An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
We laugh at the incompetence of the Malaysian government in handling the MAS crisis.
Take a good look at ourselves in the mirror. Our incompetence is much worst and effects long lasting.
The Western bankers are laughing their cute butts off, after they learnt from the fox spirit masters and sweet-talked GIC into bailing them out.
UBS, Barclays, Merrill Lynch, you name it. $40 over billion lost. (
GIC will maintain price discipline in its investing decisions, said the sovereign wealth fund's chief investment officer Mr Lim Chow Kiat, at the annual conference of the Investment Management Association of Singapore on Wednesday afternoon.
This is one of the five principles that guide GIC in making its asset allocation decisions.
Although the global market may be volatile, GIC still remains focused on fundamentals when investing the nation's wealth.
The five principles are: pursue intrinsic value and maintain price discipline; practise long-term investing; pick our spot: be focused and leverage our strengths; pay attention to risk control and prepare for the future.
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