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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-07-2012, 10:32 PM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Some bros requested for a tuesday outing.. so here goes.. quickly drop me a PM if u r interested..

The Verge, 鑫天地

31st July 2012, Tuesday

10.00pm - 3am (Standard Hours)


1. Bills will be shared equally by all GUYS who turned up for the outing.
2. If on budget, please ask for damages before joining the group. I do not want to hear nonsense such as 'why you bring me to such an expensive place'.
3. Upon arrival, a deposit of $120 will be required whether you drink alcohol or you depart early from the outing. Extras will be refunded and Top Ups when necessary.
4. We are here to be entertained and not here to drink till drunk. Want to drink till drunk, go pub or coffee to drink.
5. Please do not smoke in the KTV room, Shioking is going to break down soon.
6. Please do not give lame excuses about forget to give tips to the girl and leave the KTV. You better pay up if not BANNED and EXPOSED from the group!
7. When you say you are turning up, you better turn up if not you will have to pay for your share otherwise, BANNED and EXPOSED!
8. Whether you come very early or whether you come late, you will still have to pay the equal share as the rest. No excuse!
9. At any point of time, the organisor has the right to replace you if you fail in acknowledging the attendance SMS for whatever season you might have.
10. Any extra orders are to subject to approval by the organisor. If you order without my permission, you will end up paying the extras on your own.
11. Up my points to give me your support and encouragement so that I can also return the favour.
12. Feel free to post your field report and experiences of the venues you have been.

Private Message Shioking with your real name and mobile number.

Ah Ben (pending)
XR29 (pending)
Old 30-07-2012, 12:25 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Some bros requested for a tuesday outing.. so here goes.. quickly drop me a PM if u r interested..

The Verge, 鑫天地

31st July 2012, Tuesday

10.00pm - 3am (Standard Hours)


1. Bills will be shared equally by all GUYS who turned up for the outing.
2. If on budget, please ask for damages before joining the group. I do not want to hear nonsense such as 'why you bring me to such an expensive place'.
3. Upon arrival, a deposit of $120 will be required whether you drink alcohol or you depart early from the outing. Extras will be refunded and Top Ups when necessary.
4. We are here to be entertained and not here to drink till drunk. Want to drink till drunk, go pub or coffee to drink.
5. Please do not smoke in the KTV room, Shioking is going to break down soon.
6. Please do not give lame excuses about forget to give tips to the girl and leave the KTV. You better pay up if not BANNED and EXPOSED from the group!
7. When you say you are turning up, you better turn up if not you will have to pay for your share otherwise, BANNED and EXPOSED!
8. Whether you come very early or whether you come late, you will still have to pay the equal share as the rest. No excuse!
9. At any point of time, the organisor has the right to replace you if you fail in acknowledging the attendance SMS for whatever season you might have.
10. Any extra orders are to subject to approval by the organisor. If you order without my permission, you will end up paying the extras on your own.
11. Up my points to give me your support and encouragement so that I can also return the favour.
12. Feel free to post your field report and experiences of the venues you have been.

Private Message Shioking with your real name and mobile number.

Ah Ben (pending)
XR29 (pending)
Virtualman (pending)
Old 31-07-2012, 03:29 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Some bros requested for a tuesday outing.. so here goes.. quickly drop me a PM if u r interested..

The Verge, 鑫天地

31st July 2012, Tuesday

10.00pm - 3am (Standard Hours)


1. Bills will be shared equally by all GUYS who turned up for the outing.
2. If on budget, please ask for damages before joining the group. I do not want to hear nonsense such as 'why you bring me to such an expensive place'.
3. Upon arrival, a deposit of $120 will be required whether you drink alcohol or you depart early from the outing. Extras will be refunded and Top Ups when necessary.
4. We are here to be entertained and not here to drink till drunk. Want to drink till drunk, go pub or coffee to drink.
5. Please do not smoke in the KTV room, Shioking is going to break down soon.
6. Please do not give lame excuses about forget to give tips to the girl and leave the KTV. You better pay up if not BANNED and EXPOSED from the group!
7. When you say you are turning up, you better turn up if not you will have to pay for your share otherwise, BANNED and EXPOSED!
8. Whether you come very early or whether you come late, you will still have to pay the equal share as the rest. No excuse!
9. At any point of time, the organisor has the right to replace you if you fail in acknowledging the attendance SMS for whatever season you might have.
10. Any extra orders are to subject to approval by the organisor. If you order without my permission, you will end up paying the extras on your own.
11. Up my points to give me your support and encouragement so that I can also return the favour.
12. Feel free to post your field report and experiences of the venues you have been.

Private Message Shioking with your real name and mobile number.

Ah Ben (pending)
XR29 (pending)
Virtualman (pending)
hunted (pending)
Old 01-08-2012, 12:30 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

hideto16 MIA, fly aeroplane
Old 01-08-2012, 12:37 AM
Terminus Terminus is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

so how much was the damage tonight?
Old 01-08-2012, 12:57 AM
Kusanagi86 Kusanagi86 is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..


I'm new to the forum.
Looking forward to be a regular on this site.
Are you guys still out? still can join? ;D
Old 01-08-2012, 03:32 AM
Kusanagi86 Kusanagi86 is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Went to the outing late as I was busy with work.
Managed to come in at the last half hour.

Stepped into the room and saw two bros enjoying themselves with their mate. It was my first time and I did not know really what to do so I just helped myself to a seat and the waitress kindly gave me a mug of tea.
came to know bro Shioking and a few others soon after. As the joint was closing already, i could only chat and sing about 2 songs.
Oh man, Shioking can sing! Nice bro sent me back afterwards too.
In a nutshell, it was quite a nice gathering while knowing people from the forum. Enjoyed myself even though it was only a very short time.
I look forward to the next session!
*i wanna sing more!!*

Old 01-08-2012, 04:21 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Hi Terminus,

The damage is stated cleared under the terms. If you are ok with it you are welcomed to join us
Old 01-08-2012, 03:20 PM
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ahlaw73 ahlaw73 is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

hi hi all bros!

i read with great interest, missed the fun and gathering last time at ktvs with some of the bros here (whom i hardly see around!)

Many new places gone and many new places up.....

wondering if any bros here do HH? or any gathering at old fuck like me now got leashed by OC ....only can do HH...haiz..

cheers bro!
Officially semi out of retirement from KTVs and HFJs.....look for me during HH....cheers
Old 01-08-2012, 06:49 PM
abrams75 abrams75 is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Nice thread... I alway go HH at peace centre usually alone.. Maybe can this can be a good chance to know the broa here hahah
Up lai Up ke .. steady poon pi pi !
Old 01-08-2012, 09:12 PM
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Originally Posted by abrams75 View Post
Nice thread... I alway go HH at peace centre usually alone.. Maybe can this can be a good chance to know the broa here hahah
Yo! Just had a outing with 2 bros today for HH! Maybe can have u join us next time.....which is very very soon! Cheers!
Officially semi out of retirement from KTVs and HFJs.....look for me during HH....cheers
Old 02-08-2012, 12:53 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Hi all, thanks for the support for this thread.. as several bros have work commitment we rarely do HH mostly is SH.. anyway its great when bros with common interests unite
Old 02-08-2012, 12:58 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Some bros requested for another outing.. so here goes.. quickly drop me a PM if u r interested..

The Verge, 鑫天地

3rd August Friday

9.30pm - 3am (Standard Hours)


1. Bills will be shared equally by all GUYS who turned up for the outing.
2. If on budget, please ask for damages before joining the group. I do not want to hear nonsense such as 'why you bring me to such an expensive place'.
3. Upon arrival, a deposit of $120 will be required whether you drink alcohol or you depart early from the outing. Extras will be refunded and Top Ups when necessary.
4. We are here to be entertained and not here to drink till drunk. Want to drink till drunk, go pub or coffee to drink.
5. Please do not smoke in the KTV room, Shioking is going to break down soon.
6. Please do not give lame excuses about forget to give tips to the girl and leave the KTV. You better pay up if not BANNED and EXPOSED from the group!
7. When you say you are turning up, you better turn up if not you will have to pay for your share otherwise, BANNED and EXPOSED!
8. Whether you come very early or whether you come late, you will still have to pay the equal share as the rest. No excuse!
9. At any point of time, the organisor has the right to replace you if you fail in acknowledging the attendance SMS for whatever season you might have.
10. Any extra orders are to subject to approval by the organisor. If you order without my permission, you will end up paying the extras on your own.
11. Up my points to give me your support and encouragement so that I can also return the favour.
12. Feel free to post your field report and experiences of the venues you have been.

Private Message Shioking with your real name and mobile number.

Jason (pending)
Ah Ben (pending)
musicguru (pending)
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Kusanagi86 (pending)
Old 02-08-2012, 11:16 PM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

The Verge, 鑫天地

3rd August Friday

9.30pm - 3am (Standard Hours)


1. Bills will be shared equally by all GUYS who turned up for the outing.
2. If on budget, please ask for damages before joining the group. I do not want to hear nonsense such as 'why you bring me to such an expensive place'.
3. Upon arrival, a deposit of $120 will be required whether you drink alcohol or you depart early from the outing. Extras will be refunded and Top Ups when necessary.
4. We are here to be entertained and not here to drink till drunk. Want to drink till drunk, go pub or coffee to drink.
5. Please do not smoke in the KTV room, Shioking is going to break down soon.
6. Please do not give lame excuses about forget to give tips to the girl and leave the KTV. You better pay up if not BANNED and EXPOSED from the group!
7. When you say you are turning up, you better turn up if not you will have to pay for your share otherwise, BANNED and EXPOSED!
8. Whether you come very early or whether you come late, you will still have to pay the equal share as the rest. No excuse!
9. At any point of time, the organisor has the right to replace you if you fail in acknowledging the attendance SMS for whatever season you might have.
10. Any extra orders are to subject to approval by the organisor. If you order without my permission, you will end up paying the extras on your own.
11. Up my points to give me your support and encouragement so that I can also return the favour.
12. Feel free to post your field report and experiences of the venues you have been.

Private Message Shioking with your real name and mobile number.

Jason (pending)
Ah Ben
XR29 (pending)
Old 04-08-2012, 03:57 AM
Shioking Shioking is offline
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Re: KTV Outing with SBF bros..

Before I leave Singapore, one more outing for all the bros to come together and enjoy

The Verge, 鑫天地

4th August Saturday

9.30pm - 3am (Standard Hours)


1. Bills will be shared equally by all GUYS who turned up for the outing.
2. If on budget, please ask for damages before joining the group. I do not want to hear nonsense such as 'why you bring me to such an expensive place'.
3. Upon arrival, a deposit of $120 will be required whether you drink alcohol or you depart early from the outing. Extras will be refunded and Top Ups when necessary.
4. We are here to be entertained and not here to drink till drunk. Want to drink till drunk, go pub or coffee to drink.
5. Please do not smoke in the KTV room, Shioking is going to break down soon.
6. Please do not give lame excuses about forget to give tips to the girl and leave the KTV. You better pay up if not BANNED and EXPOSED from the group!
7. When you say you are turning up, you better turn up if not you will have to pay for your share otherwise, BANNED and EXPOSED!
8. Whether you come very early or whether you come late, you will still have to pay the equal share as the rest. No excuse!
9. At any point of time, the organisor has the right to replace you if you fail in acknowledging the attendance SMS for whatever season you might have.
10. Any extra orders are to subject to approval by the organisor. If you order without my permission, you will end up paying the extras on your own.
11. Up my points to give me your support and encouragement so that I can also return the favour.
12. Feel free to post your field report and experiences of the venues you have been.

Private Message Shioking with your real name and mobile number.

Jason (pending)
Ah Ben (pending)
Alex (pending)
musicguru (pending)
XR29 (pending)
Virtulman (pending)
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