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Old 06-05-2007, 05:59 PM
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some story to share

One & Two Make Three Ch. 1
by KimberToo©

Chapter 1: A Sister's First

Right after my older sister got pregnant I decided to give up my cherry. She was going to get married as soon as they could make the arrangements. I didn't want to get pregnant just yet but I was tired of being alone while helping her sneak her boyfriends into our bedroom at night and then watching her fuck them in the dim light of the street lamp outside the window. I knew she had been fucking several guys, seldom using protection and the boy she was going to marry probably wasn't the father. I also knew with her moving out I would have privacy if I wanted it.

I wanted an experienced guy not like the "also" virgin that popped my sister Lisa's cherry. Lisa told me the story a hundred times. The first time she cried it to me that night but afterwards it got funnier with every retelling.

When the 'I'm ready to lose my cherry' time came Lisa had decided the next guy that got her alone on Flat Top look out, (the towns famous 'make it in the car on Friday night spot') would be the lucky guy.

Unfortunately she picked a kinda dumb hunk that had never really fucked before. She figured with all the girls who dated him because he was a jock a few of them would have let him make a home run. Truth was when a girl gave him a hand job or blow job he would shoot after a couple of pumps or sucks and was finished for the night.

My sister got him to leave the show early and go to Flat Top. She found a nice secluded spot and got him in the back seat. She pulled off her sweater so he could see her nice big tits. She hadn't worn a bra or panties because she wanted him to have one thing on his mind. She pulled up her short skirt, lay back in the seat and spread her legs. Even then she had to tell him what to do.

"Come on Buddy, take off your pants and get your cock out so you can fuck me. You do want to fuck me don't you? I mean it's not every day the head cheerleader lets a guy pop her cherry. You can brag that you fucked me but you better not tell any one it was my first time."

"Duh yeah, um you sure look sexy laying there like that. You gonna play with it a little bit first, You know give me a little mouth action to kinda warm me up?" Always suave Buddy said starting to unzip his zipper.

"No Buddy this is not warm up time! This is fuck time and I want to be fucked. Now hurry up and get that damn zipper undone and get over here so I can put a condom on you. We SURE don't want any little Buddies ruining my cheerleader figure." Lisa said as she watched Buddy fumbling with his zipper.

With his big hands and the small zipper it seemed to take forever and then the zipper jammed. The big lummox had caught his underwear in t.

"Damm," thought Lisa as she realized what had happened. If her pussy hadn't been so on fire she would have called the whole thing off and got another guy to do the honors. Lisa frustratingly reached out and helped him get the zipper open although she had to break it in the process. Lisa reached into his underwear and pulled his small but "big enough to do the job cock" out.

As she tried to put the condom on he kept losing his erection, but some how she got it on and got him between her legs. Holding him on target, she pushed toward him as he eased toward her. His shaft went in her but only pressed against her now unwanted cherry. Lisa pumped and twisted until her cherry finally yielded and gave up it's treasure.

"Ouch," she moaned as the sharp pain registered. Instead of stopping to let her recover Buddy kept pumping in and out while she grimaced hoping the pain would go away quickly.

Just when it seemed like it would Buddy moaned cummingly and shot his nightly load. He shrank so fast as Lisa wrapped her legs around him and tried to get more action out of him that the condom came off inside her.

Lisa fumed as she had Buddy take her to the drive in burger joint for a burger and fries.

"But my zipper is broken, what if some one sees it?" Buddy asked wanting to head home to sleep as soon as possible. He had practice early in the morning and the coach would be really mad if he was late.

"Your going to be in the car all the time, it's a drive in for Christ's sake!" Lisa informed him.

When they got to the drive in Lisa waved at all her friends there letting them know she had a date with Buddy although she was having second thoughts about the whole thing. Since she only had one cherry and that was gone now she figured she would make the best of it.

When the Linda Jones their waitress brought the food she of course noticed right away Buddy's zipper was open and giggled looking at Lisa. Lisa knew Linda would be telling every one what she saw in school the next day. That was fine with Lisa she knew she would have lots of new guys calling her real quick. Surely one of them would know how to really please a girl.

Well that is the story that Linda told me and from the moans and action I got to hear in our bedroom she found a lot of guys that knew how to please her. Now I was going to find a guy or guy to please me.

To Be Continued...
Old 06-05-2007, 06:05 PM
tan707070 tan707070 is offline
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Re: some story to share

Well from the bad experience of my sister when she lost her cherry I decided to do it right. And as it turned out the perfect guy happened to be Jake my next door neighbor.

I asked a lot of questions from my girlfriends who were fucking about what they thought about different guys they had fucked. I never asked about the guy they were currently going with. I didn’t want to break up any ongoing relationships.

I had always liked the guy next door. We lived a little out in the country and he was always working in their back field weeding the irrigation ditch or in the summer harvesting big juicy watermelons they grew to sell at a stand in front of their house. He was okay looks wise and had nice muscles from all the farm work. He wasn’t a real hunk that all girls were chasing, or so I thought. He just seemed nice and kinda shy. I was soon to find out he wasn’t shy in the dark!!!

When it came to love he had a real international technique. Roman hands, a French tongue, and a BIG cock that like to be in the “united state” all the time!!! …But I’m getting ahead of my self. I didn’t find about that until I got him alone in his “pup tent”

As I said I kept asking girl friends about guys to find one that would make losing my cherry to him a loving experience. No I didn’t want a guy to marry. That would come later when I had a little experience. One of my best friends was Sindy Jake’s younger sister.

What she told me about Jake sure surprised me. She said at their church it was an open secret among the young single girls that he was very well equipped and knew how to use it. He would sing in the choir in the morning service flirting with the girls in the congregation. They had certain hand signals that the single “in group” knew about. All the guys and girls used the same code. A guy or girl in the choir wiping their lips with their finger in any manor and looking at some one of the opposite sex in the congregation was saying “Hi sexy” to that person. Rubbing the outer edge of your eye meant you were asking the person they were looking at if they wanted to sit with them in the back vestibule in the evening service.

Either of the two back vestibules were sort of the place to sit in the evening service for the young singles. What the deacons and minister didn’t know was that lots of hot sex action was going on in the two back rows during the main service. The preachers daughter, Kelly, sat there and she was usually in the hottest action.

One time she had even given a guy a quickie blow job as her father was delivering a particular intense “hell fire and brimstone” sermon. She had worked her boyfriend up to the point of no return with her hand and then acted like she was picking up something on the floor. As she bent over she pushed aside the lesson book he was hiding his cock from general view with and took him in her mouth and swallowed his load of cum as she pumped and sucked furiously. When the guy closed his eyes and leaned his head back the preacher probably thought he was carried away with the sermon. Kelly’s head came back up thirty seconds after disappearing. Only the couples on the back row around to her knew her closed mouth was full of fresh cum. She put her hand to her mouth. In her had she was hiding her tiny bikini panties. She had removed those the minute they sat down as most of the girls had. You don’t think the guy she was sucking on was just letting her do all the work do you. His fingers were busy massaging her clit and plunging as deep as they could into her hot quim while her hand pumped.

She gave the cum filled panties to the guy and made sure his hand was tight against her pussy. It was her turn to get off. She got off just as her father reached his sermonic climax as she usually did. Throwing her head back and swooning as several of her boyfriends fingers lodged deep in her very non-virgin hole and his thumb massaged her love button clit, Kelly bit her lip to keep from screaming our loud.

Her father, assuming she was swooning because of his words as he always did, probably had some very impure (in his religion any way) thoughts as he watched her writhing in unison with his shouted exhortations. It was almost like to him the only audience that mattered was Kelly.

Wow I got so carried away with that story I forgot what I was telling you about, my deciding on Jake to take my cherry.

Sindy told me one of the reasons for Jake’s popularity was his nine inches and that it was kinda thick around too. She said not only was he well equipped but he knew how to use it. She told me how he was very good when it came to foreplay and getting the girl he was with off as well or better than he got off. I didn’t ask Sindy how she knew so many exact details of her brothers love life. I would find that out later. (keep reading hehehe).

I quickly decided after listening to Sindy that Jake was the perfect guy to deflower me. Hey SIZE matters. I learned that from watching my sister. She moaned the loudest when they were the biggest. I knew from the wetness in my panties when Sindy talked about Jake that I would be lubricated enough when the insertion time came so the entry pain would be minimal. Besides I had already inserted the tips of some of my sisters big dildos inside me when she wasn’t using them.

It took me a while to formulate my “Seduction of Jake” plan. Of course he would think he seduced me. Don’t all the guys. My dad always said I was the biggest flirt in the family. He said as I even flirted with the boy babies in the maternity ward. Now I was going to do the most serious flirting of my life.

Jake loved jet planes and rockets. He had them suspended from the ceiling in his room and tree limbs in the yard. He had a tent in the back yard under a big fig tree too. He would peer at the heavens some nights through a telescope and sleep in the tent if the weather was nice.

If he loved rockets I would give him rockets! If he wanted to see stars, I would help him see stars. I would take him to heaven with my angelic moans! (Maybe that was my NOT SO angelic moans!!)

I got all the books I could on rockets and stars from the library. I made sure Jake helped me carry them off the bus for a week so he would know I was interested in them. I seemed to work. Every day Jake talked more and more to me about the latest rocket stuff. At last the time was ripe for the final event that would insure Jake and my cherry met.

I had made mom get me a package of water rockets. You put water in them and pumped air into them and pulled back a plastic sleeve. They were supposed to swoosh skyward. There was a big one and a small one and launchers for each.

I waited till late evening when Jake was outside in his yard. I played around with the rockets for several minutes playing like I couldn’t get them to work very well. I knew Jake was watching me. He always did. (Did I mention big tits run in our family.) I was wearing a low cut short dress that showed off jy legs like I usually did if Jake was around. Even from a distance I knew Jake liked the view.

Finally as if in exasperation I picked up the rockets and launchers and headed for Jake.

“Hi Jake, how are you tonight. My mother got me these rockets and I can’t get them to work. Can you help me, maybe?”

“Sure can, I used to have ones just like them. Let me see how your doing it.” He said as I set the little tub of water and the rockets down.

“Well I put some water in this little spoony thing and pour it in the bottom of the rocket.” I said as I showed him my technique while I knelt at his feet. I knew that gave him a real nice view of my cleavage. I knew he could even see part of my nipples.

I didn’t get enough water in the scoop and made sure I spilled most of it too.

“Yeah I see your problem.” he said looking at my tits and not the rocket. I guess he had real good peripheral vision.

Besides you shouldn’t shoot them off here near the house. They’ll land on the roof and you’ll have to go climb a ladder to get them. Of course I would have had HIM climb up and get them but I knew he was thinking of the view up my dress as I climbed while he steadied the ladder.

“Your not using enough water and your spilling most of it. Lets fill up this pail with water and go up in the back field.” He told me as he filled the bucket. I let him take the rockets in it while I carried some lawn chairs to the field. I had a reason for the chairs.

I knew that night I would return home a woman. I also knew the biggest rocket would be shooting in me very soon. What I didn’t know was the fun Sindy would be adding to our experience. Changing our duo into a trio.
Old 06-05-2007, 06:12 PM
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Re: some story to share

Good story bro, waiting for more ..
Old 07-05-2007, 12:19 AM
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Re: some story to share

UPzz U .. hope u get ur rep powers soon...
Old 07-05-2007, 01:27 AM
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Re: some story to share


just up you for your effort in your story. Cheers.
To those bro who have up me, do leave down your nick or even could PM me. I will HUNT you & i will know what to do.

Meanwhile, enjoy our stay in the forum. Cheers!
Old 07-05-2007, 07:37 AM
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Re: some story to share

thks bro will post soon
Old 07-05-2007, 10:44 AM
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Re: some story to share

Originally Posted by tan707070 View Post
thks bro will post soon
Good effort, bro.

Please continue. Thanks.
Old 07-05-2007, 11:11 AM
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Re: some story to share

Good arrrr! keep cuming..sorry no point to up U
Old 08-05-2007, 07:14 AM
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Re: some story to share

This is a true story, it happened after my wife and I were married about three years. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

I began my journey into the world of sleeping sex when I was still quite young, when my female cousin came to stay with us for a while. I was horney all the time. We had only three bedrooms so my parents let her sleep in the same room with me. She work from 3:00 to 11:00pm. And I would lay awake in my bed until she came home each night. She thought I was asleep so I got to watch her get ready for bed, then, I would jack off looking over at her laying in the bed. One night I got up and eased over to the side of her bed and rubbed my hand over her big ass while stroking my dick. A few nights later I got bold enough to put my hand under the sheets and feel her pussy through her panties. I was young so that was as far as I would go, rubbing her panties and jerking off. A few weeks later she moved out but she never said anything about what I did, I always assumed it was because of my little games.

I meet my wife through one of my best friends, who wanted to go out with her sister Ellen, but she would not go with him unless her sister had a date, so he talked me into joining them. To tell the truth I found myself more attracted to Ellen, but I continued to date Anna, and after a few month learned that she was indeed my soul mate that everyone talks about.

Now this was in the late 60's and my wife came from one of the poorest family in the town where we lived in fact they didn't even have inside bathrooms until after we married. I on the other hand came from a family that was not rich but my dad made a comfortable living and supported us quite well, so my wife's mother considered me a good catch, and after meeting her sisters I knew I wanted to become part of this family.

After two years of dating we were married, Ellen, was maid of honor and Tommy her my friend and her boy friend was the best man. Her other two sister Samantha and Terrie were brides maids. Soon after our mirage my wife's father died, and her family moved in with us.

Now let me explain my wife and all of her sisters were knock outs, as was their Mother at one time. And as I learned after moving in, for some reason I don't know, they all sleep very soundly. I mean you can't wake any them with a stick of dynamite! In the early month of our marriage I had to literally pull my wife out of bed and walk her to the bathroom.

Their mother, Bernice, still looked good for her age. She was 42 when we married, she was tall 5'10", with a great body, she kelp her hair died black and frizzed out into an afro, which along with the darkness of her skin made her seem to be a black woman. After her husband got sick she became wild, she began to cheat on him with a man who was supposed to be his friend. She would go out and leave him at home for my wife and I to care for him, along with help from the sisters.

Now as I said four sisters, were all beauties, the oldest, Ellen, was, I don't want to say the prettiest but the most interesting. She hair was dark, with; she is about 5'4" tall and 120lbs. And a nice set of "C" cup tits. Her eyes are dark, and her skin is as dark as a Hawaiian, she has the look of an American Indian princess, in fact when they were teenagers she would often dress in buckskins, which would make my cock jump to attention every time I saw her.

My wife on the other hand has reddish brown hair, but even darker eyes. She is 5'6" tall and 130lbs. Her skin is quite a bit lighter than Ellen's and she has the most beautiful smile in the world. Her body size and shape is very close to Ellen's.

The there is Samantha, she is totally different from her sister, she is short, around 5'0", with a nice round bubble butt. Cute little tits, blond hair and blue eyes and the cutest blanket of freckles across her the bridge of her nose. Her complexion is much lighter and the sun easily burns her. Samantha is the typical "dumb blond" I mean you can tell her anything and she will believe it.

Then there is Terrie, the youngest but not the least. At eighteen years of age, she is tall, about 5'9" and 160lb, with big "D" cup tits. She is also spoiled she get what ever she wants, and she loves to drive me crazy, by rubbing those huge hooters on me any time she can. She once asked me if I thought she could work at "Hooters", I said sure.

The fun all started one day when, Anna, Her mom, and Ellen were all at work, Terry was in school, I worked 2nd shift and Samantha had no job so we were at home alone. I had been complaining with my back hurting for a week

"Let me give you a massage." Samantha said, as she climbed up on the bed, so I rolled over on my belly and she sat her nice ass down on mine, and began to rub up and down my back.

Her fingers were like magic. Soon my dick was as hard as a rock and poking a hole in the bed.

"Your so fence roll over so I can massage you chest that will relieve you tension." She said

"No, I better not."

"Why not ant you pecker sticking out? Dad's use to all the time when I gave him a massage."

"What do you mean?"

"I would do dad all the time when the other's were gone, now he's dead so I will do you. Now roll over, I want to see it."

I reluctantly rolled over, and my nine-inch cock made a tall tent in my jockey's

"Nice!" Samantha said as she began to rub it thru my underpants. "It's much bigger than dads."

"Samantha!" I said pushing her hands from my throbbing dick, "We shouldn't do this."

Old 08-05-2007, 07:17 AM
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Re: some story to share

You don't think I'm going to let you fuck me do you? " she said as she leaned up close to my face. "No, you can't fuck me, but we can still have some fun." With that she stood up and pilled off her shorts, she was wearing a thin pair of panties that was stretched over her 19 year old ass. As she pulled her top over her head reviling her small pointed breast with cute pink nipples I noticed now the panties formed a camel toe between her legs. She kneeled on the bed beside and bent down and placed my shorts covered cock in her mouth moving it back and forth along the backside.

"Now you lick my pussy through my panties, but don't touch inside of them, that way we want me cheating on my sister, we want really be having sex." She said as she straddled my head.

"Who told you this?"

"Dad." Then she lowered her pussy on my mouth and I began to eat her pussy through her panties. She rocked back and forth on my face and soon she squeezed her legs against my jaws and moaned, "Ooooooooooh yes, that is soooooooo good!''

Rising from my face she turned once again to face me straddle my hips she began to rub her clit through her wet patties on my rock hard cock still incased in my underwear.

"Oooh ya! Oh ya! That goood! You much bigger that Dad! I love this." She said as she rocked back and forth faster and faster as she pushed down on my dick.

I reached and cupped her little tits in my hands and tried to match her rhythmic movements back and forth .

"Yes play with my tities pitch them suck them bit them make me cum! She shouted, I pulled her forward and took one of her pink nipples into my mouth and sucked it hard and we humped together rubbing our enlarged sexes together. I could feel the pressure growing inside her and me a well.

"Yess ooooooooh god, yes that it bite it now bite my tittie now!" she screamed and I did hard I bit down and begin to chew.

"Auuuuuhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaw!" she moaned as she collapsed on top and we both shot our load right there. That was the first time I realized you could have an orgasm with a woman without any penetration and Samantha believed that was not having sex. This arrangement was going to be great.

Samantha and I continued like this for two weeks. It was great but it was not enough for me. One weekend, after my wife had gone to sleep I crawled out of bed making sure not to disturb her, I walked across the hall into the girls bed room. I walked pasted eighteen year old Terrie's bed and up to Samantha's, kneeling down by her bed I pulled the covers back and reveled her short body in a cute pink teddy. I pushed up the top until her little pink tits were visible, and began to suck on one of them. I spread her legs apart and pulled the crouch of her panties aside, and looked for the first time on her naked pussy lips with her clit extending between them. It looked so inviting I lowered my mouth to it and sucked it in, I rolled it around in my mouth as I inserted my finger into her wet pussy, and pinched her pink nipple with the other hand. She began to move her hips against my mouth and I inserted another finger soon she was humping up and down.

"Uuuuuum, Oooooooooooh Uuuuuuuuuuummmmm" she moaned softly her eyes closed and her head rolled back and forth on her pillow.

I continued to suck her pussy as I stroked my cock, I spread her legs more and lowered my head and licked her puckered little asshole, and she jerked her hips up arching a bit seemingly to give me better access.

"Ummmmh." she whispered as I slid a finger into her asshole and began to work it in and out. He pussy began to open and shut like clam as I fingered both holes and stroked my cock kneeling beside her bed. Then we both cum at the same time, I made a mess on the hard wood floor as her jusices oozed out onto my tongue. Easing back I pulled her panties back over her pussy and her top down to cover the rest of her body, then wondering what would happen I put my finger that had been in her pussy under her nose.

"Uuummm." She moaned and opened her mouth, I inserted my fingers and she sucked like a baby at it/s mother breast. "Uugg," she protested as I removed my fingers, so I dipped them in the cum on the floor and brought them back up to her mouth she sucked them clean, over and over again I did this each time Samantha suck the mess from my fingers, until my cock was hard once again. So as I feed her the cum form the floor I beat my meat again this time just before I came I stood up, opened her mouth and let my second load drip down into it, she took it in and swallowed it down. I put my cock back in my shorts and pulled her covers back up on her then she rolled over onto her side and pulled her knees up into the feudal position.

As I stood to leave when I noticed I still had some cum on my fingers. Look around I noticed Ellen's mouth was slightly open so I eased over to her and lowered my fingers into her mouth she closed her mouth and sucked my fingers. While she sucked I used my other hand and pulled the covers back exposing her tanned body in a white nightie, I pulled the neckline of her top to the side and viewed the contrast in color of her dark tanned skin an the lighter breast it was beautiful. Her tit was capped by a dark areola, with a raised nipple. I just had to lick it. And I did. She quite sucking my fingers and rolled over on her side moving her hand between her legs she started to finger herself. My dick was getting hard once again, but I knew I had better get out before someone woke up, so I backed out and returned to my wife in out bed. Once in the bed with her I pulled her panties down and inserted my rock hard cock deep into her cunt from behind and started fucking it in and out of her, before long she pulled me up behind her as she moved onto her hands and knees in the doggy position and I pounded her for over fifteen minuets before shooting my third load of the night deep into her. Then I pulled out and we both collapsed onto the bed, she never woke up and I fell into the deepest sleep I had ever had.
Old 08-05-2007, 07:22 AM
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Re: some story to share

My cousin Sunita is an extremely attractive and tall woman with a lissome body, glowing yellow skin, creamy tits, flat stomach, and a round and inviting ass. Naturally I was looking for an opportunity to mate with her.

The opportunity arrived one day. Sunita's dad and mom left on a tour of Europe. After I found that out, I went to visit Sunita, when she was all alone at home. She had just returned from a shower. She was in a salwar-kameez and smelling nice, with her jet black hair flowing freely on her back.

I knew Sunita always liked a mental challenge. We have solved several crossword puzzles together and played word games. We also shared some other interests like watching Cricket, playing Tennis, etc. So, I invited her to a challenge. Each of us would ask the other questions, taking turns, and the person who is unable to answer the question correctly should remove a piece of clothing that he/she is wearing.

I also told Sunita that since she is a medical intern, we could choose human anatomy as the subject, without getting too technical. She loved the challenge, not knowing what I had in mind, and agreed with a laugh. We also agreed that the questions would be humorous and not technical.

Both of us were excited for different reasons!

The challenge began. I asked Sunita the first question, "What is the center of you?"

Looking at the way I pointed to her, she blushed and said, "My belly button...?" She wasn't sure.

I said, "the center of YOU is the letter O."

She burst out laughing and said "That was a good one!"

Now that she had to remove a piece of clothing, so I asked her to take her top off.

She said, "Well, I'll remove my salwar" (the bottom).

The top was flowing through to her thighs, and gave her enough cover. Yet I enjoyed looking at her slim long legs.

Now it's her turn. She asked, "What is common between a wall clock and a man?"

I replied, "Both have a pendulum."

She said, "You naughty guy, both have hands is the right answer. Now take your top off."

I removed my T-shirt, because I knew she had the hots for a hairy chest! She started gazing at my chest.

My turn. I asked, "What is common between Mahatma Gandhi and a bra?" and winked at her.

She was squirming in her seat and said, "Well ... well ... I don't know!"

I provided the answer: "Their common aim was uplift of the downtrodden masses."

Sunita's cheeks turned red. She said, "Hey Ram, this is getting way too naughty. I can't take my top off; I am not even wearing a bra today."

I was all excited, and I said to her, "Hey, hey, rules are rules. You have to take your top off ... in fact it's all the better if you don't have a bra on!"

She pinched my cheeks and proceeded to take her kameez off. Here they were - Sunita's creamy mangoes in my full view. The mango boobs had nice brown kishmish nipples all awake and waiting to be sucked. Now Sunita had only her silky panties on, which was more like a g-string - so narrow and revealing. I could n't keep my eyes (or hands) off her.

Sunita's next question: "You men are so perverted. So let me give you this one. What is common between Viagra and the Disney World theme parks?" She was laughing.

Although I knew the answer, since I wanted to get laid, I replied, "Both provide entertainment."

"Gotcha!" said Sunita, "the correct answer is, you wait for 45 minutes to get a two minute ride. There goes your bottom."

I removed my shorts. Sunita started glancing furtively at my prick bursting uncontrollably in the underwear and giggled.

My question: "What is about six inches long, which, if you put in your mouth and shoved it back and forth, will produce a lot of cream/ foam?"

Sunita did not expect this. She said, "Oh my, my, this is really crossing the limit ... it's so blatantly sex-oriented. The answer is penis, right?"

I told her smilingly, "Suni, it's you who is so perverted. The correct answer is toothbrush."

Sunita said, "Oh, you really floored me ..." and blushingly got out of her panties.

I said, "Not yet!"

That's it! Looking at Sunita completely naked, I could n't control my urges any more. I removed my undies. Sunita's hands were caressing my hairy chest.

I kissed and licked her ear lobes and whispered into her ears, "Suni, you smell so nice. This is my first experience with you."

With heavy breathing she said, which I could barely (pun unintended) hear, "Yes hon, let's make it memorable."

My lips circled her neck, under her arms, slid on to her knockers, and enveloped her brown nipples. My hands were massaging her neck, shoulders and back. I slid down further to her navel, she felt tickled and aroused. Gently holding her hips, I tongued her clit. She felt a tingling all over her body. She bent and bit my ears, and was moaning. My dick was ramrod straight in full girth. Keeping my hands on her two ass-globes, I shoved my shlong into her and started pumping her.

Sunita was gasping for breath and kept exclaiming, " shh.... aaww.... hawww... shh ... oooh..woomf .....!"

After I burst into her a load of cum, I took my penis out and unloaded the balance on her flat stomach. She really loved that and kept spreading it like lotion on her skin.

Then, she got on top of me, and licked all over me, moaning all the time, "Oh baby, oh baby!"

She gave me head. It was a really nerve-racking experience to see my dick go in and out of her full red lips and mouth. Wonder where she learned about deep-throating .... oh man, it was tingling to me. She jiggled on top of my erect dick. My only job at that time was to lick her boobs as they lowered towards me each time. She showered my dick with her cum.

I turned Sunita around and made her kneel down with her lemon yellow ass facing up. I started humping her telling her stories about how the hump-back whales meet and mate in Hawaii from November till April. She enjoyed some knowledge-sharing even at the peak of our coupling!

Sunita and I reached heaven seven times during the course of that day. After that we have met and shared the same experience in many different ways.

Next time, I will tell you about Madura Massage, which is a vaginal massage. If you learn that trick, no woman you ever make love to will ever want to leave you! People who watched Seinfeld may remember an episode which covered part of that trick.
Old 08-05-2007, 07:27 AM
tan707070 tan707070 is offline
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Re: some story to share

We lived in a two story house with only one bathroom. TV was new and it was a time of innocents. My sister and I had rooms next to each other opposite our parents bedroom. The bathroom was at the end of the hall.

Mimi is two years older than me. I remember when we were younger we took baths together. I hated it when our parents made us stop, of course I didn't know why at the time. For as long as I can remember she walked around the house in her panties and bra. I didn't give it much thought until I started to get a hard-on. I also notice my dad watched her a lot. He too would get a bulge in his pants. Mom didn't seem to mind or say anything about my sister's state of undress but I think she got the benefit of dad's hard-on later in the night. My mom didn't walk around in her underwear but left the bedroom door open when she undressed so I was use to seeing her tits, black hairy cunt and big butt. Again it didn't mean much until my dick started swelling when I watched her.

Our family seldom closed the bathroom door so I got glimpses of mom's and Mimi's titties, pussy bush and butt from time to time. As any red blooded boy would do, I tried to sneak peeks as often as possible of them getting undressed or in the bathroom. Occasionally, I would notice Sis taking a look at my cock while I was peeing. When my parents were out at night I would sneak into their room and hide because her room was across from theirs. I could watch her play with her tits and rub her pussy. Every once in awhile she would catch me and act upset or mad but never told my parents. She didn't help the situation any, she would rub her 35 C tits against me while I was studying. On one occasion, when returning from a vacation, Mimi whipped out her left boob in front of mom, dad and me to show her tan in contrast to her big alabaster tit. But that is all she did. That is until one night.

I had been out with friends drinking and I was feeling no pain. Mimi must have been 20 at the time, making me 18 (and still a virgin). I got home and had to piss so bad I burst into the bathroom. I pulled down my pants to sit because I didn't think I could stand up to pee. Sis was standing at the sink, which was right in front of the toilet. As usual she was only wearing her thin panties and her see through bra. I sat there staring at her beautiful butt showing through the thin material. Her butt crack was so inviting I couldn't resist it. In one movement I leaned forward and pulled her panties down and began kissing and licking her ass cheeks. To my surprise she didn't resist.

She wiggled her butt back bending forward so my face slide down and my tongue was now licking her long pussy lips. She rubbed her clit as I twirled my tongue in her honey hole. As she increased the rhythm of her rub I licked faster and faster. Mimi's finger flew in frenzy as she started to moan and apparently was cumming. I was afraid she would wake our parents just across the hall. She moved to the toilet and sat down removing her bra and offering me her tits. I sucked on her big hard nipples as she grabbed my cock. She said she wanted to suck me off. As I stood up she took my cock between her full tits. As my knob rose between her boobs, she kissed the head and began to lick and suck my dick. I couldn't hold back. In few minutes I shot my cum cream in her mouth and she SWALLOWED. We stood up and kissed. Mimi said this was our secret and we could do it again sometime.

We continued oral sex with each other, and engage in mutual masturbation a well. She let me suck and fuck her tits. I could butt fuck her but she wouldn't let my prick in her pussy. Remember, I was a virgin and although I didn't know it at the time, she was also. Oh how I loved to 69, licking her long puffy cunt lips and sucking her clit while she licked and sucked my cock dry. One night. I was feeling really horny and got up to sneak into her room to get a blow job. As I went into the hall I heard sounds coming from my parents room. When my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see a soft light in the room. Mom sat on dad's face while bending forward to suck his big cock.

They were making slurping sounds as they licked and sucked. Then I saw Sis. She was kneeling in their doorway watching this great action. With her nightgown pushed up, she was finger fucking herself. I knelt behind her and began to lick her butt crack rimming her asshole. She moaned and reached back grabbing my cock. She pulled the head of my shaft to her pussy lips. As she stroked me, dad was fucking mom doggie style and that was too much for us. I felt her jump as she slid my cock into her cunt. She muffled her scream as (unknown to me) her hymen broke. I covered her mouth as she moaned in pain but continued. We began to fuck in rhythm with our parents. What a rush ...... fucking my sister's wet, tight pussy while we watched our parents fuck. We kept pace with them and I think we all came at the same time, but of course our parents never knew.

Mimi later told me that she had messed around with guys and masturbated but this was her first real fuck. She said it was very painful at first but less as we continued. She said she was glad the first time was with her little brother. We sucked and fucked whenever or parents were out but loved to screw while watching them. If we wanted to make sure they were going to fuck that night, Sis would wear her thinnest panties and parade around dad. Sometimes she would even take off her bra in front of him making sure he got a good look at her tremendous tits. That would mean mom and dad would go to bed earlier than usual.

We both would fantasies about Sis fucking daddy and me fucking mom but we never acted on it. There were two reasons we didn't try: First, we thought they would kill us. Secondly, we were afraid they would figure out we were screwing and make us stop. Sis said she liked the length of dad's cock but preferred the thickness of mine. Mom had an awesome ass that I would have loved to lick and slide my cock in. Sis did seem to get an extra charge when we would be fucking and hear daddy say, "Fuck your Daddy, Baby" or Mom say," Oh Fuck me Daddy...Fuck Your Little Girl's Ass". I would get extra hot and hard when I heard mom say, " Oh Yes, Baby-Big-Boy Fuck Your Mommy, Fuck Your Mommy" or dad say," That's it Mommy, Suck Your Bad Boy's Cock".

Sis got married three years later, I visited her when I could. I fucked many women since that first time but no woman ever sucked or fucked as well as my sister. She is now sixty and I'm fifty-eight. She still has great tits with just the right sag. I think her nipples got bigger and harder over the years. I loved to watch the way her long cunt lips hung down and engulf my cock when she sat back on me. Her pussy continued to be so tight. Over the years we lived in different states but always made and effort to get together. Sis knew I loved to see her fuck so she talked her husband into video taping them. He thought it was for him but she would send me copies. I could tell she didn't cum nearly as often with him. On my last visit we had the hottest sex yet, as she got older she fucked like it was going to be her last. Her husband complained to me that they didn't have sex anymore. Boy if he only knew.

PS. My big Sis always took care of me. One time when we were fucking in her house, her daughter-in-law, Dawn, walked in on us. Mimi was upset but Dawn immediately said not to worry, she hadn't seen Sis so happy and asked if she could join in. We nodded and she stripped revealing her pert red nipples and her shaved pussy. She joined us on the bed. I told her I had to finish cumming in her mother-in-law and then it would be her turn. I shot my wade and Dawn licked my cum from Sis's cunt as I fucked her doggie style. Dawn joined us from time to time and Mimi made her promise if anything happened to her Dawn would continue her tradition of fucking me.
Old 08-05-2007, 07:32 AM
tan707070 tan707070 is offline
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tan707070 deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: some story to share

My younger sister Suzy had always been cute, but when she blossomed into womanhood she became a knockout! I watched with jealousy as the guys began vying for her attention, taking her on dates, kissing her at the end of dates and trying for more (I used to peek thru the blinds and watch her come home). She had always been a flirt, and included me on her list of victims, parading around the house in her bra and panties, or skinny-dipping in our pool when she "thought I wasn't home."

She ended up dating an older guy (around my age) who was a scum bag, cheating on her and generally treating her like crap. It all came to a head yesterday when we had a party at our place. Our folks were gone so we thru a bash, just 20-30 of our closest friends and … well anyone who happened to turn up. Suzy was looking killer, wearing a short leather skirt and a loose sweater that was a touch too small and short; whenever she raised her arms the front rose dangerously, threatening to expose her small pert breasts.

The party went well, good tunes and gallons of booze making it a hit with everyone. But I could see danger brewing as her shit-head boyfriend started making the moves on a blonde skank who lived down the street. He was catching a feel whenever he could, and with the little tube dress she was wearing it was pathetically easy to do. I wanted to throw him out and kick his ass, but Suzy begged me not to. I left for the backyard for a while to cool off.

A few hours later, quite drunk, I went back in the house. Things had slowed down a bit, but there were still a lot of people inside. Noticeably absent were Suzy, her boyfriend and the blonde skank. I finally found them in the games room; Suzy was standing just inside the room, her swaying betraying her intoxication, watching her boyfriend fuck the now naked slut on our pool table. Both the lovers were oblivious to both Suzy and I being there, and we stood there in a daze for a few minutes in shock. Although the sight of the asshole pumping his cock in and out of the slut's wet cunt turned me on (live porno… who can resist?) I started to push past Suzy to kick his ass. She stopped me and pulled me out into the hall.

She drunkenly explained to me that he had been fucking the slut on the side their whole relationship, but that this was the last straw. She asked me to kick him out, but not to hurt him. I grabbed a buddy of mine for back up and we stormed into the room. They tried to separate when I yelled at him, but it was when I grabbed him by his hair and pulled backwards that he was jerked out of her pussy. I hauled his ass screaming to the front door and threw him naked onto the street. Everyone laughed as he ran away, his bare ass visible as he took off down the street. I went back inside to yell at the slut, but found my buddy had already bent her over the pool table and was giving her a "discipline fuck," hard and fast, to show her the errors of her ways; she seemed to be an enthusiastic student.

Suzy had watched the whole scene, and when I came out she mouthed "thank you" and started up the stairs. I followed her as she stumbled up the stairs, figuring she might need some help. A friend of mine stopped me on the stairs to talk, and by the time I got away from him Suzy had already gone into her room. I contemplated not bugging her, but decided this was one of "those times" where interference was important. I knocked lightly on the door, but didn't get an answer so I opened it a crack. Her room seemed empty! I walked in and shut the door behind me and looked around. No Suzy. I was about to leave and search for her when I heard a slight sound coming from her closet, so I wandered over to take a look.

What a sight! There was Suzy, like I had only dreamed of seeing her. She had pushed the clutter in her closet to the sides, and there was my sister kneeling on the floor facing inwards, legs spread, her skirt and panties laying discarded beside her, resting on one elbow, her hand holding her long red hair to one side, her head turned to the side, lips slightly parted. Meanwhile her other hand was stretched back, her index finger fucking her pussy urgently. And to top it off, her pussy was shaved! My sweet innocent sister had a bare cunt! But the jewel of the moment lay on the carpet between her spread knees; a drop of her precious cum, a thin line of juice leading upwards to her partially spread lips; the next drop visibly forming.

Needles to say I was shocked, but I wasn't shocked to feel my cock instantly start to harden! I guess she had gotten as turned on watching her boyfriend with that slut as I had. I was embarrassed and started to back out but I stopped when I realized her eyes were closed and she probably didn't know I was there. I was scared of getting caught, but was so turned on that I hid slightly around the corner, slipped my cock out of my pants and watched her.

She was oblivious to my stroking as she pumped herself with her fingers, moaning softly. I watched as her slick fingers eased in and out of wet cunt, making a slight squishing sound as she did. My eyes roamed over her nakedness, tracing the curves of her ass and thighs, drinking in the sight that I had been dreaming of for years. God she was beautiful! I considered helping her but was too afraid she would freak and leave to actually do it. Her panting came faster, and I watched as she used her thumb to press on her clity, and I knew she was close; I stroked harder to catch up, I wanted to cum with her.

Our hands moved almost in unison as we reached our peak, and as she began to moan out in orgasm I felt the wave hit my groin and I began to spurt my seed. I watched in horror as my cum arched thru the air towards her bare ass! My cum ended up landing between her spasming thighs, splashing to the carpet almost directly on top of her little puddle of cum, our juices mingling together. I fired my load and stood there spent; cock in hand for what seemed like an eternity, watching her finish her orgasm and her chest collapse to the floor. She lay there; ass in the air, panting for a few minutes before she opened her eyes and look directly at me! "Hello brother," she whispered. "I was hoping you'd cum up… now how about you cum in me?" she said with a drunken wink.

I knew the night had just begun...
Old 08-05-2007, 07:34 AM
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tan707070 deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: some story to share

I looked into my sister's deep brown eyes. A hint of sadness - unshed tears. She meant it. She got up to get my pancakes.

"Good! That makes me feel better...was just wondering..."


I gazed at her tall slim body.

"Well, you guys have been married a while...everything seems to be going have a wonderful home...yet no pitter-patter of little feet as the cliché goes..."

I smiled big, trying to make it into a joke.

"Is none of your business!" she said indignantly.

She turned and walked towards me with the breakfast pancakes. Graceful. Blonde hair cut short. Natural wide red lips.

"I know, Ruthie...I and dad realize that just that we want to see you happy."

"I am happy." She said stubbornly and sat down at the table with me.

"All happy sis..."

She stuck out her tongue at me.

I rolled my eyes.

She leaned forward and put her hand on mine. Soft touch. Her shirt had moved - cleavage showed.

"I know you care..."

I felt a lump in my throat.


"When do you get back today?" she asked.

"Early evening...these pancakes are delicious."

"Mom's recipe."

"I know."

I was in Boston attending a sales conference. Ruth and Pete lived in the town of Arlington, not too far away. Forgoing the hotel accommodation, I was staying with them. My intent - to catch up with family.

"You do this often?" Pete asked. It was evening that same day. I was apron-ed and fixing dinner.

"Not too often," I laughed. Pete was a handsome man. And successful. Ruth and he made a great couple. Ruth was helping me. Pete watched us.

"He likes doing all this," she said. A fond look. She was a great cook herself.

"You do?" Pete asked. "Well, don't know about that...we gotta eat...someone has to me move this stuff to the dinner table..."

As we ate, I commended them,

"Great place you guys have here...comfy...nice area."

"Yeah, great school districts too," Pete said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Is why we bought the place...thought we would have kids..."

There was silence.

"Ruth has not told you, eh?"

I shook my head.

He blew a kiss at her.

"She wouldn't...always loyal," he said, "The truth is, Jack, I shoot blanks!"

"You sure it's you?" I asked.

"The doctors say so...we did all the tests."

I looked at my sister. Her nose had turned red and she was staring into her food.

"Sorry to hear," I said.

"We are considering adoption...but then Ruth can have a baby naturally...artificially inseminated...donor sperm."

"Yeah, the miracles of modern science," I said jokingly.

But both of them seemed sad. Must have been a big blow.

After dinner Pete excused himself to catch up on some paperwork. Ruth and I sat in the living room. The TV was on but neither of us was in the mood. We sat on the couch.

She was wearing low cotton hip huggers. The fabric clung to her shapely long legs. The smooth skin of her belly showed. She squeezed her legs together in a sexy gesture.

I put an arm around her. She came into my arms easily. Tears flowed. She stuck her head into my shirt. Breasts pressed on my side. I caressed her hair,

"It's not so bad...Ruthie," I whispered.

After a while, she stopped crying. Smiling through her tears, she said,

"You could give me a baby!"

I raised my eyebrows questioning.

"Well, even if we did the artificial thing...there has to be a sperm donor...and I'd rather have someone I know...and..."

"Someone you know and?" I asked curious.

"Love!" she completed her sentence.

I gazed at my little sister. Couldn't help smiling - she looked so innocent.

"Is it so difficult to say you love me," I laughed.

She looked away.

I lifted her chin and looking into her eyes said,

"Sweetheart, if that's what you want...I'll go to the sperm bank..."

"Oh, Jack!"


"You are so stupid!" And she stormed out of the room.

There was a thunderstorm brewing that night. I lay in the guest bedroom and listened. Darkness around me.

Suddenly the door creaked open. I strained my eyes. A naked body slipped under the sheets with me. It was Ruth.

"Shuusshh...don't's ok...Pete knows...approves," she said.


"I need your cock!"

She slipped her hand under my boxers. I could hear thunder in the distance. My cock responded to her touch.

My sister was an animal. She pulled my boxers off. Pinching my bare nipples, she straddled me.


"Just me let do this, have no idea how long I've waited to do this."

"You have?"

"You are blind, never saw how I felt about you...huge crush...and now..." she laid a finger on my lips.

Her hands searched and found my hard cock again. She slipped my cock into her wet pussy hole.

"Unn...uhhh," she moaned.

It felt good. My sister's wet pussy around my cock. Man. Did it ever felt good. I remembered seeing her bare belly earlier. Smooth skin. I realized I wanted to fuck her as much as she did me. Only I had never acknowledged my desire to myself.

I reached up to touch her tits as she bounced on my cock. Rounded balls of warm flesh. Her nipples swelled to my touch.

I tore her shirt front. Squeezing, kneading. Oh, man. I had wanted to do that to her tits for so long. Repressed desire.

She was cumming all over my cock. I pushed her off me. Urgently. She was on all fours. Wondering what I would do next.

I got behind her. I plunged my cock into her pussy hole. She opened her legs, lowered herself to fit me in.

No control - my hips moved. The juices were flowing inside me. Never thought I'd get to fuck my little sister. But when I did, it was a slice of heaven. A gush of hidden desire.

I held her slim waist. Slapping into her spread ass cheeks. I spewed semen into her pussy. Why did it feel so good? Every drop as it oozed out of me. Every little spurt of my cock. Total pleasure.

"Ruthie, I love you, baby."

She fell back on the pillows. On her back. Laughing. My cum inside her. Her hands flipped the bedside lamp on.

"I have to see your face."


Old 08-05-2007, 07:35 AM
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tan707070 deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: some story to share

Oh you are always so serious, so dutiful...need to see you in this never see how sexy I am."

"Au contraire...I...I've always found you incredibly sexy...except that..."

"Except that you are too good to fuck?"

"No, not that...I am as slimy as they come...but..."

"Oh, stop it!" she exclaimed, "Don't talk!" She touched my droopy cock. I was kneeling in front of her.

"It's your cock..." she had a dreamy look as she touched the sleepy thing.

"I've always wanted to see...hold you...make you feel...and lose control."

"You succeeded, Ruthie...that was the most awesome three minutes of no control."

"Only three?" she was laughing, "We must have been horny."

I was late up in the morning. No surprise. I don't get laid every night. And I tend to oversleep after one of those special nights.

I made my way to the kitchen. Pete was all dressed up, ready to leave for work. Ruth was serving him breakfast eggs as I walked in.


"Hi!" Pete greeted me.

I looked across at my sister. She looked radiant and happy. I had never seen her that way. Dressed in a short skirt and shirt, she looked sexy.

To Pete, I said,

"You off to work, bud?"

"Yeah, man. What are your plans?" He seemed unruffled. Happy even. Maybe he wanted to have that baby.

And what better man than me? Then they wouldn't have to explain to the neighbors why the baby didn't look like either of them. And it would be easy to explain a baby with my looks - part of the family.

"Don't know Ruth?"

"I've the day off."

"In that case...let me call in and see if I can take the day off too," I said.

My body tingled at the thought of spending the day alone with Ruth. After last night.

I made my call and excused myself as Pete finished breakfast.

I watched as she kissed her husband good bye. They did make a splendid couple.

Pete left. She came and sat on my lap.

"May I...if I'm not too heavy."

"No, are light as a feather." I cuddled her, rocked her. I kissed the side of her neck. My face still buried, I asked,

"How was last night?"

"Very cool!"

"You ready for some more?"


I got her off me. Holding her long wrist, I gestured for her to lay back on the couch. She obeyed.

I unbuttoned her shirt. White bra. I undid the bra in one smooth move. Got lucky that time.

"You are an expert...too many women," she teased.

"Yeah, one in fifteen years."

In the bright daylight her tits looked sexier. Perky. Wide areolas. I sucked one in. Then the other. Leaving spit glistening on her.

I pulled her skirt off. No panties. Took me by surprise. Pleasant one. Hadn't seen that one coming though. I tongued her pussy - tasted pee.

My tongue moved along her pussy crack. Then teasing her clit. Flirting. Flicking. She was reacting. Moaning,


She wrapped her long legs around my face. Arching her back, pushing her pussy into my face. Her legs tight - choking me. Pussy smothering me. She came with a loud moan calling my name,

"Jack...oh. Jack...UHH."

She unwrapped her legs slowly. Her breasts were heaving.

"Where did you learn that?"

I laughed her off.

She kissed me fiercely.

"You are the best."


"I saved your jizz," she said.

"You did?" I was puzzled.

"Wait...I'll get it."

She came back with an old issue of Playboy. The centerfold - stained. I had masturbated way back when.

"How did you get did you know?"

She giggled, "I found it under your mattress...wanted to save a piece of you...kept it with my old one knows...figured you liked this woman..." The playmate stared blankly at us unawares.

"Well, no..."

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't thinking about her."


"'twas had come back from a date...looking sexy...saw you at the top of the stairs...thought you might have fucked...then started thinking of fucking you myself..."

"Oh, Jack!"

I was on top of her. Holding her down, positioning myself between her legs.. Her pussy still wet from her own cum and my spit. My cock hard. Plunging into her. Slipping out. She steadied me, guided me in.

Looking into my eyes, she said,

"Fuck me, Jack."

Memories of masturbating into the magazine faded away. This was reality. And I was actually fucking my little sister. Pleasuring myself. Using my weapon to shear through her soft mound. Giving her a baby.

My mouth seeking hers. Her breasts pressed on my chest. I unloaded inside her. It felt good. It felt great. Man, did I ever want to do this. The secret was out now.

"I want to go the sun...hold hands," she said.

"All right, wanna play boyfriend-girlfriend?"

"Oh. It's so much more."

"I know."

So we drove to a place on Mass Avenue. After lunch we walked a few blocks. Holding hands. The thunderstorm had passed and the sun was out. We kissed at a street corner like lovers. It was nice. We came back home energized.

Kissing passionately we collapsed into the couch. She leaned on the arm of the couch. Tummy down. Ass in the air. I pulled her skirt up. Panties down her thighs. I caressed her bum.

"I love your ass."

I spat on my hand. Wetted my cock. I tried pushing into her tight bum hole. Didn't succeed.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"I don't think I am hard enough. Your hole's tight...unopened...I need to be harder to get in."

"Wait," she said and turned to face me.

She wrapped her lips around my cock.

Oh little sis. If only she knew what that sight was doing to me. And the pleasure waves she was sending through my entire body.

My sister half squatted in front of me. Tits out. Pussy peeking from under her skirt. Her sexy wide mouth full of my cock. Her long legs all mixed up with mine.

I brushed my hand through her hair as she sucked my cock. Sucking and wetting. Loving. Caring. Getting my cock ready for her ass hole.

This time it worked. I was in. My hand on her narrow waist holding her in place. My cock half way in her tight ass hole. Her ass cheeks spread. I stroked her asshole.

"Unn...huh...huH...ow...OW," she moaned.

"You like it?"

"No...yes!" she gasped.

Pain and pleasure for her. For me - it was all pleasure.

I was going to come. I pulled out. Her hole was wide open - outlining my cock. I jerked off urgently - my cock over her ass. Finishing myself off.

Drops of thick white semen fell on her hole. She slid her slender fingers and rubbed my sperm into her asshole. The last drop fell on her ring finger.

I stayed with my sister and her husband for a few more days as I wrapped up work. The days were busy working. She would slip into my room and spend the night with me.

Fucking. On top. And under. Licking and sucking. Getting licked and fingered. Pleasuring and giving pleasure. Making a baby.

It was time to leave. I was packing. She stood in the doorway watching. I zipped my bag.

"Why me?" I asked.

"I want my baby to have your eyes."

Pete and Ruth stood hand-in-hand and waved me goodbye. A happy couple - in love with each other. I hoped, in a small way, I had contributed to their happiness and future together.
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