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Old 12-05-2011, 08:46 PM
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Cool Tantric Massage

Hi guys, I love tantric massage, and I finally found my godess in Beijing, she makes me fly, it is heaven, she does tantric, oil and prostate, before I saw her for the first time, I was afraid, but she made it paradise for me. Have you had any similar experiences? More people here who prefer sensual touch to the regular action? Share your thoughts.

Old 15-05-2011, 01:55 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

agree. i am someone who prefers a good sensual massage over the usual stuff. but can't seem to find any in sbf. any recommendations?
Old 15-05-2011, 02:05 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Care to share her ctc?
Old 15-05-2011, 02:09 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

can share the loc, svc and whats the damage?
Old 15-05-2011, 02:12 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

eh there's no contact right? just talking about sensual massage over fj and other stuff.
Old 15-05-2011, 02:51 AM
thomasdelaruue thomasdelaruue is offline
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Re: Tantric Massage

first time trying it, like jg, it's was heavenly, after few yrs, not that shiok, this my experience.
Old 15-05-2011, 03:56 AM
dazzlego dazzlego is offline
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Re: Tantric Massage

yes i like the touch more
as thomas bro say... maybe it is only for now la... since i am a newbie in this field
btw how much does tantric msg cost?
is there any place offered this tantric msg other than the call one?
Old 15-05-2011, 08:01 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Was it Cici that served you?
Old 15-05-2011, 02:57 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Sorry newbie in massage.
Can someone tell me what's tantric massage?
Old 15-05-2011, 09:55 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

The real Tantra is a very slow massage that enables the recipient to receive a deep sexual experience. It is Indian in origin and very old. Very similar to Yoga, its practitioners even consider this a spiritual experience. One even begins with a Namaste greeting and invitation.

In my view, Tantra is a form of sensual massage, but very different in the way it seeks to excite the body, as well as the mind. That is why the masseur uses slow touches, caresses and massages, beginning with the head, and encouraging the recipient to breathe deeply and slowly, build up the sexual energy first in the mind and then moving on to the body.

Lingam massage is for men and Yoni massage is for women.

In Lingam massage, the man’s testicles, anus, prostrate and the penis will be touched, caressed and massaged. The aim is not ejaculation, which is why tantric massages tend to be at least 2 hours. Through the ejaculation control, the man’s pleasure tempo will surge and withdraw (like waves), and the sensual energy is encouraged and made to flow, spread and radiate throughout the body, so that the man will enter and be immersed in an expanded state of pleasure and bliss. If done correctly, the man may experience climax without ejaculation.

My experience so far suggests to me that Cici ( and Maya/Mary ( are not authentic Tantra practitioners. In the case of Cici, after a short yet gentle Swedish back massage, she proceeded to excite the anus and prostrate (which some forummers have experienced as HDLY or hai di lao yu). These are not the same, though the effect is similar. Then there is a slow massage of the penis, anus, prostrate and testicles in the build up. In this experience, my penis was erect during most of the 2 hour massage and I managed to experience (for the first time) multiple climaxes without ejaculating. In the case of Maya/Mary, I received a regular Swedish massage for the greater part of the session, then in the last third of the session I experienced some of Juagen and then penetration of the anus. I could not connect with this style and was limp, not enjoying the massage.

I suppose none of us can really afford true tantric massage, which is so slow and extended that you need more than 2 hours to really enjoy an authentic tantric experience. A typical 90 minute massage offered in most places means there is a need to ‘get to the point’, which is why you miss out on the slow build up and the practitioners zooms in on the man’s erogenous zones. For this reason, I would describe Cici and Maya’s tantric massage as Pseudo-Tantra/Lingam Massage. I might even describe these as extra slow, sensual prostrate massages.

Also, ta 90 minute tantric massage in Singapore will cost between $150 and $320, which I am sure will turn off most of the broes.

I have not tried Red Tantra Massage ( so I can’t comment if it is authentic or Pseudo-Tantra/Lingam Massage. There are also a few other practitioners that I am not familiar with:

I am still searching for authentic and affordable tantric massage in Singapore. In place of this, I would settle for extra slow, sensual prostrate massages. I have experienced these in the now defunct Dorris Health Center. My aim is to stay rok hard, improve my erection stamina and experience again the multiple cum-less orgasm.
Old 16-05-2011, 01:09 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

bro just 2 more questions....1) will there been an ejaculation at the end of whole session? 2) as what i know maybe i wrong...pls enlighten this tantric massage are more on erotic saying that both the are naked thru out the session?
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Old 16-05-2011, 02:58 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

i also want to know abt it.
or they will know when we will reach our peak and stop?
help us try the redtantra too so we will know the authentication
Old 16-05-2011, 03:20 AM
volkswagon6868 volkswagon6868 is offline
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Re: Tantric Massage

got any good authentic JG please do pm me too..anyway i had tried red tantra massage last time ... personally i feel it not really authentic JG leh seem like A gimmick to me and during the conversation with the masseuse they mostly target to that some sort of high end expat or tourist ...they charge abt $250 per hour ..most of the lady are malay ..they massage you with nake body...and personally they are like giving you HJ leh and you can auto-roam them that all not really the type of therapeutic JG which i expect but i can say their massage is solid...personally i feel they over-charge ..looks of masseuse only so so looking ..they dun provided any hanky panky services ...well personally services varies to individual not sure about others masseuse ...if not wrong the boss call nick....above Fr is just for sharing purpose...well definitely Will not rtf i think with such a rate can ask for a better services gal with more fun...i think their web are so nicely written with good advertising ..but rather disappointed for what i had received .i thought i can, had really a good therapeutic JG but end up it just a slightly different HJ neither any erotic . had burn a big hole on my wallet..
Old 16-05-2011, 10:38 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by Evilhawk View Post
bro just 2 more questions....1) will there been an ejaculation at the end of whole session? 2) as what i know maybe i wrong...pls enlighten this tantric massage are more on erotic saying that both the are naked thru out the session?
Hey Evilhawk, I am not sure if you are asking me or TS but I will to try to answer your questions without being too kaypoh.

1) ejaculation is not the objective, even though it can happen (if you can't control or won't control). See also my General Reply in the separate message.

2) yes, it is my view that Tantric Massage is under the category of Erotic Massage (but far you are supposed to encounter a more shiok and explosive experience than normal sensual massages). From what I have seen so far, the tantric practitioner may or may not be naked. My view is that if the practitioner is very good, if you think about it, there is no need for her to be naked. But then again, because we customers tend to be demanding, the low end practitioners will strip to satisfy those customers who want value for their $, you get what I mean? Cici who served me in Beijing (her apt) and Maya/Mary in OT, SG, were both clothed throughout the tantric sessions.

I hope I have helped you with your questions. I am only speaking from my own experience and not as an expert.
Old 16-05-2011, 10:49 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by dazzlego View Post
i also want to know abt it.
or they will know when we will reach our peak and stop?
help us try the redtantra too so we will know the authentication
Hi Dazzle, I am going to be kappoh and assume you are asking me.

You have asked a very good question. How to know when you are at the top of the wave? You need to work with your masseur. Imagine you are banging a girl for the first time and she is moaning like crazy, is she ready to cum? Most of us make the mistake of assuming this girl is ready to cum and we go faster, but the truth maybe that she is just enjoying herself and moaning to let you know she is enjoying herself. Then when we lose control and ejaculate, you realize too late that the girl didn't cum but she says ok. Why? 1. Because we didn't communicate and understand what is going on in the mind of the moaning girl. 2. And we men have a terrible habit of assuming a lot of things, right?

Same with the masseur/tantric practitioner. Imagine it is your 1st massage and if we start off thinking she must know our 'high' and know exactly when to pull back, it would be lucky if the masseur can read you correctly. I think if you work with the masseur, she will learn your signals, your timing and your stamina.
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