHL just take ST enuf..the gers really want to do quick & go hunting for new cock again. Take gers from KTV/MP/joints recommended by local bro for overnite is more reliable.. the MP ger I took becomes my Zh gf (now mv to GZ to open small-shop and she "invites me" to call her if go GZ.... where bro KLKool is!! I guessed we enjoyed f**king together & wouldn't mind to continue if I'm in town I supposed....aiyoh come to think about it I'm hard on feeling...)
That's very true... I've also realized that recently. Maybe i should stick with my ktv girl the next time I'm there. But i do have a regular SW also though, very good, just that I like to try new ones... anyways, have decided to stick to regulars there. Lazy to sit around the drink counters liao. Anyway, hope to see more bros there as the last few trips have been quite boring.Only managed to meet one more bro who happens to be alone. Maybe then you guys can impart more knowledge to me!!

BTW, hope u don't fault me for giving you the hard-on..... erm.... i mean the topic don't give you the hard-on... not me giving you the hard-on.......
Old 02-03-2007, 11:42 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
Of course, of course. The money was asked after the first shot. But at that moment the situation sound threathening to me. I can stay and fight over the problem, but that would mean a longer stay or risk having physical harm? As a foreigner, I do not want that to happen. How do we know if there is really gangs there waiting for us? We do not like to be a carrot-head. You think i like to spend the extra money for nothing? But I would rather be a carrot-head and prevent myself from getting into more trouble. How would you know that I will not go back to SG with a leg missing? I can't predict. So to be safe, I pay the money knowing that it is a con job. At least now, I am safely back in SG, where this is still my homeland. Exchanging $100SGD for a peace of mind? I would still do that, unless I'm based in that place.
from yr description, it is obvious that u have shown the gal u are afraid. Of course, nobody in this world likes to be carrot-head, even if prices are still cheaper than hometown.

But, it is exactly this "afraid of safety/security", "I'm a foreigner", mentality of many SGPeans, including several of my frens stationed in various parts of PRC, tat they end up paying premium prices / more for many things! Of course, there is no right nor wrong here, many pple still prefer to pay more $$, juz so they can have peace of mind. Actually, I'd say most of these pple tink / imagine / worry too much! hahaha. I'd say it's the whole environment in SG tat makes SG usually "safe & secure" compared to most other parts of the world, tat SG pple are simply not used to not-so-safe environments outside SG!

I'm one fellow who fought the armed robbers at GuangZhou Railway Station, and oso inside bath-house in ChengDu when the club tried to extort / overcharge my fren.

I'd seen / heard of local Chinese who refuse to pay a single cent for unsatisfactory services, even if they're from other provinces! And these pple may even be alone when they cheong!

Yes, there are syndicates operating in LHL, but they're the prostitution rings. LHL is such a busy street with so many pple, with the Gong An's van / motorbike passing up / down every few minutes or parked there, and these syndicates still need to operate there. I doubt they really dare to attempt any form of physical violence at all, unless it's the other party who starts attacking 1st.

If any such violent fight breaks out, I believe all activities / businesses will be gone, the syndicates cant operate there anymore!!! Dun talk about violent fights / crime, how many petty thefts / pickpocket cases occur in LHL?
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 02-03-2007, 11:51 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by chanyboy View Post
Just sharing experience.. somehow I feel for LHL just take ST enuf..the gers really want to do quick & go hunting for new cock again. Take gers from KTV/MP/joints recommended by local bro for overnite is more reliable.. the MP ger I took becomes my Zh gf (now mv to GZ to open small-shop and she "invites me" to call her if go GZ.... where bro KLKool is!! I guessed we enjoyed f**king together & wouldn't mind to continue if I'm in town I supposed....aiyoh come to think about it I'm hard on feeling...)
true, the gals in LHL are more suitable for ST. From mathematical point of view, 1 ST is 200 RMB, in 1 nite, u usually wont get more than 3 shots, most times, u only get 2 shots. And u wanna pay 700 - 800 RMB for tat?

from another point of view, I can get 2 different gals & do 2 ST, for 400 RMB. Or, if I get the same gal, pay her 400 RMB for 2 ST (mebbe 2nd round can get abit discount, if not better service / rapport!!!)!

I ever kena jio by these SW, after 1 ST, ask me if I wanna take her for LT tat nite. The price we negotiating was ard 350 - 450 RMB, incl tat round of ST if deal is struck. She said can bonk as many rounds as I want for the LT (they oso know, how many rounds can u bonk?). But I was simply damn tired & not in the mood for LT.

KTV gals' standard rate & practice is oredi like tat, some more LT is kinda part of their "job". So, I'd say, KTV gals would be more professional for LT deals!
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 02-03-2007, 12:49 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
But, it is exactly this "afraid of safety/security", "I'm a foreigner", mentality of many SGPeans, including several of my frens stationed in various parts of PRC, tat they end up paying premium prices / more for many things! Of course, there is no right nor wrong here, many pple still prefer to pay more $$, juz so they can have peace of mind. Actually, I'd say most of these pple tink / imagine / worry too much! hahaha. I'd say it's the whole environment in SG tat makes SG usually "safe & secure" compared to most other parts of the world, tat SG pple are simply not used to not-so-safe environments outside SG!
Yup... so that is one lesson learnt... the hard way, but it makes people learn faster. Like you said SG people are really more protected. But actually i not as bad as most liao... as least i still attempt to argue my way out... but of cos not of much help lar.... well... we live to fight another day....
Old 02-03-2007, 02:02 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
Yup... so that is one lesson learnt... the hard way, but it makes people learn faster. Like you said SG people are really more protected. But actually i not as bad as most liao... as least i still attempt to argue my way out... but of cos not of much help lar.... well... we live to fight another day....
hee hee, I'd say, u're not quick-thinking enuf.

after 1 shot, when she asks u for $$$, u could've told & paid her 200 RMB, the standard rate for 1 shot. If she comes back later, can still continue wif the previous LT deal & remaining balance payment. If not, all parties juz regard it as ST deal. fair & simple?

wif tis kinda proposal, it's diificult for her or anyone else to counter-propose anything else!!!

A general word, no matter where we are/go:

An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 02-03-2007, 03:29 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
hee hee, I'd say, u're not quick-thinking enuf.

after 1 shot, when she asks u for $$$, u could've told & paid her 200 RMB, the standard rate for 1 shot. If she comes back later, can still continue wif the previous LT deal & remaining balance payment. If not, all parties juz regard it as ST deal. fair & simple?

wif tis kinda proposal, it's diificult for her or anyone else to counter-propose anything else!!!

A general word, no matter where we are/go:

Not really. Not that I want to pass her the money, but it was more of a coercion. She asked for the full pay, but i did not want to pay, knowing that payment does not come full until the whole thing is done. So she complain that her aunty want the money first. So argue here, argue there, until i say i want to speak to the aunty. She then came up an excuse of actually the aunty is a guy, who will come up n speak to me. Hell... this is kind of a threat liao isn't it? Argue with her for another 5min. Then i decided that i do not want anymore trouble as she keeps bringin up the thing abt the guy coming up to take the money. I figured that even if i keep her in the room ater i won the arguement, she might call whatever people up to the room when i'm asleep. Not very good rite, so the only way i'll be safe is to be awake all the way, which does not make sense for me too. So then i decide to just pass her the money and get her to fuck off. At least i feel safe without her around.
Old 02-03-2007, 05:27 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

PRC WLs are hard to believe on... they have many many stories... but there is no hard and fast rule...

There are WLs... through time... u can get closer to them (of course... through investing time and money by RTFs)... will tend to BS you less...

As for ROIs... well to each how own... for me... I dunt like to sleep alone, so a warm body is worth the price to pay.
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Old 02-03-2007, 10:10 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi Bros,

I have been to ZH a few times but not much luck in looking for KTV gals.

The nearest i came is thru a pimp that ask for 1200RMB for a KTV gal LT but must follow him back to choose which i refuse.

Other than going to KTV and sing sing for a few hours, where can get KTV gal for LT in ZH?

Kam Sia in advance.

At the same time, also trying to revive the MP chart.

Let me start with my personal preference,

1. Chang An goodworld
2. Jin Yu
3. Yindo

Any bros who can think of other good ones, please append
Old 03-03-2007, 11:48 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
In PRC, if u more afraid of them, & when they know it, u are going 2 b super carrot-head!!!
Hi bro 84gunner, I just read abt your exchange with bro break78 on his con FR. In fact, I was the friend he mentioned staying in the same hotel tat nite.

Similarly to wat u advised, if I knew earlier wat has happened tat nite, I would have come to his room and suggested to tat con gal payment of 200rmb first. That would be a fair deal to both parties. Even if anyone come up to argue, they will have no grounds to fight on. However, I wasn't standing in bro break78's position at that particular point of time and do not know wat exchanges went on between them, so it isn't fair for me to comment on him being a carrot-head. Just to note, your hard-handed approach may not work all the time.

That said, I very much agree with your above quote, esp in PRC. It is a very good advice to newbies in PRC but know your limits and be fair.

Point of the matter is to warn all brothers, there are such cases happening in ZH, and in fact, all over PRCs. Please beware.
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Old 03-03-2007, 10:31 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 789550 View Post
...with your above quote, esp in PRC. It is a very good advice to newbies in PRC but know your limits and be fair.

Point of the matter is to warn all brothers, there are such cases happening in ZH, and in fact, all over PRCs. Please beware.
Taking girls from LHL is a dangerous proposition. If one keeps trying LHL FLs, some shit thing will happen. Why? Cos they are alot more hardup for money than the other WLs, they have no fixed bases unlike the BBS/ktv/MP WLs, they work for invisible mamasans and that we are foreigners. Other than bad FJs/BJs, few people would mention worse experiences than what this bro has posted.
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