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Thumbs up celebrate Bakayaro Japs is THE NEXT GREECE! HUAT AH!

An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Japan Is the Next Greece
Feb. 25, 2010 3:18 AM
We've seen headlines all over asking who is the next Greece? Will Greece take the rest of the PIGS (Spain, Portugal, and Ireland) with it? This may very well happen, but if we are talking about sovereign risk, one should definitely keep an eye out for Japan.
ContrarianEdge has an interesting research piece on Japan. The Japanese budget deficit is growing (click to enlarge images):

Source: ContrarianEdge
As we know, governments issue debt to fill the budget gaps. Japan's government debt has tripled since the mid-90s and nearly doubled in the last decade:

Source: ContrarianEdge
Since the bubble burst in Japan's stock and real estate markets, Japan's GDP has been stagnant for almost two decades. To spur growth, the Japanese central bank has kept rates low, cut taxes, increased spending and issued debt. This strategy has not been effective to date, as GDP has not reached its previous high. The graph below is clearly "pre-crisis" as Japanese GDP fell over -4% in 2008 and around -1% in 2009.

Source: ContrarianEdge
Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio is the highest among major economies at ~190%. It is fair to note that unlike countries such as Greece and even the United States, only around 10% of Japanese government bonds are held by foreign investors. This should provide some cushion from the events that we have seen in Greece and the eurozone in recent weeks, right? However, the savings rates in Japan have been trending downward. Demographically, Japan is aging and projections have the population shrinking. This is not good for savings or for financing government deficits.

Source: Goldman Sachs
In the past, Japan has been able to contain its debt picture because the interest payments and supply/demand of debt was sustainable. Now Japan faces a future in which this is definitely in question. Government debt sustainability is on course for decline due to demographic factors, which includes secular deterioration in the domestic savings/investment balance. Debt levels continue to rise substantially at the same time that demand for debt in Japan will fall. That is not a good or sustainable formula.

Source: ContrarianEdge
Japan seems to be at the beginning of a debt trap. As its government debt sustainability declines, Japan will be forced to sell its debt load to outside investors, thus requiring it to compete with rates in international markets which are higher. This will drive up rates which will drive up interest expense, which of course further deteriorates sustainability. As expense climbs, the printing press revs up, depreciating the currency. Another option is for the Bank of Japan to intensify a QE program, balloon its balance sheet by purchasing debt.
Either option signals long term weakness in the yen. Frankly put, the yen is toast.
ETF strategy you ask?
Short: FXY Rydex Japanese Yen Trust or
Long: YCS ProShares UltraShort Yen
Disclosure: No positions


希臘對歐盟的紓困案進行公投,引起世界矚目,許多國家嘲笑希臘半天,才發現自己根本慘狀不輸給 希臘,像台灣 就是如此,而另一個也沒資格嘲笑希臘的就是日本,希臘所以搞到如此窘困,其實最直接的契機是2 004年的雅 典奧運,原本財政赤字世界第一多的日本,現在也大舉透支巨額赤字來辦2020東京奧運,日本沒 問題嗎?東京 奧運後,日本是否成為希臘?

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2002年希臘要加入歐元區時,花大把銀子找華爾街惡棍高盛投資銀行,作假帳混給歐洲央行審核過關,希 臘因 此調度資金變得很輕鬆,大舉發行國債來花,樂不可支,希臘拿奧運當藉口,去大建新國際機場、地 下鐵、高速公 路等,奧運相關支出從原來的計畫倍增為89.5億歐元(約1兆日圓),算是歷代第5名花錢的奧 運,其後也不 斷給人口20%的公務員加高薪和人口25%退休者優渥的福利,到了今年3月債務已經達到313 0億歐元(約 42兆日圓),對GDP比達177%。


但是日本人都知道希臘的債務跟日本比起來,簡直是小巫見大巫,因為日本政府的債務已經超過10 00兆日圓了 ,政府債務對GDP比更是嚴重,以日本自己而言,對GDP比是近120年間最糟糕水準,甚至比 二次世界大戰 時還嚴重。


當然日本也爭辯表示自己跟希臘不同,因為希臘債務一半是從外國借來的,但是日本政府債務都是在 國內週轉的, 國債只有6%是外國持有的,其他都是日本人自己持有的,因此好像從右邊口袋拿錢到左邊口袋,沒 有問題,但是 真的如此嗎?


事實上日本政府債務還不斷在膨脹中,尤其現在拿要辦東京奧運當藉口,大興土木,費用至今已經多 達7141億 日圓(將近1800億台幣),而且還在增加中,像2020東京奧運主場館「新國立競技場」,只 有1300億 預算,而一旦開始說要做,就卻完全不顧預算限度,打算花3000億日圓,幾乎等於相當於北京奧 運主場館「鳥 巢」的6倍,現在遭各界反對,壓縮規模而且變更成不會開關的屋頂,從非常神氣的流線型飛象變成 烏龜,但依然 要花2520億日圓,甚至最後還是會超過3000億,雖然連保守派的讀賣新聞調查都有81%國 民反對,但安 倍政府依然一意孤行,造福營造業者而債留子孫,而且眼看今後這設施將成為沒大用途的巨大垃圾。


因此2020年東京奧運將可能成為史上最花錢的奧運,跟時代氣氛倒行逆施,安倍或是對奧運大舉 出面主導的前 首相森喜朗本身好大喜功有問題外,主要是日本整個國家決策都掌握在官僚手裡,現在找到誰都無法 說NO的奧運 的大義名分,更是大把大把地灑銀子,好像要借奧運改造東京般。


日本政府說是要借奧運來促進經濟成長,但全部都靠借的,像現在日本每年稅收只有50兆日圓、歳 出100兆日 圓,全靠借錢,日本這種放任散漫的財政,讓日本政府債務不斷膨脹,失衡程度遠超過希臘,像現在 早就預測20 21年日本將會面臨空前的不景氣。


日本政府在2020年前將不斷借錢,不斷灑銀子,政府債務不斷膨脹,完全是朝財政破綻之路邁進 ,而且因為不 斷大搞建設,導致資材跟人力不足,費用不斷爆漲,債務宛如在滾雪球般擴大。


希臘人以61%公投結果決定不要紓困案,一大要因是年輕人都投了反對縮減支出的票,希臘年輕人 沒財產所以沒 必要縮減,希臘的失業率超過20%,年輕人失業率達40%以上,年輕人貧困化,這在日本也一樣 ,日本6成的 個人資產都在60歲以上人手裡,而且這些退休族享受非常優渥的年金與社會保障,日本7成的社會 保障資源都花 費在退休族身上,要刪減點年金,退休族哇哇叫,還會上街,比對政治冷漠的年輕人更有影響力,結 果社會根本沒 有資源給年輕人去養育子女,少子化不斷加劇,今年生育人數再創史上新低;年輕人受不了,也會想 讓國債倒閉、 年金破產的。


此外日本老是宣傳希臘人很懶惰,日本人很勤勉,因此不會變成希臘第二,但其實這也是天大謊言, 希臘人雖然有 午休習慣等,但希臘工資低,1個人都兼好幾份差才能生活,根據2013年OECD調查顯示,希 臘人年間勞動 時間長達2037小時,是世界第二長,第一位是2237小時的墨西哥,日本是1785小時,排 名16位,日 本人沒有自己想像的勤勉;希臘公務員享福,普通人其實都很拼命的,別以為勤勉就不會有問題。


日本人跟希臘不同一點,是日本人不像希臘人那麼樂天,但是關於政府債務,所有人都知道問題大了 ,卻一樣不去 面對,認為反正沒辦法,無可奈何那些操縱一切的政客及官僚,台灣未嘗不是如此?


希臘問題爆發後,許多台灣網友認為「台灣你的未來不是希臘,只會比希臘更慘」,這句話,日本也 適用的,日本 政府債務原本是希臘的數十倍,也辦奧運,只會比希臘更慘。

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