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Old 27-04-2015, 10:40 PM
Splitter100 Splitter100 is offline
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How to get wife pregnant?

Hello BROs

This is a very sad and vex thread

Any good idea to get wife pregnant?

Has been trying for years but nothing to show for
Wife has been bugging and nagging for years

I cannot take it anymore

Old 27-04-2015, 10:42 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

Seek a doctor first. Maybe there's something wrong in either one of you.
Old 27-04-2015, 10:54 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

Originally Posted by Splitter100 View Post
Hello BROs

This is a very sad and vex thread

Any good idea to get wife pregnant?

Has been trying for years but nothing to show for
Wife has been bugging and nagging for years

I cannot take it anymore

Do u mean U r sick of her as she has been too nagging??? Change your wife.

Or u can't get her to conceive? Well, hv u 2 visited the gyn to examine and better understanding of conceiving?
Bonk safety and happily.
Old 27-04-2015, 11:01 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

First, you start eating healthy.
Stop smoking & drinking, start to exercise ( slow jog for starter )
then start heading to gym, at the same time do a medical test and see what is wrong with both of your body.


P.S. Don't poke the wrong hole.. maybe wrong hole for many years.

Your dick

go into the vagina, look at the illustration.

Sex education

Last edited by sicknasty; 27-04-2015 at 11:12 PM.
Old 27-04-2015, 11:06 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

nagg what ?
Old 27-04-2015, 11:24 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

honestly bro didn't know will see such a topic, either you go see gynae or bonk and bonk and leave it to fate whether will have kid or not..nothing else can do right
Old 27-04-2015, 11:31 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

Some people want to bonk but dun wan kids, you bonk to just want kids.

I just bonk and make kids, some legal some illegal, but all are my legacy.

Seek professional mediacl help, here only can advice you to bonk correctly, eat correctly, sexercise correctly.

I have friends who cannot make babies with wife, but I try my luck and 'viola' , baby on the way, so proof that the woman can conceive, so problem lies with the man.

Good luck and happy bonking.
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Old 27-04-2015, 11:33 PM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

Finally more diverse posts...
Keep it up!

Depends what u have tried... Or willing to try... Or your budget...
There's no easy answer...
Keep on trying!
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Old 28-04-2015, 12:01 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

See a fertility doctor?
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Old 28-04-2015, 12:03 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

TS, go for sperm count check. If u r ok, then maybe she is the one not ok. Remember, not all chicken can lay eggs.
Old 28-04-2015, 12:12 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

TS, do a read up here; it should help u on the next action plan.
Old 28-04-2015, 12:21 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

It is easy if you know how
Old 28-04-2015, 12:22 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

If u have tried for many years to no avail, you should seek professional help to at least get you moving in the right direction.
Old 28-04-2015, 12:24 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

haha ... bro, first relax! take a deep breathe and be calm ... it is not that difficult a task actually. impregnation is simply let the sperm crack the egg.

ok, let's assume that
1. both of you are healthy without any problem in your sperm/egg, reproduction organs and etc.
2. as one of the bro put it, you have been doing the right hole.
3. you have been not misunderstand what menstruation means and time wrongly.

then, if all boils down to
1. number - how many sperm you can get to the egg?
2. distance - how close can you get the sperm to the egg?

why? you need to get as many sperm as you can to the egg to increase the chance for one lucky one to crack the egg. at the same time, you need get them there as effortless for them as possible so they have the energy to crack the egg. again, it is about increasing the chance! the science is as simple as such.

but what is the practical things to do?
1. you need to get aroused as much as you can,
2. you need to get as passionate as much you can to send all of you into her,
3. she need to get as high as well so much so that her vagina is sucking you in.

1 & 2 will help you send as much sperm as close to the egg deep insider. 3. will ensure she has the right body temperature and moist to well and bring in the sperm to the egg plus helping them to crack the egg.

how to get 1,2, & 3?

you and her have to be as relax as possible, and both of you should not have any thought over making baby... but making wild sex and love to each other ... so before sex, you both have to find a way to romance as the first time you light up the spark in each other. you need to find the mojo, drive and attraction when you so much so want to get in her the first time...

hahha ... you will be laughing that isn't all the simple romantic? yes, it is very old school but effective and scientific. it is a matter if you could really execute it! ask yourself if you have ever amazed how high you shot when you get really aroused and masturbated? you will get know what to do! these work for my wife and me. both my children were just one shot! we know exactly when they were conceived.

good luck!
Old 28-04-2015, 12:38 AM
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Re: How to get wife pregnant?

i 'helped' my friend to get pregnant with a little help of alcohol. she was grateful nonetheless.
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