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An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
http://kingworldnews.com/alert-the-c...omic-collapse/ ALERT: China’s Government Is Now Worried About Global Economic Collapse April 29, 2017 ALERT: China’s Government Is Now Worried About Global Economic Collapse In case anyone was wondering what the Chinese government is thinking, they are clearly worried about global economic collapse… China Worried About Global Economic Collapse Stephen Leeb: “I’m looking at something the Chinese government recently said because it’s very important: “Since China has entered the critical period of economic transformation, it is time to raise financial security and demonstrate a better understanding of the interplay between finance and the real economy. If the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis are anything to go by, then the next cataclysm will come as a result of inadequate risk prevention, swiftly followed by universal economic collapse and resultant woes.” “That Almost Brought Down The World” So China is now focused on their financial system in order to prevent what could be an absolute catastrophe. And if you read between the lines, they are blaming the U.S. for these catastrophes. When they talk about 1997, they are talking about the failure of Long Term Capital Management (LTCM). That almost brought down the world. That’s the…To continuing listening to the powerful KWN audio interview with Dr. Stephen Leeb CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW. ***ALSO JUST RELEASED: Associate of Paul Craig Roberts Just Warned The U.S. Economic Implosion Is Now Accelerating CLICK HERE. kwn-leeb-mp3-4282017 © 2017 by King World News®. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. However, linking directly to the articles is permitted and encouraged. http://www.silverdoctors.com/silver/...arshall-swing/ The Global Economic Collapse IS Coming – Marshall Swing Posted on February 17, 2017 by The Doc 43 Comments 12,036 views Share this post: Tweet Home » Silver » Silver News » The Global Economic Collapse IS Coming – Marshall Swing Holding physical silver and gold was/is a long term strategy which I firmly believe has an end in the very near future. The appointed time of the Global Economic Collapse IS coming. It is near. By Marshall Swing: I watch the silver and gold numbers almost as avidly as I did during the years I was writing a weekly COT report and analyzing the numbers for readers. I have urged people to not be very concerned at what price they buy silver but that they have it at all costs. From around $18 thru the time my silver prediction came true at $15.00 and below, then as we approached the start of Daniel’s 70th Week on 9/23/2015, I urged people to buy silver with all available cash they could muster. Now, when I watch the daily and weekly numbers, I have to hold myself back from writing articles because my buy advice has been in place for over 2 years and has never wavered and I don’t sell metals or newsletters for profit, though it seems like a good business. I have to be my calling to not personally profit. The last time I commented on silver and gold was a quarter ago in November last year and while I might start commenting more regularly it will not be to aid anyone attempting to make short term investment decisions as I did in the past but rather urging them to buy with all cash they have and can get their hands on safely and legally. Holding physical silver and gold was/is a long term strategy which I firmly believe has an end in the very near future. I now think that end time is about July of 2018 and a little later, but understand the Global Economic Collapse could come at any time. Notice almost 3 years later we are STILL in between the Silver Bottoms troughs I coined in 2014: The Global Economic Collapse is dependent upon a couple of things happening and I am sure the number one item is the Global Elite being totally fed up with their usurpation of power as nationalistic efforts continue to eat away at their governmental successes and various nations, the BRICS in particular, know that it is only a matter of time before their growing economic power would permit them independence from the Global Elite. The Global Elite know for a certainty when that time is. The other dependency is YHVH God granting them the go ahead to make the move to enslave all the people of the planet, economically, and thus socially and morally. It is not as if the Global Elite petition YHVH God for permission. YHVH controls the minds of those Global Elite just like He controlled Nebuchadnezzar, Sennacherib, Cyrus, and so many others He used to bring judgment upon Israel or bless them. The timing of all these things is not by chance it is in the palm of YHVH’s Right Hand. These things are appointed times in history and are in fact His Story to reveal to everyone even though it is all revealed in the Scriptures. When I wrote in November, Silver Commercials held 68.8% of all silver shorts and the Producer Merchant held 32.7% of all silver shorts. Shortly thereafter many of those shorts were covered and price devastated. As of last Friday’s COT report, Silver Commercials hold 73.6% of all silver shorts and the Producer Merchant holds 37.3% of all silver shorts. The Swap Dealer holds 32.9% of all silver shorts. THOSE PERCENTAGES ARE MATHEMATICALLY INVINCIBLE. What happened between November and now? Elementary dear Watson, silver price was attacked, dropped, and then the Speculators somehow got the vain idea a bottom was in and they began hording longs again hoping to break the STRANGLEHOLD of those Commercials in hopes of the day price takes off like a rocket and never looks back at Sodom and Gomorrah (The Commercials) as those Commercials bite the dust and the Righteous holders of paper fiat longs are justified for their good deeds. AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN, DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. FUGGET-ABOUT-IT! The interesting thing about Speculators is they get a whiff of a claim somewhere out in California and their noses defy reality, they tend to not do their homework, and most of them lose most of what they invested and this time is not going to be any different. Well that was the 1840’s and even though most speculators lost their shirts and were shorted by the big boys with massive financial backing who could weather the tedious storms and buy up the speculator’s claims, those speculators got their whiff of gold in them thar hills and left home and family without doing much research. Times really have not changed much… To this day, no one else can accurately predict silver and gold price changes in the short term or accurately in the long term. Most everyone, the less than 1%, who hold physical silver and gold know a lot about mining, industrial silver use, debt, paper fiat, FED corruption, the Global Elite, the big bank’s manipulation of the metals, and the ever increasing likelihood of systemic, global, financial failure. The rest of the lovely people merely like the way silver and gold look and feel in their hands and around their bodies, and makes their electricity and computer devices work. Even though I gave away virtually all the keys to accurately predicting silver and gold price in the short term and long term, to this day no one appears to have put it altogether, and heeded those instructions, and done the due diligence to do the math to figure out just how you watch the numbers, recognize and apply the rules, and then know where price is going short term and long term. Maybe someone out there is trying but I don’t see them stepping up and making claims to better price analysis and prediction. Maybe I just missed their articles… The Commercial’s have greatly strengthened their hand in the short percentages while they have allowed price to rise steadily again since the beginning of 2017 to about $18 in the last couple of days. The past reveals when their short hand gets stronger, those Commercial’s utilize a computer driven HFT price drop and short covering price deflation at regularly scheduled times in their future and quite to the dismay and depression of Speculators. When the percentages are this strong in their favor, those Commercials can allow price to go even higher and not have to worry even a single thought as to Speculator’s gaining enough long position to unseat their stranglehold on power and price. They buy offsetting shorts on the way up so they can quickly kill price and reap huge profits on the way down over the price cliff. I like the “alligator’s jaws” in that Silver chart! But do you follow this one with some even wider “jaws”? The appointed time of the Global Economic Collapse IS coming. It is near. Aren’t you glad my Fall 2015 guesses as to the placement of the appointed time were incorrect or that the plan was altered somehow? Sometimes, what appears to be a blessing can be a disaster in disguise! It can be a blessing IF you have used this time to prepare even more and buy silver and gold at ridiculously low prices. It will be a disaster if you have ignored all the warnings, have not done your due diligence in all areas of your life, and are still playing the paper fiat investment game while waiting to see if any of these things comes true. Playing the man-made fool’s game of Russian Roulette and not preparing for the day is exactly what those 5 foolish virgins were doing in Matthew 25. YHVH God and His Son told those 5 foolish virgins to keep ALL YHVH’s Commandments and stay on the narrow salvation path but those 5 foolish virgins thought the bridegroom would delay his coming so they played around, ignored many of those Commandments and were found lacking “oil” at the time of the bridegroom’s coming. They did not take the instructions as seriously as they were instructed yet believed they would somehow be accepted without maintaining their “oil” or Commandments that kept white garments spotless. Those 5 foolish virgins were/are SHUT OUTSIDE along with their blemished garments for the purpose of seeing how they would do under intense pressures for 1260+ days. I see July 2018 as a drop dead point for the Global Economic Collapse and the Global Elite may have already released their intentions towards that time frame. Time will tell. We will all watch events leading up to that time even though most of us think the Global Economic Collapse could happen any day now and many writers have said last year and this year were/are, in fact, THE YEAR. Well, last year was not THE YEAR was it? The issue is being thorough and being prepared, not merely knowing when it happens… Still keeping warm in The Wilderness of Southern Illinois, stay thirsty for physical silver and gold and keep ALL of YHVH God’s Commandments, https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%85%A8%...--finance.html 全球經濟崩盤? 陸不再是救世主 [中時電子報] 記者陳秀蘭╱綜合報導 中時電子報2017年6月18日 上午5:50 旺報【記者陳秀蘭╱綜合報導】 隨著美國聯準會(Fed)上周四升息,再度引來10年前雷曼時刻是否重演疑慮。投資大師羅傑斯 日前提出警告 ,指今年下半年可能爆發金融危機,且這次的金融危機可能是他有生以來見過的最大危機,而引爆危 機的「火花」 是美國退休基金崩潰,接著引發全球骨牌效應。他認為,大陸儘管不能再扮演「救世主」角色,但仍 寄予厚望。 新浪網17日引述《中國經營報》專文,指全球信貸脈衝(credit impulse)近期急劇下降,讓人們產生了上述擔憂。據了解,這是2008年美國次貸危機以來信貸數據首 次巨變,而這一指標通常被看作經濟衰退的前兆。也因此,有分析稱,全球經濟下半年或現崩盤。 全球經濟較2008年脆弱 而造成下半年可能引爆金融危機疑慮,就是美國聯準會的加息。歷史經驗,過去30年中,美國聯準 會共有5輪較 明確的加息週期,歷次加息都有大危機發生。美國聯準會在今年3月啟動加息,上周四還加息了一次 。 巧合的是,素有「商品大王」、「投資大師」美譽的羅傑斯近期也多次提出警告,指龐大的債務累積 及「不理性」 高資產估值,已造成全球經濟較2008年時更為脆弱,因此下次市場崩跌將成為「我有生以來所見 最嚴重」。 同時,羅傑斯指出,引爆下次金融危機的「火花」,可能會是美國退休基金的崩潰,或也可能是無法 預料的事件。 最遲明年底陷入衰退 根據美國銀行的資料顯示,全球央行目前資產負債規模來到 15.1兆美元,羅傑斯提到,光是美國聯準會資產負債表,從金融危機以來即膨脹5倍。再加上大陸自危機 以來 ,債務也明顯「爆炸性」增長,也極有可能輕易成為助長下波金融危機的搖籃。 其實,不止羅傑斯,債券天王格羅斯今年來多次警告過資產價格太高,認為當前的市場風險已創20 08年金融危 機之前最高。Saxo銀行的首席投資官Steen Jakobsen表示,全球經濟正處在非常糟糕的狀態。他敢肯定,世界經濟,最遲在2018年底陷入衰退。 而大陸,近幾年經濟維持中高速增長,但債務風險引發的泡沫危機,也一直是大陸的經濟隱患。也因 此,《中國經 營報》指出,最近大陸積極進行金融去槓桿,貨幣政策難言放鬆。所以,這一次不能再指望正在去槓 桿的大陸再次 拯救全球市場。 不過,羅傑斯對大陸寄予了很大的希望。他在福克斯商業新聞網表示,真正精明的投資者應該避開美 國和歐洲股市 ,因為這兩大市場充滿了變數,真正值得他們考慮的其實是中國、俄羅斯、和日本。 Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com. |
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