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Old 18-02-2025, 01:50 PM
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Re: My boring story...

This April sounded like she's on a rebound. From lack of good sex to a constant lookout for sex. For others of the same wave length, it's great. Otherwise, it can be really annoying.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 24-02-2025, 02:19 PM
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Re: My boring story...

April dropped by around 3 with 2 packets of fish soup which was rather unnecessary as I thought I told her I wasn't hungry. She set it up at the dining table and went to the kitchen to get cutlery.

Me: Why 2 packets? I'm not hungry.

A: My guy is parking the car.

Me: What?

A: Haha. Just kidding. Got it in case you get hungry later.

Me: Thanks. I guess.

A: You better be thanking me. I'm here with you instead of getting my brains fucked out.

Me: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that.

A: You can lend me your husband. Haha.

Me: On Valentine's day? No.

A: Haha. I'll meet my guy later la. It's been so long since we caught up. I wanna know what's going on with you now.

Me: Nothing much. Tom's with Alicia. I don't have a FWB anymore?

A: I thought there were so many guys.

Me: There was one. Young guy. Can't really click well with him though.

A: I can't believe that's the most important thing to you.

Me: Huh? Why?

A: At our age we don't need that. Or rather I don't want that. Who care if I can get along with the guy well or not? All he has to do is fuck me well, over and over again. I don't care if he doesn't want to talk much, as long as he puts his mouth to good use too. Haha.

Me: Right. I just can't? It's nice to be able to talk to someone about things right?

A: So you talk and talk, then what? Suddenly you decided to have sex? What if he's bad in bed? Or has a small cock? Or doesn't like to eat pussy? Then what?

Me: Then I have a friend to talk to?

A: Hahahaha. You're hilarious.

Me: Don't tell me you don't want to have a connection with your guys.

A: It's nice to have. But the only connection I'm really appreciating now is the one below.

Me: Right.

A: Seriously. I don't need my partner to care about me. I can take care of myself. It's just sex, and if I want to do it with someone else, it better be damn good.

Me: That sounds like you'll just sleep with anyone.

A: As long as they can satisfy me, sure, why not?

Me: What if he has a small cock and doesn't eat pussy?

A: Ah. Then no. Wait. You just used my words against me.

Me: See. You're quite picky too.

A: Haha. At least I don't try to have a relationship with them.

Me: I'm not? I just want a connection.

A: And the connection leads to other things.

Me: Fine then.

A: There was some guy who you've been talking to for quite some time right? Why haven't you slept with him yet? Connection not good?

Me: No? It's fine I think.

A: Then what are you waiting for? Which guy these days would reject sex?

Me: You'd be surprised.

A: Really? Let me try.

Me: Huh?

A: Pass me his number la. I'll talk to him, see what's going on. I'm sure I can get him into bed.

Me: Erm. No?

A: So selfish.

Me: You have a FWB already.

A: Always good to have multiple backups. Haha.

Me: What the.

A: After I met my first FWB, my views on sex really changed la. I can't believe I only had sex with John all these years. And it was so vanilla.

Me: Nothing wrong with that.

A: Ya la. Compared to what you did. I'm still vanilla. Haha!

Me: Oi!

A: Anyway your fish soup is getting cold. You sure you're not hungry?

Me: Very sure. Still very tired from whatever flu this is.

A: Other than looking pale, you don't seem sick.

Me: My nose stopped running already, but the bodyaches are quite bad.

A: I think you have sex withdrawal la. Haha!

Me: Very funny. I'm still having sex with Mike.

A: What time is he coming back?

Me: Today? Not sure.

A: It's Valentine's day and you aren't doing anything?

Me: It's not a day we celebrate.

A: Poor thing.

Me: It wasn't a very big thing for us when we were growing up leh.

A: I've gotten flowers and chocolates and all the cliched things from John every single year since we got together.

Me: Wow.

A: And of course, the mediocre sex.

Me: What the.

A: He still sent me flowers today, you know? Even though he's banging a busty ang moh chick.

Me: Interesting.

A: Yeah. I have so many dried petals I think one day my house is going to be a biohazard.

Me: Throw them away?

A: Nah. I'm sentimental that way. Except now, I have good, no, great sex. And maybe it's thanks to you in a way.

Me: What the.

A: Whatever it is, I'm glad la. We're still friends after all that has happened.

Me: Yeah. I'm glad too.

A: So you really don't have a FWB now?

Me: I think so? Only that young guy I slept with once. Oh. And I did give someone a blowjob. But he told me to go home and take care of Mike when he found out Mike was sick.

A: Huh. That's so weird.

Me: Yeah. He rejected sex with me to get me to take care of my husband.

A: Super weird. But how was it?

Me: Nice cock I guess? Quite gentlemanly in a way.

A: Number please.

Me: What the fuck? No!

A: Haha! Not as though you're using them anyway.

Me: Erm. I'm sure they're busy, I've got Mike.

A: Give me both their numbers la. I'll get them to fuck you.

Me: Very funny. I've got Mike to fuck me now.

A: Then I should take Mike away from you more often.

Me: Seriously?

A: You said he fucks you better when he's guilty right? Haha.

Me: He does.

A: Hahaha. I shall sit on your couch naked and wait for him to come home.

Me: Very funny.

A: You don't want him to fuck you better?

Me: It's not that.

A: Then?

Me: Just don't la.

A: I'm trying to help you!

Me: In a warped way.

A: We both benefit.

Me: Actually, the young guy probably wouldn't reject sex with me. But I really don't seem to click with him.

A: Again, number please!

Me: Oi. Enough hor. You can find your own guys.

A: I can. But it's a lot easier when someone else has already tested the product.

Me: What the fuck.

A: Good reviews? Hahaha.

Me: Erm. I guess they're all decent.

A: Hahaha. I really wonder where you get to meet such people. I'm honestly tired of screening through that dating app.

Me: Well I'm on a forum. That's where I got to know the first guy.

A: Tell me more about this forum.

I half considered telling her, then I realised she would probably read about how I slept with John. That wouldn't be ideal.

Me: I think you just stick to what you have la. The forum is a dangerous place.

A: Ya right.

Me: Serious.

A: At least give me one of those guys' numbers.

Me: Erm.

A: Which one do you recommend?

I thought about it. Among Nick, EoS and his cousin, I think Nick had the highest chance of possibly satisfying April. The other two were still untested.

Me: Let me ask if he's ok with it first?

A: Which guy?

Me: The young one.

A: Ooo. I like young guys, they're eager to please.

Me: Huh. You tried many younger guys?

A: Err. My current guy is like mid 20s?

Me: Huh?

A: Ya. I dunno why my previous guy got such young friends. But he's so obedient. Does everything I want. Any way I want.

Me: Does he have a nice cock?

I tried to suss out if maybe her current guy was actually Nick.

A: Nice enough I guess? Not as big as Mike or Tom. But very eager to please. I once sat on his face for like almost an hour and he didn't ask me to get off.

Me: Ah. Right.

A: Of course I pleasured him back. He's quite small sized but his body is amazing.

It was starting to sound more and more like Nick.

Me: Thick cock?

A: What do you mean by thick? It's a normal cock. Like in proportion to his body size? But his tongue and fingers are fantastic.

Me: So you gave up your other FWB for this guy?

A: I did a detailed comparison la. My other guy has a bigger cock and fucks well, but this guy is more willing to please, and it's way easier for him to meet me since he's not married.

Me: So I guess I should introduce you to the single ones then?

A: I really don't mind married guys, they seem to fuck damn well. Based on what I've experienced anyway. But it's really easier to meet the single ones.

Me: Ok. I'll let you know then.

A: Eh ask if he's free for a threesome tonight.

Me: Huh.

A: Serious. I already got a room. Don't mind another guy.

Me: Fuck. Were you really going to take Mike away from me?

A: Haha. If you let me of course I would.

Me: Don't be a bitch.

A: Hello? My first choice was having you over hor. What bitch.

Me: Erm. Ok fine. But I really can't.

A: I think you'll be having a lot more enjoyable sex once you learn to forego the connection.

Me: I don't think I can.

A: I'm going to put it to the test then.

Me: Put what to what test?

A: I don't believe in this connection thing. I'm going to fuck all your guys.

Me: What?

A: Haha. Now you're worried right?

Me: Not really? I'm pretty sure one of them will reject you outright.

A: I'm pretty sure he won't. I'll make sure he has a reason to not reject me.

Me: Well good luck then.

A: Number please.

Me: No.

A: Jealous?

Me: Of what?

A: I can get any guy I want. Because I want to.

Me: Erm.

A: Seriously. Just forget about the connection.

Me: I really can't.

For some reason I started tearing.

A: Oh shit. Did I say something wrong?

I wiped the tears with the back of my hand.

Me: It's nothing.

A: Say la.

Me: If I don't have the connection, it just feels like I'm doing it for the money all over again.

A: Oh.

April moved closer and hugged me, squishing my face on her chest and stroking my hair. The surgeon really did a good job. I could barely tell that there were implants in there.

A: I didn't think it affected you.

Me: It didn't. Wasn't supposed to. It was just a job to pay off the debts. I thought I would be fine with it since I enjoy sex so much.

A: Why did you suddenly think about it though?

Me: I don't know. Maybe I'm self-reflecting as I'm turning 40.

A: 40 is the new 20.

Me: Very funny.

A: Seriously. I've never felt more alive.

My phone suddenly beeped. Nick had replied.

N: I'm actually spending the night with Rebecca. Sorry!

I turned to April.

Me: Too bad. He's not free.

A: Huh. The other guys leh?

Me: I didn't text them?

A: Can you text them?

Me: Both of them?

A: Ya?

Me: Er.

A: More the merrier.

Me: Funny. Can I not? I didn't sleep with either of them.

A: So you want to try them first before passing them to me ah?

Me: What the fuck? No?

A: Haha. Then text them la. See who replies.

Me: If both reply?

A: I'll take both lor.

Me: What makes you think they'll reply positively?

A: Come on. Which guy turns down sex?

Me: Ya la. Ya la. Fine. I'll text them both.

I dropped both EoS and his cousin a text.

As expected, EoS declined, while Eso didn't even reply. Perhaps he was busy.

I decided to probe EoS further.

Me: Why not?

E: Do I look like someone who'll randomly sleep with anyone?

Me: Yes?

E: Haha! Seriously?

Me: Maybe?

E: Wow. Didn't know you thought of me that way. But nah, no thanks. I don't know her. Don't want to get to know her.

I showed April the message.

A: I really don't know where you find these guys. So rude some more. I bet I can make him change his mind.

Me: Ya right.

A: He'll regret not wanting to get to know me.

Me: Haha. Maybe?

A: He doesn't even know what I look like! What the hell. I'm the sexiest close to 40 year old lady he'll ever meet.

Me: Oh actually. Maybe you're right.

A: Ya lor. And he doesn't even want to get to know me. What a loser.

Me: He's married.

A: Like I care.

Me: Nice cock though.

A: So he let you see his cock? What a perv.

Me: I played with it. Sort of.

A: What the fuck? And you didn't have sex?

Me: Nope.

A: You're weird. Or does he prefer slimmer ladies?

Me: Wah lau! Don't be so bitchy can?

A: Haha. Sorry I'm still slim.

Me: Fine. I'll exercise more.

A: I'll be riding Mike daily if I were you.

Me: It doesn't help much.

A: Obviously you're not riding hard enough. Haha.

Me: Fine. I'm lazy. I'm getting old. I'm getting fat. Whatever.

A: My surgeon does liposuction too. Hahaha!

I grabbed the cushion and tried to smack April with it but she scrambled off the sofa and I sort of chased her around the house with it.

It was actually pretty nice to be acting like kids again, and I really was glad April came over to sort of check up on me.
Old 26-02-2025, 06:51 PM
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Re: My boring story...

So valentine's day came and went. April did not force me to join her guy, nor did she ask Mike either, so I had a quiet dinner with Mike, eating McDonald's of all things. I guess we were both too lazy to head out by the time he reached home around 830pm.

The weekend was kind of boring to be honest. Eso didn't reply me about April's request, I wasn't even sure if he had even read the message even though there were 2 ticks. I guess I really scared him off with my subpar blowjob. Or perhaps he had found another FWB who probably didn't have a sick husband that needed taking care of. Who knows.

Monday back at work I actually bumped into Shirlyn, Rebecca and Nick and I joined them for lunch, instead of just tapauing then hiding in my office pantry. Rebecca as usual was bragging about her valentine's day shenanigans with Nick, who probably was wishing the ground would open up and swallow him up. I don't know why he had anything to be embarrassed about though. He was really good in bed, with decent equipment. Maybe it was the presence of Shirlyn, who technically was everyone's boss in the absence of their actual boss, and yet he'd already fucked her.

I was happily munching on the pretty decent but oily chicken chop from the new stall, probably not the healthiest thing I could be eating especially since I just recovered from the flu, when Rebecca suddenly turned the conversation over to me.

R: Wah June, I heard you tried to introduce Nick to your friend.

I glared at him. Why did he have to tell her?

Me: Erm. Yeah. I did. He declined.

R: Of course la! He needs to focus on me ok?

Me: Right.

R: I don't mind him meeting you, but no one else ok? No one that I don't already know well enough.

Me: Sure.

R: I mean, I'm still waiting for Jasmine to make a move. Shirlyn already had her fun.

Me: What the.

S: Hello, I'm sitting right here.

R: And then? You were pining for Mark even though he was with Jasmine. You're just like me la. You crave sex.

S: Oi!

R: My shoes!

I guess Shirlyn had stepped on her expensive shoes again.

N: And that's one reason why I really like working here. Haha. So much drama.

Me: You probably won't like it if they're all fighting over you.

N: Highly doubt that's going to happen. Jasmine is super not interested, and from the looks of it, I think she and Mark are trying again.

R: Ya right. You don't know their story. On and off so many times, even a baby couldn't save them.

S: Enough hor. Nick doesn't need to hear all these.

N: Actually, Rebecca told me a lot.

S: She did?

N: Yeah. Probably too much.

Me: What exactly did she say?

N: Way too much. Like about June's husband. And FWB. How they're so perfect in bed.

Me: Funny. I thought you couldn't handle my husband.

R: I can't. But somehow I keep thinking about it still.

N: She also told me how Shirlyn locks her office door when Mark is inside.

R: MY SHOES!!!!!

N: Ah. Is that something I can look forward to as well?

Shirlyn's face was really flushed now, but I wasn't sure if it was anger or embarrassment.

She grabbed her tray of unfinished food and stormed off.

R: Wah so sensitive. I didn't even say anything. Only she locked her door. Must be thinking about it. Haha.

Me: I think you went too far this time.

N: She seems feisty. Didn't feel that way when we were in bed.

Me: I don't think you should be going down that path.

N: What path?

Me: Sleeping with everyone in the company?

N: Really seems like the norm for the guys there.

Me: If it was, how come you're only sleeping with Rebecca and Shirlyn?

N: Good point. So you're saying I should be doing more? But I've only slept with Shirlyn once. As with you.

Me: Erm. No. Don't do that.

R: Haha. I don't think he's actually catching the eye of anyone else. So nobody else will find out what's down there. Besides, Cheryl is still banging Ken.

It was Nick's turn to blush. I knew what exactly was down there. And it was really good.

Me: Who's Cheryl and Ken?

R: My finance colleagues? Oh ya. You never met them. So scandalous. He's married and they're having an affair.

Me: Erm.

R: I'm surprised actually.

Me: About what?

R: You didn't ask Nick to meet you more often.

Me: Well…

N: Guess she didn't really enjoy it.

Me: It's really not that. I need a stronger connection.

N: Ah. You mean emotionally?

Me: Maybe intellectually?

R: Huh? Are you looking for a FWB or a BF?

Me: I can't explain it la. I just feel having a connection makes it more enjoyable.

R: Well, his connection to me is down there. Very well connected to me. Maybe Shirlyn too. Hahahaha.

Me: I suppose we could talk more?

N: Sure!

R: Wah wah wah. Why are you so excited? Was sex with her better than with me?

I think that question really put Nick in a spot. No matter which way he answered, he ran the risk of offending either one of us.

N: I think everyone reacts differently. What you like may not be what she likes.

R: And what do you like?

N: I like to pleasure my women well.

R: That's a good answer. How many women do you have to pleasure?

N: Currently one.

R: Very good answer. Make sure you continue to pleasure that one woman well.

Rebecca was really hilarious.

Nick looked at me.

N: I think I wanna pleasure this woman well too.

It was my turn to blush.

R: Haha! Sure! This one is fine. I approve. As long as I can get her husband sometimes. Hahahaha.

Me: Erm. You can discuss it with him yourself.

R: I definitely will.

N: So June, are we gonna talk more?

Me: Sure. I guess.

N: Great!

R: Just make sure you still have time for me hor.

N: Of course.

R: And June, please don't introduce Nick to any more of your friends. Haha.

Me: Yeah.

I headed back to the office after lunch and caught sight of Shirlyn sitting by herself on a bench at the park just beside the hawker centre. I went up to her.

Me: Everything ok?

She sighed.

S: Yeah.

Me: You sure?

S: I wish I didn't do it.

Me: Do what?

S: Sleep with Nick.

Me: Oh? Why?

S: I can't get enough. It's been so long since I actually had good sex. The things he did to me that day, really shouldn't have happened.

Me: So it's awkward in the office now?

S: Just for me I think. I hate myself.

Me: Huh? Why?

S: I can't control my desires.

Me: Oh. Actually neither can I. Haha.

S: No. You don't get it. Mike was amazing. I should have been satisfied. Yet when Nick came over, I just found myself wanting more. Even wanting both of them at the same time.

Me: Oh. You should have called Mike over. We didn't do much after Nick was done with me.

S: Don't you see that's a problem?

Me: Erm. Not really? Women have needs too.

S: Urgh. Why can't I just find a proper boyfriend or even just a regular FWB?

Me: What happened with your boyfriend?

S: Sad to say, he's not that good at sex. I've been spoilt by all the guys. Especially Mark, Tom and Mike.

Me: Oh. Whoops.

S: At least you can have Mike daily. I've… got no one.

Me: So you're just lonely? And horny?

S: Unfortunately.

Me: So… arrange to meet Nick more often?

S: I don't really want to share partners with Rebecca.

Me: Right.

S: Anyway, enough about me. What happened between you and Mark?

Me: Ah..let's not talk about that. I'm still pissed about the things he said to me.

S: You're still upset about that?

Me: Yeah.

S: He was in a bad place. Don't take it to heart?

Me: In time maybe. It's just of all people I didn't expect him to say such things. Anyway, isn't he back with Jasmine?

S: I think so. Hard to tell nowadays actually.

Me: Do you still chat with EoS?

S: I text him on and off. He rarely replies though. I wonder what's his deal. Like if he's not interested just tell me straight.

Me: Actually, did you tell him straight that you're interested in him?

S: Oh. Not really. But those pictures I sent to him… surely he can tell I'm interested right?

Me: He's quite dense. Really.

S: I see.

Me: Oh! I got to know his cousin recently.

S: His cousin?

Me: Yeah. He PMed me on the forum. We had supper.

S: How random.

Me: Not really. I think he read about EoS not being interested then decided to offer himself to me.

S: Haha what?

Me: Seriously. Now that guy is quite straightforward.

S: So did you?

Me: Not exactly. Mike was sick so he asked me to go home.

S: Wow.

Me: You know, I could pass him your number…

S: Erm. Is he a nice guy?

Me: I think so. Couldn't detect any major red flags.

S: So there's minor red flags?

Me: He occasionally indulges in commercial sex.

S: Oh.

Me: But I guess he's clean. Goes for regular checkups. He says he wants to stop that though, prefers a more long term partner.

S: I see.

Me: So if you're interested, I'll let him know?

S: Yes please. I'd like a more long term partner too.

Me: Haha. Don't we all?

S: Indeed.

Me: Anyway I'm headed back to work. Don't think so much ok? We're all normal human beings with desires.

S: Yeah.

I left her sitting there and took a slow walk back to my office. But damn, what was I doing? I had just offered her my potential FWB. Then again, he barely responded anyway. Perhaps I really was too old and too fat with lousy blowjob skills. Maybe Shirlyn would be more appealing.
Old 27-02-2025, 05:23 PM
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Re: My boring story...

June, thanks for the update. Things seems to be slowing down for you. Hope you find what you are looking for. And hope that you have fully recovered from your flu.
Old 28-02-2025, 09:49 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by BushTracker View Post
June, thanks for the update. Things seems to be slowing down for you. Hope you find what you are looking for. And hope that you have fully recovered from your flu.
Yup. Things are definitely slowing down. I think I've fully recovered. But I get tired very easily these days. All I wanna do is sleep.
Old 28-02-2025, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Yup. Things are definitely slowing down. I think I've fully recovered. But I get tired very easily these days. All I wanna do is sleep.
take care. sleep more and slowly recover your mojo! then u can have more sex!
Old 28-02-2025, 02:59 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Yup. Things are definitely slowing down. I think I've fully recovered. But I get tired very easily these days. All I wanna do is sleep.
haha.. normally I would advice some exercise. but knowing you . .
Old 05-03-2025, 01:40 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by BushTracker View Post
haha.. normally I would advice some exercise. but knowing you . .
Yup. Too lazy. 100%. Of course I don't mind sexercise.
Old 05-03-2025, 03:02 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Yup. Too lazy. 100%. Of course I don't mind sexercise.
lol.. we all do. however, you can get it much easier than the rest of us.
Old 05-03-2025, 11:46 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Yup. Things are definitely slowing down. I think I've fully recovered. But I get tired very easily these days. All I wanna do is sleep.
Rest well and looking forward to more stories bro
Old Today, 08:12 AM
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Re: My boring story...

So I dropped the guy a telegram with Shirlyn's contact. I didn't describe her at all, if he read my story, he might be able to get an idea. Plus, if he read my story, there might be a chance he read Mark's as well.

The entire week went by and soon it was the weekend again. I don't know if it was the after effects of the flu, but both Mike and I were so lethargic that we barely did anything at all. Even sex was extremely slow and sensual. Or was it because he had been giving out too many Rebecca packages recently? I didn't know and I really didn't want to know.

I had a way later lunch on Monday as I was stuck in a meeting that dragged way past my usual lunch time. By the time I wandered into the hawker centre, the usual lunch time crowds had already disappeared and I was left with too many choices. I could probably even just eat there instead of tapauing back to my pantry.

I headed upstairs this time and bumped into the person I really didn't want to see.

M: Hey June. Long time no see.

I wondered if I could ignore him and just walk the other way, but it had been a long time since his hurtful words, and perhaps I should give him a chance to apologise.

Me: Hi Mark.

M: Wanna join us for lunch?

Me: Who's us?

M: Jasmine and Kate.

Me: Nah. I'm just grabbing a quick lunch. Quite busy in the office.

M: I see.

I stood there for a short while looking around to see what I should eat, also kind of giving Mark some time to decide if he wanted to apologise or not.

M: So anyway, I think I was rather rude to you previously.

Me: Hmm.

M: Shirlyn spoke to me about it.

Me: Erm.

M: I shouldn't have spoken to you like you're an object.

I kinda rolled my eyes.

Me: So if Shirlyn didn't speak to you, you wouldn't have realised I was upset?

M: Yeah. I guess so. I thought we were pretty close, and we had such a great connection. Didn't think you would take it so negatively. So I'm sorry about that.

I was kind of surprised actually. I didn't expect Shirlyn to be the one to help to mend my friendship with Mark. Perhaps I should send Mike over as a way of thanks. Or maybe she had already started seeing EoS’s cousin.

Me: Hang on. Are you even trying with Jasmine now?

M: We are.

Me: I sense a but somewhere.

M: Square one.

Me: Huh?

M: Back to square one.

For a second there, I thought I felt some sort of pity for Mark. Or maybe it was disappointment.

Me: So you're back to being with her but sleeping with everyone else?

M: Yeah.

Me: Including Shirlyn?

M: Oh. For some reason she actually turned me down.

Me: Holy shit Mark. Hasn't all the things you've been through in the past few months, years even, actually taught you anything?

M: Well…

I decided to sit at an empty table. He sat down opposite me.

Me: So Nat, Crystal, Jasmine?

M: Erm. And Felicia too. She sort of reappeared.

Me: I'm speechless.

M: And you? If you're still keen?

Me: What the fuck?

M: I mean seriously. Tom's with Alicia. And I heard it didn't go very well with Nick.

Me: No Mark. I can't do this. While I enjoyed those few weekends a lot, I really think you need to try to be with Jasmine properly.

M: We're still friends right?

Me: I guess so. But I don't think I'm going to sleep with you anymore.

M: Even if you have no other partners other than Mike?

Me: Yes.

M: You sure?

Me: Why are you still even trying to proposition me?

M: Because I know you enjoy sex with me. Maybe even crave for it. And I wanna continue pleasuring you.

Me: And what does Jasmine think about this?

M: She says we were much happier before when we were like this.

Me: You've got to be kidding me.

M: Really. I don't know how it works for her. But she's more cheerful and upbeat.

Me: And you?

M: I'm happy if she's happy.

Me: Right.

M: I'm happy being with her la. That's it. With the rest it's just sex.

Me: No feelings for them then?

M: Purely physical.

Me: And with me?

M: Well… I think there's some feelings there.

Me: Right. I think you tricked yourself into thinking there's feelings.

M: I don't think so. With you it's really not just about the sex.

Me: Ya. The connection. The connection that I like so much. The connection that I need to enjoy sex with my partners.

M: Exactly. I seem to have that connection with you too.

Me: Oh please.

M: I'm serious. I really can just be myself when I'm having sex with you. I don't need to hold back and make sure you're pleasured before I allow myself to cum.

Me: Say what.

M: I cum really fast with you. Haha.

Me: Can't you at least say I'm damn tight or something?

M: Haha. You're not. But I'm still super aroused when I'm with you.

Me: Right. Please think about what you really want and maybe discuss it with Jasmine again.

M: I've given up already. I just want to be happy at the moment. Many small moments of happiness are just as good.

Me: I see.

M: So, yeah. I'm just putting it out there. If you still want to have sex with me, just let me know.

Me: I'll… think about it I guess.

Well at least we were back to talking and teasing each other like old times.

But Mark going back to the way it was in the past surely wasn't going to be healthy for him. Especially since he was together with Jasmine again. But whatever, he says she's happy. He says he's happy when she's happy. Maybe I really shouldn't care too much about what happens in others lives as long as they feel that they're happy.

In the end, I tapaued western food again and headed back to my pantry to eat.

Working from home the rest of the week was boring as usual. I was still kind of lethargic after recovering from the flu.

I felt that the month of February flew by so fast. It’s like Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day had just passed.

The first Monday of March was no different from any other Monday actually. I headed out to the hawker centre to tapau lunch, this time not bumping into anyone at all. I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination, but despite going early, just slightly before 1130, the hawker centre was way more packed than usual. Even my current go-to stall, the western food, actually had a queue. I decided to be healthier instead this time around and actually joined the absurd queue for the spinach soup.

While Mark and I sort of made up, we didn't really talk as much as we used to. But that might be on me as I didn't take the initiative to text him, nor did he really text me as well other than the occasional how's your day going?

Nick on the other hand, was texting me on a daily basis which kind of surprised me a little. I didn't think he would have been that interested given my lacklustre follow-up to our first meeting. Besides, I was sure Rebecca was keeping him busy.

Working from home the rest of the week was boring as usual, there was nothing much to do and I spent the bulk of my time on Netflix, YouTube, even signing up for Amazon Prime just to see what was available to watch on that platform.

The weekend was just as boring. Nick had actually asked if I wanted to meet up but somehow I felt that the connection we had wasn't really there yet so I declined. We really should talk more I guess.

Interestingly, Shirlyn did text me to let me know that she'd met up with the guy for supper. I didn't probe for any details though, I was pretty sure she would rather keep that part of her life more private. Hilariously, the guy also did text me to thank me for the introduction and also to check if that meant I wasn't keen to be his FWB. I really didn't know how to reply to that so I simply told him that I'd see how things go. If Shirlyn was as sex-starved as I read about in Mark's stories, I guess he'd have his hands, mouth and cock pretty full anyway.

Mike and I met up with Tom and Alicia for zhi char dinner on Saturday. Alicia looked really happy and somewhat settled down with Tom. I truly was happy for them.

After dinner, as we strolled around the estate, Mike told me that he was considering applying to go back to the army, not as a regular, but rather, in a non-uniformed capacity. It seemed like EoS trying to apply for the DXO job and his own interactions with his ex-army mates somehow also inspired him to check out the available vacancies. I wondered what was wrong with his current sales job, but he assured me he was just exploring the idea. Besides, it would be a stable job, unlike sales that was driven by targets.

Going back to work the next week, I went to check out the Vegetarian Chicken rice stall as I was informed that they were closing. Turns out the last day was on Friday of this week. I didn't ask why they were closing but I guess F&B is a really tough industry to be in. I tapaued the roasted “chicken” rice, overloaded on their chilli and ginger sauce, and headed back to my office.

I didn't bump into anyone at the hawker centre even though I went rather early but as I was walking back, I caught sight of Shirlyn. She jogged a little to catch up to me. I wondered how many guys along that footpath were watching her chest as it bounced with each step.

S: Hey June!

She came up to me.

S: So about that guy…

Me: What about him?

S: You sure you're ok if we're FWB?

Me: Yes? Why wouldn't I be?

S: Oh. I mean, he got to know you first.

Me: I'm not getting your point here.

S: Erm. Just that he's really nice I guess? I feel bad if I take him away from you.

Me: Haha! What? We're not exactly seeing each other you know?

S: Ah. Oh. Ok. Cos he told me actually you two were going to be FWB.

Me: I highly doubt me giving him a blowjob counts as being FWB.

S: Oh. That's all?

Me: What do you mean that's all?

S: Nothing. I just assumed you slept with him already.

Me: Woah. I'm not that easy. I hope. But honestly I was about to. He didn't let me. Wanted me to go home and take care of Mike.

S: We only had supper and chatted. I asked if he wanted to continue in a more private place. He declined and sent me home, said he'd talk to you first.

Me: That's quite surprising honestly. I thought he was just going to be like all the other horny guys I know.

S: Hmmm.

Me: Hmmm?

S: Oh nothing. Just kind of curious.

Me: About what?

S: His… erm… package.

Me: Why?

S: I've been kind of spoiled by all the guys. Not sure if I can enjoy anything smaller.

Me: Mark's not that big.

S: He's bigger than Jason.

Me: Oh. Well…

S: I mean, size is not the most important thing, but… if it's going to be a physical relationship, I guess I'd want someone who can perform to my expectations?

Me: I think you won't be disappointed. But you should really just ask him. Haha.

S: I didn't dare to. He looked so fierce and strict. Like a teacher.

Me: Hahaha! What?

S: Reminded me of a discipline master in school..

Me: That's legit hilarious. Maybe you can ask him to punish you if your skirt is too short. Hahahaha.

S: I was a really good girl in school ok? Haha.

Me: So was I.

S: Anyway, thanks. Really.

Me: Don't thank me. You haven't even tried yet. Haha.

S: Right…

Me: Don't tell me about it when you find out please.

S: Oh? Why?

Me: I don't wanna know. Might get jealous. Haha.

S: Ah. You're still looking for a FWB?

Me: I don't know actually. Feels weird only having Mike these days.

S: At least you've got Mike. I've got no one.

Me: Not for long. Haha.

S: Hope so. Hope it works out.

I went back to eat alone in my office pantry again. I guess I really should try to make more friends in the office. Then again, I could always seek out Mark for lunch since we were on somewhat talking terms again.

Another week passed, working from home was boring as usual. Mike sort of gave up his idea to rejoin MINDEF after realizing that there were not a lot of suitable vacancies, and also hearing how difficult it was for EoS despite multiple applications.

Friday was spent with Alicia and Tom after we had our own dinner. This time we went over to their place to chill and have some drinks instead as they were having a small gathering.

To our surprise, we found EoS already there, not that he was drinking. What was even more surprising, was that Shirlyn was there too. I wondered if her new FWB was going to show, but apparently not. Alicia had extended an invitation to almost everyone, and yet only those two had shown up despite it already being close to 9pm. Shirlyn looked really flushed already, and was sitting really close to EoS, even leaning on his shoulder at times. I wondered if I had mistakenly introduced the wrong cousin and now Shirlyn was EoS FWB.

Me: Fancy seeing you here.

E: Oh good. Can you take over?

Me: Take over what?

E: Shirlyn is drunk.

S: I'm not drunk!

E: She's rather high then.

S: Why are you talking like I'm not even here??

Me: I think he's afraid your hands are going to go to places where they probably shouldn't.

Tom laughed.

T: Well you shouldn't have sat next to her then.

E: There's not a lot of seats here.

That was true. Tom was sitting on the single recliner sofa, while Shirlyn and EoS were on the main sofa. I sat down next to her.

Me: Are you ok?

S: Me? Wayyyy better than ok…

She obviously wasn't. I wondered if something had happened.

E: Not with the way you're drinking.

Me: Where's Alicia?

T: Oh she went to tapau food. We actually haven't eaten.

S: Yesssss… she left me alone with two hot guys…

I sniggered. In their youth, those two would probably be considered pretty appealing, but as we all approached 40, or past 40, I guess expectations differed.

Me: So if Mike and I came a bit later…

S: I'd have dragged them both into the bedroom.

They laughed.

Me: Ok. Seriously. What's going on?

S: It's his damn cousin.

Me: That's not explaining anything.

S: Urgh. I just told them the story.

Me: You can repeat it for my sake.

S: Fine. I met him on Monday night.

Me: After we spoke in the afternoon?

S: Yeah.

Me: That's fast.

S: I told him I really wanted to meet him that night.

Me: Were you that deprived?

S: Duh.

Me: Right.

S: Anyway, I was on MC on Tuesday and Wednesday after what happened on Monday night.

Me: What?

S: He was so intense. And could go the whole night.

Me: Uh huh.

S: After he sent me home I just didn't want to move at all.

Me: Sounds like you had fun.

S: I did. But then I texted him on Wednesday…

Me: I'm guessing the reason why you're drinking so much know is about to come out.

S: He said he can probably meet me once or twice a month at most.

Me: Oh? Oh yeah. He seems pretty busy with his job.

S: Ya man. I thought I finally found the perfect FWB. Turns out he actually has no time for me after making me crave for him.

Me: Well, if it was that good, it's worth the wait no?

S: Not really. I'm like back to square one again.

Me: At least you started right?

S: I really want someone more regular. Like maybe one to two times a week. Not someone who's like my period.

They all laughed.

I looked at Mike.

Me: You wanna help her out?

M: Erm.

T: Alicia volunteered me too. Lol.

Me: Really?

T: I'm not sure if she was joking or not. We're pretty happy with the way things are now.

The gate opened and Alicia entered carrying a ton of food. Tom went to help her with the food.

A: I wasn't joking.

T: You heard me?

A: Duh. I could hear you all laughing when the lift door opened.

Me: Shouldn't we close the door then? Seems like we're a little too loud.

A: Nah. Opposite neighbour is overseas, next door sold the unit, new owner hasn't moved in, diagonally across is an old couple, they're probably sleeping already.

I looked at the dining table where Tom and Alicia were unpacking a huge load of indian food.

Me: That looks really familiar.

T: The indian food we had last year at your place on Deepavali eve.

Me: Oh!

A: You mean somebody came all the way here to tapau?

Me: Mark did.

A: Oh. Ya. Where are they? I thought they're coming with Kate.

Me: Is that why there's so much food?

A: Eh? Not really. Tom just said EoS loves indian food so if I'm getting that, get more. Honestly all I wanted was prata.

Me: Oh ya. I remember. I tried getting him over to eat and fuck me. Hahaha.

E: Right.

Me: Now you can eat already right? Should have recovered from the surgeries?

E: Yeah. But I already had dinner. Not super hungry now.

Me: Then maybe you can fuck me first? Work up an appetite.

They laughed.

E: Right. I think you'd have a higher chance with my cousin. Even if it's only monthly.

T: Bro, just have some. You won't regret it.

E: Have some food? Or have some June?

They laughed again. He really loved to troll me.

S: Oi. If you have some June you better have some of me too.

A: And me! Hahahaha.

T: Oh no. Does this mean we have to wash the sheets again?

We all gathered around the dining table to eat. There really was a lot of food. From pratas, to naans, to the various curries and even a whole platter of tandoori chicken pieces in different colours. I was kind of glad that even though my sex life seemed to be waning away, at least I had this group of friends who never failed to keep me entertained.
Old Today, 09:29 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Thanks for putting in effort in the story bro
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