An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
cigar shape UFO mothership from Sirius hovers over Ukraine - millions saw it
asthar from asthar command hs come out and say that it was He who piloted the ship
If you go to
you would then have read the real scenario that that was written.
Ashtar was the one whom was piloting the ship and he displated the ship called the new jeruselem.
This ship was created in the pleadius system and has given all troops around the world their marxhing orders to walk away from all arms and weaponry ever created and alliw all weapons to be vaporused into harmless energy.
The cabal has been forced to exstinguish their might for world peace and all nilitary personnel to be paid three months pay and leave the armed forces immediately befor N.E.S.A.R.A is to be implemented by the signing of a new agreement to undergo the task of better sanitary, water, agriculture, food e.c.t.
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