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Old 25-11-2024, 09:08 AM
wildcard87 wildcard87 is offline
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Originally Posted by addict999 View Post
Sha dance is generally made affordable for working class while 商 k is for richer boss and well to do folks. However, there are different tiers of dance hall as well. 5-10 dollars entrance fee that operate in morning for boomers folks. 15 entrance fee with syt charging 20 per song attract younger folks even uni students to young working adult in CD scene as compared to CQ.

The most atas dance hall is 龙鑫娅 that charge 20 entrance fee for evening session. They have live performance and KTV rooms located on 3rd floor of a hotel. Level 4 is another KTV belongs to another boss.

$5 to $20 in CD
Actually,how do these dance hall systems work? What can be done during the session?
Old 26-11-2024, 01:44 AM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Originally Posted by wildcard87 View Post
Actually,how do these dance hall systems work? What can be done during the session?
Basically nowadays is cheap rabak aka poor man KTV

Newbie guide in Chinese below


1 小白问题,莎莎舞是什么?
答:莎莎舞是一种双人黑灯舞,在成都分布着几十个这样的舞厅,在黑灯暗区抱着,下半身贴紧做出摩擦行为,像 xxoo一样,兰州的人摸吧,北方的黑灯舞,是一个性质的。

2 舞厅如何入场,如何买票,如何选舞女?

3 舞厅的布置一般是怎么排布的,成都有多少家舞厅?哪些舞厅比较出名?
答:一般舞厅设置有普通的茶座区,喝茶喝酒聊天的。亮灯区,跳交谊舞的。以及我们喜欢的黑灯暗区,我们抱着 舞女上下其手的。成都约有几十家舞厅,比较出名的舞厅有天涯,群众,群众,恋梦,新恋曲几家。特殊提一下, 红红是20元曲,其他基本是10元曲。红红大多是人工科技美女,当然尺度理念也相对先进,跳舞 尺度比较大。

3 怎么选舞女?

4 什么样子的舞女值得选?
答:衣服尺度大的,裙子短的,尤其是上身伸手进去比较容易方便的,其次是年轻面善好欺负的。一些少妇,对钱 的问题想得比较明白的,这种少妇基本都不会穿着太保守,普遍上身衣服伸方便,裙子短摸大腿容易,甚至一些少 妇还可以直接吃奶,真的值得选。还有一种是入行不久的少女,因为生性软弱,不太会懂得拒绝,你上下其手不太 会拒绝你,也值得选。当然一些舞女,身材高挑,罩杯大,是应该多选,毕竟我们就是来挼胸吃奶为 主的。

5 什么样子的舞女应该不值得选?
答:穿着长袖牛仔裤极其保守的,眼神三白眼一看就目中无人的,不要选。有的舞女站在明区,是跳交谊舞的,也 不要选。当然还有一种特殊情况,表面舞女穿的火辣,咸猪手伸进去,乳头两片乳贴,下面裙子看着短,实际上是 一层打底裤,一个紧身内裤,里面还有一层贴身内裤,可谓里三层外三层,遇到这样没办法,你选了,就跳2曲赶 快放生就对了。切勿碍于面子当怨种。身材太瘦小的舞女普遍罩杯小,不建议选,体验不好

6 新手去哪个无挺好?舞厅陪舞收费如何?
答:建议去新恋曲和恋梦,新恋曲舞女普遍10元一曲,算是当地比较成熟的舞厅。重点是保安严打20元舞女。 富哥可以去天涯,红红(10-20混合),值得提一下红红舞厅,红红是成都舞女单价最高的舞厅,20党多,当然红红也是目前成都是尺度最 大的舞厅,甚至有几个舞女可以互相交换舞伴吃奶,内裤薄薄一层,身手可以进去体验汪洋大海。红红舞厅适合土 豪去,一般人还是建议去新恋曲和半生缘。

7 所说的龙女是什么?
答:所谓的龙女是聋哑女孩的简称,他们来源于附近的一所聋哑学校,基本都失去了语言能力和听力,她们有人专 门组织,组织者又叫龙头,一般会手语和说话,负责处理龙女和外界的事情,值得一提的是,龙头在龙女中地位很 高,经常龙头到处约炮龙女还免费。

下部 舞女约会篇,怎么高速高效约舞女?

1 自身条件如何判断?
答:穿着干净,衣着整洁,不要留胡子,是必要的,你如果是个大帅比,你的成功率就会比别人高很多,如果你穿 着妥协,不修边幅,口腔有异味,那你基本不要考虑约炮舞女了。其次自己要有点文化,有点口才,有点幽默感亲 和力,能让舞女和你简单聊几句,就能放下戒备,如果你是个大老粗,没有丝毫情趣,那你成功率会 很低很低。

2 哪一类舞女带出去比较容易?
答:舞女年龄越大,跳舞单价越低,带出去更容易,普遍看,5元场舞厅的舞女带出去更容易,因为这些舞女普遍 年龄大,姿色差一点,所以也没那么高傲倔强。反之天涯,红红的这样的地方,高科技整容身材,其本身的付出就 比较大,那固然带她们出去的成本也就更高。其次少妇比少女更容易带出去,因为少妇啥都明白,少 女多少矜持。

3 怨种容易犯哪些错误?
答:觉得舞女对自己有感觉,于是反复的不断的往舞女身上砸钱,除了日复一日的跳舞,还带出去单独出去,给舞 女买这买那。记住,除非才下水的舞女,否则舞女都是见多识广,但凡是有几分姿色的舞女,干了个一年半载的, 他啥样人没见过?你不是第一个怨种,也必然不是最后一个怨种

4 哪一类舞女最容易得手?
答:一般是分两类,第一类是才入行不久的舞女,她们还处于傻白甜的阶段,你长得帅,跳的有感觉,只要稍微用 点心,就可以带走了,这类女孩子多少有点恋爱脑,觉得自己在舞厅遇到喜欢的人,殊不知,遇到的你就是个无情 的老色皮。第二类是缺钱的舞女,一旦舞女缺钱,或者有债务压力,她就会放下很多曾经的底线。当然资金压力越 大,其底线越低,约容易约出去。曾经听闻某个舞女家中长辈重病,200就可以带走约一发,实属可惜了,自己 没遇到这样能献爱心的好事。

5 在带舞女出去的时候,具体应该怎么操作?
答:当然,前期的铺垫是必不可少的,一般去舞厅多约她跳几次,每次跳个30分钟或者100分钟,等她和你熟 了,没有戒备心,愿意给你讲更多的生活琐事的时候,就可以考虑带走了。当然这里面有一个前提,如果舞女在舞 厅里上面能舌吻,中间能吃奶,下面能身手摸下面,基本这个舞女就9成概率可以成功。反之则成功率约低,如果 某舞女连胸都不能好好挼,那就不建议对这个舞女花太多的时间和精力。

其次,带舞女出去,理由和借口要想好,不同于老师,我们约老师,老师的菜单简单明了,有啥服务啥单价,舞女 不一样。又做又立是舞女天生的心态,你约她出去,如果直接说给你xx钱,我们去酒店打两炮。你这么说,她肯 定是骨子里是排斥你的,因为她给自己的定义自己不是卖的,虽然行为和老师无差,但是她心里接受不了这样的现 实,所以她会拒绝。我们于是可以换个说法:包场你4-5个小时,带你走去酒店。这样既保全了她的面子尊严,又达到了约会的墓地。如果这时她笑笑或者不说话,既不 同意,也不否认。那么有两个可能。要么是我是可以带出去的,但是你给的单价不太对,要么是自己还没想好。比 如下午如果在这里跳舞,跳几个小时,也能赚800块钱,她多半会拒绝你800包场4小时带走。这时候,你只 需要干两件事,加钱,或者放弃。一般建议你在临近散场前1小时左右,把舞女带走。比如某舞女,下午5点30 散场,晚上9点才有晚场,那么期间有大概3-4小时空窗期,在不影响晚上跳舞的时候,她被你带走去酒店钟点房的概率就更高。同样晚上24点舞厅散场,你 在23点左右带她走,成功率也高。道理很简单,反正时间空窗期,跟你走,有收入,尤其是一些晚场,自己回去 一个人睡也是睡,有人带走,加上对你有点感觉,你还会请她吃夜宵,睡大空调房,还有一顿男欢女爱的巫山云雨 纵欲,她咋算都不吃亏。

6 舞女带走的费用一般是多少?
答:以下时指导价:5元场的舞女,500-600,4个小时足够你玩,不要太多。10元场舞女,以下是4小时包场带走建议费用:聋哑女600-800,半生缘正常女看颜值如何,800-1000是起步价。新恋曲1000起步价,1500成功率比较高。天涯等西门舞厅,人傻钱多的怨种比较多, 带走的起步价经常是2000起,3000尤其多。当然一旦带走舞女,比如第一次800包了4小时带走成功了 ,那么后面基本你每次都可以800跟她炮4小时,只要有时间,她就愿意赴约,毕竟稳赚不亏。

7 舞女带走的其他费用是什么?

8 约舞女和老师的区别是什么?
答:在约舞女的过程中,需要你反复的周旋,有时候确实是个靠脑子搞心态的过程,当然一旦约舞女成功了,舞女 就很容易成为你的长期付费炮友。毕竟800块钱玩4小时,这事在老师那基本不可能。其次舞女基本上不太会服 务,这一点,在啪啪的过程中感受区别很大,有的舞女甚至都不会口,所以服务体验,是两个概念。

又比如,教主公式:某舞女可以上可以蛇,中可以吃奶,下面可以一探究竟,这样的舞女带出去成功 率十分高


Last edited by addict999; 26-11-2024 at 11:21 AM.
Old 17-12-2024, 11:49 PM
ekardo ekardo is offline
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

who in CD over next 2 weeks please ping me. I first timer in CQ / CD.
Old 18-12-2024, 02:26 PM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Originally Posted by ekardo View Post
who in CD over next 2 weeks please ping me. I first timer in CQ / CD.
Just finished one short trip from CD last week, had a great time there. Here is a FR of my trip for your reference.
Day 1: Landed in CD around 21:30PM, reached hotel around 11:30PM. Booked one girl from TG for overnight when I was in Changi Airport. She is a 20 yrs girl with a bit of baby fat, cute type but a bit shy. Not much service, but the good point is young.
Cost: 2500RMB + 100RMB for transportation fee.
Overall experience: 8/10.
Day 2: Wake up around 12:00PM, after having lunch, booked one “外围”to my hotel. A 22 yrs girl with a “网红” face, tall and slim, perfect body type, and much more experienced than the first girl.
Cost: 2300RMB for 90mins, 2 shots
Overall experience: 9/10
After dinner, went to a very famous pub street in CD called “兰桂坊” for a few drinks. Here is the thing, this street is full of OKTs, and they will come to approach you even you are one street away if you are single. Based on your requirement, they will introduce you one pub/KTV inside the street, will also arrange girl for you if you asked, you can get very high quality girl through these OKTs, but the cost will be much higher. It can easily cost you 5000-7000 RMB there per night. Since I have already bonked one time in the earlier of the day, so no plan to get any girl there, after a few drinks, I went to another bar street near 兰桂坊 which called “九眼桥”, the bars in this street are more for people to relax and chit chat, and the shows inside the bars are also pretty good.
Tips: 99% of OKTs and FLs in TG group don’t accept drunk customers. So if you want to have drink and fuck in one night, the KTVs and pubs are the only choices you can get there. There is no harm to get a contact from these OKTs in pub street, besides of 兰桂坊 area, they also have the contact of other KTVs/pubs/massage shop all over the city, in different price level.
Day 3: No action, only went to a few scenic spots and rest.
Day 4: The highlight of this trip. Booked one FL for whole day. A 24 yrs lady with a pretty face and slim body, high GFE. We meet in the hotel just before lunch time, after a short chit chat and two shots in bed, went out for lunch, and following up a tour in city. We didn’t spend whole day in bed, but went out for a date just like a couple. After dinner, went back to hotel then fucked whole night, she left in next day morning. I have to say, the experience is very different from just pay and fk.
Cost: 5500RMB per day
Overall experience: 10/10
Day 4: Last day of my trip, just rest and went around to do some shopping. Went for a massage after the shopping, quite professional, and also they offer happy ending section. Girl is on average quality, around 30 yrs old.
Cost: 600+RMB with massage and happy ending.
Overall experience: 7/10
Day 5: Wake up early, took train to airport, then back to SG.
Old 19-12-2024, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by fxty1989 View Post
Day 4: Last day of my trip, just rest and went around to do some shopping. Went for a massage after the shopping, quite professional, and also they offer happy ending section. Girl is on average quality, around 30 yrs old.
Cost: 600+RMB with massage and happy ending.
Overall experience: 7/10
Can share which massage place is this with happy ending?
Old 20-12-2024, 08:48 AM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Originally Posted by ekardo View Post
Can share which massage place is this with happy ending?
Sorry, I forgot the name already, it’s just one small massage place near the hotel I stayed. Actually most of the small massage place in China offered happy ending.
Old 20-12-2024, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by fxty1989 View Post
Sorry, I forgot the name already, it’s just one small massage place near the hotel I stayed. Actually most of the small massage place in China offered happy ending.
Ah ok. I just reached CQ actually.
Now spending time in a decent spa since I touched down at 1am.

Taxi driver was telling me got FJ spa at around 1k. Got his contact and will ask him to bring me.
Old 20-12-2024, 11:42 AM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Originally Posted by ekardo View Post
Ah ok. I just reached CQ actually.
Now spending time in a decent spa since I touched down at 1am.

Taxi driver was telling me got FJ spa at around 1k. Got his contact and will ask him to bring me.
Haha, they always know the locations. Enjoy your trip, bro. Plus, may I know you go to CD first or CQ first?
Old 20-12-2024, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by fxty1989 View Post
Haha, they always know the locations. Enjoy your trip, bro. Plus, may I know you go to CD first or CQ first?
My trip is CQ - CD -CQ
Old 20-12-2024, 02:05 PM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Originally Posted by cowabanga View Post
Hi Bro, would u mind sharing contact of the FL u booked for the whole day?
PMed you already, the one I booked went back to her hometown for Chinese new year already. I send you a few others. Actually, most FLs who offer the outcall service got full day service, it’s not inside their menu, but you can ask them to quote, most of the time the price varies from 4K-8K RMB per day.
Old 20-12-2024, 02:07 PM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Originally Posted by ekardo View Post
My trip is CQ - CD -CQ
IC IC, never been to CQ before, so no solid info can provide😂
Old 20-12-2024, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by fxty1989 View Post
IC IC, never been to CQ before, so no solid info can provide😂
Where u sourced for the FL one? Can share? Tomolo I will be in CD liao
Old 23-12-2024, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by ekardo View Post
Ah ok. I just reached CQ actually.
Now spending time in a decent spa since I touched down at 1am.

Taxi driver was telling me got FJ spa at around 1k. Got his contact and will ask him to bring me.
Any good spa recommendations? Seems most old ones are dead.
Old 23-12-2024, 04:21 PM
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Re: Chengdu Info Happenings

Walked passed languifang and was approached by a okt. Asking me to go karaoke to choose gals. No need to spend at karaoke also can. Price is 1800 for short time and 2800 for LT (6hrs).

Not sure if it's safe plus I didn't have the urge so I didnt follow. I got ask "shim" a lot of questions though. Seems very friendly and I got her wechat contact anyway.

A lot of spa actually have HJ service but I think will cost around 1k++ for the basic massage price + the special service price. (3xx for massage and 5xx to 7xx depending on duration).

Find it too costly to try so I haven't unleash in CD yet.
Old 07-01-2025, 06:54 PM
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