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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 20-03-2010, 12:23 AM
parahuni parahuni is offline
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Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Hello bros, cant find a thread on this joint and really beautiful gal so here goes

Just had one of those small head over big head experience as i was wondering around Orchard Plaza tonight after dinner and tot of having a look at how things are over there, one thing that struck me was how many Pinoy ladies there are (like a mini Duxton)

1st Floor - Authentic foot massages and quite a few of those sex shops + crawling with Pinoys
2nd Floor - All MILFs which i quickly siamed, kind of what i expected in a place like OP
3rd Floor - when i went up the escalator there was a shop just there and i saw to my amazement an extremely beautiful gal beckoning me in. Strike Toto liao!

Without hesiitation i went in and paid the $40 for 30 mins session, took a shower and settle in while this beautiful gal intro herself as Eileen came in and started giving me a back scrub
it was pretty good scrub and soon i was falling asleep, about 20 mins into it she went for my groin and with gave it light rakes of her fingernails - SHIOK and very soon the bro was fully erect, so I turned around and asked her what services and what she stated what caused me to almost choke!

HJ - 150!
BJ -250!
FJ - 300!

@#$%^& - i told her i was local blah blah and not about to pay tourist prices and wallet didnt have so much cash blah blah and she to my surprise said doesnt matter as she doesnt do this services wise no issue as they accept CCard this point the small head was fighting the big head, big head says for that kind of money i could bonk 3 times but small head says she would definitely be the most beautiful women i have bonked in my life and perhaps might never get to do so again....i thought of all of 10 seconds and thought, what the heck, that $300 can earn back but beautiful gal like this i cannot mai tu laio, took my wallet out and passed her my CCard (big head then also warning me to be careful of any CCard scam)..Eileen went out of the cubicle and came in 1 min later saying she forgot to tell me there is a 10% charge for using CCard..
#$%#$%#$ that means $333..anyway i was at the point of no return then and told her watever lah, just came back fast as my little bro needs his action.

Action as described below

Eileen -PRC from HangZhou i believe she said
Age: 26 yrs old
Face: 9.5/10 -
Body - 8/10 - tall and fair
Boobs - 8/10 C+ cup- all natural and she allows sucking of her nipples, YUMMY
BJ - Nil - she did not give and i didnt really care as i was intent to bonk her
FJ - 8/10 - can see that she does not do it often, not the wild commando type - tight and wet with soft natural moans, i hate those fakey loud stero sounds
Servicing: 1/10 - Nil Frenching Nil Painting Nil Fingering,
Damage: 40 + 333
RTF: Likely not due to this damage..unless i win big in ManU-Pool game this weekend!

Verdict: Well half of me says i am stupid to pay this kind of damage while other half says well done bro as this kind of standard is hard to find and damage is well spent
I would recommend this gal to any bro who is not into commando servicing but gets a real high in screwing a really beautiful gal and can take this damage

Bros who visit this joint and agree with me on her beauty, please upz me
And plz my intent here is not to tell you guys i can afford to pay a $333 bonking! - just to share this gal
Old 20-03-2010, 01:32 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Originally Posted by parahuni View Post
...she forgot to tell me there is a 10% charge for using CCard..
#$%#$%#$ that means $333..anyway i was at the point of no return then and told her watever lah,
Actually, I heard that orchard plaza is ex in some threads last time, was wondering how ex and what is the quality of the gals like but whoah!

See any even prettier ones around or not?
Old 20-03-2010, 02:40 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Brother Parahuni, with this kind of money you could have do it with 2 gals at one time, I mean double-fly. Anyway the gal must be very pretty for you to pay that much of money.
Old 20-03-2010, 03:13 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Orchard Plaza and Cuppage Plaza is the hangout place for those expats Jepun Kia...... whom are Mr Robert "Carrot Head" for them......

Normally these Jepun Kia got $$$$... so they are used to asking this kinda price....
To KC or not ?

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Old 20-03-2010, 10:37 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Originally Posted by parahuni View Post
Hello bros, cant find a thread on this joint and really beautiful gal so here goe

.unless i win big in ManU-Pool game this weekend!
Verdict: Well half of me says i am stupid to pay this kind of damage while other half says well done bro as this kind of standard is hard to find and damage is well spent
I would recommend this gal to any bro who is not into commando servicing but gets a real high in screwing a really beautiful gal and can take this damage

Bros who visit this joint and agree with me on her beauty, please upz me
And plz my intent here is not to tell you guys i can afford to pay a $333 bonking! - just to share this gal
thank you for your FR the most funny well wriiten FR i ever saw i just got zap but you gave old uncle a good laugh. i hope you win BIG. thanks for the info and laughter
Old 20-03-2010, 06:24 PM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Well written FR. Quite enjoyable reading fr d start but in d end disappointing to hear how easily u were conned by d gal. u might have the $$$ but i think it's crazy to pay such exhorbitant prices.

most of d gals can tell u r a local fr yr dressing n accent. they will usually show u d price list, n if u complain that it's too ex 99% of d time they will lower it. like the hourly 60-65, they can easily bring it down to 50. (sometimes u can even lower down to 40 if they dun hv biz). as for specials, nvr try b4 but i do chk out d gals @ OT occasionally ... certainly dun thk they r so gorgeous to tempt 1 to splash $333. well, to each his own ....

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Old 20-03-2010, 06:44 PM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Hope the cc bill reflect as some F&B establishment else u will have more troubles later on explaining to oc .
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Old 20-03-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

For S$300 just to Fxxx the beautiful girl, for me I will ask her to fry kite . With this money I can have two high quality Korea girls.
Old 20-03-2010, 11:07 PM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Originally Posted by uobboss View Post
Hope the cc bill reflect as some F&B establishment else u will have more troubles later on explaining to oc .
Well had that figured out a long time ago, thank You Citibank's paperless statements.
Old 20-03-2010, 11:10 PM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Originally Posted by shchen View Post
For S$300 just to Fxxx the beautiful girl, for me I will ask her to fry kite . With this money I can have two high quality Korea girls.
I agree bro, but at that point i was in full birthday suit with little bro in all its crowning glory and forgetting even the OC's name, not so easy then to say no and dressed up.....
Old 21-03-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Thanks Bro for the FR but its way too ex like what the rest said...too 'rich' for my pocket...but great report..

Originally Posted by parahuni View Post
Hello bros, cant find a thread on this joint and really beautiful gal so here goes

Just had one of those small head over big head experience as i was wondering around Orchard Plaza tonight after dinner and tot of having a look at how things are over there, one thing that struck me was how many Pinoy ladies there are (like a mini Duxton)

just to share this gal
Dream Girlfriend, FB,or Massage Girl: Nice long hair down to the middle or lower back; handful natural tits will be nice
Old 21-03-2010, 01:59 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

I am actually thinking of going down for some "view only", heard they are really gorgeous.

Think so long as I keep my zippers up and only eyes open, I will be able to keep my $$$ in my pocket. Then again, eyes can make
zippers down and ^$^.

Old 21-03-2010, 06:30 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

$150 for HJ? i might as well PCC in front of her & thats free + save $$$
Old 21-03-2010, 07:16 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

This sounds escort quote.
Probably she worked in night club before massage TN.
With 9.5/10 Face and your high rating of body and boobs, I may do the same after couples of drink... haha....
Old 21-03-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Orchard Plaza - Small head over Big head experience

Originally Posted by parahuni View Post
I agree bro, but at that point i was i ...... crowning glory and forgetting even the OC's name, not so easy then to say no and dressed up.....
I agreed it is hard to refuse. I too encounted such incident before, but my big head said no way. I just told the girl carry on with the massage and she said sure or not. I just tell her with the price you are asking I will be the sucker, beside I pay much lower price with the same quality of girl like you elsewhere.
At the end she accept $150 for FJ, which I also Thim is a bit high. Hey why not once in a blue moon.
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