An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Lee Hsien Loong: Cancer patients wait a year in other countries
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1 day ago September 3, 2015
PAP candidate for Ang Mo Kio GRC Lee Hsien Loong claimed in his rally speech yesterday (September 2) that free healthcare in other countries make cancer patients wait up to a year.
“Healthcare in other countries is free, but it is free up to a point and they say sorry no more tickets this week, this month or this year, come back next year, even when you are very sick even when you have cancer. Next year? 走了咯!(Gone liao lor).”
Lee Hsien Loong was promoting his current healthcare policies where Singaporeans have to pay a substantial amount in cash for healthcare. He denounced the idea of having free healthcare and made the baseless claims. The former Prime Minister did not name the countries but healthcare system in Australia, United States and United Kingdom do not deny nor delay patients who are very sick the needed medical treatment.
Photo of Lee Hsien Loong from PAP
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