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Old 02-12-2005, 04:13 PM
AngGu21 AngGu21 is offline
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To all bros here...tis is the first time posting for me so gonna post my real life past exp for all to view.But i hope i dun get zapped,u can voice ya displeasure or anything.Its jus a thread for every one to view n enjoy..thank you..
Ok i was once a secret society member so i get to bonk ah lians of diff sorts but all were just bitches in my point of view.So get the story started,it was 3 to 5 yrs back when me n gang bro whet drinking at fisherman village for those who dun know where..its in the east...I was the kind of person who always get to be pampered by my bros cause i am smaller n weaker den all of them so i got more protection n care i needed frm them..any of my bro,called me n asked me..AngGu wanna go fisherman??i got 2 cai to intro ya..wan anot??hell!!of course i want lah!!nonsense rite ask me wan anot of course i want la..n he told me drinks were on him.So i met up wif him..n soon we were in the cab picking up 2 cai to go n bro took the taller bitch so tat left me with the shorter bitch but with a great bods to drool over..she was a c cup but i duno wad number la,she stand at 155cm n her boobs were popping out of her clothes,had a very tanned body like those runner sia but wif big boobs..tis bitch was wearing a tight singlet n a mini skirt.And the taller bitch was wearing a a long dress covering up her figure but later then did i found out why she covered up so much,cause she was on tagging couldnt leave duno how many metres from her home...but bros dun ask me how she managed to go fisherman when she was on tagging...So i said hello to the shorter lian in the cab.N all the introductions crap started...The short bitch was adeline n the taller one was mabel..
For all bros who duno,the higher ya status was in ya gang the more attention ya get from every one...cause i am a living example cause after losing all kind of status in the gang,i was like being sneered at or look down on but to me all those craps are nothing anymore those were inmature thinkings frm the past.Anyway back to the topic,the introductions started...n the bitches were awed i was the guy whom they heard of but didnt get to see b4 so i was jus rite infront of them.Me n my bro were like having eye contact liao after seeing their expressions,so in our heart ho say liao la!!!Confirm can hook bring go n bonk we found a place to sit n we were immediately paired up,found a place to sit n we started talking..i didnt eavesdrop on wad my bro was talking about to the other tall bitch.So i started my own conversation wif tis i got to know that she was a drop out n was just wasting her life on earth without n goals or aim,n i found out her family background both parents n brother were also in the traids too.N i was like dumbstrucked,in my mind i was thinking...siao liao la!!Hook wrong lian liao la,later her family come chase after me wif chopper i confirm i was hesitant of continuing the conversation.But hecked suddenly i was thinking family come find me come loh!
After talking for about 30 mins...3 jugs were emptied,an hour later there were more then 7 jugs.Woah...i couldnt take it any longer as i couldnt hold my liqour very well...well i am a lousy of tis days my current gf gotta help me down jugs after jugs when we out clubbing so i wouldnt puke n made n scene by landing ppl into the back to the topic...i couldnt take it no longer.So i told her i really gotta go toliet liao i wanna pee,after walking back to the table,tis bitch was giggling non stop,n being too high i was probing her to tell me wad happen.Finally found out wad happen..she was laughing at me,saying tat my name really did suit me very well,cause i was red from head to toe,n imagine even my leg was reddish.So i just kept quiet n turned to look at my bro...DAMN was he fast!!!He was holding the gal hand n bringing her out..n both of them winked at me i duno for wad la..LOL too high to think liao during tat time,so i onli concentrate my own problem.So i acted fast,tried looking at her in the eyes to gif her those electric shock,but to my dismay...she looked at me for like 5 seconds,and she was laughing away,saying my face so red like ang pao...damn!!!Am i such a failure??Cant even hook tis bitch meh??So i tried +++ing to her,ask her got bf all those craps la.After 5 mins..i startled her by grapping her hands,n i hold her hands without resistance...FCUK tat also can..should have done tat earlier..i was cursing myself,when suddenly,she used her other hand to push my face towards her n she was kissing me!!Too shocked liao didnt know how to react sia!!
Old 04-12-2005, 12:21 AM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

More pls...!!!
Old 04-12-2005, 12:51 AM's Avatar is offline
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

What happen next.........
Old 04-12-2005, 09:00 AM
AngGu21 AngGu21 is offline
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

hello bros,sorry for the late continuation..still noob to this place so duno where to place my second continuation so now any how try see whether can type down not.thanks for all bros understanding ya??
Ok here i go..hmmm see can anot ah...
Anyway back to the topic,i was stunned when she was frenching me n i didnt
have the initative to return her the favour.Adeline was like kinda of pai sei n hurt lah..LOL cause i like didnt kissed her back..but in actual fact even if i not drunk i also wouldnt give a damn whether to kiss her back,cause i not those kissy person anyway...LOL..after seeing her pulling her face away from me i pretend nothing had happen...act cool little bit i continue to talk craps with her n down a few more jugs with her which my bro left on the table for both of us.
After an hour later or so,the waiter came and asked for any last orders.But i wasnt paying any attention to him,as i was talking to adeline,so she gave me tat annoying look n told me in chinese lah..Oi that bastard asking u want last order not?Dont act dao lei,tell him still want last order n ask him to f off!! I was like WTF is tis bitch doin??scolding the waiter in front of him..LOL so i jus told the waiter no last order from us n he walk off when i was about to apologise to him so y bother ya??I could see from my drunk pairs of eyes that tis bitch was drunk n she was talking nonsense in public.So my mind was thinking i better get her outta here before i get into any trouble with any1,cause none of my bros were there to save me n my small buddy was getting aroused by her touching me on my chest.Hell was she a slut...letting me see her zao geng sia,the long kao wahahaha!!so big,it was like a never ending tunnel man,i couldnt take it anymore.As small buddy always overcame me n told me to bonk her till her pussy tear.So i plucked up the courage,n ask her.Adel??I am kinda tired right now,so would ya mind if i asked ya to come to my house n slack around in my house rather den here?N she without hesitation agreed.Woah!!!Can go home release energy liao LOL.
After leaving the place,instead of me being looked after,it was her that need looking after,as she was walking in circles.So in order to bring her to the cab i gota hold her up loh..In my mind i was thinking since later gonna bonk ya might as well test drive ya tits first lah see whether real or fake want..LOL.So looking at her c cup tits droolingly i grouped it from behind n direct her to the cab..Immediately after grouping her tits,my small buddy stand to full attention..wah kao!regret how to walk??later every see my buddy standing at full attention.So i shove my right hand into the pocket n hold her with the other hand till a cab finally arrive,only then did i take out my hand from the pocket.
Reach my house liao,as i was staying in a masionette duno issit like tis spell la...LOL my english quite poor sorry ah after opening the door,looking at her like so pitiful i carried her up to my room quietly cause every one asleep liao.After getting into my room,locked the door n laid her on the bed,on table light,smoke my ciggys,close window on air i started my rendevous,after taking off my shirt i saw her looking at me,she was smiling at me i got the msg she needed a bonk!!Started foreplaying i licked her neck but didnt kiss her,as mentioned not a kissy person,i took off her singlet revealing her tits which being covered by her bra.For any bros mentioned i thought her bra was black but after taking off her singlet,the black bra was not to be,but its was a shiny purple bra!!those kind like got light come out like tat!!wahaha..damn aroused liao,precum leaking onto my it was time to unhook her bra,but to my dismay,her nipples was wad i was was i always did haf a fetish for pink nipples.But wat the heck!Just fcuk started slow,licked her nips n flicking her nips with my tongue.
She was moaning like no tomorrow,got her to stipped her remaining clothes on while i took off my jeans,game on liao.Adeline was moaning like crazy but there i was having some problems...i forgot to buy condoms!!never stocked any in my house..die liao i took a step at a time..looking at her pussy which was really very nicely trimmed into a v shape,n her pussy was oozing wif her cums n really loads of i inserted my middle finger into her..n it was damn tight..after trying to insert the second finger which she pushed off.i couldnt take it i did it raw,so i direct my poor buddy who waited for so long for tis moment to her pussy lips.I didnt told adeline i was going in...n OWWW!!!I cover her mouth n asked her to KAO PEH LAH!!Shout so loud for wad??N guessed wad i was able to get in fully man..i was did i realise she was still a virgin man..I asked her,Adeline u never kena fucked b4 yet ah??N she jus shook her head,woah LOL.I got to pop a ah lian virgn...LOL.So i started thrusting her gently,which she was still in pain..after 5 mins of gentle thrusting,i felt her small POP in her pussy n i got through.i did her missionary n got it done with after 30 mins of thrusting.Well she didnt enjoyed her first fucked,but man did i enjoyed tat..
Bros will continue later..still got somemore of her haven complete feeling quite hungry in the morning go n find things to eat later got time den cont ya??
Old 04-12-2005, 11:52 AM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

hey bro i just posted the continuation but duno run wher liao
Old 04-12-2005, 12:00 PM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

come on give me more of lians....
Old 04-12-2005, 12:04 PM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

erm to all bros...i just cant figure out how to cont sia??i posted the continuation in the morning jus now but i log in see still dun haf i send tis post also duno can see anot lei!!kaoz...shag.....
Old 04-12-2005, 01:27 PM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

why so short???
Old 04-12-2005, 03:54 PM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

bro.. this e gu hua zhai story??

pls continue!!
Old 04-12-2005, 05:32 PM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

Wah...ah lian and ah beng story...continue pls
Old 04-12-2005, 05:43 PM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

No bad man...
Pls continue threadstarter - (Good story - will up u for sure when my ammo return)
Old 05-12-2005, 12:19 AM
AngGu21 AngGu21 is offline
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

to all bros in sbf..sry for the delay..still figuring out how to post the second part...early morning write liao but den until now haven see my post so if i can see tis post in my thread den i will post the second ya??thanks for the kind understanding ya??
Old 05-12-2005, 01:31 AM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

sounds boring to me. but good effort dude.
Old 05-12-2005, 10:00 AM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

to all bros..Lol just figured out i was under moderation ytd so even post liao all cant i can see liao,so i gonna post in a few hours time.
Old 05-12-2005, 11:18 AM
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Re: My past exp wif gf n ons

I was having a smoke break at the study table after the first round of fucking when suddenly,a much sober adeline came from behind n massaged my back n told me.Gu,your bed sheet got blood loh wei...dirty my bed sheet...later how to slp sia...but i was too shagged to think of any solution,so i kept quiet n continue smoking loh and that bitch joined me for my smoke break.Basket,in my heart i was swearing at her like mad,your blood stain on my bed sheet liao i nv kao peh with u liao,now u want to come n dirty my floor is it??Damn was she a bitch,smoke also duno how to smoke properly man,ashes were on the floor n dont have to the initative to go n clean up..kaoz.She threw herself on to my bed n continued resting whereas i gotta clean up the floor after smoking,was totally pissed off.After cleaning up i went back to her arms with a very black charcoal face n she asked me wad happen??But i didnt want to pursue the matter with her lah cause i thought tis was the last time she would be brought back into my hse,so i told her nothing face is always so black wan mah u jus now at fisherman cannot see onli cause there very dark.
We were on the bed talking craps when her hands was roaming around my body,till she roam to my small buddy which stood up,telling me he needed another round.So wtf lah..fuck her loh..This time couldnt be bothered to lick her or anything,i just diirect my buddy in n started wacking liao.Woah!I quickly forgot about the ash incident liao too horny to go n think liao,n that bitch was moaning like those jap av,wahahah how to ta han sia??imagine doing a virgin lian??So sluty n chio??N some more doing it raw,got so much feel sia,i could feel my buddy really penetrating into her,n each time i thrust in she would give those small girl 'argh' sound.I did her with the same position for about 10 mins n i could feel that my buttock muscles were gonna cramped up,so i told her cannot ta han liao la,change position with me.So i carried her on top of me n i laid down n closed my eyes to relax,but suddenly she called me,Gu,wad u wan me to do??i duno wad to do??And i told her,wah loh...u never watch porn before ah?u on top of me of course u rock liao la let me rest mah.LOL!!So adeline didnt asked any longer n started rocking,i didnt know shhe was so great in rocking her butt n with such rythm,that i couldnt take it any longer,i was about to cum!!!Damn i didnt want to shoot so fast,so i told her to stop for awhile,n asked her how come her butt movement so good ah??N she told me she always go arcade n train...LOL for bros who duno last time arcade got the stupid machine call 'para para' the dance machine la.I laid her back to the bed n continued pumping her till i buay ta han liao,was about to cum when i suddenly pulled out my buddy n aimed at her face.I shot all my babies on to her face,n she was startled.LOL!!
Thats all for the moment bros..the third incident wif her will come after my afternoon jog..
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