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Old 17-01-2012, 08:00 PM
TwinLighter TwinLighter is offline
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Humble request for advice

Well its an age old question of a man attempting mission almost impossible to decipher the signal of a woman.

But mine is a prc and having read so many stories from fellow bros here perhaps some guru could provide some insight to help me decipher if she is really interested in me.

Many thanks in advance.

Positive Signals ( I Think ) :

1) She don't mind going out with me for supper and stuff when i ask her out if she isn't busy.

2) She giggles quite a bit sometimes from our conversation

3) She took my picture with her cam

4) She complain that the journey seem so short when i send her home

5) Didn't request for gifts or any extra financial assistance after... yeah you know what.


Negative Signals :

1) She doesn't text or call me on her own accord

2) Sms conversation always seems short and cold from her

3) Can't seem to find anything or way she act that makes me feel i am special to her (But i understand this part rather subjective)

So all in all, is she or is she not interested in me? Kind of conflicting signals to me.

All comments and advice are welcomed. Thank you and have a nice day everyone.

And yes for those who are thinking if i am walking into a KC trap or sort, yes i am walking into it knowingly, i choose to walk into one with this prc because i have never expected eternal love to begin with.

I just want a short term life experience, i understand and know the final outcome of my actions, i also know she would have to leave someday, i will move on and this experience will add to my bits and pieces of my life. The law would help me close this chapter with her departure.
The only true probability equation in life is 50%.

1) Things either happen or it don't.

2) Either you do it or you don't.
Old 17-01-2012, 08:31 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

From my understanding:

1st thing is you've already had sex with her.
2nd is you feel that she likes you when you're seeing each other physically.
3rd is you feel that she might not like you because of her response when you're not seeing each other physically.
4th you felt that it was a kc trap and you felt u know you're walking into it willingly
5th you only wanted a short term experience.

If it were me, I'll continue this way.

However, as your stated your wants as a short term experience, why don't you just ask her straight to be your girlfriend. Since you're mentally prepared that she will leave one day, you probably wouldn't get as hurt if she decided to reject you. If she accepts you, then congratulations.

It seemed that you've got everything planned out already. Best of luck to you bro.
Old 17-01-2012, 09:24 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
I just want a short term life experience, i understand and know the final outcome of my actions, i also know she would have to leave someday, i will move on and this experience will add to my bits and pieces of my life. The law would help me close this chapter with her departure.
I think you answered your own question.
Old 17-01-2012, 09:50 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice


No need to think too much.

Just enjoy while it lasts, if it's meant to be it will be.
Old 17-01-2012, 09:51 PM
SharkAttack SharkAttack is offline
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Re: Humble request for advice

bro, your signature sums it all up.

Things happen. Its now time for the dominant man to take up his role.
Put it this way, you're doing both yourselves a great favor returning her subtle hints. Thus enriching your life experiences and flavour.

i say seize the opportunity and turn it into something unforgetable and irresitable.
Old 17-01-2012, 09:54 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
Well its an age old question of a man attempting mission almost impossible to decipher the signal of a woman.

But mine is a prc and having read so many stories from fellow bros here perhaps some guru could provide some insight to help me decipher if she is really interested in me.

Many thanks in advance.

Positive Signals ( I Think ) :

1) She don't mind going out with me for supper and stuff when i ask her out if she isn't busy.

Free food who don't want, this is call baiting or investment on her part?
2) She giggles quite a bit sometimes from our conversation

Not laugh at your joke but at you for being loser?

3) She took my picture with her cam

Future Blackmail?

4) She complain that the journey seem so short when i send her home

You drive big nice comfortable car?

5) Didn't request for gifts or any extra financial assistance after... yeah you know what.

A matter of time?

Bro now you sure positive ???
Old 17-01-2012, 10:01 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Pls see reply in red!
Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
Well its an age old question of a man attempting mission almost impossible to decipher the signal of a woman.

But mine is a prc and having read so many stories from fellow bros here perhaps some guru could provide some insight to help me decipher if she is really interested in me.

Many thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
Positive Signals ( I Think ) :

1) She don't mind going out with me for supper and stuff when i ask her out if she isn't busy.
You mean if she's not wif a customer ba.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you're referring to a WL correct?

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
2) She giggles quite a bit sometimes from our conversation
Could be she's trying to act cute or you do hv a sense of humour or that statement was funny enough for her to giggle

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
3) She took my picture with her cam
This is totally irrelevant, what's most important is that she allows you to SCRUTINISE her phone in all aspects!

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
4) She complain that the journey seem so short when i send her home
Typical WL talk to make you feel that she doesn't want to leave you!

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
5) Didn't request for gifts or any extra financial assistance after... yeah you know what.
Not yet. There are 3 kinds of WL.
The 1st type is very fast tempo type, can chop how much will chop quick quick n run
The 2nd type is make sure you in their grasp then slowly chop you
The 3rd type is go to bed and make you feel bad you have not provided and thus make you reverse psychology to do & get her stuff and pass her money willingly & automatically without her having to say or hint a single thing!


Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
Negative Signals :

1) She doesn't text or call me on her own accord
This is the giveaway!
Cos she's knows you'll find her n not she find you.
Thus, your actions already show that she is already reeling you in.

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
2) Sms conversation always seems short and cold from her
Either she can't be bothered cos she's wif her lao gong thus not convenient to sms you or she can't be bothered at all cos it's doesn't generate any $$$$$ by messaging

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
3) Can't seem to find anything or way she act that makes me feel i am special to her (But i understand this part rather subjective)
Always trust your intuition, it's 9 out of 10 times more correct than you gut feel!

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
So all in all, is she or is she not interested in me? Kind of conflicting signals to me.
120% NO!

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
All comments and advice are welcomed. Thank you and have a nice day everyone.

And yes for those who are thinking if i am walking into a KC trap or sort, yes i am walking into it knowingly, i choose to walk into one with this prc because i have never expected eternal love to begin with.

I just want a short term life experience, i understand and know the final outcome of my actions, i also know she would have to leave someday, i will move on and this experience will add to my bits and pieces of my life. The law would help me close this chapter with her departure.
In my book, this is not called KC trap.
Your situation is called SELF KC cos it's clear she isn't KCing you.
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Old 17-01-2012, 10:13 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

No point give advise if you no want take lah, at end of the day the decision still lie with you good luck for better or worse
Old 17-01-2012, 10:37 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Pls see reply in red!

You mean if she's not wif a customer ba.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you're referring to a WL correct?

Could be she's trying to act cute or you do hv a sense of humour or that statement was funny enough for her to giggle

This is totally irrelevant, what's most important is that she allows you to SCRUTINISE her phone in all aspects!

Typical WL talk to make you feel that she doesn't want to leave you!

Not yet. There are 3 kinds of WL.
The 1st type is very fast tempo type, can chop how much will chop quick quick n run
The 2nd type is make sure you in their grasp then slowly chop you
The 3rd type is go to bed and make you feel bad you have not provided and thus make you reverse psychology to do & get her stuff and pass her money willingly & automatically without her having to say or hint a single thing!


This is the giveaway!
Cos she's knows you'll find her n not she find you.
Thus, your actions already show that she is already reeling you in.

Either she can't be bothered cos she's wif her lao gong thus not convenient to sms you or she can't be bothered at all cos it's doesn't generate any $$$$$ by messaging

Always trust your intuition, it's 9 out of 10 times more correct than you gut feel!

120% NO!

In my book, this is not called KC trap.
Your situation is called SELF KC cos it's clear she isn't KCing you.
haha, Da Ge, why you always so direct and to the point...
Old 17-01-2012, 10:39 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
haha, Da Ge, why you always so direct and to the point...
Can't help it when you already see till there's nottin left to see liao.
So familiarised till before they take a step, already waiting 3 steps ahead of them liao.
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Old 17-01-2012, 10:45 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

TS she have other sisters or not? if have pls intro...i also wan to be trapped
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 17-01-2012, 10:50 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

move on with ur life, fuck another whore, forget abt her. all the indications mean, to me, are good customer service frm WL which is only like the service staff in a restaurant giving u good treatment, polite, prompt, etc, but these are the augmented service. Afterall, wht they r trying to do is to create customer loyalty n frm a whore's POV, KC u.
Old 17-01-2012, 10:56 PM
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Re: Humble request for advice

I standby 2
Old 18-01-2012, 01:26 AM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
Positive Signals ( I Think ) :

1) She don't mind going out with me for supper and stuff when i ask her out if she isn't busy.

2) She giggles quite a bit sometimes from our conversation

3) She took my picture with her cam

4) She complain that the journey seem so short when i send her home

5) Didn't request for gifts or any extra financial assistance after... yeah you know what.
piang eh like these also call positive signs that she likes u?

to be honest i have the same encounters as yrs ( minus the picture part ) when i went out with my PRC charbo frens ( some r attached somemore ) but also nothing happen after that leh. in fact, PRC girls are generally more friendly and open as compared to our sg princess so its not surprising that u will misinterpret her actions or words if u dont mix around with them much. so dont think too much pls.

btw does it ever cross yr mind that she could be taking that pic of yrs to test her new iphone cam?
Old 18-01-2012, 03:08 AM
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Re: Humble request for advice

Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
haha, Da Ge, why you always so direct and to the point...
Bro DYBJ beats me to it

Originally Posted by HCKing View Post
piang eh like these also call positive signs that she likes u?
I also wanna say so...
sharks... nothing else to comment liao

TS, pls confirm if she is a WL?
That makes a lot of difference.
Originally Posted by TwinLighter View Post
...almost impossible to decipher the signal of a woman.

... help me decipher if she is really interested in me.
Also, mind telling us what will you do or do differently if the answer is either YES or NO that she is interested in you?
That'll also help us decide if giving futher advice is worthwhile.

Last edited by goodpartner; 18-01-2012 at 03:19 AM.
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