Today went pass a hc in jurong east st 24 at lunch time.been really tempted to try it for information online as it is a new shop no FR so called two of my bro chat with them pyhco them till they desperate.meeted up and went in.after open the glass door saw two prc look like 30s.been thinking wheres the young girls.after the lady boss lead us in.Die!door got glass panel$$$$$ part of the partition not covered.confirm is clean.feel very disappointed but regardless go for the massage.long story short,100% clean HC shop name is coral sea wellness,massage is unexpectedly good.price is $50/ if you like clean and good massage.hope dirty bros won't fall into this trap like me

Ps:after the massage it's like adding oil to my burning desire!been furiously search for a dirty HC -bi/hj since just now.hope senior bro will show me the path

we need to unload!!