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Old 23-09-2006, 12:09 AM
joemac21 joemac21 is offline
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GL street standers getting worse and worse

Being roaming GL for PRC several times for the past few weeks. But found that the standard of those street standers is getting worse and worse compared to those a year back. Some of them really can make it.

There are rumours that those pretty ones are either “pao” by the rich or go on to work in KTV including those high class ones.

Is all these rumours true? Because if it is looks like we will need to save money to visit those places.
Old 23-09-2006, 12:35 AM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

It's certainly possible. One of the OKTs at Lor 6 once told me he had customers who pay up to $1000 a day just to have the girl for the night (i dunno the exact duration though). That girl must be damn hot!

But I believe there are more pretty PRCs than there are rich Tow Kays, or at least rich Tow Kays who are willing to spend that kind of money.

Now that the GRAND MEETING is over, it's time to hit the lorongs again, in fact, I'm going down later.

I think the pretty ones are usually located at Lor 6 & 8 but service level will not necessarily be up to expectation..

my two cents
Old 23-09-2006, 01:22 AM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Definitely... in fact the standard is a drastic drop if u compared to say 3-4 years ago

I still remembered then some of the them could easily pass off as models or part time actress... rely rely pretty ones. wonder if anyone share the same sentiments?
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Old 23-09-2006, 01:32 AM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Originally Posted by joemac21
There are rumours that those pretty ones are either “pao” by the rich or go on to work in KTV including those high class ones.

Is all these rumours true? Because if it is looks like we will need to save money to visit those places.

Yes its true, good pretty ones won't be around for long before someone rich comes along to pao, upgrade or keep them as mistresses. Don't forget they are here with the motive to get rich the quickest way possible.
Old 23-09-2006, 06:44 AM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

$1000/day!! F@#K, these are the people who spoil the market for the rest of us. TAM girls may not even make that much in one night. No wonder, I read in other threads that when these girls return to china, they lead a lavish life, sports car and even toyboyS.

BTW, why does the GRAND MEETING has effects on GL, are you saying the AV riad more often?

Originally Posted by lordwild
It's certainly possible. One of the OKTs at Lor 6 once told me he had customers who pay up to $1000 a day just to have the girl for the night (i dunno the exact duration though). That girl must be damn hot!

But I believe there are more pretty PRCs than there are rich Tow Kays, or at least rich Tow Kays who are willing to spend that kind of money.

Now that the GRAND MEETING is over, it's time to hit the lorongs again, in fact, I'm going down later.

I think the pretty ones are usually located at Lor 6 & 8 but service level will not necessarily be up to expectation..

my two cents
Old 23-09-2006, 09:27 AM
RRR9 RRR9 is offline
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Yeah, thank goodness that the Grand Meeting is over. Went there two nights ago and saw many of them. Tried one called Shirley (yeap English name). She was really pretty and slim and sexy. But service wise it was just passable.

The worst ones are those who hurry you, and strip and shower at top speed. Then asked you to tip them...
Old 23-09-2006, 10:21 AM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Originally Posted by RRR9
Yeah, thank goodness that the Grand Meeting is over. Went there two nights ago and saw many of them. Tried one called Shirley (yeap English name). She was really pretty and slim and sexy. But service wise it was just passable.

The worst ones are those who hurry you, and strip and shower at top speed. Then asked you to tip them...

And don't forget about those that ask for extra when you ask for BJ
Old 23-09-2006, 12:38 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

go darlene ba.. those meeting guys wouldn't try, would they?
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Old 23-09-2006, 12:53 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

haizz....i guess poor pple like me , will never have the prettiest gals!!!
somehow, i still prefer Thai........ service tip top!

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Old 23-09-2006, 01:34 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

haiz......... maybe we should hav some standard for them and some GL officer to maintance the standard, if not sooner or later GL street will be packed with a lot of "PRETTY" gals
Old 23-09-2006, 01:46 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Originally Posted by APFSDS
And don't forget about those that ask for extra when you ask for BJ
ya, damn it, last nite with my buddy, at lor2x, he check one gal, I check another, ended up I never up after some questions:-

1. how much?
A: 80 (F**K, since when this kind of standard can ask for 80??)

2. what service?
A: everything (there is a catch here, everything doesn't include BJ one)

3. got BJ?
A: ... ... (forgot what the f she said, but never give me a clear answer)

I told her here only $60, I give her a miss, the gal my buddy up come over to make sure I up cos she worry If I dun up, my buddy dun up (lol, you jump, I jump). Then I just ask my buddy to go ahead, I will kept the bloody $71 in my pocket, tmr go get a thai gal from okt sure much better service.

Then I just rest in the car n wait for my buddy to complete the job. she stand the no buzz come back to me again ask me want to up her for 60 or not, I just told her no mood.
Old 23-09-2006, 03:44 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Bro RRR9,
The shirley u +++ing abt izzzt from shanghai? She always stand at the road entrance to hotel 81 (lor 8) carpark. Near the drain one. Haha, she is really quite pretty. But she lao jiao liao, i think its her 3rd or 4th time come sg le.

Think girls from shanghai or beijing easier to get visa come sg. Thats why she can come so many times.

How do u think of her service? ok to me la. But she very 'dao one ah' Not every customer she serve one. Even some chinese guys she dun serve, let alone guys of other race... Wat to do, ppl pretty can even choose whose $ to earn

Btw she is still in sg now, bro interested can go see see
Old 23-09-2006, 04:15 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

I was at Lor 8 around 3am and the place was filled with girls, some old, some new. For bros who are looking for pretty PRCs, I guess Lor 6-8 is more or less the place to go if you don't mind paying $100 + hotel. Of course, not much in terms of service but some do offer great bonking experience.

When it comes GL PRCs, L6-8 is where I always go. Had one very bad experience with one FL at L14 or 16 and that was enough to make me stay away for life!
Old 23-09-2006, 04:25 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Best i feel is still to go china itself, really pretty ones at much less price. there got so much choice. The normal average singaporean is king there
Old 23-09-2006, 04:45 PM
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Re: GL street standers getting worse and worse

Originally Posted by xiangso
Best i feel is still to go china itself, really pretty ones at much less price. there got so much choice. The normal average singaporean is king there

Ha ha, great idea! Maybe we can organize a tour someday to China and have some fun. I have some contacts over there and can ask her to arrange... hehe
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