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Old 23-04-2011, 02:13 AM
Blastocyst Blastocyst is offline
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Blastocyst deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Memoirs In Bangkok

I guess i better start a thread for this...hope u guys enjoy my sharing...

Day 1 , Part 1

Sometime early January 10' , was down in Bangkok for a 6 day conference.
After D1 conference , my head was pounding with curiousity about one particular place which really hit my curiousity button... Star of Lights!!
Heard that it was a seedy bar which the seedy deeds are done right where u are in the bar!!!! ..... I am not that brave a person to have my dick exposed in public , so i headed straight back to my hotel at JW Marriott , a block away from Nana plaza....It was 7pm than.....Tried to do some studying but being in this city when the only time u're not thinking about what it has to offer is the time u had just been serviced by it!!! This particular place keep coming into my mind....Star of Lights.....
The only way to get this repetative thought out of my mind is none other that giving it a visit....

Took a shower and off i was trying to figure out where this place is.... Took the skytrain to silom and a short walk to was noisy as always in patpong....weird having a pasar malam in the heart of a red light and only in the world!! AMAZING THAILAND!! despite the noise, all i heard was THUD! THUD! THUD!...the sound of my heard.....
Up the road, turn left , turn right ....left again.....and where was i??!!...i have no idea...i was lost!!.....I wouldn't say it's an easy place to find.....
Who would ever thought such famous places discussed widely in international forums would shockingly be like what it has always been described....a seedy low end bar....An imagination will only get u thus far....It's hard to understand till u've seen it with your own 2 eyes!!....
There it was, this small SHACK!!.....The signboard had seen better days and it just looks like any one of the million bars there...who would guess what they offered in it...
There were 2 girls chatting away sharing a somtom....Their eyes fixated on me as i approach....Obviously , feeling curious, what is this tiny (in comparison with the whites) chinese/japo doin in this part of town....they probably don't recieve much chinese,perhaps..
Before i lost my courage and make for a U-turn , they gave me a smile and start ushering me in with all sort of languages...I heard some jap....abit of korean and abit of mandarin...but no english!!...hahahaha...

One of the gal....Om??....I think that was her name...OM??....she wasn't the most beautiful thing i have seen, but nonetheless, passable for what i call a realistic beauty (6/10)...slightly on the plumpish side but definitely not in the fat category!! Looking at her, she's probably mid to late 20ish....and her friend ....* dun know her name (lets call her 'X')......she was probably in her 30ish , slimmer than om with huge boobs(real?) with a face i'll grade 5/10....holding my arms , she guide me to a table at the corner.......There was so many things goin on in my mind trying to figure out this place...
As my eyes accustomizes to the darkness,
There was a chunky white man sitting at the bar with a girl face slammed on his laps and his face slammed into a girl sitting with her thighs wide spread!!! "What's goin on?!?!!?"...."What kind of place is this??" I thought...only to be interupted to the sound of " Ah! Ah! ah! Um! Um! AH! "... there was a shadow bouncing up and down on the lap of another shadow....
"I'm in a porn movie!!!"....or at least at a set, so i thought....

Before i could have anything sunk in....I got my drinks brought to me which i had forgotten about after all the 'commotion'....WHAT!?!?!, pants was unzipped!!! dick exposed!!!!.....OH MY!!!
My heart was racing so fast , i thought i would have died of it....Om started teasing my dick and massaging my balls as she passed on some thai syllabus to 'X' who was unbuttoning my shirts top 2 she swiftly attacked my nipples......
Like a synchonized acrobat, almost simultaneously, i felt my dick in the warmth of om's mouth taking it felt good....suddenly, nothing else mattered...the guys around me fade away and did not matter anymore....i was in my state of estacy.....
She sure does know how to suck....sucking the entire shaft with her hands constantly massaging my balls....she was doing it in a rather fast motion....I could occasionally feel her suction up to my belly....Boy, she literally SUCK u!!!
'X' helped my hands to her pussy....not allowing me to penetrate...but guiding me to massage her pussy lips....
Oh boy, these gals know how to pleasure u and better, they know how to get some in return too...
At a point, X stood on the small sofa i was on with her pussy in my face....Hell no!!!!.....I shyly and politely declining having my dinner there.....We all laughed.....Om almost choked laughing with my dick in her mouth... With a mouthfull of her lady drink, she continue to blow me, sterilizing my dick!!! It felt good....I couldn't last long with 2 ladies ravaging me....I shot my load......."Urghhh...".....gagging, her lips still tightly clasp around my dick as i ejaculated a huge load......she withdrew with one hard suction, cleaning my dick of any remaining saliva/cum....
Her mouth full, she gently spit out my cum onto a tissue in front of me and showed it to me with a giggle "so much"....hahahhaa......'X' pinched my nipples and chuckled "no love for me?"....hahaha......
Anyway, we had a good laugh.....i paid up THB400(i think) and left, feeling unbeatable for having the courage to go into that bar....
Not that it was was in a great experience in which i would have repeated in a heatbeat......but i still m not sure about have sex over there....

In summary , the girls there are not super models....well, they're not ugly to start of with...they're normal looking girls which in my honest opinion, have this 'realistic beauty' kind of charm.... they're also in for a good time as they were not at all pushy about the lady drink......
I would grade most of the girls which i saw there a strong 5-6/10, but the service that i recieved was a 8/10 and for the price i paid , i'll rate this place a "MUST TRY' at least once in your life!!

To be continued
Old 23-04-2011, 01:28 PM
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Re: Memoirs In Bangkok

A BBBJ in a place like this? With all due respect, I'll first put my dick in a rabid dog's jaws.

If they are so lax about the hygiene with you, imagine what diseased dicks they have been stuffing in them mouths.

Excuse me now, I have a sudden urge to go wash my dick.
Old 23-04-2011, 04:36 PM
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Re: Memoirs In Bangkok

Originally Posted by Faidenk View Post
A BBBJ in a place like this? With all due respect, I'll first put my dick in a rabid dog's jaws.

If they are so lax about the hygiene with you, imagine what diseased dicks they have been stuffing in them mouths.

Excuse me now, I have a sudden urge to go wash my dick.
... and they had somtam poo par la.......
Old 23-04-2011, 08:24 PM
Blastocyst Blastocyst is offline
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Re: Memoirs In Bangkok

Originally Posted by Faidenk View Post
A BBBJ in a place like this? With all due respect, I'll first put my dick in a rabid dog's jaws.

If they are so lax about the hygiene with you, imagine what diseased dicks they have been stuffing in them mouths.

Excuse me now, I have a sudden urge to go wash my dick.
Well, i wouldn't entirely disagree with u , but on the other hand , i honestly do not think this would be any different that getting a BJ from any BJ bars or even any WL for that matter of fact. What differs in this place , rather , is the environment! There are in fact a few girls i knew from LOLITA's who used to work in SOL before....That was how i first heard about SOL anyway.
As for the lax of hygiene , i agree with u in terms of the establishment....the bar , per se is far from being sterile. The girls , however , being thai , are usually very hygienic in nature. Despite me not mentioning , but yes, they do rush to the loo shortly after the act to gurgle and gag violently with half a bottle of listerine. Not to mention , blowing with 40% prove alcohol , itself is an act of sterilization....hahaha....

But no , i perfectly understand how u feel....i felt that way too....but curiousity got the better part of me..... It's hard to describe the experience... I thought or rather, at that time , i knew i would regret.......but surprisingly, I didn't.
Though , i wouldn't say that would be my favourite place....
Just that IMHO , one has to try it at least once in his life to really understand...

Old 23-04-2011, 10:53 PM
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Blastocyst deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Memoirs In Bangkok (D1P2)

Day 1 , Part 2 ....

Having a great session a SOL , i left the place a happy 'boy'.....still unable to believe what just happened.... Sometime it really isn't the act itself that gives the true pleasure/satisfaction ......rather, the the sensation of quenching the thirst of curiousity!!! It's difficult to explain in words....difficult to verbalize how i felt at that time.
Thinking back, never in a million years would i picture myself getting a blow sitting on cum stained worn out bar stools in a war torn SHACK/BAR!!! But here I am, feeling great...feeling unbeatable!! I've never felt this great....

Fighting the crowd through the 'pasar malam' (that's what we call a night market in malaysia ' pasar=market , malam=night '), i'm still puzzle , how is this possible...being a relatively 'conservative' and religious country, throngs of people ,from infants to the seniles, hustled by T shirt sellers on one side and touts with whips whipping signboards with Live Sex on offer , on the other...... I REALLY DON'T GET IT!!! hahahahaha.... I guess that justifies the phrase 'AMAZING THAILAND'!!

Anyway, extremely satisfied , i guess i could head back to my hotel and get a little studying. So, of i head back to Sukhumvit via the sky train.
It was about 8.30/9pm by then....Nana and the strips around it was getting down to business....Girls outnumber the guys 2 to1????
Ejaculating a huge load always results in a big appetite , so headed to Subway...On the way ,there were lots of FL's standing along the bus stop opposite Nana all the way to Subway....Seems like there were more africans then thais......i wonderred why would anyone fly all the way to Thailand for african (not that i have anything against that).... just that it makes sense if they were to supply the local thai men , but it doesn't seem so.....It's it easier to get an african women back home??!! me...
Being a young men walking down the street alone , I got stares from almost every freelance along the way and back....hahaha.....loved the attention....hahaha...
Got my Sub and was back in the hotel....Manage to did some decent studying!!

If you guys remembered the statement in my last post...... being in thailand , "the only time u're not thinking of what the city has to offer is the time u had just been serviced by it!" ....I don't know if any of u agree, but that statement holds true for me....and it has been a couple of hours since the city had serviced me!!!! hahaha......
It's hard my's really hard leaving in the heart of the city , in the heart of it's action and yet , trying to convince yourself to down in some study!! IT'S HARD!!
It was even harder for me when the action was just right at my doorstep, literally!!
That being said, my little head wouldn't allow me to carry on was actually annoying!! really was..

Put on my jeans and t shirt, off i went down to the lobby and head out to the street....I'm was a hungry shark hunting for my one particular sardine in an ocean of full of sardines!! Just the very thought i would be dining has got me aroused....My groin ached slightly being restricted by my thick jeans.....Well, that's what the jeans were for....Imagine me walking around with Linen pants on when having a hard on.....hahahaha...

Look left , look right.....Hmmmmmm.....where shall i head to???!!..... i wasn't too keen for a long courting session....wasn't to keen for an hour long chit chat before the act...

Arghhhh....something came up... will try to continue tomorrow....
stay tuned...

To be continued......
Old 23-04-2011, 10:59 PM
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Memoirs In Bangkok (D1P3)

Day 1 , Part 3

Look left , look right.....Hmmmmmm.....where shall i head to???!!..... i wasn't too keen for a long courting session....wasn't keen for an hour long chit chat before the act.....
It was now 12am but the streets were ever lively.... everyone seem to be heading down to , right it is.....A short stroll along the lane , i finally reached the junction to NANA PLAZA ....across the road , along the bus stop , the freelancers parade was obviously getting thin....perhaps the good ones are in the deed now....
A left turn and there i was , in the hunting ground....a couple more meters, Nana was on my left.....NEP really isn't my kind of be honest , i've never really had girls from AGOGO bars before.... I just didn't have the patience....or rather , perhaps, the courage to actually sit down at the bar and request for someone i like!......What if anyone instead of the one i'm interested in approaches me??.. I'm to proper ,or rather , to shy a guy to tell a girl "i'm sorry, i'm not interested in u.....can u get that friends' of yours over here?".....i just don't think i can do it....
Anyway, I always find the architecture of NEP very appropriate... Standing at the entrance, a small street/lane , i get a good view of most of it's fact , the way it is, it always seems livelier than it actually is...not that it isn't!! But , each time i stroll it's street, each bar getting exposed one by one , i notice it really isn't as busy as it seems....the smaller bars may only have a couple of customers and a whole lots of girls doing basically nothing. In fact , the bars lining the main streets seem to be busier!
Nonetheless, it's always a pleasure to have my eyes massaged by the abundance!!! haha....
A stroll in NEP was uneventful.....crossed the streets to the parking lot, a couple of freelancers here and there....nothing seem to interest me......they too were not very interested in me.... I can't help to notice that perhaps the girls here are oriented towards the 'farangs' rather than a chinese guy like me...or am i wrong?!?!?
At the corner of my eyes was the famous Annies... That would be an easy release. But then again , sometimes, it really isn't the need to release that drives me , rather , the hunt for a gem!! Besides, i do find the girls in Annies like any other 'fuck joints' in any country in the world , for that matter.... Strolling up and down the streets , i just couldn't see anything i might want to have...... I was getting desperate...."Oh boy , perhaps , i'll just have to reminence over SOL" so i thought as i head back to the hotel.
Just out of curiousity or perhaps due to an unforeseen force, i took a detour and crossed the main street towards the troupe or FLs .....My eyes was frantically trying to accustomize to the darkness as these girls were coincidentally standing in every available dark shadows, or was it a deliberate act to decieve its prey....., it's the hunter getting hunted!! Again , i was too shy to walk slowly and grasp a look at them......There were obviously many busty africans there but it seems the numbers of thai girls have increased compared to when i strolled earlier on..... A swift 2 minute stroll and nothing interest me. Around i turn , satisfied i've tried. Anyway , my cravings were subdued by my aching calves....

As i head back , i saw this thin indian man in the mist of negotiating a deal with a rather fleshy thai girl. It was clear the girl wasn't interested, as she kept pushing the indian man's hand off her arms with an expression of annoyance . It was quite interesting to see such a rare sight ( a working girl rejecting a what seems like a men begging for the girl to have sex with him ) , perhaps to the extend of me stealing a smile , maybe even a slight giggle....hahah...
Suddenly , i felt a tap on my shoulder.....Thankfully , I did not turn to see the fist of another indian man seeing me smilling at his friends' negotiation skills..... Instead , there she was , an early 20ish girl standing right beside me , her hands still on my arm.... She had a such a sweet face , so much so that i had probably stared at her with my jaw drop , as she chuckled at the way i stared at her. For an instant , i thought i would be disappointed if she was a FL.... "She's way too sweet " i thought.... "yao wan mah ?" (u want to play?*in mandarin) she offered as she ran her finger down my forearm to hold my hand......... " Ok " hoping i didn't reply before she finished her question..
... " two thousand , ok?? ".......she reminded ........." no, no thousand , ok? " i counter , knowing she would raise to 1.5K............
"OKAY!!!!" she uttered without a second thought , hugging my right hand staring straight into my disbelieving eyes......
"oh my goodness , 1000 bath for this sweet thing?!?!? " i felt it was such an exploit, not that i am complaining....

Throughout the stroll to Marriot , she was chatty, trying to improve her mandarin by speaking to one whom can't even speak proper mandarin......Soon , realising i wasn't understanding half the things she was saying , she spoke to me in english. Surprisingly , her english was better then her mandarin?? ..... Lots of training from 'farangs' perhaps... We spoke alot just in that short 10 minute's was as though we were truly long lost friends ....
I felt so comfortable with her....

to be continued....
Old 23-04-2011, 11:03 PM
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Memoirs In Bangkok (D1P4)

As we entered the room , she headed straight into the bathroom ......I can hear the rumbbling water filling the bath tub..... She came out , tied her hair and came straight to me......placing her hands around my neck , she stared silently at me..... "what?" i curiously asked........ " haha...u r cute " she replied with a broad smile....
With one swift motion , she held my hands and dragged me to the bath room and pointed to the half filled bath tub ....."Oh my, what have i done to deserve this!!" i thought
She helped me unbutton as i removed her T shirt exposing a well filled B cup blue laced bra.....Her body was flawless....smooth as silk.... Unhooking her bra , her fair breast bounced out....GOODNESS ME....Her bra did little or no justice at all!! How could such a petite girl have supported such weight on her chest??!?! Rarely do we find asian girls with such generosity......
As she stripped me down to my birthday clothes , she kneeled and without warning, swallowed my whole penis..... "OH MY....WHAT THE......." .... "Ummmmmmmm...." i whimperred shyly....."whhooaaaa...."......
She was playful....staring up at me, she sucked my penile head with a pop! and smiled...... "Oh Big oh..." she praises as she cup my balls......(believe me , they're not as big as u white out there, if u know what i mean..hahah)....notheless, it always sounds good to be praised , eventhough , u know , it may not be that true....
After a few thrust down her throat, she gave one painful deep suction and said " don't shoot yet! ".....trying to be funny!!
She hushed me into the bathtub and as i lay down , she came in , sat infront of me and lay her head back on my chest..... Her plump breast were like islands breaking the surface of the water , enticing me to massage , i obliged.....
My hard dick was throbbing in pain as she was lying on it...hahaha....
Eyes closed , biting her lips, her breathing got heavier and heavier, she was clearly enjoying the warm soak and the massage i was obliging her..... "ummmm......." she hints....
My groin was getting ever more painful with such an erotic sight....oh boy....i wished it never had to end...
As my right hand massaged her ample breast , my left hand descended on her only to discover her fingers rubbing her clit........recieving me into the party , she help guide my fingers to where she needed them to be as i massaged her clits gently in a circular motion.......her mouth opens ...."a...a.a.....a....a..a.aaaahhhh.....".......a whisper escapes in approval.......Oh boy , this was better then fucking!! The sight of her in total relaxation , clearly in ecstacy is a priceless sight!!!!! I don't know bout u guys , but being able to pleasure a girl in this matter occasionally give me more pleasure than the act of coitus per se!!!!
With each syncronized flicked at the clit accompanied by a firm squeeze of her breast milks out an "".......biting her lips trying to refrain.....
Kissing her neck intensifies her moans......" aa..a.a..aaaaaAAAaaaaaahhhhhHHHHhhhh...."..
Taking a deep breath , she sighs and turned around....instructing me to sit at the edge of the bath tub , she held my balls in her left hand , my throbbing penis in her right , she engulfed with such violence, she gagged...... shortly retracting only to be repeated by deep thrust down her throat....oh boy.....all that pain i had, it was not nothing but pure pleasure ....THE WARMTH....oh.....THE WARMTH of her mouth was such a comforting pleasure.....Oh yes..... "Yes dear.....Yes...." i approved...... I could feel the twirling of her tongue all around the head of my was an indescribable feeling.......It was too good......I had absolutely no control over my body....she was in absolute control......."ahhhhhh......yes dear.......yee..eee..ssss..."..........unable to understand how such a small organ as a penis can feel such complicated and intense pleasure all at once?!?!?!?!
Accompanied by the sound of ...shloppp! shloppp! shloppp..... the pleasure was getting so intense i was loosing all senses in all other parts of my body.....all i could feel was my dick blown in a manner that made me feel i don't need the rest of my body....
She suddenly slit her fingers up my anus and before i could understand what was happening.....I could feel such a violent rush of fluid running through the length of my penis as my thigh and abdominal muscle twitched with such embarrasment....OH FUCK!!!.....WHAT THE HELL WHAT THAT??!!!......It felt as thought a volcano eruption just happened.... All this while, she continue to thrust my shaft down her mouth till i couldn't take it no more....OH BOY!!!..... I wished that feeling of cumming never ended....She was so good!!!
I sat there , powerless, speachless , having no say ..... SHOCKED!!
With a few more suction , she released me ....... her eyes looking for approval........ "nice? " she whispers......... "wait a minute.......where......where's my cum??!!!!" An alarm rang in my head......I would like to believe i shot a liter of cum the way she blew me....but ....but.....where's even that tiny drop of cum????!!!!!!
"SHE SWALLOWED?!?!?!" still in disbelieve....... I whispered back " not good... I did not cum ".....teasing her......"where's the cum dear?? see....I did not come!".....I smiled slyly
All this while, she carressed my dick was clean!!SPOTLESS!!!....all thanks to this sweet thing!

I was honestly drained of energy muscles were cramping.....I dragged myself up as we showered each other ......It was a great feeling......almost felt like 'Love' when we stood there facing each other in one anothers' arms under the shower just recuperating ......

more to come....

to be continued
Old 23-04-2011, 11:35 PM
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Re: Memoirs In Bangkok

Originally Posted by Blastocyst View Post
Well, i wouldn't entirely disagree with u , but on the other hand , i honestly do not think this would be any different that getting a BJ from any BJ bars or even any WL for that matter of fact. What differs in this place , rather , is the environment! There are in fact a few girls i knew from LOLITA's who used to work in SOL before....That was how i first heard about SOL anyway.
As for the lax of hygiene , i agree with u in terms of the establishment....the bar , per se is far from being sterile. The girls , however , being thai , are usually very hygienic in nature. Despite me not mentioning , but yes, they do rush to the loo shortly after the act to gurgle and gag violently with half a bottle of listerine. Not to mention , blowing with 40% prove alcohol , itself is an act of sterilization....hahaha....

But no , i perfectly understand how u feel....i felt that way too....but curiousity got the better part of me..... It's hard to describe the experience... I thought or rather, at that time , i knew i would regret.......but surprisingly, I didn't.
Though , i wouldn't say that would be my favourite place....
Just that IMHO , one has to try it at least once in his life to really understand...


Bro, play it safe. Although HIV has not been proven to transmit via saliva, it has not been proven safe either, and besides, there's Herpes, syphillis and gonorrhea and lots of other nasties that can be caught with BBBJ.

Listerine has been proven, check the internet, to be useless against the bacteria that causes decay. All it can do is give you a fragrant BJ.

Not trying to be wet blanket, I'll back off now otherwise you say I too grumpy. And oh, maybe ought to space between paragraph, makes easy reading. Anyway, I enjoyed the posts. Up you.

A saying to heed,'If you can't be careful, be good and if you can't be good, be careful'.
Be nice to every woman you know
Eventually they will all owe you sex
Old 29-04-2011, 04:13 AM
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Blastocyst deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Memoirs In Bangkok (D1P5)

After a long and refreshing shower , i got into my bath robe and jump straight onto my bed....She followed closely clad in a bath robe, the curve of her cleavage teasing my eyes....
She lifted my hand around her shouders as i approached for my wallet just beside the bed , searching for a thousand baht. Swiftly she pushed my wallet away, flip herself and sat on my hips.....Staring at me she said..." I stay ok?? ".... that was what i was hoping to hear, but i had an early morning start the next day.....hmmmm.....had decision...... but just couldn't resist her .... not when her lovely breast clearly visible under her robe constantly teasing me.....

It was surely nice to have someone in your arms.... the best part was the chemistry we had. I felt totally comfortable..... As we lay on the bed watching harry potter , her head rested on my right right hands pampered by constantly carressing and massaging her right breast..... Her right hands were carressing my balls....oh boy, was i getting a treatment of my life... It didn't take long before my dick started to rise.... It was a nice feeling having her long fingers just carressing my dick and balls.... it was actually very relaxing.... She knew how to please ... gently carressing my dick with such light was so stimulating ....... Her carresses were so good , it actually relieved the slight throbbing pain i was having in my dick after the session we had earlier.... OH BOY DOES IT FEEL GREAT WHEN YOUR BALLS GET SUCH LOVE AND ATTENTION!!! Imagine getting a hard on almost the entire length of Harry Porter and loving every second....i was pampered!!

Somewhere nearing the end of the movie, i can hear her breathing getting harder....her eyes were closed as i massaged her erected nipples..... her hands constantly carressing my balls all this while.... Insidiously , she sneak beneath the comforter as she started to lick my nipples..... at first , it actually felt weird , but it is actually really surprising that done the right way, the way she licked and lightly suck my nipple, it actually felt tremendously stimulating!!! Slowly , i can see the bump on the comforter decend and with such a relieve......."ahhhhhhhh....."..........the warmth!!!.....I really can't describe the feeling of having my hard throbbing dick suddenly engulf right to the root with such moisture and WARMTH!!!!....."Ahhhhhhh........"...... i could hear her slightly gagging. She literally swallowed my dick whole and just held it in her throat for quite a while ..... It was as though she was blanketing my aching dick with warmth!!!! OH BOY, It felt therapeutic!!

Knowing my dick was probably sore after such a violent ejaculation in the bath earlier, she was so gentle..... all i could feel was her soft lips and the warmth of her saliva....."Ahhhhhhh...."........." s dear......feels so good"....i encouraged her.....
Holding my skind down, she started to slurp my dick head with such dick slit smoothly between her soft moist lips as she advanced my dick head as deep as it could go down her throat.... It's such a lovely sight to have someone blowing u under the comforter....the up and down bouncing of the sheets was a sight!!....... I just lay flaccid savouring each and every sensation her lips and tongue lay on my dick....
I could feel her popping my dick head like a little girl would sucking on a lolly pop.....oh boy....feeling those lips give way with such ease as the tip of my penis slip through to be recieved by the warmth of her saliva and twirl of her tongue , followed by a gentle retraction, cleaning my dick head !!...... "ahhhhhhhh.......... yes......"...... begging her not to stop..... if only one could have this feeling all the time!!
Placing my hands on her head, feeling the motion , the up and downs and twist adds to the pleasure.....all this accompanied by the sound of slurps.... the sound of saliva stired by by dick in her mouth....shhhluuuurpp.....shhhluuuurp...... sounds wonderfull..... It really was a sensory feast!!!

Dying to see this sweet face with my dick in her mouth , i lifted the comforter sheets ......Oh boy,the sight!!!.......her breast, hardly hidden from the losely tied robes,bouncing slightly with each motion.....her long hairs covering my loins.....her lips tightly around my shaft.... It's really hard to believe that anyone could actually LOVE or actually ENJOY giving a blowjob, but she really really does seem to love what she was doing. She hadn't the care in the world about me.....she was engulfing my dick the way a starving child would to an ice cream!!!
Realising she was neglecting my balls, she reposition herself in between my thighs , flexing my hips, my balls were right in her face!!!..... I felt so exposed....oh boy....never had i experienced child birth, but perhaps, this was the closest i'll get.... Spreading my thighs, she firmly held my wet shaft with her hands , carressing them lightly as she starting engulfing my balls whole.....oh dang!! sure feels good getting my balls lick...suction of the balls actually made me feel slightly nauseus, but it was good!!...weird , but good....with her right fingers, she constantly massaged the area between my anus and scrotum with an upward pressure....with each firm upward stroke, it really felt like cumming, MINUS THE EJACULATION....I can actually feel the ejaculatory muscles contracting(if there's any such muscle...haha)....oh boy....seriously , guys, i'm not joking!!!...Get your gals to do's really a BLAST!!!.... it was just pure pleasure!!!!

to be continued......
Old 29-04-2011, 05:47 AM
Blastocyst Blastocyst is offline
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Memoirs In Bangkok (D1P6)

Normally , the way she was going at me, i really would have shot my load , but she was amazing.... it reminded me of having my testicular massage in hadyai..... left left hand constantly massaging the frenulum of my penile head , her lips engulfing my balls.....and that massage just behind my balls is all that stands in the way of spilling all over her face!!!!
I was just at her mercy!!!
Suddenly , i felt her hand spread my but cheeks wider ....... "ahhhhh........" there was a sensation i have never felt before..... OH MY....I THINK SHE WAS LICKING MY ASS!!!!!!!..... what the...... I was tense as i have never felt it before...... her left hand was busy rotating from massaging my dick head, and carressing my balls.... She just wanted so hard to please me....n' she really WAS....every single tiny second!!!!....The more she did it, the more it felt good.....My entire groin and ass was literally filled with her saliva....oh boy and m i loving it!!!..... She was relentless and didn't seemed like she was slowing down....goodness, this truly is the first time i've met someone who's so eager to please then to be please!!... I find it difficult to believe that she was having as much pleasure as i was eventhough she may seem to!!

Feeling slightly guilty , it now my turn!!
My groin region , literally orally raped!!!
Guiding her up , i whisperred, " It's my turn...... just relaxed "....she smiled shyly.....
Holding her both her wrist together above her head with my left hand , my right went straight to her hard nipples as my lips went straight for hers...."hhhmmmmmm....." she recieved my tongue sucking the life out of it.....Oh boy......i love her really tasted awesome, despite just dining on me.....Our tongue intertwined , battling for dorminance.....
Her soft breast were wonderfull to massage equipt with such sensitive nipples. With each squeeze she moans...."aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh......"
My hands started decending to her baby soft bare pussy......her thighs squeezed tight refusing entry.....but i dug myself through the slit ......
"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".......she exclaims as my finger hits her wet erect clit...
Oh boy, was she wet......I had no idea, but she probably was fingering herself when she was sucking my dick, as she was wet to a point her cum was oozing out....
Heading downwards, i starting milking her breast with my lips....oh yummy!!!.....My hands returning the favour, massaging her wet clit!!
"ahhhhhhhh"......she was panting profusingly....ocassionally arching her back upwards...."yeeeeaaaaaaaahh......emmmmmphhh.....". ......her eyes clenched tight, her mouth open wide panting away....

Her pussy was all wet now, ready to quench my thirst, i decended further on her....
My head in between her tighs, i spread her thighs as wide as i could to expose her clit....Her vulva was plump and swollen with the slight hint of her clitoris peeking out....She was wet all over....drip marks on her inner thighs...oh boy , was i going to suck her dry!!!
Spreading her vulva with my fingers, her pink inflammed clit was staring right at hunger for her was irresistable....." Arghhhhhhhhhhh........"..... she exclaims at the very moment my tongue touched her clit.......her thighs shivers....... " arrrhhhhhhhhhh!!!!.....Ahhhhhh....!!!!......Ahhhhh hhhh!!!." alternating light and hard pressure flicks on her clit.....her juices were literally flowing out of her vaginal my finger twirls around her soaked entrance.....she was loving it!!.... Her body twitching , her chest bounces up and down to the frantic pants , her back arches up and down........" aaaaahhhhhhh......Ahhhh....."......
Not able to take further, she pushed my head away....however, i just refused to budge as i dug deeper and harder .....sucking the life out of her...... "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!...." she SCREAMS as a load of creamy fluid flows out to satisfy my thirst.......... She cummed!!!!

She lay powerless, panting and sweating profusely , her legs fell weak and flaccid.....
I gently massaged her vulva with her juices as my lips gently sucking and kissing her clit , spreading her juices evenly.... "hhhmmmmmmm.......... hmmmmmmmm....... Ummmmmm......."......her hands clasp around her mouth as i orally massaged her pussy, allowing her to recompose.....

"Come".....she whispers as i climbed above her, stared at her ever sweet face......she replied with a shy smile..
We exchanged some light sensual kisses as i lay myself beside her..... Noticing my dick has gone slightly flaccid, she started to carress..... Swiftly , she went above me, her pussy staring at my face......."AHhhhhhhhh...."......"Shit".....i exclaimed to her unwarning blow.....'Shlurp! Shlurp! Shlurp!'....My dick dug deep into her mouth........
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh.......Shit.....".........Unaware she has capped me, she lifted herself up and swiftly shove my dick up her tight pussy!!!!!!! "AAAAARGHHhhhhhhhh"......there was a slight pain, but the warmth of her pussy was inviting........OH MY!!
She sat deep into me in a reverse cowgirl position......I was so deep in her,I could really feel my penile head hit her insides!!! "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........." she hums in pleasure.........
Leaning forwards, she slowly lifted her waist up as i watch her vulva clenching tightly around my shaft.....
"ahhhhhhhhhhh....".....she slams back down with such force.......
"ummmmmmm.....".....she grinds her pussy forwards and back , only to lift up her waist again and slam right back down....."ahhhhhhhhh....".....what a fuck!!!
Her wet soft butt cheeks slapping my hips ....PlaP!.........PlaP!.............Plap!
"ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....".....she moans lightly............"ahhhhhhhh......"
She was in control....n' i was loving the sight from the back!!
The hint of the edge of the breast bouncing up and down........YEAH!!!!
"ahhhh.....ahhhhh.......ahhhhhhhh......ahhhhhhhhh. ....." she started to moan faster and faster as her buttocks slapped down on me faster and harded, so much so , i was afraid of fracturing my bones!!.......but, I WAS LOVING IT!!
"aaaaHHHHH.....AHHHHHH.......AHHHHHHHHHHH".......s he started getting louder.......PlaP!! PlaP!! Plap!! PlaP!!! ....the bed rocked violently....
"EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhHH.... "....... She releases.......Her pussy squeezing the life out of my dick......Her juices......her cum.......oh groin was soaking wet!!!
"aaaaahhhhhhhhhh....."........i refrained as hard as i could to the pleasure of my dick wrapped tightly in her.....

Closed to my climax, with one swift motion ,i raised up behind her, my dick , all the while wrapped tightly in her as we got into a standing doggie position. My right hand supported her breast wrapping her body around mine as my left hand reached down to her swollen clit.....Without any further thoughts.....
PLAP!!!! PLAP!!!! PLAP!!!!......."AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH!" ....I rammed my whole loin as deep, as hard and as fast as i could......
"AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHHH!...." she screams trying to gasp for air......
"eeeeaaaaaahhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!".........She SCREAMS as i cummed......i shot a huge doze of cum......"ahhhhhh.....yessss.ssss...s" what a release!!!! dick pulsating in her as her pussy clenched tightly...

We both fell back on the bed .....panting and drenched in sweat and CUM!!!.....Ahhhhhhhhh.............. what a feeling.........
"hmmm....hmmm.....hmmm..hmm...."....i can hear her panting loudly.....
I lay behind her, hugging her tightly , feeling her every breath....her body still thighs dripping with her cum......oh my.......

More to come..

To be continued.......
Old 29-04-2011, 11:52 AM
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Re: Memoirs In Bangkok

Originally Posted by Faidenk View Post
Bro, play it safe. Although HIV has not been proven to transmit via saliva, it has not been proven safe either, and besides, there's Herpes, syphillis and gonorrhea and lots of other nasties that can be caught with BBBJ.

Listerine has been proven, check the internet, to be useless against the bacteria that causes decay. All it can do is give you a fragrant BJ.
I have to agree bro... too many people i know have caught all kinds of nasty stuff with unprotected BJs. Better to be safe than sorry - though many of the shit they caught were curable ... the 'burning sensation' may not be worth it ;-) ... further more, some of these STDs leave 'markers' in your body for some time . i.e. once cured, and if you go for another test, there will be some strains left in your blood though its harmless, think of it like scars that take time to clear.
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